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January 22, 2020


AB Shen






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怎么在stockX上买东西 并转运到中国? - 知乎

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CompanyDenim TearsDiorDolce & GabbanaDrole de MonsieurFTPFull SendGirls Don't CryGivenchyHellstarHeron PrestonHidden NYHuman MadeIvy ParkJacquemusJil SanderJohn ElliottJordan ApparelLOEWELouis VuittonMarine SerreMARKETMarniMitchell & NessMoose KnucklesNoahOVOPradaRhudeRtASaint MichaelSKIMSSOULGOODSStone IslandTakashi MurakamiTelfarThe HundredsTrapstarUniqloVirgil Abloh其他StockX ApparelDropX: StockX Exclusives电子产品AppleiPhoneAirPodsHomePodMac MiniMacbook ProMacbook AiriPadWatchiMacAMDRX6000RX 6600 XTBeatsPowerbeats ProStudio3Pill+BoseFinalmouseHigroundMeta QuestNintendoSwitchSwitch LiteSwitch OLEDamiiboNVIDIARTX 3050RTX 3060RTX 3060 TiRTX 3070RTX 3070 TiRTX 3080RTX 3080 TiRTX 3090RTX 3090 TiRTX 4080RTX 4090PlaystationPS5PS4PS5 ControllerPS4 ControllerValve Steam DeckXboxSeries XSeries SOneControllerOther ElectronicsDropX: StockX Exclusives球星卡BaseballBasketballFootballSoccerPokémonCharizardJapanese PokémonGerman PokémonScarlet & VioletSword & Shield Sun & MoonXYBlack & WhiteYu-Gi-Oh!Magic: The GatheringOther SportsGolfUFCRacingWrestlingOther TCGMetaZooFlesh & BloodMarvelStar WarsDigimonWeiss SchwarzDragon BallGarbage Pail Kids收藏品KAWSVinyl FiguresPlush FiguresBearbrickKeychains & Pins其他Bearbrick100%200%400%1000%NyabrickRabbrick其他Art PrintsFuturaHebru BrantleyJames JeanKAWSShepard FaireyTakashi MurakamiYoshitomo NaraOther ArtistsLEGOArchitectureBatmanBotanical CollectionBrick Headz市CreatorDisneyDuploFriendsHarry PotterHeroesIdeasMarvelMoviesMinecraftMonkie KidNinjagoStar WarsSuper MarioSpeed ChampionsTechnic其他Funko Pop!Ad IconsAnimeAnimationAsiaDisneyFreddy FunkoGame of ThronesGamesHeroesIconsLoungeflyMarvelMoviesMusicPokémonRetro ToysRidesTownSodaSportsStar WarsTelevision其他Action FiguresAnime & MangaDCDollsG.I. JoeGundamMarvelMasters of the UniverseMoviesMusicPokemonSportsStar WarsTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles其他Daniel ArshamFuture Relics其他Takashi MurakamiVinyl FiguresPlush FiguresSkate DecksKeychains & Pins其他Virgil AblohIKEA其他Skate DecksBapePalaceSupremeThe Skateroom其他Skate AccessoriesComic BooksAvengersBatmanCaptain AmericaDC UniverseFantastic FourGI JoeHulkInvincibleIron ManMarvel UniverseSagaSpawnSpider-ManStar WarsSub-MarinerSupermanWolverineWonder WomanX-Men其他Other ArtistsBanksyCote EscrivaDanil YadFuturaHajime SorayamaHebru BrantleyJason FreenyJavier CallejaJoan CornellaJuce GaceLouis De GuzmanMatt GondekOG SlickParraQuiccsReina KoyanoRon EnglishSteven HarringtonTom SachsWhatshisnameYayoi KusamaYoshitomo Nara其他Other CollectiblesArcade1UpAstroboyBen BallerBooks & MagazinesChinatown MarketDisneyHoliday ToysHot WheelsHouseplantHuman MadeKithLouis VuittonMSCHFNeighborhoodPlaymobilPokemonRipNDipShoeuziSquishmallowsSpaldingSuperplasticSupremeSupreme StickersTravis ScottUndercoverVinyl Records & MusicYoutooz其他DropX: StockX Exclusives配饰Swatch X OmegaBalenciagaCamera市HourglassLe CagolePapierTriangleVille其他BAPEBurberryCasioGA2100GMWB5000DW5600DW6900GM110GA110其他ChanelBoyChanel 19CollectorsDeauville ToteFiligreeFlapWOC其他Chrome HeartsDiorLady DiorDioramaSaddleCollectors其他Fear of GodGoyardAnjouSaint LouisSaint Sulpice其他GucciMarmontDionysusBostonSoho DiscoCollectors其他TNFGucci x BalenciagaKithLOEWELouis VuittonSupremeKeepallSpeedyAlmaNeverfullPochetteCollectorsEarrings其他Game OnNBAMarc JacobsNew EraFittedAdjustableBeanie其他NikeOff-WhitePradaRe-EditionRe-Edition 2000Re-Edition 2005CahierGalleriaCollectors其他RolexSubmarinerExplorerDaytonaGMT-Master IISea-DwellerDatejustDay-DateYacht-MasterOyster-PerpetualSky-DwellerAir-King其他Saint LaurentEnvelopeKateLouLoulouNikiSac de Jour其他SupremeTelfarOther BrandsadidasAime Leon DoreAnti Social Social ClubAwakeBottega VenetaBrandon BlackwoodCelineChloeCoachComme des GarconsDieselDrew HouseEric EmanuelFendiFTPFull SendGallery DeptGivenchyHermesHidden NYJacquemusKanye WestKAWSLongchampLululemonMCMMonclerNoahOakleyOVOPalacePalm AngelsRay BanRimowaSeikoStussySwatchTag HeuerTakashi MurakamiTory BurchTravis ScottVersaceYaito其他DropX: StockX Exclusives新闻关于StockX 的运作方式购买指南出售指南鉴定编辑部公司帮助出售新上架商品当前上架商品待处理销售历史记录专业工具登录注册





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Scott Cutler

Chief Executive Officer

As StockX CEO, Scott Cutler leads a team of more than 1,000 employees and oversees operations in North America, Europe, and Asia. Prior to joining StockX, Scott served as senior vice president of the Americas at eBay and president of StubHub. He also spent nine years as executive vice president at the New York Stock Exchange, where he was responsible for over $1 trillion in capital market financings and led IPOs for some of the world’s largest technology companies, including LinkedIn, Twitter and Alibaba. 

Scott holds a BS in economics from Brigham Young University and a Juris Doctor from the University of California, Hastings College of Law. He is a trustee on the National Advisory Committee for his alma mater, and also serves on the boards of Brookfield Property Partners, Brookfield Property REIT and Vibrant Emotional Health.

Favorite sneaker: Scott’s favorite sneaker is the Nike Dunk SB Low Supreme Red Cement (2012).

Scott Cutler

Chief Executive Officer

As StockX CEO, Scott Cutler leads a team of more than 1,000 employees and oversees operations in North America, Europe, and Asia. Prior to joining StockX, Scott served as senior vice president of the Americas at eBay and president of StubHub. He also spent nine years as executive vice president at the New York Stock Exchange, where he was responsible for over $1 trillion in capital market financings and led IPOs for some of the world’s largest technology companies, including LinkedIn, Twitter and Alibaba. 

Scott holds a BS in economics from Brigham Young University and a Juris Doctor from the University of California, Hastings College of Law. He is a trustee on the National Advisory Committee for his alma mater, and also serves on the boards of Brookfield Property Partners, Brookfield Property REIT and Vibrant Emotional Health.

Favorite sneaker: Scott’s favorite sneaker is the Nike Dunk SB Low Supreme Red Cement (2012).

Greg Schwartz

President and Chief Operating Officer

Greg Schwartz is President, COO, and co-founder of StockX. In addition to overseeing the company’s product and engineering functions, Greg leads StockX’s international business and business operations. Prior to launching StockX, Greg co-founded and served as CEO at UpTo and led digital business and product development at Warner Music Group. He has been at the forefront of the mobile applications industry since its inception and led design and development for some of the first mobile phone applications available in the United States.

Greg holds a BSE in computer science from the University of Michigan. He lived in New York City before returning to his native Detroit, where he lives today with his wife and three children.

Favorite Sneaker: Crediting Virgil Abloh’s reinvention of Nike’s classic Air Force 1 silhouette, Greg’s favorite sneaker is the Off-White Air Force 1 Black White.

Greg Schwartz

President and Chief Operating Officer

Greg Schwartz is President, COO, and co-founder of StockX. In addition to overseeing the company’s product and engineering functions, Greg leads StockX’s international business and business operations. Prior to launching StockX, Greg co-founded and served as CEO at UpTo and led digital business and product development at Warner Music Group. He has been at the forefront of the mobile applications industry since its inception and led design and development for some of the first mobile phone applications available in the United States.

Greg holds a BSE in computer science from the University of Michigan. He lived in New York City before returning to his native Detroit, where he lives today with his wife and three children.

Favorite Sneaker: Crediting Virgil Abloh’s reinvention of Nike’s classic Air Force 1 silhouette, Greg’s favorite sneaker is the Off-White Air Force 1 Black White.

Deena Bahri

Chief Marketing Officer

Deena Bahri is the Chief Marketing Officer at StockX, where she oversees the global marketing and merchandising teams. She has deep experience building consumer brands and scaling marketing teams at high-growth companies, having held key marketing leadership positions at Helix, Birchbox, Gilt Groupe, and Reebok. She thrives on combining the quantitative and qualitative sides of marketing to develop standout customer experiences, breakthrough brand strategies, and winning business outcomes.

Deena holds a BA from Swarthmore and an MBA from Harvard Business School. She is a New Jersey native, Detroit transplant, and a mother of three. When she’s not spearheading StockX’s marketing initiatives, Deena is a dedicated home chef, fitness fiend, and bookworm.

Favorite Sneaker: Deena’s favorite sneaker is the Reebok Freestyle in pink crackle leather, which is fitting given that she helped lead the silhouette’s 25th anniversary relaunch during her time at Reebok.

Deena Bahri

Chief Marketing Officer

Deena Bahri is the Chief Marketing Officer at StockX, where she oversees the global marketing and merchandising teams. She has deep experience building consumer brands and scaling marketing teams at high-growth companies, having held key marketing leadership positions at Helix, Birchbox, Gilt Groupe, and Reebok. She thrives on combining the quantitative and qualitative sides of marketing to develop standout customer experiences, breakthrough brand strategies, and winning business outcomes.

Deena holds a BA from Swarthmore and an MBA from Harvard Business School. She is a New Jersey native, Detroit transplant, and a mother of three. When she’s not spearheading StockX’s marketing initiatives, Deena is a dedicated home chef, fitness fiend, and bookworm.

Favorite Sneaker: Deena’s favorite sneaker is the Reebok Freestyle in pink crackle leather, which is fitting given that she helped lead the silhouette’s 25th anniversary relaunch during her time at Reebok.

Terra Carmichael

Chief Communications Officer

Terra Carmichael is StockX’s first-ever chief communications officer. She previously served as the vice president of global corporate communications at Eventbrite, where she built internal and external communications teams from the ground up and oversaw the company’s 2018 IPO. 

Terra’s 20 years of experience spans the consumer tech and consumer goods industries and  includes communications strategy, employee communications, executive communications, creative execution, crisis communications and product launch campaigns. Terra holds a BS from the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University. After starting her career in N.Y.C., she left the city for San Francisco and resides there with her husband, twin boys, and daughter. 

Favorite Sneaker: For its comfort and unique, conversation-starting design, Terra’s favorite sneaker is the Nike LD Waffle Sacai Blue Multi.

Terra Carmichael

Chief Communications Officer

Terra Carmichael is StockX’s first-ever chief communications officer. She previously served as the vice president of global corporate communications at Eventbrite, where she built internal and external communications teams from the ground up and oversaw the company’s 2018 IPO. 

Terra’s 20 years of experience spans the consumer tech and consumer goods industries and  includes communications strategy, employee communications, executive communications, creative execution, crisis communications and product launch campaigns. Terra holds a BS from the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University. After starting her career in N.Y.C., she left the city for San Francisco and resides there with her husband, twin boys, and daughter. 

Favorite Sneaker: For its comfort and unique, conversation-starting design, Terra’s favorite sneaker is the Nike LD Waffle Sacai Blue Multi.

Laura Lewis

Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel

Laura Lewis oversees all legal, compliance, and people experience matters for StockX’s global operations. She works collaboratively with every team at the company on corporate, regulatory, and governance matters. Prior to joining StockX, she was a corporate attorney at Rock Ventures and worked in private practice in the New York offices of Wilson Sonsini and Gibson Dunn.

Originally from Palo Alto, Laura holds two bachelor’s degrees and a juris doctor from New York University. She moved to Detroit in 2016 and lives there today with her partner, newborn son, and gray cat. Her personal interests include collecting art and art books and watching bad horror movies. 

Favorite sneaker: Laura’s favorite sneaker is the adidas Gazelle, a shoe she’s continuously repurchased since the sixth grade. Friends have tried to sell her on the adidas Samba, but she remains loyal to the Gazelle!

Laura Lewis

Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel

Laura Lewis oversees all legal, compliance, and people experience matters for StockX’s global operations. She works collaboratively with every team at the company on corporate, regulatory, and governance matters. Prior to joining StockX, she was a corporate attorney at Rock Ventures and worked in private practice in the New York offices of Wilson Sonsini and Gibson Dunn.

Originally from Palo Alto, Laura holds two bachelor’s degrees and a juris doctor from New York University. She moved to Detroit in 2016 and lives there today with her partner, newborn son, and gray cat. Her personal interests include collecting art and art books and watching bad horror movies. 

Favorite sneaker: Laura’s favorite sneaker is the adidas Gazelle, a shoe she’s continuously repurchased since the sixth grade. Friends have tried to sell her on the adidas Samba, but she remains loyal to the Gazelle!

Andy Lisk

Head of Customer Service

Andy Lisk is the vice president of customer service at StockX. In his role, he leads a global team that is dedicated to supporting StockX customers throughout the buying and selling process. Andy has nearly three decades of experience leading global customer support teams, and previously worked at companies including eBay and Wells Fargo. 

Born and raised in North Carolina, Andy received his bachelor’s from High Point University, where he also played baseball. Today he resides in Draper, Utah with his wife and three sons, who are currently attending college. He enjoys collecting trading cards — a passion he passed along to his three boys — and remains an avid sports fan. 

Favorite sneaker: Andy’s favorite sneaker is the Nike Air Vapormax Plus Silver White.

Andy Lisk

Head of Customer Service

Andy Lisk is the vice president of customer service at StockX. In his role, he leads a global team that is dedicated to supporting StockX customers throughout the buying and selling process. Andy has nearly three decades of experience leading global customer support teams, and previously worked at companies including eBay and Wells Fargo. 

Born and raised in North Carolina, Andy received his bachelor’s from High Point University, where he also played baseball. Today he resides in Draper, Utah with his wife and three sons, who are currently attending college. He enjoys collecting trading cards — a passion he passed along to his three boys — and remains an avid sports fan. 

Favorite sneaker: Andy’s favorite sneaker is the Nike Air Vapormax Plus Silver White.

Sean McCartney

Chief Supply Chain Officer

As chief supply chain officer, Sean McCartney ensures StockX customers in nearly 200 countries and territories have the same best-in-class experience when buying and selling on the platform. In his role, Sean oversees StockX’s global network of authentication centers, which includes facilities spanning three continents. Prior to joining StockX, Sean served in senior operations roles at companies including Radial, Chico’s, and Home Depot. 

Sean holds a bachelor’s degree from California State University and today resides in Park City, Utah. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife, three children, and his Golden Doodle, Cooper. 

Favorite Sneaker: With its impressive trade value and nostalgia-evoking style, Sean’s favorite sneaker is the Nike Mag Back to the Future.

Sean McCartney

Chief Supply Chain Officer

As chief supply chain officer, Sean McCartney ensures StockX customers in nearly 200 countries and territories have the same best-in-class experience when buying and selling on the platform. In his role, Sean oversees StockX’s global network of authentication centers, which includes facilities spanning three continents. Prior to joining StockX, Sean served in senior operations roles at companies including Radial, Chico’s, and Home Depot. 

Sean holds a bachelor’s degree from California State University and today resides in Park City, Utah. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife, three children, and his Golden Doodle, Cooper. 

Favorite Sneaker: With its impressive trade value and nostalgia-evoking style, Sean’s favorite sneaker is the Nike Mag Back to the Future.

Stephen Winn

Chief Product Officer

Stephen Winn is the chief product officer at StockX and was one of the company’s first employees. In his role, Stephen leads a talented team of product gurus who help StockX deliver a best-in-class experience to customers around the world. Before joining the company in 2015, he worked at Quicken Loans, where he started as an intern before rising through the ranks to become a software engineer. 

A University of Michigan graduate and proud Detroit native, Stephen resides in the city today with his family. In his free time, he’s an outdoor enthusiast and sports fan. 

Favorite sneaker: The Nike Dunk SB Low Cncpts “Grail” is Stephen’s favorite sneaker, and it was also his first-ever purchase on StockX. 

Stephen Winn

Chief Product Officer

Stephen Winn is the chief product officer at StockX and was one of the company’s first employees. In his role, Stephen leads a talented team of product gurus who help StockX deliver a best-in-class experience to customers around the world. Before joining the company in 2015, he worked at Quicken Loans, where he started as an intern before rising through the ranks to become a software engineer. 

A University of Michigan graduate and proud Detroit native, Stephen resides in the city today with his family. In his free time, he’s an outdoor enthusiast and sports fan. 

Favorite sneaker: The Nike Dunk SB Low Cncpts “Grail” is Stephen’s favorite sneaker, and it was also his first-ever purchase on StockX. 


Jacob Cohen

Partner, Detroit Venture Partners

Scott Cutler

CEO, StockX

David Krane

CEO and Managing Partner, GV

Roger Lee

General Partner, Battery Ventures

Greg Schwartz

COO, StockX

Hans Tung

Managing Partner, GGV















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StockX不仅为其团队成员,而且为其所服务的数百万买家,卖家,制造商和创作者建立了一个多元化的包容性社区。我们致力于推动争取平等和社会正义的组织的工作。 2020年,StockX将团队成员的捐款与包括乔治·弗洛伊德纪念基金,NAACP法律辩护基金和“知道您的权利营”在内的组织进行了捐赠,总额超过10万美元,以支持其工作。

StockX - 了解最新趋势Air JordanAir Jordan 1乔丹高尔夫球鞋Air Jordan 4Air Jordan 5Womens JordansJordan 1 Mid阿迪达斯 (Adidas)adidas Yeezy Boost 350adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2阿迪达斯 (adidas) Yeezy Boost 700 V3阿迪达斯 (adidas) Yeezy Boost 380阿迪达斯 (adidas) QNTM阿迪达斯 (adidas) NMD最近更新每周发售播报“Shining Fates”宝可梦 (口袋妖怪) 盒装“Shining Fates”宝可梦 (口袋妖怪) 预览Xbox Series XPS5Air Max: By The Numbers热门发售Air Jordan 5 Raging BullsAir Jordan 12 Low EasterNike SB Dunk Low Wasted YouthAir Jordan 9 Change The World耐克 (Nike) Air Structure OG耐克 (Nike) Air Tuned Celery耐克 (Nike) Air Max耐克 (Nike) Air Max 1耐克 (Nike) Air Max 90耐克 (Nike) Air Max 95Air Max Day: 全球指南Air Max 90 Bacon 详情Air Max Day: 城市与联名SupremeT恤衫配饰Supreme The North Face下装连帽衫Supreme Nike帮助什么是 StockX隐私条款工作机会联系我们产品建议媒体新闻辅助声明©2024 StockX. 保留所有权利。English (US)English (UK)ItalianoDeutschFrançais (FR)简体中文繁體中文日本語한국어Español (MX)Español (US)Español (ES)