
作者: tp下载钱包
2024-03-17 05:24:57

入门新手是否推荐买二手示波器? - 知乎

入门新手是否推荐买二手示波器? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册电子产品电子示波器入门新手是否推荐买二手示波器?电子爱好者,想要用来制作一些音频方面的模拟设备,如耳放,模拟合成器(振荡器,滤波器,包络这类),选择示波器时很纠结 在一本参考书上提到这类制作最后精度…显示全部 ​关注者14被浏览34,001关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 1​1 条评论​分享​12 个回答默认排序是德科技 Keysight Technologies​已认证账号​ 关注这里您可以找到很多是德科技原厂翻新仪器, 您可以根据您的使用需求选择原厂翻新仪器或二手仪器。当您购买Keysight原厂翻新仪器时,您最多可以节省70%的成本,并且获得一台近乎全新的设备。Keysight原厂翻新仪器为您提供了大量精选的高品质测试设备。每台设备都会经过严格的翻新流程,经过翻新,设备的各性能指标和外观都能达到新机的标准。您可以以更少的成本获得具有百分之百质量和性能的 Keysight 产品。以下是原厂翻新仪器、二手仪器的质量标准与新产品相比的特点和差异:希望我们的建议对您有帮助。发布于 2019-10-25 09:35​赞同 9​​10 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​未可知摩尔​专注数码领域,爱生活,爱分享​ 关注主要看需求和预算,预算一般的话,就可以考虑二手,如果需要更高测量带宽和采样率的话,可以考虑国产品牌的示波器,价格也不贵,一般都够用了。延伸阅读:编辑于 2023-06-06 12:07​赞同 1​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

自己在家学电子,买个多少钱价位的示波器比较合适? - 知乎

自己在家学电子,买个多少钱价位的示波器比较合适? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册物理学电子计算机科学电路设计自己在家学电子,买个多少钱价位的示波器比较合适?有一点基础,想提升一下,感觉好像有必要买个示波器。 多少钱价位的合适? 网上卖的1500多块的国产普源的数字示波器可以吗?100M的。 还有就是二手的…显示全部 ​关注者203被浏览369,943关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 12​添加评论​分享​43 个回答默认排序麦文学​电脑硬件话题下的优秀答主​ 关注没想到 2023 可以碰到示波器的促销. 200兆的示波器只要 16xx 人民币!国产普源的已经很好了。关键是服务很不错。入门级的安捷伦/是德示波器的 OEM 就是普源。所以不用对普源的品质有顾虑。 俺修理电蚊拍的时候打坏了一边通道。快递到北京昌平,修复校准以后再快递回广州只用了三天的时间。别看大多数电蚊拍偷工减料用的是 600 伏的涤纶电容, 实际上轻松输出 2000 多伏特的高压。十多年前买的 RIGOL 1052E, 当时吵得沸沸扬扬的 50MHZ 带宽的示波器。现在 2022 也还可以用。超频以后可以上到 125MHz 左右的带宽。DIY 收音机或者常见的小东西都很有帮助。对于某些音响发烧友, 俺是确实想不通。他们几千人民币买一条 USB 线或者同轴电缆或者电源线。普源的示波器 1000 多人民币, 送电源线、USB线和同轴电缆。相当于买电源线、USB线或同轴电缆送示波器。现在的普源 RIGOL 示波器, 买之前最好问经销商能不能破*使能隐藏功能以及免费升级带宽。

Hantek - Tekway - DSO hack - get 200MHz bw for free (Read 1986430 times)利利普 的示波器, 似乎用的国产 A/D 芯片, 所以价钱很划算。鼎阳的示波器也是很不错的。 Teledyne LeCroy 的低端机器据说是鼎阳做的 OEM.如果普源示波器嫌贵的话, 鼎阳的示波器是最好的替代。鼎阳(SIGLENT) 数字示波器 1G采样率 20万波形刷新率 7英寸屏幕 SPO荧光 SDS1202X-C双通道 200M每通道附录: 时代民芯


MXT2002 (RuiFeng China) -- National ADC08D500 克隆

(NS ADC:128pin, MXT:144pin )

机翻拆机印象:Owon XDS3202A


三星S3C24xx提供了一个 "快速 "用户界面,就像Hantek/Tekway一样。不幸的是,

关于wfrm/s *的任何数据都没有,看看Owon是否会回答电子邮件。

输入级是焊接的,很难说里面有什么,最后的运算放大器看起来像 "经过测试的HanTekway/Rigol设计"

- LMH6552。

FPGA是Spartan 6 XC6SLX9,它有32Mbyte DDR2内存。采样存储的时钟频率为667MHz(所以2x10Mpoint


VGA输出用Chrontel CH7026B合理解决。




瑞风ADC也用在 UNI-T很长时间了,但随着最后一次HW修订,他们从AD改成了原版。









Owon SDS8000 :ADC08D1010。

Siglent SDS2000: ADC08D1020。


国内的ADC,MXT2001, 双8位1G SPS。


双8bit MXT2002直代ADC08D500 (500M)

双8bit MXT2001直代ADC08D1000(1G)

双8bit MXT2815直代ADC08D1500(1.5G),双通 直代ADC08B3000

不要轻易买 几百人民币的山寨示波器。指的是那些没有厂家的 DIY 示波器,看着很酷实际上是一坨X,没有服务,没有校准,只能自己图个乐,出二手也没人接盘。二手示波器水比较深, 除非不超过 200人民币,否则不要买那些“日立”、“菊水”什么的洋垃圾示波器。没过保的国产示波器例如普源的倒是可以酌情收一个。值得提醒的是, 如果学校有免费的示波器, 那就用学校的。 别用自己的钱买示波器。 除非您爱仪器胜过老婆或者女朋友。手持的示波器(电池供电)不会与检修的电源共地(悬浮)可以安全的检修机器的开关电源。当然, 您也可以自制一个 1:1 供电隔离变压器,让普通示波器的地(GND)悬浮起来。** 这可能是市面上最便宜的电流探头示波器电流探头 青岛汉泰CC-65 CC650 示波器电流探头交直流测量电流钳 探棒现货 CC65+电池如果您家境贫寒, 不妨用取样电阻或者互感器或者霍尔元件自己造电流探头......至于有些回答提到的示波器测量音频的问题。俺可以打包票 2万人民币以下, 除了修汽车用的多通道 USB 示波器 (不到 1000人民币),普通的示波器就找不到垂直分辨率在 8 比特以上的 (1/256)。如果您需要(音频)垂直分辨率 16 比特以上, 不如用 USB 的音频录音界面, 一水的 24/32 比特分辨率。补充:如果您家境贫寒(俺算一个), 俺建议您先用 MULTISIM 里面的虚拟仪器, 是的,National Instruments 的Multisim 做仿真, 看看能不能解渴。 1995年,加拿大 Interactive Image Technologies 公司应安大略省正文府需求开发出

Electronics Workbench(简称EWB),用做大学里电路教学的辅助软件。

1998年,Interactive Image Technologies公司与印刷电路板设计软件ULTIboard的开发商

荷兰Ultimate Technology公司战略合作。

1999年,Interactive Image Technologies公司与Ultimate Technology合并,

新公司取名为Electronics Workbench,并将Electronics Workbench改名为MultiSIM,

推出MultiSIM 2001,即MultiSIM 6,MultiSIM与Ultiboard一同构成新公司的产品线。

2003年,Electronics Workbench公司发布Multisim 7。

2005年,Electronics Workbench公司被美国National Instrument公司收购,

成为旗下Electronics Workbench部门,发布Multisim 8。

MULTISIM 有教育版, 以前还联合 ADI 发布过免费版。如果不希望被软件授权束缚, 可以用免费的 LTspice 做仿真。万一您爱仪器胜过老婆, 不妨挪用买房或者买尿布的钱, 给自己弄一台 G 赫兹的示波器。这个恐怕最好蹲二手了, 把花费限制在 3000 人民币以下。 【未完待续】编辑于 2023-08-27 04:41​赞同 53​​4 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​陈硕​C++等 2 个话题下的优秀答主​ 关注大约十年前,我在上海赛格花了接近 3000 元买了一台 DS1102E,至今是家里惟一的一台 DSO,偶尔打开缅怀一下过去。建议你不要图便宜去买虚拟示波器。编辑于 2018-08-28 12:07​赞同 18​​3 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

在500-1000元的价位中,有哪些数字示波器推荐吗? - 知乎

在500-1000元的价位中,有哪些数字示波器推荐吗? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册电子单片机示波器电路设计在500-1000元的价位中,有哪些数字示波器推荐吗?如题。 本人是学生党,只能接受最多1000元价位的示波器,可以考虑二手。 用于学习用途,主要用于调试STM32单片机电路。显示全部 ​关注者20被浏览39,692关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 2​添加评论​分享​10 个回答默认排序张浩​物理学话题下的优秀答主​ 关注stm32的话随便一个示波器都可以吧,二手普源DS1102, 1052之类都行。ps. 带宽不重要,50M或者100M都可以,采样率最好是1Gsps的,用起来感觉会比500Msps的舒服很多。发布于 2021-04-10 13:28​赞同 9​​1 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​是德科技 Keysight Technologies​已认证账号​ 关注采购是德科技原厂二手仪器,包括是德科技示波器(原安捷伦示波器),畅享折上折!!!是德科技原厂二手仪器“快闪折上折”优惠活动现在进行中。任何仪器,均可享受,就在3月,过时不候。即日起,是德科技原厂翻新和二手仪器,均可以在网站标示折扣价基础上再享9折优惠!!!活动网址:是德科技二手仪器网页原厂翻新仪器在出厂时经过了与新机相同的综合测试和校准,有着近乎全新产品的外观与性能。不仅能以更低成本获得一台近乎全新的仪器,还可享受与新机相同的官方售后政策。原厂二手仪器大部分来自生产过程中的“测试样机”,经原厂专业检测校准后重新上架,确保仪器准确性,降低用户的测量风险,提供90天免费保修期。二手产品链接:是德科技 发布于 2023-03-27 10:27​赞同 3​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

工程师须知: 购买二手示波器的优势及注意事项 - 知乎

工程师须知: 购买二手示波器的优势及注意事项 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册工程师须知: 购买二手示波器的优势及注意事项精准通检测专注塑胶跑道/玩具/服装纺织品/灯具/电子电器等检测认证近期,很多客户都在咨询二手示波器,考虑二手示波器,也有人问二手示波器和新的示波器有什么区别?有什么优势呢?今天安泰测试就给大家分享一下购买二手示波器的优势。我们商务在跟厂家订货时,不管是泰克示波器还是是德科技示波器,还是其他热销产品,由于缺料货期都比较长,包括一些热销型号,如泰克新3系、新4系,泰克MDO3000系列等等,很多货期都在8周以上,对于很多急需购买仪器的研发企业来说,无疑是影响他们的研发进度。那么,购买二手示波器要注意避免哪些雷区呢?安泰测试建议以下几点要注意:一、品牌效应品牌是质量的象征,品牌的强大也就代表者该仪器厂商研发、生产能力,经济实力,质量品控,管理水平都是走在前列的。所以在购买二手仪器的过程中,首先要关注品牌仪器。比如买二手示波器,建议考虑泰克、是德科技和力科的,这三大品牌的示波器质量不错,货源也好找。二、渠道来源现在市面上出售二手仪器的信息很多,有专业二手仪器网站、二手仪器论坛、二手仪器公司等,但是在选择二手仪器时要尽可能的了解相关二手仪器渠道来源,选择正规渠道的仪器对应的售后和品质才会有相应的保障,从而避免采购到有巨大隐患的二手仪器。之前有个客户,在咸鱼买了个示波器,虽然便宜,但没用几天坏了,维修还得花钱….三、使用年限任何仪器的使用寿命都是有限的,随着仪器使用的时间越长,其寿命就越短。按照我国仪器使用年限折旧规定,一般也就是10-12年左右,即使是存放在仓库里不使用,其综合使用寿命也是要大打折扣的。当然实际情况还要看所购买的二手仪器的维护保养及维修情况,仪器的使用环境和使用者的操作习惯、负责之心以及对仪器的热爱程度。如果仪器维护保养很好,就会大大延长二手仪器的有效寿命。如果某二手仪器已使用的年限太久,成色很旧,维护保养很差,零配件奇缺的话,此类仪器不建议购买。四、售后服务在购买二手仪器的时候,售后问题一定要了解清楚,使用过程中仪器一旦出现问题,如果售后服务不到位,可能会出现扯皮、推脱等情况。在筛选时,注意甄别出售方是否具有维修能力、用户口碑等;如果无法判断时,建议购买维保时间长的仪器。安泰测试二手仪器一般都会有三个月质保,而且有安泰维修中心和安泰技术支持做后盾,保证客户售后无忧。五、仪器价格买家在购买二手仪器时可遵循一个原则,就是“货比三家,质比三家,价比三家”,没有比较就没有差距,通过价格及其他因素的综合比较,择优选择,能购买到价格又低,质量又好的二手仪器,那是最好不过了。六、仪器成色仪器成色也是购买二手仪器非常重要的一点,不要看商家说仪器几成新,每个人对仪器成色的定义可能有所区别,毕竟眼见为实嘛。同城的话,有条件可以去现场看看,如果是跨区域,看看实拍图,或者要来序列号查一查仪器的年限,总之,购买前了解详细准没错。那么,在安泰测试购买二手示波器有哪些优势呢?1、价格便宜:基本为新购仪器价格的20%~50%; 2、货期短:与新购仪器几个月的供货期相比,购买二手仪器的货期要短得多;3、质量:所出售的二手仪器经过我司技术部门严格与完善的检查和管理,保证品质和性能,可按客户要求出具计量证书,确保您在我司通过合理价格买到高品质与性能的仪器;4、技术支持:按照客户要求调试仪器及进行技术指导;5、 质保:如果从我司购买的二手仪器在三个月内出现质量问题(非人为的故障),我司承诺可根据客户要求免费退换货或者免费进行维修;同时,您可享受终身技术支持和维修服务。发布于 2021-05-26 10:59示波器​赞同 2​​1 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

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Manage your details and favourites and receive updates and alerts on them.Create AccountView Our Refurbishment ProcessKeysight Premium Used equipment will pass the same test and calibration as a new product and meets the same quality requirements.Learn moreUpgrade to KeysightCareUpgrade your purchase to get used equipment with like-new services and direct access to Keysight’s experts on every subject.Upgrade Your SupportBuying GuidesUsed Portable Spectrum Analyzers: Transforming Electrical EngineeringComplete Spectrum Analyzer Buying Guidehandheld spectrum analyzerHow to Find High Quality Oscilloscopes for Sale Without Sacrificing Signal IntegrityHigh Voltage Oscilloscope Probe: The Buying GuideTop 10 Tips for Engineers Buying Handheld OscilloscopesCheap Oscilloscopes vs Used Oscilloscopes – Read Before Buying!15 Features You Should Look For Before Buying an Oscilloscope8 Keysight's Most Expensive Oscilloscopes and Why You Should Buy OneEngineer's Dilemma: Should You Rent An Oscilloscope or Buy One?Engineer's Essential Guide: Selecting a Mixed Domain OscilloscopeBuying a Used DSO Oscilloscope: A Guide for Electrical EngineersShop Used 500 MHz Oscilloscopes On Sale (Limited Supply!)Your Complete Guide to Buying a Used Oscilloscope That Works Like NewAnalog vs Digital Oscilloscope – Keysight Buying Guide3 Powerful Keysight Automotive Oscilloscopes Engineers Have to Try10 Types of Oscilloscope: Find the Perfect Fit for Your Project7 Reasons to Buy a Refurbished vs New E5071C Vector Network AnalyzerThe Ultimate Engineer's Guide to Buying a Network Analyzer6 Reasons to Buy a Used vs New E5071C Network Analyzer8 Types of Signal Generators: An Essential Guide for EngineersRefurbished Arbitrary Waveform Generator: A Buying GuideFunction Generators: Your Ultimate Buying GuideYour Complete Signal Generator Buying GuideKnowledge BaseOscilloscope BasicsOscilloscope GlossarySignal Analyzer GlossaryVNA GlossaryStay up to dateGet information about upcoming Events, Special Offers and News.Get Updates I agree to the privacy policy Captcha Other GuidesHow to Measure Impedance: 5 Easy Steps for EngineersMaximize Your Efficiency with Certified Refurbished Keysight Oscilloscope Probes: A Buying Guide for EngineersHow Does an Oscilloscope Work: Detailed Insights for EngineersUnderstanding Oscilloscope Parts and Function: A Comprehensive Guideoscilloscope calibrationwhat is an oscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer vs Oscilloscope: A Comparison Guide for EngineersHow To Measure RF Power With a Spectrum AnalyzerHow to Read a Spectrum AnalyzerHow Does a Spectrum Analyzer WorkHow to Measure Return Loss With a Spectrum AnalyzerNetwork Analyzer vs Spectrum Analyzer: What's the Difference in Use & SpecificationsComparing Arbitrary Waveform vs Function Generators: A Deep DiveHow to Amplify Signal From a Function GeneratorHow to Measure Inductance With an Oscilloscope and Signal GeneratorWhat Is a Rf Signal Generator? 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Available on selected models.The prices shown in local currency are estimated based on the configuration and assuming the customer location is local.The prices shown in USD are estimated based on the configuration and assuming the customer location is in the USA.The saving percentages are relative to the list price of a new instrument. Actual percentages may vary based on option configuration of the desired equipment, currency exchange rates, and other factors. Premium Used special promotion discounts may or may not be eligible for customers with Keysight Purchase Agreements.Prices and availability information are subject to change without notice. All net transaction prices may vary due to delivery terms, sales tax, VAT, duties and exchange rate variations. Products not available in all locations.Alibaba is a registered trademark of Alibaba.© 2000 – 2024 Keysight TechnologiesPrivacyTermsFeedbackContact Keysight Used Equipment St

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Oscilloscopes - Used Keysight Equipment

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Like-new warranty. Like-new customization and accessories.Learn more How To Get Discounts in Education A Truly Unique Refurbishment Process 5 Reasons To Buy Directly From the OEM Extended Warranty and Calibration Plans Services & Solutions Extended WarrantyKeysightCare protection with up to 5-year warranty and exceptional technical support.Learn moreCertified CalibrationGet your used equipment freshly calibrated – compliant with the highest standards.Learn moreTechnical SupportSelect KeysightCare for the same support and technical consultation as with a new instrument.Learn moreSolutionsFor Research & EducationResourcesKnowledge Base About Us Trade-In Trade-InSave with Trade-InHow does it work?Special OffersUsed Keysight Equipment    Oscilloscopes Your browser limits use of the Used Keysight Equipment website. Please consider switching to a current version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or IE11 to use this site. Used Oscilloscopes The Used Equipment web is currently available in English only and pricing is in USD for the United States.Prices for other countries will vary. Keysight Used oscilloscopes offers a wide range of industry leading pre-owned oscilloscopes, ranging from older generation Agilent oscilloscopes to the newest Keysight oscilloscopes models. So whether you are a first time buyer, replacing a model like-for-like or looking to upgrade - we have something for you.Equipment StandardsAll(0) Keysight Premium Used (0) Keysight Used (0)82 Results Cannot ship to:European Union Switzerland Norway TurkeyPopular Model FamiliesEDUX1002GEXR258AEDUX1002ADSOX1102AMSOX6004ADSOX1102GMXR608A3000 T X SeriesMSOS804A InfiniiumMSOX2024A InfiniiVisionMSOX4154A InfiniiVision82 Results Like-new ConditionUpdated FirmwareFull CalibrationNew AccessoriesLike-new WarrantyCustomization possibleLearn moreSavings of up to 90%Working ConditionCalibrated or Tested30-Day Right-of-ReturnNo CustomizationShipping to limited countriesLearn more 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe 0Installed Options ETR More options addable Starting at USD 15,561.35 Typical New Price*  USD 44,461.00 -65% 15561.35 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe 1Installed Options ETR / GPI More options addable Starting at USD 15,735.65 Typical New Price*  USD 44,959.00 -65% 15735.65 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe 2Installed Options 200 / 201 / 300 / 9FP / ETR / GPN More options addable Starting at USD 20,494.75 Typical New Price*  USD 81,979.00 -75% 20494.75 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe 3Installed Options 200 / 201 / 202 / 300 / ETR / GPN / SIM More options addable Starting at USD 22,250.50 Typical New Price*  USD 89,002.00 -75% 22250.5 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe 4Installed Options 200 / 201 / 300 / 9FP / ETR / GPI / SIM More options addable Starting at USD 22,256.25 Typical New Price*  USD 89,025.00 -75% 22256.25 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe 5Installed Options 200 / 201 / 202 / 401 / ETR / GPI / SIM More options addable Starting at USD 23,151.50 Typical New Price*  USD 92,606.00 -75% 23151.5 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe 6Installed Options 092 / 200 / 300 / ETR / GPI / PTB More options addable Starting at USD 37,422.90 Typical New Price*  USD 124,743.00 -70% 37422.9 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe 7Installed Options 092 / 200 / 201 / 300 / ETR / GPI / PTB / SIM More options addable Starting at USD 41,403.00 Typical New Price*  USD 138,010.00 -70% 41403 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86111A Dual Channel Optical Module / 3 GHz / 750-860 nm / SMF and MMF 8Two amplified 3 GHz optical channels Compatibility: 62.5/125 fibersWavelength range: 750-860 nmCharacterist… Starting at USD 6,539.40 Typical New Price*  USD 43,596.00 -85% 6539.4 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86115D-004 Multiple Optical Port Module / QUAD INPUT 20GHZ OPTICAL SAMPLING MODULE  750-1650NM  FOR SM AND MM FIBER 9Installed Options 004 / IRC More options addable Starting at USD 23,553.80 Typical New Price*  USD 117,769.00 -80% 23553.8 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization 86116C-041 Optical & Electrical Plug-in Module / 65 GHz Optical / 80 GHz Electrical Module / 39.8/41.25/43.0 Gb/s Reference Receiver 10Installed Options 041 / IRC More options addable Starting at USD 36,034.20 Typical New Price*  USD 120,114.00 -70% 36034.2 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSA90604A Infiniium High Performance Oscilloscope / 6 GHz / 20 GSa/s / 4 Channels 11Installed Options 009 / 013 / 014 / 019 / 035 / 800 / 805 / DSA / N5471B / N5471C More options addable Starting at USD 35,671.60 Typical New Price*  USD 178,358.00 -80% 35671.6 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSA90804A Infiniium High Performance Oscilloscope / 8GHz / 40GSa/s / 4 Channels / 50M Memory 12Installed Options DSA / WXP More options addable Starting at USD 34,940.70 Typical New Price*  USD 116,469.00 -70% 34940.7 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSA90804A Infiniium High Performance Oscilloscope / 8GHz / 40GSa/s / 4 Channels / 50M Memory 13Installed Options 800 / DSA / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 40,764.15 Typical New Price*  USD 116,469.00 -65% 40764.15 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSA90804A Infiniium High Performance Oscilloscope / 8GHz / 40GSa/s / 4 Channels / 50M Memory 14Installed Options 009 / 800 / DSA / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 43,474.90 Typical New Price*  USD 124,214.00 -65% 43474.9 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSA91304A Infiniium High Performance Oscilloscope / 13GHz / 40GSa/s / 4 Channels 15Installed Options DSA / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 49,803.52 Typical New Price*  USD 155,636.00 -68% 49803.52 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSA91304A Infiniium High Performance Oscilloscope / 13GHz / 40GSa/s / 4 Channels 16Installed Options 800 / 805 / DSA / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 54,589.50 Typical New Price*  USD 155,970.00 -65% 54589.5 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAV334A Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscope / 33 GHz / 80/40 GSa/s / 4 Analog Channels 17Installed Options 809 / DSAV000-200 / DSOV000-800 / MSO0000-W10 More options addable Starting at USD 182,856.50 Typical New Price*  USD 365,713.00 -50% 182856.5 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAX91604A Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 16 GHz / 80/40 GSa/s / 4 Channels / 50M 18Installed Options 023 / 038 / 041 / 500 / 800 / DSA / N5471G / N5471H / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 71,680.40 Typical New Price*  USD 358,402.00 -80% 71680.4 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAX91604A Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 16 GHz / 80/40 GSa/s / 4 Channels / 50M 19Installed Options N5471G / N5471H / N5471I / N5471J More options addable Starting at USD 77,692.85 Typical New Price*  USD 337,795.00 -77% 77692.85 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAX92004A Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 20 GHz / 80/40 GSa/s / 4 Channel / 50M 20Installed Options DSA More options addable Starting at USD 49,321.43 Typical New Price*  USD 214,441.00 -77% 49321.43 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAX92004A Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 20 GHz / 80/40 GSa/s / 4 Channel / 50M 21Installed Options DSA More options addable Starting at USD 49,321.43 Typical New Price*  USD 214,441.00 -77% 49321.43 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAX92504A Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 25GHz / 80/40GSa/s / 4 Channels / 50M 22Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 67,114.75 Typical New Price*  USD 268,459.00 -75% 67114.75 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAX93204A Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 33 GHz / 80/40 GSa/s / 4 Channel / 50M 23Installed Options 009 / 013 / 044 / 800 / 805 / DSA / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 82,146.11 Typical New Price*  USD 357,157.00 -77% 82146.11 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAX93204A Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 33 GHz / 80/40 GSa/s / 4 Channel / 50M 24Installed Options 011 / 01G / 038 / 040 / 041 / 043 / 044 / 800 / 805 / DSA / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 83,240.20 Typical New Price*  USD 416,201.00 -80% 83240.2 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAX96204Q Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 63 GHz / 4 Channels / 80 GSa/S / 50M 25Installed Options DSA More options addable Starting at USD 90,603.80 Typical New Price*  USD 453,019.00 -80% 90603.8 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAZ204A-DSOZ000-602 Infiniium Oscilloscope / 20 GHz / 80 GSa/s / 4 Channels / 26Installed Options ZVR-B7 / 800 / DSAZ000-200 / MSO0000-W10 More options addable Starting at USD 159,890.50 Typical New Price*  USD 319,781.00 -50% 159890.5 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSAZ634A Infiniium Oscilloscope / 63 GHz / 160/80 GSa/s / 4 Channels 27Installed Options DSAZ000-200 / DSOZ000-800 / MSO0000-W10 More options addable Starting at USD 316,045.80 Typical New Price*  USD 702,324.00 -55% 316045.8 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSO5012A Oscilloscope / 5000 Series / 100MHz / 2 Channel 28100 MHz2 channels2 GSa/s sample rate8 Mpts acquisition memory standardUp to 100,000 waveform per second… Starting at USD 1,324.50 Typical New Price*  USD 5,298.00 -75% 1324.5 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSO6104L Oscilloscope / Low Profile / 1 GHz / 4 Analog Channels 29Installed Options 8MH More options addable Starting at USD 4,463.40 Typical New Price*  USD 22,317.00 -80% 4463.4 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSO9254A Infiniium Oscilloscope / 2.5 GHz / 10/20 GSa/s / 4 Analog Channels 30Installed Options 003 / 004 / 009 / 010 / 800 / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 16,574.70 Typical New Price*  USD 55,249.00 -70% 16574.7 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOS204A High-Definition Oscilloscope / 2 GHz / 4 Analog Channels 31Installed Options DSOS000-100 Starting at USD 26,566.10 Typical New Price*  USD 48,302.00 -45% 26566.1 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOV164A Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscope 16 GHz / 80/40 GSa/s / 4 Channel 32Installed Options DSOV000-200 / DSOV000-800 / DSOV000-809 Starting at USD 127,017.15 Typical New Price*  USD 195,411.00 -35% 127017.15 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOX2002A Oscilloscope / 70 MHz / 2 Channel 3370 MHz bandwidth2 analog channelsEasily view your signals on the 8.5-inch WVGA displayCapture more data… Starting at USD 1,122.60 Typical New Price*  USD 1,871.00 -40% 1122.6 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOX3012A Oscilloscope / 100 MHz / 2 Analog Channels 34Installed Options DVM / EDK / RML / SGM Starting at USD 2,358.40 Typical New Price*  USD 5,896.00 -60% 2358.4 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOX3054G Oscilloscope / 550 MHz / 4-channel / Wavegen 35500 MHz4 analog channelsEasily view and analyze your signals with on the large 8.5-inch capacitive touch… Starting at USD 6,411.20 Typical New Price*  USD 16,028.00 -60% 6411.2 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOX4024A Oscilloscope / 200 MHz / 4 Analog Channels 36Installed Options ADVMATH / EDK / MEMUP / RML / SGM Starting at USD 2,897.30 Typical New Price*  USD 8,278.00 -65% 2897.3 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOX4032A Oscilloscope / 350 MHz / 2 Analog Channels 37Installed Options DVM / EDK Starting at USD 6,021.97 Typical New Price*  USD 13,382.16 -55% 6021.97 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOX96204Q Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 63GHz / 80 GSa/s / 4 Channel 38Installed Options 500 / OS7 Starting at USD 164,568.95 Typical New Price*  USD 470,197.00 -65% 164568.95 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOX96204Q Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope / 63GHz / 80 GSa/s / 4 Channel 39Installed Options 02G Starting at USD 169,944.95 Typical New Price*  USD 485,557.00 -65% 169944.95 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization DSOZ634A Infiniium Oscilloscope / 63 GHz / 160 GSa/s / 4 Channels 40Installed Options 800 Starting at USD 237,926.15 Typical New Price*  USD 679,789.00 -65% 237926.15 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization EXR258A Infiniium EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 2.5 GHz / 16 GSa/s / 8 Channels 41Installed Options 500 / EXR000-100 Starting at USD 20,865.90 Typical New Price*  USD 69,553.00 -70% 20865.9 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization EXR258A Infiniium EXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 2.5 GHz / 16 GSa/s / 8 Channels 42Installed Options EXR2BW-029 Starting at USD 27,860.75 Typical New Price*  USD 111,443.00 -75% 27860.75 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSO6014A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 100 MHz / 4 Analog and 16 Digital Channels 43Installed Options E00 / MSO / MST More options addable Starting at USD 3,191.00 Typical New Price*  USD 12,764.00 -75% 3191 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSO9064A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 600 MHz / 5/10 GSa/s / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 44Installed Options 001 / 007 / 800 / WXP Starting at USD 8,329.75 Typical New Price*  USD 33,319.00 -75% 8329.75 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSO9104A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 45Installed Options 007 / 800 / OS7 More options addable Starting at USD 14,111.60 Typical New Price*  USD 35,279.00 -60% 14111.6 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSO9254A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 2.5 GHz / 10/20 GSa/s / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 46Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 17,446.80 Typical New Price*  USD 43,617.00 -60% 17446.8 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOS804A High-Definition Oscilloscope / 8 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 47Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 33,111.30 Typical New Price*  USD 110,371.00 -70% 33111.3 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX2002A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 70 MHz / 2 Analog Plus 8 Digital Channels 48Installed Options 001 / DVM / EDK / MSO Starting at USD 1,409.51 Typical New Price*  USD 4,027.17 -65% 1409.51 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX2024A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 200 MHz / 4 Analog Plus 8 Digital Channels 49Installed Options BW20 / DVM / EDK / MSO / RML More options addable Starting at USD 2,308.95 Typical New Price*  USD 5,131.00 -55% 2308.95 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX3012T Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 100 MHz / 2 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 50Installed Options DSOX3AERO / DSOX3AUDIO / DSOX3COMP / DSOX3EMBD / DSOX3FLEX / DSOX3MASK / DSOX3PWR / DSOX3VID / DSOX3WAVEGEN / DSOXEDK / DSOXT3AUTO / DSOXT3SENSOR Starting at USD 3,805.20 Typical New Price*  USD 25,368.00 -85% 3805.2 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX3054G Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 500 MHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channel 51Installed Options ADVMATH / BW50 / DVMCTR / EDK / MSO / RML / SGM / WAVEGEN Starting at USD 6,307.70 Typical New Price*  USD 18,022.00 -65% 6307.7 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX3104G Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channel 521 GHz4 analog plus 16 digital channelsEasily view and analyze your signals on the large 8.5-inch capacitive… Starting at USD 7,978.68 Typical New Price*  USD 21,564.00 -63% 7978.68 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX3104G Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channel 531 GHz4 analog plus 16 digital channelsEasily view and analyze your signals on the large 8.5-inch capacitive… Starting at USD 8,625.60 Typical New Price*  USD 21,564.00 -60% 8625.6 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX4054A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 500 MHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 54Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 8,359.05 Typical New Price*  USD 23,883.00 -65% 8359.05 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX4154A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1.5 GHz / 4 Analog plus 16 Digital Channels 55Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 9,429.90 Typical New Price*  USD 31,433.00 -70% 9429.9 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX6004A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1 GHz to 6 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 56Installed Options ADVMATH / DVMCTR / EDK / MEMUP / MSO / RML / SGM More options addable Starting at USD 13,698.45 Typical New Price*  USD 30,441.00 -55% 13698.45 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX6004A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1 GHz to 6 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 57Installed Options ADVMATH / DSOX6B10T254BW / DVMCTR / EDK / MEMUP / MSO / RML / SGM More options addable Starting at USD 15,890.40 Typical New Price*  USD 35,312.00 -55% 15890.4 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX6004A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1 GHz to 6 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 58Installed Options ADVMATH / DSOX6B10T404BW / DVMCTR / EDK / MEMUP / MSO / RML / SGM More options addable Starting at USD 19,707.75 Typical New Price*  USD 43,795.00 -55% 19707.75 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX6004A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1 GHz to 6 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 59Installed Options ADVMATH / DSOX6B10T404BW / DVMCTR / EDK / MEMUP / MSO / RML / SGM More options addable Starting at USD 19,707.75 Typical New Price*  USD 43,795.00 -55% 19707.75 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MSOX6004A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / 1 GHz to 6 GHz / 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels 60Installed Options ADVMATH / DSOX6B10T604BW / DVMCTR / EDK / MEMUP / MSO / RML / SGM More options addable Starting at USD 23,945.40 Typical New Price*  USD 53,212.00 -55% 23945.4 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MX0021A InfiniiMax Ultra Probe Ampilifier / 13 GHz / AutoProbe 2 Interface 61Test and validate high-speed technologies with the 13 GHz probe amplifier (AP2).Experience the highest input… Starting at USD 5,388.60 Typical New Price*  USD 17,962.00 -70% 5388.6 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MX0025A InfiniiMax Ultra Probe Ampilifier / 25GHz / AutoProbe 2 Interface 62Test and validate high-speed technologies such as DDR5 / MIPI with the 25 GHz probe amplifier (AP2).Experien… Starting at USD 10,327.80 Typical New Price*  USD 34,426.00 -70% 10327.8 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MXR058A Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 500 MHz / 16 GSa/s / 8 Channels 63Installed Options MXR000-200 Starting at USD 20,707.65 Typical New Price*  USD 46,017.00 -55% 20707.65 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization MXR108A Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 1GHz / 16GSa/s / 8 Channels 64Installed Options 500 / MXR000-200 Starting at USD 26,230.95 Typical New Price*  USD 58,291.00 -55% 26230.95 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization Special Deal MXR258A Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 2.5 GHz / 16 GSa/s / 8 Channels 65Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 40,789.00 Typical New Price*  USD 81,578.00 -50% 40789 Refurbished, like New Like New Warranty Accessories Included Customizable Special Deal MXR408A Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 4 GHz / 16 GSa/s / 8 Channels 66Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 40,057.20 Typical New Price*  USD 100,143.00 -60% 40057.2 Refurbished, like New Like New Warranty Accessories Included Customizable Special Deal MXR604A Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 6 GHz / 16 GSa/s / 4 Channels 67Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 33,388.00 Typical New Price*  USD 83,470.00 -60% 33388 Refurbished, like New Like New Warranty Accessories Included Customizable MXR608A Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 6 GHz / 16GSa/s / 8 Channels 68Installed Options 500 / MXR000-200 More options addable Starting at USD 43,883.10 Typical New Price*  USD 146,277.00 -70% 43883.1 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization Special Deal MXR608A Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope / 6 GHz / 16GSa/s / 8 Channels 69Installed Options More options addable Starting at USD 58,510.80 Typical New Price*  USD 146,277.00 -60% 58510.8 Refurbished, like New Like New Warranty Accessories Included Customizable N1077B Optical/Electrical Clock Recovery 70Installed Options 264 / EVA / JSA / SXT Starting at USD 88,306.35 Typical New Price*  USD 160,557.00 -45% 88306.35 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization N1092B-40A DCA-M Sampling Oscilloscope / Dual Optical Channels / 40 GHz Amplified 71Installed Options 40A / 200 / 280 / 300 / 401 / 9FP / FS1 / IRC / LOJ / PLK / TFP More options addable Starting at USD 115,709.40 Typical New Price*  USD 257,132.00 -55% 115709.4 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization N1092B-40A DCA-M Sampling Oscilloscope / Dual Optical Channels / 40 GHz Amplified 72Installed Options 40A / 280 / CDR / FS1 / IRC / LOJ / PLK More options addable Starting at USD 143,929.00 Typical New Price*  USD 287,858.00 -50% 143929 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization N2800A InfiniiMax III Probe Amplifier / 16 GHz 7316 GHzTr = 27.1 psecDC attenuation ratio : 6:1 (3:1 with 200 ? ZIF tip)Input voltage range : 1.6 Vpp (0.8… Starting at USD 6,300.00 Typical New Price*  USD 18,000.00 -65% 6300 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization N2801A InfiniiMax III Probe Amplifier / 20GHz 7420 GHzTr = 27.1 psecDC attenuation ratio : 6:1 (3:1 with 200 ? ZIF tip)Input voltage range : 1.6 Vpp (0.8… Starting at USD 13,390.40 Typical New Price*  USD 33,476.00 -60% 13390.4 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization N2803A InfiniiMax III Series Probe Amplifier / 30GHz 7530 GHzTr = 14.3 psecDC attenuation ratio : 6:1 (3:1 with 200 ohm ZIF tip)Input voltage range : 1.6 Vpp… Starting at USD 17,595.60 Typical New Price*  USD 43,989.00 -60% 17595.6 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization N7005A Optical-to-Electrical Converter / 60 GHz 7660 GHz Brickwall bandwidth covering 56 Gbd PAM4DC coupled realtime optical signal acquisition system based… Starting at USD 32,669.00 Typical New Price*  USD 93,340.00 -65% 32669 Tested 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization UXR0134A Infiniium UXR Real-Time Oscilloscope / 13 GHz / 128 GSa/s / 4 Channels 77Installed Options 809 Starting at USD 152,441.25 Typical New Price*  USD 234,525.00 -35% 152441.25 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization UXR0164A Infiniium UXR Real-Time Oscilloscope / 16GHz / 128GSa/s / 4 Channel 78Installed Options 809 Starting at USD 189,088.20 Typical New Price*  USD 270,126.00 -30% 189088.2 Calibrated 90 days warranty Accessories may be included Limited Customization Special Deal UXR0204A Infiniium UXR Real-Time Oscilloscope / 20 GHz / 128 GSa/s / 4 Channels 79Installed Options 801 / 809 More options addable Starting at USD 160,262.00 Typical New Price*  USD 320,524.00 -50% 160262 Refurbished, like New Like New Warranty Accessories Included Customizable Special Deal UXR0254A Infiniium UXR Real-Time Oscilloscope / 25 GHz / 128 GSa/s / 4 Channels 80Installed Options 801 / 809 More options addable Starting at USD 204,726.50 Typical New Price*  USD 409,453.00 -50% 204726.5 Refurbished, like New Like New Warranty Accessories Included Customizable Special Deal UXR0334A Infiniium UXR Real-Time Oscilloscope / 33GHz / 128GSa/s / 4 Channels 81Installed Options 801 / 809 More options addable Starting at USD 274,661.00 Typical New Price*  USD 549,322.00 -50% 274661 Refurbished, like New Like New Warranty Accessories Included Customizable Didn't Find What You Were Looking for?Try searching for a new solution to find exactly what you're looking for.Find new equipmentSorry, there is currently no availableDo you want to be notified if it's back in stock? Set Availability Alert Find new equipment Oscilloscopes Quick-Facts What is an Oscilloscope? Simply put, an oscilloscope is your go-to instrument when conducting a wide range of measurements on an electric circuit. It is an indispensable tool when developing, testing and understanding electronic devices or components. An oscilloscope connects directly to your device under test (DUT) and visually displays the signal it receives. It allows for extensive analysis and troubleshooting when working with electrical and electronic circuitry, making it the single most versatile and valuable tool on your workbench.Watch the “Oscilloscope Survival Guide – The 2-Minute Guru (s1e1)” now  Digital Storage OscilloscopesOne of the most commonly used types of scope is the Digital Storage Oscilloscope, or DSO. A DSO samples and converts analog inputs to digital data, making it available for display, analysis and storage (hence the name) for further comparisons. As a DSO can measure signals such as voltage and current over time with accuracy, this is a great choice to help with debugging and general diagnostics to ensure your circuits and devices behave exactly as intended.Mixed-Signal OscilloscopesMixed-Signal Oscilloscopes, or MSOs, go one step further. They provide all the capabilities of a DSO, but add the option of connecting a logic analyzer. This lets you simultaneously input both analog and digital signals. These can then be displayed and aligned all on the same screen. If you need to monitor and test time-sensitive interactions between analog and digital signals, this instrument will help you do just that. In addition, it tends to be more user-friendly than a pure logic analyzer: If you have worked with a DSO before, it will not be that difficult to switch to an MSO.ConclusionOscilloscopes are vital tools for a wide variety of industries, such as telecommunication, engineering and the sciences. Read our full Oscilloscope Basics Guide form our Knowledge Hub. A sturdy instrument can potentially serve you for many years, making it well worth the investment. Should high prices have so far deterred you from purchasing an oscilloscope or upgrading your current one, the Keysight Used Equipment Platform might be just the solution for you. Here, you can find high-quality instruments at significant discounts. Thanks to our ongoing trade-in program, we are continually adding more items to our inventory. Check our latest offers above. How to Use an Oscilloscope? How you can and should use your oscilloscope depends on the model and accessories you have available as well as the measurements you are looking to perform. The simple steps below should set you up for most standard usage situations.9 Simple Steps – This is How You Use Your OscilloscopeStart by connecting your probe to the oscilloscope and boot up the instrument.Make sure the correct channel is turned on and all others are turned off.Set coupling to DC to see the entire signal or to AC to filter out DC components.Make sure probe controls are set to the correct attenuation.Using the trigger button, set your trigger event and source.Test and tune your probe on the built-in square wave generator by attaching both the ground hook and probe tip. If the image of the waveform does not appear static yet, adjust the trigger level slightly to stabilize it.If needed, tune the compensation capacitor built into the probe head by adjusting the screw controlling it, until the edges of the square wave are perfectly angular – or simply use the “Auto” tune button, if your scope provides one.Now you’re ready to start your measurements. Attach your probe and ground clip to your device or component under test.Don’t forget to use the oscilloscopes display controls to center the resulting waveform on the screen and to zoom in or out as needed.Overall the more capabilities your oscilloscope has to offer, the more complex setup will become. For example:If you are looking to use an MSO to acquire and analyze both analog and digital signals, timing skews can occur.De-skew controls will align the separate signals for accurate time correlation.You will also need to decide betweentiming and state acquisition, letting the scope either take rhythmically timed samples or whether to go by specific logic state events of the signal.Work with your oscilloscope and its accompanying fact sheet or user guide to familiarize yourself with all the options available to you. Want to read more? Check out our Oscilloscope Basics Guide or watch our new Mega Guide on how to use oscilloscopes: How to Use an Oscilloscope to Measure Voltage? The default settings of most oscilloscopes will display voltage over time. In other words, the waveform displayed on the oscilloscope’s screen, maps a signal with voltage on the vertical or y-axis and time on the horizontal or x-axis. To review how to set up your oscilloscope for measurements have a look at the notes in the “How to Use an Oscilloscope” section above.Watch “Measuring Voltage with an Oscilloscope – The Keysight 2-Minute Guru (s2e5)” now  Manually Calculating Voltage Using an OscilloscopeThe most basic way of calculating voltage is to then count divisions from top to bottom and multiply this by the volts/division (y-axis scale) displayed on the screen. With the majority of oscilloscopes, however, such manual calculations will be unnecessary.The Easy Way of Calculating Voltage with your OscilloscopeSimply choose the “measure” button or touch screen option and select “peak-to-peak voltage”. Alternatively, mark two points with the screen cursors to measure their difference. Some scopes even feature a fully integrated digital volt meter (DVM). With an MSO, you will be able to not only measure analog signals parameters such as voltage over time, but can also verify concurrent digital signal integrity simultaneously. Although triggering works very differently for digital and analog signals, your MSO will de-skew and synchronize them, allowing for accurate and easy measurements. It really provides almost all the functions of a logic analyzer with much greater ease of use and versatility.Performing a Logic Circuit TestOn top of measuring voltage on your analog signal as described above, you can also use your MSO to measure the digital signal and perform a logic circuit test.Connect two oscilloscope probes to Channel 1 and Channel 2 and press the “Auto” key.Use the display controls to center both waveforms on the screen in order to show their intersections and a complete cycle.At the intersections of the waveforms, use the cursor to measure the voltage, i.e. the low and high voltage flips, then also record the logic output level, i.e. the logic high and logic low.More on Oscilloscopes: How to use an Oscilloscope – The Oscilloscopes Basics Guide. How to Measure Inductance with an Oscilloscope and a Signal Generator? With your oscilloscope you can measure inductance even without an LCR meter. For example, you may use a current probe to measure the inductance on a voltage-current slope, by reading the peak current (amps) and time between pulse (microsecond). Inductance can be found by multiplying these values and dividing the sum by the peak current. You can also create a Tank circuit by setting up an inductor, with a known capacitance, and placing it in series with a resistor. Inductance can then be calculated from the resonant frequency. Alternatively, connect a resistor (with a known value) to the system or inductor under test. Apply a signal and adjust the frequency, so that equal voltages appear across both devices. A DSO will work just as well as an MSO here, as you will only need to rely on the analog functionalities of the scope. More about this topic in this our YouTube series:“What is Inductance? The 3 Effects of Inductors – The 2-Minute Guru (s2e9)”  Read more in our Oscilloscope Basics Guide. Where can I buy used Keysight Oscilloscopes? Keysight offers pre-owned units at a savings of up to 70%. The units are refurbished by Keysight and are fully calibrated and ready to use.To see our full range of premium used equipment, check out the complete listing here. You can easily search, based on specifications like bandwidth, sampling rate, and memory depth. If you need help choosing the best model for your needs, check out our helpful guides or fill out the “Contact Us” Formhere. What are the benefits of buying used oscilloscopes from Keysight? When you purchase a high-quality used scope from Keysight, you now possess a new unit’s superior performance and functionality while saving up to 70%.We offer two standards of used products: “Premium Used” and “Used”.Premium Used:Up to 70% savingsLike-new conditionUpdated firmwareFully calibratedSame great warranty as a new product (1-5 years depending on the model and region)Used:Up to 90% savingsIn full working condition30-day right of returnWhether buying new or used, you can always count on the high quality and reliability for which Keysight is renowned. What is the basic function of an oscilloscope? The primary function of a scope is to measure waveforms of electrical signals. Engineers use them for troubleshooting circuits, testing equipment performance, and understanding electronic circuit behavior. Oscilloscope probes are connected to the circuit being tested so the scope displays voltages on its display screen. The user then adjusts controls to display signal amplitude and offset to observe the waveforms. The waveforms can then be recorded for future reference. Who would benefit from the use of an oscilloscope? Engineers in many fields can benefit from the use of a scope. Non-engineers, such as technicians, electricians, and researchers, can also benefit from using an oscilloscope.For example:An engineer who needs to understand what's happening in the circuit they are working onA technician who needs to troubleshoot equipment performanceA student who wants to learn more about circuits How do you measure current with an oscilloscope? One of the most common measurements made with a scope is current. Current is simply the measurement of the flow of electricity through a circuit or conductor, measured in amps. Since it's essential to understand how much current is being used in circuits, whether for safety reasons or power usage analysis, this measurement can help determine if something is malfunctioning.There are three types of current:High current (hundreds to thousands of amps)Low current (microamp to amp)In-between (10 milliamps to 30 amps).Manual measurements, such as the Ohm's Law Method, can be used to measure current using your scope, but this can be inaccurate and difficult to document. A more efficient way to test current is using a current probe attached to your scope. You will observe your measurement in amps directly on your screen with no calculations required. Different types of current probes can be used with our premium used oscilloscopes.For a quick and easy explanation of how to measure current with your oscilloscope, check out this video.Learn Oscilloscope Fundamentals and Get the Most out of Your EquipmentLearn moreRefurbishment ProcessKeysight Premium Used equipment will pass the same final tests and comprehensive calibration as a new product and meets the same quality requirements.Learn More ›Equipment StandardsLearn about the differences of our two quality standards and compare them to factory new products.Compare Standards ›FAQsGet answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Shipping, Payment, Quote Processes, Pricing, eStores, etc.Get Answers ›Your AccountGet a customised view of the Used Equipment Store. Manage your details and favourites and receive updates and alerts on them.Create Account ›Buying GuidesUsed Portable Spectrum Analyzers: Transforming Electrical EngineeringComplete Spectrum Analyzer Buying Guidehandheld spectrum analyzerHow to Find High Quality Oscilloscopes for Sale Without Sacrificing Signal IntegrityHigh Voltage Oscilloscope Probe: The Buying GuideTop 10 Tips for Engineers Buying Handheld OscilloscopesCheap Oscilloscopes vs Used Oscilloscopes – Read Before Buying!15 Features You Should Look For Before Buying an Oscilloscope8 Keysight's Most Expensive Oscilloscopes and Why You Should Buy OneEngineer's Dilemma: Should You Rent An Oscilloscope or Buy One?Engineer's Essential Guide: Selecting a Mixed Domain OscilloscopeBuying a Used DSO Oscilloscope: A Guide for Electrical EngineersShop Used 500 MHz Oscilloscopes On Sale (Limited Supply!)Your Complete Guide to Buying a Used Oscilloscope That Works Like NewAnalog vs Digital Oscilloscope – Keysight Buying Guide3 Powerful Keysight Automotive Oscilloscopes Engineers Have to Try10 Types of Oscilloscope: Find the Perfect Fit for Your Project7 Reasons to Buy a Refurbished vs New E5071C Vector Network AnalyzerThe Ultimate Engineer's Guide to Buying a Network Analyzer6 Reasons to Buy a Used vs New E5071C Network Analyzer8 Types of Signal Generators: An Essential Guide for EngineersRefurbished Arbitrary Waveform Generator: A Buying GuideFunction Generators: Your Ultimate Buying GuideYour Complete Signal Generator Buying GuideKnowledge BaseOscilloscope BasicsOscilloscope GlossarySignal Analyzer GlossaryVNA GlossaryStay up to dateGet information about upcoming Events, Special Offers and News.Get Updates I agree to the privacy policy Captcha Other GuidesHow to Measure Impedance: 5 Easy Steps for EngineersMaximize Your Efficiency with Certified Refurbished Keysight Oscilloscope Probes: A Buying Guide for EngineersHow Does an Oscilloscope Work: Detailed Insights for EngineersUnderstanding Oscilloscope Parts and Function: A Comprehensive Guideoscilloscope calibrationwhat is an oscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer vs Oscilloscope: A Comparison Guide for EngineersHow To Measure RF Power With a Spectrum AnalyzerHow to Read a Spectrum AnalyzerHow Does a Spectrum Analyzer WorkHow to Measure Return Loss With a Spectrum AnalyzerNetwork Analyzer vs Spectrum Analyzer: What's the Difference in Use & SpecificationsComparing Arbitrary Waveform vs Function Generators: A Deep DiveHow to Amplify Signal From a Function GeneratorHow to Measure Inductance With an Oscilloscope and Signal GeneratorWhat Is a Rf Signal Generator? Different Types, Applications & More!Signal Generator Guide: What Is It and How to Use It ProperlyWhat is a Signal Generator?5 Ways Signal Generators are Used in Education, Testing and MoreMaster the Bandwidth Formula: Essential Guide for EngineersComprehensive Impedance Formula Guide for Electrical EngineersConductance Formula: A Comprehensive Guide for Electrical EngineersZ-Transform Formula: A Comprehensive Guide for Electrical EngineersThe Art of Calculating Time Constants in RC and RL CircuitsPower Formula: Engineer's 101 CheatsheetInverse Square Law 101 for EngineersAntenna Gain CalculatorInductance CalculatorPower Factor Calculator: Your Key to Optimal Circuit EfficiencyVSWR / Return Loss CalculatorParallel Resistor Calculator: Craft Perfect CircuitsEIRP Calculator & Essential Guide for RF EngineersCapacitor CalculatorPopular modelsOn Sale: Keysight Used EDUX1002G Oscilloscope: 50 MHz, 2 Analog ChannelsKeysight EXR258A Infiniium EXR-Series OscilloscopeKeysight EDUX1002A OscilloscopeKeysight DSOX1102A OscilloscopeSale: Keysight Used MSOX6004A Mixed Signal OscilloscopeLimited: Keysight Used DSOX1102G Oscilloscope: 70/100 MHz, 2 ChannelsKeysight MXR608A Infiniium MXR-Series Oscilloscope on Sale3000 T X Series OscilloscopeMSOS804A Infiniium OscilloscopeMSOX2024A InfiniiVision OscilloscopeSale: Used Keysight MSOX3054G / MSOX3104G OscilloscopeMSOX4154A InfiniiVision OscilloscopeKeysight Used N9918A FieldFox Handheld Microwave AnalyzerKeysight Used P5004A USB Vector Network Analyzer, 20 GHzLimited Sale: Keysight Used P5008A USB Vector Network Analyzer, 53 GHzLimited Stock: Keysight Used N5222B PNA Microwave Network AnalyzerKeysight N9952B FieldFox Microwave AnalyzerKeysight P5024A Streamline USB Vector Network AnalyzerKeysight M9808A PXIe Vector Network AnalyzerFor Sale: Keysight Used N9917B FieldFox Handheld Microwave Analyzer, 18 GHzDiscounted P5028A Keysight Streamline USB Vector Network AnalyzerKeysight Used N5225B PNA Microwave Network Analyzer on SaleKeysight M9804A PXI Vector Network Analyzer 9 kHz to 20 GHzKeysight E5080B ENA Vector Network Analyzer on SaleENA Vector Network Analyzer SeriesE5063A ENA Vector Network AnalyzerE5061B ENA Vector Network AnalyzerE5071C ENA Vector Network AnalyzerUsed Keysight PNAKeysight N5171B EXG X-Series RF Analog Signal GeneratorKeysight N5182B MXG X-Series RF Vector Signal GeneratorKeysight N5183B MXG X-Series Microwave Analog Signal GeneratorKeysight M9384B VXG Microwave Signal GeneratorKeysight N5172B EXG X-Series RF Vector Signal GeneratorLimited Stock: Keysight Used 33622A Waveform Generator, 120 MHz, 2 ChannelKeysight N5172B EXG X-Series RF Vector Signal GeneratorKeysight Used N9020B MXA Signal Analyzer for SaleLimited: Keysight Used N9021B MXA Signal Analyzer, 10 Hz to 50 GHzKeysight N9917A FieldFox Handheld Microwave AnalyzerKeysight N9010B EXA Signal AnalyzerKeysight N9032B PXA Signal AnalyzerKeysight N9041B UXA Signal AnalyzerKeysight N9040B UXA Signal Analyzer, 2 Hz to 50 GHzKeysight N9030B PXA Signal AnalyzerSale: Keysight Used N6705C DC Power Analyzer on SaleE4440A PSA Spectrum AnalyzerN9048A/B PXE EMI Test ReceiverN9020A/B MXA Signal AnalyzerN9030A PXA Signal AnalyzerM9384B VXG Signal GeneratorE8257D PSG Analog Signal GeneratorN9010A Spectrum + Signal AnalyzersOn Sale: Keysight Used E4980A Precision LCR Meter on SaleFieldFox Portable Handheld RF and Microwave AnalyzersBig Sale: Keysight Used E3642A 50 W Power Supply, 8V/5A or 20V/2.5AE36313A 160W Triple Output Power SupplyKeysight N6742B DC Power ModuleOn Sale: Keysight Used EL34143A 350W Bench Electronic LoadOn Sale: Keysight Used EL34243A 600W Bench Electronic Load, Dual InputOn Sale: Keysight Used N6791A DC Electronic Load Module 100WOn Sale: Keysight Used N6781A Two-Quadrant SMU for Battery Drain AnalysisN6792A Electronic Load ModuleKeysight N1912A P-Series Dual Channel Power MeterLimited Stock: Keysight Used 53230A Universal Frequency Counter/TimerPower Meters + Sensors U2002ADiscounted: Keysight Used N7749C Optical Head Interface UnitKeysight N5511A Phase Noise Test SystemDisclaimer:Promotion is limited on Keysight Used standard only.Only available on eligible products and online purchases.Only valid if the Keysight Used product is purchased at the listed price (no offers/price negotiation).KeysightCare Assured includes extended warranty. 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2022年度:最全最实用“示波器”推荐攻略,示波器哪个牌子好?如何挑选? - 知乎

2022年度:最全最实用“示波器”推荐攻略,示波器哪个牌子好?如何挑选? - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册2022年度:最全最实用“示波器”推荐攻略,示波器哪个牌子好?如何挑选?电工班阿凯老师电工设备推荐和电工证、教师资格证面试咨询,旅游、汽车爱好者!笔者的工作是一名资深电工,对于示波器的挑选,也有一定的理解,自己在家,也喜欢用示波器研究一些音响等电子产品,示波器是我们每一个电子爱好者和电子工程师的必备仪器。本文为笔者原创内容,请不要以任何形式转载和引用。如果你也是一个电子产品的爱好者,请一直支持笔者,如果有帮到你的地方,也欢迎点赞、收藏,谢谢啊。本文目录:NO.1 几款挺不错的示波器分析NO.2 形成挑选示波器的详细攻略NO.3 高性价的示波器推荐更新日志:2022.10.6 更新全文NO.1 几款挺不错的示波器分析第一款: 优利德示波器具有以下特点:1、模拟带宽:100MHz2、通道数:2个3、最大实时采样率:1GS/s4、存储深度:64kpts5、波形捕获率:5000wfms/s个人点评:优利德示波器是知名的仪器仪表制造商,其公司于1988年创立,向全球用户提供包括电子电工测试仪表、电力及高压测试仪表及测试仪器。优利德示波器具有2/4个模拟通道,70-200MHz带宽,存储深度高达28Mpts,波形捕获率达50000wfms/s,同时,独立时基可调,具有丰富的高级触发及总线解码功能,不仅仅如此,还配备丰富的外围接口,值得一提的是,具有超高的性价比优势。第二款: 胜利示波器具有以下几点特点:1、模拟带宽:100MHz2、通道数:2个3、最大实时采样率:1GS/s4、存储深度:100kpts5、波形捕获率:5000wfms/s个人点评:胜利示波器是由深圳市胜利高电子科技有限公司生产,是知名仪器仪表行业优强企业,是专业从事数字仪器、仪表研发、生产、经营的高科技企业,其生产的电子产品,深得广大用户的认可与喜爱,成为值得信赖的品牌。而胜利示波器是一种能够显示电压信号动态波形的电子测量仪器,质量有保证。第三款:福禄克示波器具有以下几点特点:1、具有数字示波器和万用表的双重功能:40MHz或20MHz示波器频宽,两个5000数位的真有效值数字万用表,同时,还可进行数据记录。2、采用双路输入波形,同时可以对长时间数据进行趋势分析。3、存储深度:32G个人点评:福禄克示波器是全球知名的电子测试工具品牌,福禄克电子仪器仪表公司成立于1948,目前福禄克公司的授权分销商已遍布世界100多个国家,品牌质量值得信赖,而福禄克示波器将安全等级和强大的便携式与台式示波表的高性能相结合,能更好地适应不同恶劣的测量环境,更安全、更靠谱。NO.2 形成挑选示波器的详细攻略1、带宽选择:至少选择100MHz带宽的示波器。带宽可以说是示波器的首要挑选参数指标,带宽不足时,波形就会出现严重失真的情况。一般情况下,在示波器带宽的选择上,所测信号最大频率的5倍,即为测量波形的最合适带宽,但如果要对波形进行准确测量,应该让示波器的带宽大于波形的主要谐波分量。即分为2种情况,一种是对于正弦波,要求示波器的带宽大于波形的频率即可,另一种情况是对于非正弦波,则需要要求选择的示波器带宽大于所测波形的最大主要谐波频率。2、采样率和存储深度选择:一般情况下,最大的实时采样率达到1GS/s即可,存储深度至少达到64kpts,同时应该要保证示波器的采样率至少是被测信号带宽的3-5倍以上,,这样我们才能更容易捕获所测波形的异常情况,从而找到问题。而采样率表达的就是示波器每秒捕获这些采样点的能力,而存储深度表达的是示波器一屏幕最多可以包含多少采样点,即采样率 = 存储深度 ÷ 波形记录时长。从本质上来说,其实示波器的波形就是一个一个采样点,其所呈现的采样点越多,其采样的信号就越接近真实,因此,示波器的采样率和储存深度选择,是很重要的。3、通道数的选择:至少选择有2通道的示波器,但如果有测量3-4信号的需求,就需要选择4通道。4、示波器的垂直分辨率:至少选择示波器的垂直分辨率是8位,需要高分辨率的话,有可以选择12位。其位数代表示波器将输入电压转换为数字值的精确程度,8位的垂直分辨率的测量准确度一般在2-3%以内,完全满足我们绝大多数示波器的应用。5、波形捕获率:至少选择示波器的波形捕获率为5000wfms/s。在示波器的正常使用中,对所测信号的采集存储和处理显示是无法做到同时进行的,因此在示波器在处理显示的时候,就会漏掉一部分信息,也称之为示波器的死区时间。波形捕获率表达的就是示波器每秒能采集多少次波形的能力,这个能力越大,死区时间就越小,也就越容易捕获到异常的波形。NO.3 高性价的示波器推荐品牌:胜利价格:1498元以上就是笔者个人对于示波器的一点理解与总结,希望有能帮到你的地方,如果你也是示波器的爱好者,也欢迎点赞、收藏啊,谢谢品读。发布于 2022-10-06 09:08示波器仪器仪表电子仪器仪表​赞同 5​​1 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

为大家推荐几款数字示波器,二手价格1000到1600 - 科创网

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苦丁茶2017/01/01仪器仪表 IP:吉林

在这个预算范围内还是有很多可选的,比如体积小点的普源ds1054z,泰克tds1002 1012,体积大点的泰克tds500 tds700,惠普545×× 546××。还有一些不太常见的横河岩崎之类的就不举例子了,有时候想买都买不到。  普源ds1000z我用过差不多半年,破解了全部选件,带宽升级到100兆存储深度升级到24兆。升级后-3db带宽接近100兆。感觉这机反应迟钝,采样率虽然高但是会漏掉很多细节,偶尔会触发不稳定触发抖动。但是作为一个国产品牌还是非常不错的。这机是四个通道公用一个AD,四通道全开采样率是250MS。还有个问题是这机基线噪音比较大,零飘比较大,经常测量低电压完全用不了。这机二手价格一般在1500到1600,还是比较坚挺的。双十一可能有活动价格1888,超值。推荐指数2满分5  泰克tds1002 黑白屏经典机,没有类似数字荧光的波形亮度,存储深度只有2.5k。但是这机还是非常好用的,反应快,波形刷新率快,类似实时采样的感觉。这机是一个通道一个AD,通道全开不会影响采样率。这机还有个优点是没有风扇,没有讨厌的噪声。这机二手基本上1200到1400。推荐指数3满分5 泰克tds500 tds700 这是泰克经典数字机,显像管显示体积巨大,500是黑白屏700是彩屏。带宽500M打底,最高有4GHz的。采样率最低500M,有些更高。价格也是和性能成正比的。这系列最低端的Tds510到基本上最高的794d都用过,除了体积大噪音大开机慢,其他还是非常不错的,运行流畅,显示效果一流。若是带d的效果就更好了,带数字荧光功能,波形捕获率很高。这机还有个缺点,某些系列电容会漏液,腐蚀pcb.所以故障机特别多,很多换了电容往往就正常了。还有模拟板上的某些运放容易损坏,看见电容漏液的故障机可以买回来试试,90%的都能修好。价格范围500到3000,3000基本上能买到1GHz的了。推荐指数3满分5。  着重推荐hp/agilent54622a示波器,这个示波器触发功能丰富,模拟前端设计合理,噪音很低,0.2mv以内。采样速度虽低只有200M但存储深度高,一个通道是4M。这系列机是和泰克tds3000同时代的,性能也类似,由于是显像管机价格非常便宜,那时候tds3000已经是彩色高分辨率液晶了。这机也有类似数字荧光功能,32级灰度。开机速度是我见过数字示波器里最快的,显像管热好了也就开机了。现在在生产的示波器很多性能都比不上54622。这机也有缺点,外壳容易破,很多二手机外壳都脆得不行,和鸡蛋壳一样。由于这机数量不太多,当年销量远远不如tds3000多,所以没有个稳定的市场价。隔壁论坛偶尔有出货,价格1000到1600。偶尔碰见不开机的故障机也可以买,往往都是开关电源启动电阻开路,换上马上就好。主板一般不会出什么问题。故障机可能600左右就能买到。推荐指数5满分5  最后,祝愿大家在新的一年里心想事成。

[修改于 7年3个月前 - 2017/01/01 12:24:24]

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7年3个月前 IP:广西










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TDS1002一类的机器挺好用的 反应快。就是存储深度浅,看个稍微复杂的数字波形有点难受







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引用 家电:我买了台,一直出现








7年3个月前 IP:吉林



引用 liccil:TDS1002一类的机器挺好用的 反应快。就是存储深度浅,看个稍微复杂的数字波形有点难受用过54622再也不用tds低端机了







7年3个月前 IP:江苏



引用 苦丁茶:开了单次吧没开单次,而且面板按钮不起作用,随便按住一个按钮那个界面消失3-5秒后又出现,有可能哪里有问题?







7年3个月前 IP:吉林



引用 家电:没开单次,而且面板按钮不起作用,随便按住一个按钮那个界面消失3-5秒后又出现,有可能哪里有问题?具体我也不知道,没遇到过这样的情况。怀疑某些按键损坏,主体硬件肯定没事







7年3个月前 IP:江苏



引用 苦丁茶:具体我也不知道,没遇到过这样的情况。怀疑某些按键损坏,主体硬件肯定没事谢谢,麻烦了







7年3个月前 IP:四川










7年3个月前 IP:吉林



引用 虎哥:二手可以考虑一下力科,不好卖所以性价比还不错。感觉lecory故障率杠杠的







7年3个月前 IP:四川



引用 苦丁茶:感觉lecory故障率杠杠的感觉还行,我这里的目前还没坏。现在这些品牌的低端机多是中国代工的,质量差不多。中高端设备个人感觉安捷伦(是德)的略耐用一些。







7年3个月前 IP:吉林



引用 虎哥:感觉还行,我这里的目前还没坏。现在这些品牌的低端机多是中国代工的,质量差不多。中高端设备个人感觉安捷伦(是德)的略耐用一些。确实安捷伦故障率好一些。当年dsox2000和3000系列说有个什么bug时间久了会不开机,现在看来也没谁真正因为这个变砖了






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二手仪器真香,出泰克示波器了_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 首页番剧直播游戏中心会员购漫画赛事投稿二手仪器真香,出泰克示波器了



2022-03-15 18:51:04








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