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BCA Assay and Lowry Assays | Thermo Fisher Scientific - PH

BCA Assay and Lowry Assays | Thermo Fisher Scientific - PH

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Home›Life Sciences›Protein Biology›Protein Assays and Analysis›Protein Assays›BCA Assay and Lowry AssaysBCA Assay and Lowry AssaysSee Navigation‹Protein AssaysFluorescent Protein Assays

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Copper-based total protein quantification

The BCA Protein Assay is a popular method for colorimetric detection and quantitation of total protein. Pierce BCA Protein Assays have a unique advantage over the Coomassie dye–based assays (Bradford)–they are compatible with samples that contain up to 5% surfactants (detergents), and are affected much less by protein compositional differences, providing greater protein-to-protein uniformity.For added ease of use, BCA protein assays with dilution-free protein standards reduces assay setup time by up to 80%. Dilution-Free protein standards are a set of prediluted standards packaged in a multichannel pipette compatible format which allows you to easily transfer a full dilution series to your microplate at once.Selection guide   Technical handbookOn this page:Choose the right BCA assay for your sampleBCA assay principlesDilution-Free BCA protein assaysAdvantages of BCA assaysBCA protein assay protocolsRelated content:Bradford assays

Choose the right BCA protein assay for your sample

BCA assaysLowry assaysOrderingDocuments  Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein AssayPierce BCA Protein Assay Kit with Dilution-Free BSA Protein StandardsPierce BCA Protein Assay - Reducing Agent CompatibleMicro BCA Protein AssayAssay range: (sample volume)20–10,000 µg (10 µL)20–2,000 µg/mL (25 µL)125–2,000 µg/mL (9 µL)2–40 µg/mL (150 µL) or 0.5–20 µg/mL (500 µL)Incubation time and temperature5 min at RT30 min at 37°C45 min at 37°C60 min at 60°CTotal assay time10 min45 min115 min130 minAbsorbance480 nm562 nm562 nm562 nmCompatible reagentsDetergentsDetergentsDetergents/reducing agents (e.g. DTT)DetergentsIncompatible reagentsReducing agents; chelatorsReducing agents; chelatorsChelatorsReducing agents; chelatorsUniformityLess protein: protein variation than Bradford assaysLess protein: protein variation than Bradford assaysSignificantly less (14–23%) protein: protein variation than Bradford assaysLess protein: protein variation than Bradford assaysDilution-free protein standardsYesYesNoNoCat. No.A55860 (500 mL)A55861 (250 mL)A55862 (20 mL)A55864 (1000 mL)A55865 (500 mL) Related BCA Kits:23225 (1000 mL)23227 (500 mL)23250 (275 mL/kit)23252 (microplate)23235 (500 mL/kit)Related product: Pierce Dilution Free BSA Protein Standards, Multichannel Pipette Compatible, 0.125–2 mg/mLRelated product: Pierce Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards, Multichannel Pipette Compatible, 0.125–10 mg/mLBCA kits overviewDilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay – green to yellow (A480 nm), 2-component, precise, detergent compatible assay to measure total protein vs. protein standard in 5 minutes at room temperatureBCA Protein Assay with Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards – green-to-purple (A562 nm), 2-component, precise, detergent-compatible assay reagent to measure total protein concentration vs. protein standard in 30 minutes at 37°C.BCA Protein Assay - Reducing Agent Compatible – reducing agent–compatible version of our BCA Reagent Kit to measure protein concentration in samples containing DTT or BME thiol-reductants.Micro BCA Protein Assay – special 3-component version of our BCA Reagent Kit to measure total protein concentration of dilute protein solutions (0.5 to 20 μg/mL).Effortless, Fast, AccurateSelect BCA assays now include Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards which are a set of 7 prediluted BSA standards, uniquely designed for multichannel pipette compatibility.Pierce Dilution-Free standards allow you to eliminate time-consuming and tedious dilutions when generating your standard curve and are calibrated by direct comparison to purified BSA from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to help ensure accurate standard curve generation.

BCA assay principles

Chemistry of BCA-based protein assaysThe Pierce BCA Protein Assays combines the well-known reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ by protein in an alkaline medium (also known as the biuret reaction) with the highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of the cuprous cation (Cu+) by bicinchoninic acid (BCA).Figure 1. The first step is the chelation of copper with protein in an alkaline environment to form a blue-colored complex. In this reaction, peptides containing three or more amino acid residues form a colored chelate complex with cupric ions in an alkaline environment containing sodium potassium tartrate.Single amino acids and dipeptides are unaffected in the biuret reaction, but tripeptides and larger polypeptides or proteins will react to produce the light blue-to-violet complex that absorbs light at 540 nm. One cupric ion forms a colored coordination complex with four to six nearby peptides bonds. The intensity of the color produced is proportional to the number of peptide bonds participating in the reaction.Figure 2. In the second step, BCA reagent, a highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection reagent, reacts with the cuprous cation (Cu+) that was formed in the first step and produces a purple-color.The BCA-copper complex is water-soluble and exhibits a strong linear absorbance at 562 nm with increasing protein concentrations. The purple color may be measured at any wavelength between 550 and 570 nm with minimal (less than 10%) loss of signal. The signal induced by the BCA reagent is approximately 100 times more sensitive (lower limit of detection) than the signal using the biuret reagent.Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA protein assay uses the same copper reduction method as traditional BCA assay with a unique copper chelator. In the second step of the color development reaction, the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA chelator reacts with the reduced (cuprous) cation (Cu+) that was formed in step one to produce an intensely gold-colored reaction product. The copper complex exhibits a strong linear absorbance at 480 nm with increasing protein concentrations.

Dilution-free BCA protein assays

Dilution-free BSA protein standards are available separately or as part of other BCA protein assays. Compared to the Bradford Assay or Pierce BCA Protein assay kit, the Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay reduces assay setup by up to 80% by eliminating the need to dilute samples and standards. Additionally, it only requires a 5-minute, room temperature incubation. The dilution-free BSA protein standards are also available in the BCA Protein Assay Kit with Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards.Figure 3. The Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Assay reduces setup time by up to 80% compared to other protein assays. The assays were conducted following the manufacturer’s protocols in a microplate format. Five cell lysates and five pure proteins were prepared to give a total of ten samples. Standard curves for the BCA and Bradford assays were generated through serial dilution of 2 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA) standard. The standard curve for the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Assay was generated using Pierce Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards (included with the kit) packaged in a multichannel pipette-friendly tube strip. Four of the ten samples were expected to have a starting concentration of >2 mg/mL, which necessitated a sample dilution step for the BCA and Bradford assays, whereas samples were not required to be diluted for the Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Assay. Samples were then mixed with working reagent from each assay and incubated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Advantages of BCA assays

BCA protein quantificationOne of the major advantages of the BCA assay is that it produces a linear response curve. This response curve allows accurate determination of unknown protein concentrations and provides a higher dynamic range than other standard assays.Figure 4. Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay generates a linear standard curve across a wide dynamic range (0–10 mg/mL). Standard curves were produced for the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay and the Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay (Bio-Rad) with purified BSA in 0.9% saline (0–10 mg/mL). Both assays were conducted using the manufacturer’s protocols in a microplate format. Absorbance readings were taken using the Thermo Scientific Varioskan LUX Multimode Microplate Reader.

BCA assay accuracy

Another major advantage of BCA protein assays is the accuracy as shown through low protein-to-protein variation. Proteins are diverse in their composition and structure, and with some assays, the proteins’ differences in amino acid sequence, isoelectric point (pI), secondary structure, and side chains or prosthetic groups result in variation in the colorimetric response. Since BCA chemistries develop a color response in proportion to the number of peptide bonds present, they are less affected by these differences when compared to dye-binding assays (e.g. Bradford Assays) and therefore exhibit less protein-to-protein variation.Figure 5. Protein quantification results of the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay and the Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay compared to samples of known concentration. Both assays were conducted in a microplate format, according to the respective manufacturers’ protocols. For the Bradford assay, 5 μL of sample was added to 250 μL of the Bradford working reagent and incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes. For the Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay, 10 μL of sample was added to 200 μL of Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA working reagent and incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes. Known concentrations of protein samples were based on manufacturers’ indicated concentrations and were confirmed by absorbance at 280 nm.

BCA protein assay protocols

BCA Protein Assay with Dilution-Free BSA Protein StandardsThe Pierce BCA Protein Assay can be performed using two different formats based upon the dynamic range needed to detect the protein concentration of an unknown sample. This BCA assay detects protein concentrations from 20–2,000 μg/mL using a two-component system: Reagent A, a carbonate buffer containing BCA reagent, and Reagent B, a cupric sulfate solution, which are combined to make an apple green–colored working solution that turns purple after 30 minutes at 37°C in the presence of protein. Since the color reaction is not a true endpoint reaction, considerable protocol flexibility is allowed with the Pierce BCA Protein Assay. By increasing the incubation temperature, the sensitivity of the assay can be increased. When using the enhanced tube protocol (i.e., incubating at 60°C for 30 minutes), the working range for the assay shifts to 5–250 μg/mL, facilitating detection of more dilute samples.Figure 6. BCA Protein Assay Kit with Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards, multichannel pipe compatible protocol.Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit protocolThe Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay provides the high sensitivity and linearity associated with the BCA assay but performed within a fraction of the time. Simply mix the BCA working solution, add samples and dilution-free standards to your microplate, incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature, and read the absorbance.Figure 7. Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit protocol.Modified Lowry Protein Assay KitAssay range: microplate (sample volume)10 to 1,500 µg/mL (40 µL)Assay range: cuvette (sample volume)1–1,500 µg/mL (200 µL)Incubation time and temperature10 and 30 min at RTTotal assay time110 minAbsorbance750 nmCompatible reagentsSDS (up to 1%)Incompatible reagentsReducing reagents, Chelators, detergents, tris, tricine, glycerolUniformityLess protein:protein variation than Coomassie dye methodsProduct size530 mL/kitCat. No.23240Related product: Pierce Dilution Free BSA Protein Standards, Multichannel Pipette Compatible, 2 mg/mLLowry assay principlesThe Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay is based on the colorimetric method introduced by Oliver H. Lowry in 1951. The Pierce modified assay replaces two of the assay’s traditional unstable reagents with a single, more stable one.Chemistry of the Pierce Modified Lowry AssayThe Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay is an enhanced biuret assay involving copper-chelation chemistry. Although the mechanism of color formation for the Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay is similar to that of the Pierce BCA Protein Assay, there are several significant differences between the two. While the precise mechanism for color formation using the Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay is not completely understood, it is known that the reaction occurs as two distinct steps. First, protein reacts with alkaline cupric sulfate in the presence of tartrate during a 10-minute incubation at room temperature. During this incubation, a tetradentate copper complex forms from four peptide bonds and one atom of copper, which is light blue in color (this is the “biuret reaction”). Following the incubation, the Folin phenol reagent is added. It is believed that the color enhancement occurs when the tetradentate copper complex transfers electrons to the phosphomolybdic–phosphotungstic acid complex (the Folin phenol reagent). The reduced phosphomolybdic–phosphotungstic acid complex produced by this reaction is intensely blue in color.Figure 8. Reaction schematic for the Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay Kit.Figure 9. Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay protocolA55860, A55861, A55862, A55864, A55865,23221,23228,23223,23222,23224,23225,23227,2323023250,2325223235,23231,23232,2323423240A55863, A56979,23209, 23208, 23212, 23213Manuals & protocolsUser Guide: Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay KitUser Guide: Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit with Dilution-Free BSA Protein StandardsUser Guide: Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit − Reducing Agent CompatibleUser Guide: Micro BCA Protein Assay KitUser Guide: Modified Lowry Protein Assay KitApplication & technical guidesTechnical handbook: Protein AssaysTech Tip: Determine acceptable wavelengths for measuring protein assaysTech Tip: Eliminate interfering substances from samples for BCA Protein AssayTech Tip: How to use a protein assay standard curveTech Tip: Protein assay compatibility tableOther literatureLiberate yourself with Pierce Dilution-Free protein assays

BCA assays

  Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein AssayPierce BCA Protein Assay Kit with Dilution-Free BSA Protein StandardsPierce BCA Protein Assay - Reducing Agent CompatibleMicro BCA Protein AssayAssay range: (sample volume)20–10,000 µg (10 µL)20–2,000 µg/mL (25 µL)125–2,000 µg/mL (9 µL)2–40 µg/mL (150 µL) or 0.5–20 µg/mL (500 µL)Incubation time and temperature5 min at RT30 min at 37°C45 min at 37°C60 min at 60°CTotal assay time10 min45 min115 min130 minAbsorbance480 nm562 nm562 nm562 nmCompatible reagentsDetergentsDetergentsDetergents/reducing agents (e.g. DTT)DetergentsIncompatible reagentsReducing agents; chelatorsReducing agents; chelatorsChelatorsReducing agents; chelatorsUniformityLess protein: protein variation than Bradford assaysLess protein: protein variation than Bradford assaysSignificantly less (14–23%) protein: protein variation than Bradford assaysLess protein: protein variation than Bradford assaysDilution-free protein standardsYesYesNoNoCat. No.A55860 (500 mL)A55861 (250 mL)A55862 (20 mL)A55864 (1000 mL)A55865 (500 mL) Related BCA Kits:23225 (1000 mL)23227 (500 mL)23250 (275 mL/kit)23252 (microplate)23235 (500 mL/kit)Related product: Pierce Dilution Free BSA Protein Standards, Multichannel Pipette Compatible, 0.125–2 mg/mLRelated product: Pierce Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards, Multichannel Pipette Compatible, 0.125–10 mg/mLBCA kits overviewDilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay – green to yellow (A480 nm), 2-component, precise, detergent compatible assay to measure total protein vs. protein standard in 5 minutes at room temperatureBCA Protein Assay with Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards – green-to-purple (A562 nm), 2-component, precise, detergent-compatible assay reagent to measure total protein concentration vs. protein standard in 30 minutes at 37°C.BCA Protein Assay - Reducing Agent Compatible – reducing agent–compatible version of our BCA Reagent Kit to measure protein concentration in samples containing DTT or BME thiol-reductants.Micro BCA Protein Assay – special 3-component version of our BCA Reagent Kit to measure total protein concentration of dilute protein solutions (0.5 to 20 μg/mL).Effortless, Fast, AccurateSelect BCA assays now include Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards which are a set of 7 prediluted BSA standards, uniquely designed for multichannel pipette compatibility.Pierce Dilution-Free standards allow you to eliminate time-consuming and tedious dilutions when generating your standard curve and are calibrated by direct comparison to purified BSA from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to help ensure accurate standard curve generation.

BCA assay principles

Chemistry of BCA-based protein assaysThe Pierce BCA Protein Assays combines the well-known reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ by protein in an alkaline medium (also known as the biuret reaction) with the highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of the cuprous cation (Cu+) by bicinchoninic acid (BCA).Figure 1. The first step is the chelation of copper with protein in an alkaline environment to form a blue-colored complex. In this reaction, peptides containing three or more amino acid residues form a colored chelate complex with cupric ions in an alkaline environment containing sodium potassium tartrate.Single amino acids and dipeptides are unaffected in the biuret reaction, but tripeptides and larger polypeptides or proteins will react to produce the light blue-to-violet complex that absorbs light at 540 nm. One cupric ion forms a colored coordination complex with four to six nearby peptides bonds. The intensity of the color produced is proportional to the number of peptide bonds participating in the reaction.Figure 2. In the second step, BCA reagent, a highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection reagent, reacts with the cuprous cation (Cu+) that was formed in the first step and produces a purple-color.The BCA-copper complex is water-soluble and exhibits a strong linear absorbance at 562 nm with increasing protein concentrations. The purple color may be measured at any wavelength between 550 and 570 nm with minimal (less than 10%) loss of signal. The signal induced by the BCA reagent is approximately 100 times more sensitive (lower limit of detection) than the signal using the biuret reagent.Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA protein assay uses the same copper reduction method as traditional BCA assay with a unique copper chelator. In the second step of the color development reaction, the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA chelator reacts with the reduced (cuprous) cation (Cu+) that was formed in step one to produce an intensely gold-colored reaction product. The copper complex exhibits a strong linear absorbance at 480 nm with increasing protein concentrations.

Dilution-free BCA protein assays

Dilution-free BSA protein standards are available separately or as part of other BCA protein assays. Compared to the Bradford Assay or Pierce BCA Protein assay kit, the Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay reduces assay setup by up to 80% by eliminating the need to dilute samples and standards. Additionally, it only requires a 5-minute, room temperature incubation. The dilution-free BSA protein standards are also available in the BCA Protein Assay Kit with Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards.Figure 3. The Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Assay reduces setup time by up to 80% compared to other protein assays. The assays were conducted following the manufacturer’s protocols in a microplate format. Five cell lysates and five pure proteins were prepared to give a total of ten samples. Standard curves for the BCA and Bradford assays were generated through serial dilution of 2 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA) standard. The standard curve for the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Assay was generated using Pierce Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards (included with the kit) packaged in a multichannel pipette-friendly tube strip. Four of the ten samples were expected to have a starting concentration of >2 mg/mL, which necessitated a sample dilution step for the BCA and Bradford assays, whereas samples were not required to be diluted for the Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Assay. Samples were then mixed with working reagent from each assay and incubated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Advantages of BCA assays

BCA protein quantificationOne of the major advantages of the BCA assay is that it produces a linear response curve. This response curve allows accurate determination of unknown protein concentrations and provides a higher dynamic range than other standard assays.Figure 4. Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay generates a linear standard curve across a wide dynamic range (0–10 mg/mL). Standard curves were produced for the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay and the Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay (Bio-Rad) with purified BSA in 0.9% saline (0–10 mg/mL). Both assays were conducted using the manufacturer’s protocols in a microplate format. Absorbance readings were taken using the Thermo Scientific Varioskan LUX Multimode Microplate Reader.

BCA assay accuracy

Another major advantage of BCA protein assays is the accuracy as shown through low protein-to-protein variation. Proteins are diverse in their composition and structure, and with some assays, the proteins’ differences in amino acid sequence, isoelectric point (pI), secondary structure, and side chains or prosthetic groups result in variation in the colorimetric response. Since BCA chemistries develop a color response in proportion to the number of peptide bonds present, they are less affected by these differences when compared to dye-binding assays (e.g. Bradford Assays) and therefore exhibit less protein-to-protein variation.Figure 5. Protein quantification results of the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay and the Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay compared to samples of known concentration. Both assays were conducted in a microplate format, according to the respective manufacturers’ protocols. For the Bradford assay, 5 μL of sample was added to 250 μL of the Bradford working reagent and incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes. For the Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay, 10 μL of sample was added to 200 μL of Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA working reagent and incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes. Known concentrations of protein samples were based on manufacturers’ indicated concentrations and were confirmed by absorbance at 280 nm.

BCA protein assay protocols

BCA Protein Assay with Dilution-Free BSA Protein StandardsThe Pierce BCA Protein Assay can be performed using two different formats based upon the dynamic range needed to detect the protein concentration of an unknown sample. This BCA assay detects protein concentrations from 20–2,000 μg/mL using a two-component system: Reagent A, a carbonate buffer containing BCA reagent, and Reagent B, a cupric sulfate solution, which are combined to make an apple green–colored working solution that turns purple after 30 minutes at 37°C in the presence of protein. Since the color reaction is not a true endpoint reaction, considerable protocol flexibility is allowed with the Pierce BCA Protein Assay. By increasing the incubation temperature, the sensitivity of the assay can be increased. When using the enhanced tube protocol (i.e., incubating at 60°C for 30 minutes), the working range for the assay shifts to 5–250 μg/mL, facilitating detection of more dilute samples.Figure 6. BCA Protein Assay Kit with Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards, multichannel pipe compatible protocol.Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit protocolThe Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay provides the high sensitivity and linearity associated with the BCA assay but performed within a fraction of the time. Simply mix the BCA working solution, add samples and dilution-free standards to your microplate, incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature, and read the absorbance.Figure 7. Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit protocol.

Lowry assays

Modified Lowry Protein Assay KitAssay range: microplate (sample volume)10 to 1,500 µg/mL (40 µL)Assay range: cuvette (sample volume)1–1,500 µg/mL (200 µL)Incubation time and temperature10 and 30 min at RTTotal assay time110 minAbsorbance750 nmCompatible reagentsSDS (up to 1%)Incompatible reagentsReducing reagents, Chelators, detergents, tris, tricine, glycerolUniformityLess protein:protein variation than Coomassie dye methodsProduct size530 mL/kitCat. No.23240Related product: Pierce Dilution Free BSA Protein Standards, Multichannel Pipette Compatible, 2 mg/mLLowry assay principlesThe Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay is based on the colorimetric method introduced by Oliver H. Lowry in 1951. The Pierce modified assay replaces two of the assay’s traditional unstable reagents with a single, more stable one.Chemistry of the Pierce Modified Lowry AssayThe Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay is an enhanced biuret assay involving copper-chelation chemistry. Although the mechanism of color formation for the Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay is similar to that of the Pierce BCA Protein Assay, there are several significant differences between the two. While the precise mechanism for color formation using the Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay is not completely understood, it is known that the reaction occurs as two distinct steps. First, protein reacts with alkaline cupric sulfate in the presence of tartrate during a 10-minute incubation at room temperature. During this incubation, a tetradentate copper complex forms from four peptide bonds and one atom of copper, which is light blue in color (this is the “biuret reaction”). Following the incubation, the Folin phenol reagent is added. It is believed that the color enhancement occurs when the tetradentate copper complex transfers electrons to the phosphomolybdic–phosphotungstic acid complex (the Folin phenol reagent). The reduced phosphomolybdic–phosphotungstic acid complex produced by this reaction is intensely blue in color.Figure 8. Reaction schematic for the Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay Kit.Figure 9. Pierce Modified Lowry Protein Assay protocol


A55860, A55861, A55862, A55864, A55865,23221,23228,23223,23222,23224,23225,23227,2323023250,2325223235,23231,23232,2323423240A55863, A56979,23209, 23208, 23212, 23213


Manuals & protocolsUser Guide: Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay KitUser Guide: Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit with Dilution-Free BSA Protein StandardsUser Guide: Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit − Reducing Agent CompatibleUser Guide: Micro BCA Protein Assay KitUser Guide: Modified Lowry Protein Assay KitApplication & technical guidesTechnical handbook: Protein AssaysTech Tip: Determine acceptable wavelengths for measuring protein assaysTech Tip: Eliminate interfering substances from samples for BCA Protein AssayTech Tip: How to use a protein assay standard curveTech Tip: Protein assay compatibility tableOther literatureLiberate yourself with Pierce Dilution-Free protein assays


Pierce Protein methods – an encyclopedia of articles about protein analysisOverview of Protein AssaysChemistry of Protein AssaysProtein Assay Data AnalysisProtein assay technical guide – tools and reagents for improved quantitation of total or specific proteins.Protein assay compatibility table – summarizes compatible substances for several popular protein assays.Protein Analysis Learning Center – resources for different protein analysis techniquesProtein Biology Application Notes – journal-style articles based on research applications and proof-of-concept experimentsLiberate yourself with Pierce Dilution-Free protein assaysFor Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


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BCA 测蛋白浓度的原理 - 知乎

BCA 测蛋白浓度的原理 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册BCA 测蛋白浓度的原理Iris一个普通人,在学习如何给小朋友讲好故事BCA 全称是Bicinchoninic Acid Assay, 也叫Smith Assay,因为这个方法是Paul K. Smith 发明的……这个方法通过展示不同浓度样品的颜色变化来判断蛋白的浓度。图片源自网络BCA分析主要依靠两个反应。首先,蛋白质中的肽键可将硫酸铜中的Cu2+还原成Cu +(反应依赖于温度),其中减少的Cu 2+的量与溶液中存在的蛋白质的量成比例。接下来,每个Cu +离子都与两个分子的bicinchoninic acid螯合物形成紫色复合物,可强烈吸收562 nm波长的光。图片源自网络半胱氨酸/胱氨酸,酪氨酸和色氨酸侧链的存在会影响蛋白质样品中的二辛可宁酸Cu +复合物。在较高的温度(37至60°C)下,肽键有助于反应复合物的形成。建议在更高的温度下孵育BCA分析,以增加分析灵敏度,同时最大程度地减少由不相等的氨基酸组成引起的差异。[3] 溶液中存在的蛋白质量可以通过测量吸收光谱并与已知浓度的蛋白质溶液进行定量。参考资料:Wikipedia Smith, P.K.; et al. (1985). "Measurement of protein using bicinchoninic acid". Anal. Biochem. 150 (1): 76–85. doi:10.1016/0003-2697(85)90442-7. PMID 3843705.^ Olsen BJ, Markwell J (2007). "Assays for the Determination of Protein Concentration" (PDF). Current Protocols in Protein Science: 14–17.发布于 2021-02-09 17:24生物实验​赞同 52​​9 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

如何使用BCA进行蛋白浓度测定 - 知乎

如何使用BCA进行蛋白浓度测定 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册如何使用BCA进行蛋白浓度测定爱分享的Leo博士​​中山大学 医学博士实验原理BCA法基于双缩脲原理,碱性条件下蛋白质将Cu2+还原成Cu+,BCA鳌合Cu+作为显色剂,产生蓝紫色并在562nm有吸收峰,单价Cu+与蛋白质呈剂量相关性。可以根据待测蛋白在562nm处的吸光度计算待测蛋白浓度。1. 蛋白标准品的准备 a. 取0.8ml蛋白标准配制液加入到一管蛋白标准(20mg BSA)中,充分溶解后配制成25mg/ml的蛋白标准溶液。配制后可立即 使用,也可以-20ºC长期保存。 b. 取适量25mg/ml蛋白标准,稀释至终浓度为0.5mg/ml。例如取20µl 25mg/ml蛋白标准,加入980µl稀释液即可配制成 0.5mg/ml蛋白标准。蛋白样品在什么溶液中,标准品也宜用什么溶液稀释。但是为了简便起见,也可以用0.9% NaCl或PBS 稀释标准品。稀释后的0.5mg/ml蛋白标准可以-20ºC长期保存。 2. BCA工作液配制 根据样品数量,按50体积BCA试剂A加1体积BCA试剂B(50:1)配制适量BCA工作液,充分混匀。例如5ml BCA试剂A加100µl BCA试剂B,混匀,配制成5.1ml BCA工作液。BCA工作液室温24小时内稳定。 3. 蛋白浓度测定 a. 将标准品按0、1、2、4、8、12、16、20µl加到96孔板的标准品孔中,加标准品稀释液补足到20µl,相当于标准品浓度分 别为0、0.025、0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5mg/ml。b. 加适当体积样品到96孔板的样品孔中。如果样品不足20µl,需加标准品稀释液补足到20µl。请注意记录样品体积。 c. 各孔加入200µl BCA工作液,37ºC放置20-30分钟。 注: 也可以室温放置2小时,或60ºC放置30分钟。BCA法测定蛋白浓度时,颜色会随着时间的延长不断加深。并且显色反 应会因温度升高而加快。如果浓度较低,适合在较高温度孵育,或适当延长孵育时间。 d. 用酶标仪测定A562,或540-595nm之间的其他波长的吸光度。 e. 根据标准曲线和使用的样品体积计算出样品的蛋白浓度。是否每次测定时都需要做标准曲线? 建议每次测定时都做标准曲线。因为BCA法测定时颜色会随着时间的延长不断加深,并且显色反应的速度和温度有关,所 以除非精确控制显色反应的时间和温度,否则如需精确测定宜每次都做标准曲线。SCI方法写作实验太常规了,通常都是一笔带过的。发布于 2021-12-28 15:32生物化学分子生物学化学​赞同 121​​15 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

常见的三种蛋白定量法,你用的哪一种? - 知乎

常见的三种蛋白定量法,你用的哪一种? - 知乎首发于生物医学实验切换模式写文章登录/注册常见的三种蛋白定量法,你用的哪一种?卓知生物真实、稳定、service+1、BCA法原理:BCA (Bicinchoninic acid,2,2-联喹啉-4,4-二甲酸二钠),与含二价铜离子的硫酸铜组成BCA检测试剂(商业试剂盒中,碱性的BCA混合溶液与硫酸铜溶液分别包装,标记为A液和B液,二者在实验前比例混合,溶液呈绿色),在碱性条件下,二价铜离子可被蛋白质还原成一价铜离子,一价铜离子能够与BCA相互作用,两分子BCA鳌合一个铜离子,形成稳定的紫色复合物,在562nm处显示强吸光性。在一定浓度范围内,复合物的光密度与蛋白质含量呈线性关系,通过酶标仪或者分光光度计以标准品蛋白做标准曲线,随后检测靶标蛋白562nm波长处的吸光值,即可换算出靶标蛋白浓度。特点:BCA法作为已知最灵敏的检测方法之一,灵敏度高,普通BCA试剂盒检测范围为20-2000μg/ml,增强型BCA试剂盒最低检测浓度可到0.5μg/ml,检测范围广且线性稳定;同时该方法操作较为便捷,正常情况下可在45分钟内完成测定;不过由于反应中涉及“氧化”和“螯合”两个过程,BCA法检测结果会受到还原剂(如DTT,巯基乙醇等)、金属离子螯合剂(如EDTA等)干扰,不易受表面活性剂(Triton X-100、SDS等)影响。02Bradford法原理:Bradford法也称作考马斯亮蓝法(Bradford为发明人),考马斯亮蓝G250(Coomassie brilliant blue G250),是一种甲基取代的三苯基甲烷,每分子包含两个SO3-H基团,呈酸性,该磺酸基团能够通过范德华力与蛋白质的碱性基团结合形成稳定的染料-蛋白复合物,在595nm波长处有最大吸收峰,游离考马斯亮蓝G250溶液呈现棕红色,与蛋白反应之后变成蓝色;并且在一定浓度范围内,复合物的光密度与蛋白质含量呈线性关系。通过酶标仪或者分光光度计以标准品蛋白做标准曲线,随后检测靶标蛋白595nm波长处的吸光值,即可换算出靶标蛋白浓度。特点:Bradford法作为另一种最灵敏的检测方法,其灵敏度同样可以达到微克级别;并且仅需一种反应试剂即可完成检测,操作十分便捷;同时考马斯亮蓝染料与蛋白样本结合所需时间极短,2分钟即可形成稳定复合物,完成一次检测耗时仅需几分钟。但是,由于蛋白-染料稳定复合物之间是分子间作用力,故Bradford法会受到表面活性剂(Triton X-100、SDS等)干扰,除此之外,不同靶标蛋白中碱性氨基酸(范德华力作用)以及芳香族氨基酸(疏水作用)含量不一,对考马斯亮蓝的结合能力差异较大;而且随着蛋白浓度增加,线性关系会出现偏差。因此Bradford法与BCA法一样,也是一种不完美的检测手段。[延伸]:检测蛋白浓度的考马斯亮蓝和染色PAGE胶的考马斯亮蓝不是同一种物质,前者采用考马斯亮蓝G250,后者采用考马斯亮蓝R250,G250和R250分子基本骨架一样,但是G250多了两个甲基,与蛋白反应迅速,染胶慢且脱色困难,故用于蛋白定量;R250与蛋白反应较缓慢,染胶较快且易于洗脱,故用于PAGE胶染色。03UV法(NanoDrop)原理:UV法即紫外分光光度法,蛋白质分子中的芳香族氨基酸,包括色氨酸、赖氨酸、苯丙氨酸,含有可以吸收紫外光的共轭双键,最大吸收峰在280nm波长处,且在此波长内吸收峰的光密度值与其浓度成线性关系。通过分光光度计检测靶标蛋白280nm波长,即可根据Beer-Lambert定律(A=E*C*l;A代表吸光度,E代表消光系数,C代表蛋白质浓度,l代表光径长度,其中消光系数可以根据蛋白质序列估测)换算出靶标蛋白的浓度。特点:相较于上述两种检测手段,UV法一个最大的优势就是不用额外添加检测试剂,因此待测样本是可以回收利用的,不影响活性;这也使得UV法具有无与伦比的便捷性和高效性,通过Nanodrop等仪器,我们甚至可以在几秒内直接读出一个蛋白样本的浓度;UV法检测的灵敏度同样可以达到微克级别。UV法优势明显,缺点也极为突出。由于不同蛋白有不同的酪氨酸和色氨酸含量,对紫外光的吸收能力不同,故要准确测量,必须要有待测蛋白质或其它蛋白的纯品作标准品参考;其次,很多化合物在280nm处有吸光值,对实验结果造成干扰,其中核酸影响尤为严重,核酸最大吸收峰在260nm处,故溶液中可能存在核酸时,必须同时测定OD260和OD280,然后根据两种波长的吸收度的比值,通过经验公式校正,以消除核酸的影响 。发布于 2021-07-21 14:58生物化学分子间作用力生物医学​赞同 25​​3 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收录生物医学实验细胞干货、蛋白干货、检测干货、病理干





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Regulation of Apoptosis

Inhibition of Apoptosis

Death Receptor Signaling

Mitochondrial Control of Apoptosis

Autophagy Signaling

p53 Signaling



Insulin Signaling

AMPK Signaling

Warburg Effect

Hypoxia Signaling

Glucose metabolism

Fatty Acid Metabolism

Endocrinology & Hormones

Transmembrane Transporters

Glutamine Metabolism

Other Metabolism



Protein Acetylation

Histone Methylation

DNA Methylation

Crosstalk Between Protein Modifications

G1/S Checkpoint

G2M/DNA Damage Checkpoint

RNA Editing/Splicing


DNA Damage and Repair

Nuclear Receptor Signaling

Chromatin Regulation

Cell Cycle Related



Microtubule Dynamics

Actin Dynamics

Adherens Junction Dynamics

Cytoskeletal Signaling



Jak/Stat:IL-6 Signaling

NF-κB Signaling

Toll-Like Receptor Signaling

B Cell Receptor Signaling

T Cell Receptor Signaling



Tumor Necrosis Factors



T-Cell/B-Cell Activation


Complement Activation

Other Immune Pathways



MAPK/Erk in Growth & Differentiation

MAPK/Erk in GPCR Signaling

SAPK/JNK Signaling

p38 MAPK Signaling

PI3K/Akt Signaling

mTOR Signaling

MAP Kinase Signaling

Protein Tyrosine Kinase Signaling



Amyloid & Neurofibrillary Tangles

Dopamine Signaling

Presynaptic Vesicle Transport

Neuronal Signaling



PKC Signaling

Phospholipid Signaling

Protein Posttranslational Modification



Hippo Signaling

ESC Pluripotency and Differentiation

Stem Cell & Lineage Markers

Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling

Notch Signaling

Hedgehog Signaling

TGF-β Signaling




Translational Regulation

eIF4E & p70 S6K Pathway

eIF2 Pathway


Protein Folding



Breast Cancer

Tumor Immunology



ErbB/HER Signaling

Organelle Markers



Growth Factors

Transcription Factors

Signal Transduction








Regulation of Apoptosis

Inhibition of Apoptosis

Death Receptor Signaling

Mitochondrial Control of Apoptosis

Autophagy Signaling



Insulin Signaling

AMPK Signaling

Warburg Effect

Hypoxia Signaling

Glucose Metabolism

Fatty Acid Metabolism

Transmembrane Transporters



Protein Acetylation

Histone Methylation

Crosstalk Between Protein Modifications

G1/S Checkpoint

G2M/DNA Damage Checkpoint



Microtubule Dynamics

Actin Dynamics

Adherens Junction Dynamics



Jak/Stat:IL-6 Signaling

NF-κB Signaling

Toll-Like Receptor Signaling

B Cell Receptor Signaling

T Cell Receptor Signaling

Antimicrobial Signaling



MAPK/Erk in Growth & Differentiation

MAPK/Erk in GPCR Signaling

SAPK/JNK Signaling

p38 MAPK Signaling

PI3K/Akt Signaling

mTOR Signaling

Protein Tyrosine Kinase Signaling



Dopamine Signaling

Presynaptic Vesicle Trafficking




PKC Signaling

Phospholipid Signaling



Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling

Notch Signaling

Hedgehog Signaling

TGF-β Signaling



Translational Regulation




Nuclear Receptor Signaling

ErbB/HER Signaling



Anti COVID-19

















































































































































































































































































RNA-seq 998元起




1mg 1430元起

















Western Blot








































































RNase Inhibitor























































































      BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒(BCA Protein Assay Kit)是根据目前世界上最常用的两种蛋白浓度检测方法之一BCA法研制而成,实现了蛋白浓度测定的简单、高稳定性、高灵敏度和高兼容性。



      BCA法测定蛋白浓度不受绝大部分样品中的化学物质的影响,可以兼容样品中高达5%的SDS,5%的Triton X-100,5%

的Tween 20、60、80。但本试剂盒受螯合剂和略高浓度的还原剂的影响,需确保EDTA低于10mM,无EGTA,二硫苏糖醇


      BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒对样品中各种物质的详细的兼容性,请参见碧云天如下网页: Chart For BCA Kit.pdf































a.取1.2ml蛋白标准配制液加入到一管蛋白标准(30mg BSA)中,充分溶解后配制成25mg/ml的蛋白标准溶液。配制后可立即使用,也可以-20℃长期保存。

b.取适量25mg/ml蛋白标准,稀释至终浓度为0.5mg/ml。例如取20µl 25mg/ml蛋白标准,加入980µl稀释液即可配制成0.5mg/ml蛋白标准。蛋白样品在什么溶液中,标准品也宜用什么溶液稀释。但是为了简便起见,也可以用0.9% NaCl或PBS稀释标准品。稀释后的0.5mg/ml蛋白标准可以-20℃长期保存。


根据样品数量,按50体积BCA试剂A加1体积BCA试剂B(50:1)配制适量BCA工作液,充分混匀。例如5mlBCA试剂A加100μl BCA试剂B,混匀,配制成5.1ml BCA工作液。BCA工作液室温24小时内稳定。




c.各孔加入200μl BCA工作液,37℃放置20-30分钟。

注: 也可以室温放置2小时,或60℃放置30分钟。BCA法测定蛋白浓度时,颜色会随着时间的延长不断加深。并且显色反应会因温度升高而加快。如果浓度较低,适合在较高温度孵育,或适当延长孵育时间。




1. 测定标准曲线时发现随着标准品浓度的增加吸光度或颜色没有明显变化。

可能的原因是样品中含有严重干扰BCA法测定蛋白浓度的物质,详细的BCA法的兼容性列表请参考碧云天如下网页: Chart For BCA Kit.pdf














蛋白标准(5mg/ml BSA)





























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13. Hong-Sheng Chen, Ji Wang, Hou-Hong Li, Xiao Wang, Shao-Qi Zhang, Tan Deng, Yu-Ke Li, Ruo-Si Zou, Hua-Jie Wang, Rui Zhu, Wen-Long Xie, Gang Zhao, Fang Wang, Jian-Guo Chen


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14. Fu Y, Wu P, Pan Y, Sun X, Yang H, Difiglia M, Lu B.


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15. Xiaozhen Zhang, Xing Huang, Jian Xu, Enliang Li, Mengyi Lao, Tianyu Tang, Gang Zhang, Chengxiang Guo, Xiaoyu Zhang, Wen Chen, Dipesh Kumar Yadav, Xueli Bai, Tingbo Liang


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16. Donghui Zhang, Qi Chen, Yufang Bi, Haodong Zhang, Minzhang Chen, Jianglin Wan, Chao Shi, Wenjing Zhang, Junyu Zhang, Zhongqian Qiao, Jin Li, Shengfu Chen, Runhui Liu


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18. Xin Guan, Liping Sun, Yuting Shen, Fengshan Jin, Xiaowan Bo, Chunyan Zhu, Xiaoxia Han, Xiaolong Li, Yu Chen, Huixiong Xu, Wenwen Yue


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35. Ma JF, Guo JK, Peng LW, Chen CY, Zhang LX.


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55. Yuan QL, Yang CX, Xu P, Gao XQ, Deng L, Chen P, Sun ZL, Chen QY.


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61. Nie H, Li Z, Lukas RJ, Shen Y, Song L, Wang X, Yin M.


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62. Zhang DW, Cheng Y, Wang NL, Zhang JC, Yang MS, Yao XS.


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65. Zhang GG, Bai YP, Chen MF, Shi RZ, Jiang DJ, Fu QM, Tan GS, Li YJ.


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68. Wang Y, Peng KM, Li JL, Song H, Li SH, Wei L, Wang JX.


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69. Zhang GG, Shi RZ, Jiang DJ, Chen YR, Jia-Chen, Tang ZY, Bai YP, Xiao HB, Li YJ.


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70. Li J, Liu W, Ding S, Xu W, Guan Y, Zhang JH, Sun X.


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72. Tian B, Wang Z, Zhao Y, Wang D, Li Y, Ma L, Li X, Li J, Xiao N, Tian J, Rodriguez R.


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76. An R, Dong C, Lei Y, Han L, Li P, Chen J, Wang G, Shi Q, Gao C, Jiang H, Zhou W, Han J, Chu Y, Dong X.


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79. Chen M, Li Y, Yang T, Wang Y, Bai Y, Xie X.


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88. Li W, Liu Y, Zhang JW, Ai CZ, Xiang N, Liu HX, Yang L.


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89. Yuan Q, Li PD, Li BH, Yang XZ, Xu SB, Liu XH, Zhou FX, Zhang WJ.


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90. Wang YL, Wang CY, Zhang BJ, Zhang ZZ.


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91. Liu XS, Jiang J, Jiao XY, Wu YE, Lin JH, Cai YM.


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93. Liu X, Zhang Z, Li P, Zhu L, Wang Y, Wang C.


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95. Kang Y, Hu M, Zhu Y, Gao X, Wang MW.


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96. Xu J, Wang S, Lin Y, Cao L, Wang R, Chi Z.


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97. Jia H, Qi X, Fang S, Jin Y, Han X, Wang Y, Wang A, Zhou H.


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98. Zhang LF, Peng SQ, Wang S.


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99. Dong C, Wang Y, Zhu YZ.


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100. Xiao X, Liu A, Wen H, Tian Y, Ni J, Liu G.


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101. Cheng B, Song J, Zou Y, Wang Q, Lei Y, Zhu C, Hu C.


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102. Chen MF, Li YJ, Yang TL, Lou B, Xie XM.


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103. Zhang DL, Chen YQ, Jiang X, Ji TT, Mei B.


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104. Wang XD, Meng MX, Gao LB, Liu T, Xu Q, Zeng S.


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105. Chen B, Gao XQ, Yang CX, Tan SK, Sun ZL, Yan NH, Pang YG, Yuan M, Chen GJ, Xu GT, Zhang K, Yuan QL.


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106. Ding D, Huang P, Sun H, Xue Q, Pan Y, Chen S.


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(IF 3.209)

107. Liu X, Shi S, Ye J, Liu L, Sun M, Wang C.


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108. Zhang Z, Wang Q, Li P, Zhou Y, Li S, Yi W, Chen A, Kong P, Hu C.


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109. Ma K, Hu M, Qi Y, Qiu L, Jin Y, Yu J, Li B.


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110. Liao Z, Huang C, Zhou F, Xiong J, Bao J, Zhang H, Sun W, Xie C, Zhou Y.


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111. Feng B, Huang CG, Chen RH, Guo YW, Jiao BH.


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113. Shi GS, Ren LF, Wang LZ, Lin HS, Wang SB, Tong YQ.


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114. Chen Y, Wang J, Yao Y, Yuan W, Kong M, Lin Y, Geng D, Nie R.


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115. Chen WL, Qian Y, Meng WF, Pang JY, Lin YC, Guan YY, Chen SP, Liu J, Pei Z, Wang GL.


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116. Ma K, Hu MX, Qi Y, Zou JH, Qiu LY, Jin Y, Ying XY, Sun HY.


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117. Hua W, Jiang J, Rong X, Wu R, Qiu H, Zhang Y, Chen Q.


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118. Lin Y, Chen Y, Yang X, Xu D, Liang S.


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119. Xu Y, Ge R, Du J, Xin H, Yi T, Sheng J, Wang Y, Ling C.


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121. Wu W, Yan C, Gan T, Chen Z, Lu X, Duerksen-Hughes PJ, Zhu X, Yang J.


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122. Gong HS, Meng XC, Wang H.


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123. Li F, Gong QH, Wu Q, Lu YF, Shi JS.


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125. Han J, Zhou YP, Jiang YZ, He YT, Mei F.


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129. Li Q, Wu D, Zhang L, Zhang Y.


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137. Hu H, Zhang Y, Zou M, Yang S, Liang XQ.


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138. Ding XL, Wang YH, Ning LP, Zhang Y, Ge HY, Jiang H, Wang R, Yue SW.


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139. Huang LH, Hu JQ, Tao WQ, Li YH, Li GM, Xie PY, Liu XS, Jiang J.


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140. Sun J, Liu X, Li Q.


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141. Wang S, Liu S, Liu H, Wang J, Zhou S, Jiang RJ, Bendena WG, Li S.


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142. Cao BY, Yang YP, Luo WF, Mao CJ, Han R, Sun X, Cheng J, Liu CF.


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143. Liu J, Wang A, Li L, Huang Y, Xue P, Hao A.


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144. Li C, Xing G, Dong M, Zhou L, Li J, Wang G, Zou D, Wang R, Liu J, Niu Y.


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145. Zhou CL, Yu XJ, Chen LM, Jiang H, Li CY.


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146. Chen S, Chen Y, Hu C, Jing H, Cao Y, Liu X.


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147. Wu GJ, Zhou LZ, Wang KW, Chen F, Sun Y, Duan YR, Zhu YJ, Gu HC.


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148. Wang YX, Xu XY, Su WL, Wang Q, Zhu WX, Chen F, Jin G, Liu YJ, Li YD, Sun YP, Gao WC, Ruan CP.


Activation and Clinical Significance of p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway in Patients With Severe Trauma.

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(IF 1.841)

149. Yuan D, Pan Y, Zhang J, Shao C.


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(IF 5.803)

150. Zhang JC, Liu CL, Li YP, Sun J, Wang P, Di KQ, Chen H, Zhao YY .


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(IF 2.846)

151. Sun H, Li QW, Lv XY, Ai JZ, Yang QT, Duan JJ, Bian GH, Xiao Y, Wang YD, Zhang Z, Liu YH, Tan RZ, Yang Y, Wei YQ, Zhou Q.


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152. Zhu J, Zhang L, Jin X, Han X, Sun C, Yan J.


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153. Wang S, Lv X, Zhang K, Lin T, Liu X, Yuan J, Dai Y, Li N.


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154. Deng X, Cheng J, Zhang Y, Li N, Chen L.


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155. Zhao L, Yang R, Cheng L, Wang M, Jiang Y, Wang S.


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156. Chen Z, Liu S, Sumida T, Sun S, Wei Y, Liu M, Dong Z, Zhang F, Hamakawa H, Wei F.


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157. Zhang L, Jiang G, Yao F, He Y, Liang G, Zhang Y, Hu B, Wu Y, Li Y, Liu H.


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158. Xiao O, Xie ZL, Lin BW, Yin XF, Pi RB, Zhou SY.


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159. Jiang L, Lin J, Han H, Dong H, Zhao Q, Zhu S, Huang B.


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160. Zhang YS, He L, Liu B, Li NS, Luo XJ, Hu CP, Ma QL, Zhang GG, Li YJ, Peng J.


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161. Wu J, Lai G, Wan F, Xiao Z, Zeng L, Wang X, Ye F, Lei T.


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162. Liu P, Shi Y, Yang Y, Cao Y, Shi Y, Li H, Liu J, Lin J, Jin Y.


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163. Du HM, Zheng XH, Wang LY, Tang W, Liu L, Jing W, Lin YF, Tian WD, Long J.


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164. Wang Y, Xie S, Liu C, Wu Y, Liu Y, Cai Y.


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165. Song Z, Li Y, Liu Y, Xin J, Zou X, Sun W.


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166. Baohua Y, Li L.


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167. Li Y, Wang J, Grebogi C, Foote M, Liu F.


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168. Zhong Y, Liu T, Guo Z.


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169. Liang G, Chen H, Zhang S, Wu W, Kong J.


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170. Li XJ, Liu DP, Chen HL, Pan XH, Kong QY, Pang QF.


Lactoferrin protects against lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice.

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171. Han X, Lu M, Wang S, Lv D, Liu H.


Targeting IKK/NF-κB pathway reduces infiltration of inflammatory cells and apoptosis after spinalcord injury in rats.

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(IF 2.274)

172. Zhang X, Xu Y, Wang J, Zhou Q, Pu S, Jiang W, Du D.


The effect of intrathecal administration of glial activation inhibitors on dorsal horn BDNFoverexpression and hind paw mechanical allodynia in spinal nerve ligated rats.

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(IF 3.505)

173. Zhao S, Zhao G, Xie H, Huang Y, Hou Y.


A conjugate of an anti-midkine single-chain variable fragment to doxorubicin inhibits tumorgrowth.

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174. Yu SJ, Liu HC, Ling-Ling E, Wang DS, Zhu GX.


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(IF 3.139)

175. Wang T, Fu F, Han B, Zhang L, Zhang X.


Danshensu ameliorates the cognitive decline in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice byattenuating advanced glycation end product-mediated neuroinflammation.

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176. Liu M, Zhou G, Song W, Li P, Liu H, Niu X, Fan Y.


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(IF 6.895)

177. Xu MF, Xiong YY, Liu JK, Qian JJ, Zhu L, Gao J.


Asiatic acid, a pentacyclic triterpene in Centella asiatica, attenuates glutamate-induced cognitivedeficits in mice and apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells.

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(IF 5.064)

178. Yu H, Li Q, Zhou X, Kolosov VP, Perelman JM.


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179. Zuo K, Li D, Pulli B, Yu F, Cai H, Yuan X, Zhang X, Lv Z.


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180. Chen M, Hu M, Wang D, Wang G, Zhu X, Yan D, Sun J.


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181. Sun D, Wang Y, Liu C, Zhou X, Li X, Xiao A.


Effects of nitric oxide on renal interstitial fibrosis in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction.

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182. Zhao XY, Zhu YJ, Chen F, Wu J.


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(IF 4.056)

183. Yang L, Cheng F, Liu T, Lu JR, Song K, Jiang L, Wu S, Guo W.


Comparison of mesenchymal stem cells released from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) copolymerfilm and by trypsinization.

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184. Sun X, Cheng F, Meng B, Yang B, Song W, Yuan H.


Pregnenolone sulfate decreases intraocular pressure and changes expression of sigma receptorin a model of chronic ocular hypertension.

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185. Ren M, Qin D, Li K, Qu J, Wang L, Wang Z, Huang A, Tang H.


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(IF 4.101)

186. Yang XH, Wang YH, Wang JJ, Liu YC, Deng W, Qin C, Gao JL, Zhang LY.


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(IF 2.843)

187. Li TT, Zhang YS, He L, Liu B, Shi RZ, Zhang GG, Peng J.


Inhibition of vascular peroxidase alleviates cardiac dysfunction and apoptosis induced by ischemia-reperfusion.


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(IF 1.946)

188. Zhang Y, Xu Y, Zhu Q, Zhao F, Luo J, Zhang X, Wang X.


Upregulation of dysbindin in temporal lobe epileptic foci of human and experimental animals.


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(IF 2.318)

189. Huang Q, Deng J, Xie Z, Wang F, Chen S, Lei B, Liao P, Huang N, Wang Z, Wang Z, Cheng Y.


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(IF 2.514)

190. Zhong X, Li W, Huang X, Zhang L, Yimamu M, Raiput N, Zhou Y, Wang T.


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191. Sang H, Zhang L, Li J.


Anti-benzopyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide induces apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway in humanbronchiolar epithelium cells independent of the mitochondria permeability transition pore.

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(IF 4.679)

192. Hao M, Kuang HY, Fu Z, Gao XY, Liu Y, Deng W.


Exenatide prevents high-glucose-induced damage of retinal ganglion cells through a mitochondrialmechanism.

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(IF 3.881)

193. Jiang H, Yuan H, Liang Y, Xia S, Zhao Q, Wu Q, Zhang L, Liang Z, Zhang Y.


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(IF 4.049)

194. Xiong W, Luo Y, Zhang C, Tan D, Zuo S.


Expression, Purification of Recombinant Human Mitochondrial Transcription TerminationFactor 3(hMTERF3) and Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody Against hMTERF3.


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(IF 2.277)

195. Zhang L, Ding W, Sun H, Zhou Q, Huang J, Li X, Xie Y, Chen J.


Salidroside protects PC12 cells from MPP(+)-induced apoptosis via activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway.

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2012 Aug;50(8):2591-7.

(IF 4.679)

196. Zhang Q, He QF, Zhang TH, Yu XL, Liu Q, Deng FL.


Improvement in the delivery system of bone morphogenetic protein-2: a new approach to promotebone formation.

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(IF 3.174)

197. Fauzee NJ, Wang YL, Dong Z, Li QG, Wang T, Mandarry MT, Xu L, Pan J.


Novel hydrophilic docetaxel (CQMU-0519) analogue inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis inhuman A549 lung, SKVO3 ovarian and MCF7 breast carcinoma cell lines.


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(IF 5.753)

198. Lin N, Chen H, Zhang H, Wan X, Su Q.


Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) inhibition ameliorates palmitate-induced INS-1 betacell death.


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(IF 3.235)

199. Liu W, Li N.


Chicken sine oculis binding protein homolog (sobp), a novel gene that may regulate feather development.


2012 Aug;91(8):1950-5.

(IF 0.88)

200. Zhou H, Chen ZB, Tian HQ, Xu X, Wang YQ, Xing GQ, Cheng L.


Effects of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α on bone conduction impairment in otitis media with effusion.


2012 Sep;132(9):938-43.

(IF 1.157)

201. Song Z, Liu L, Yue Y, Jiao H, Lin H, Sheikhahmadi A, Everaert N, Decuypere E, Buyse J.


Fasting alters protein expression of AMP-activated protein kinase in the hypothalamus of broilerchicks (Gallus gallus domesticus).


2012 Sep 15;178(3):546-55.

(IF 2.426)

202. Liu H, Chen X, Gao W, Jiang G.


The expression of heparanase and microRNA-1258 in human non-small cell lung cancer.


2012 Oct;33(5):1327-34.

(IF 3.65)

203. Zhao P, Han T, Guo JJ, Zhu SL, Wang J, Ao F, Jing MZ, She YL, Wu ZH, Ye LB.


HCV NS4B induces apoptosis through the mitochondrial death pathway.

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2012 Oct;169(1):1-7.

(IF 2.934)

204. Hu B, Zhou H, Gao H, Liu Y, Yan T, Zou L, Chen L.


IFN-γ Inhibits Osteopontin Expression in Human Decidual Stromal Cells and can be Attenuated by 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3.

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2012 Oct;68(4):353-61.

(IF 2.739)

205. Zhang Y, Zhou L, Zhang X, Bai J, Shi M, Zhao G.


Ginsenoside-Rd attenuates TRPM7 and ASIC1a but promotes ASIC2a expression in rats after focalcerebral ischemia.

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(IF 2.415)

206. Bi WY, Fu BD, Shen HQ, Wei Q, Zhang C, Song Z, Qin QQ, Li HP, Lv S, Wu SC, Yi PF, Wei XB.


Sulfated Derivative of 20(S)-Ginsenoside Rh2 Inhibits Inflammatory Cytokines Through MAPKs andNF-kappa B Pathways in LPS-Induced RAW264.7 Macrophages.


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(IF 3.212)

207. Tian J, Yan J, Wang W, Zhong N, Tian L, Sun J, Min Z, Ma J, Lu S.


T-2 toxin enhances catabolic activity of hypertrophic chondrocytes through ROS-NF-κB-HIF-2αpathway.

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2012 Oct 26(7):1106-13.

(IF 2.959)

208. Chen X, Yang X, Liu T, Guan M, Feng X, Dong W, Chu X, Liu J, Tian X, Ci X, Li H, Wei J, Deng Y, Deng X, Chi G, Sun Z.


Kaempferol regulates MAPKs and NF-κB signaling pathways to attenuate LPS-induced acute lunginjury in mice.

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2012 Oct;14(2):209-16.

(IF 3.943)

209. Li XY, Jing CQ, Zang XY, Yang S, Wang JJ.


Toxic cytological alteration and mitochondrial dysfunction in PC12 cells induced by 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride.

Toxicol In Vitro.

2012 Oct;26(7):1087-92.

(IF 2.959)

210. Ding Y, Huang X, Liu T, Fu Y, Tan Z, Zheng H, Zhou T, Dai J, Xu W.


The Plasmodium Circumsporozoite Protein, a Novel NF-κB Inhibitor, Suppresses the Growth ofSW480.

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2012 Oct;18(4):895-902.

(IF 2.826)

211. Zhu XB, Wang YB, Chen O, Zhang DQ, Zhang ZH, Cao AH, Huang SY, Sun RP.


Characterization of the expression of macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α) andchemokine receptor CCR5 after kainic acid-induced status epilepticus (SE) in juvenile rats.


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(IF 7.5)

212. Lu N, Liu Q, Li R, Xie L, Shen J, Guan W, Qian X, Yu L, Ding Y, Jiang X, Liu B.


Superior antimetastatic effect of pemetrexed-loaded gelatinase-responsive nanoparticles in amouse metastasis model.


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(IF 2.26)

213. Zhou YM, Zhang XF, Cao L, Li B, Sui CJ, Li YM, Yin ZF


MCM7 expression predicts post-operative prognosis for hepatocellular carcinoma.

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2012 Nov;32(10):1505-9.

(IF 5.175)

214. Jia P, Xu YJ, Zhang ZL, Li K, Li B, Zhang W, Yang H.


Ferric ion could facilitate osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption through the production ofreactive oxygen species.

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2012 Nov;30(11):1843-52.

(IF 2.728)

215. Tang X, Liu J, Dong W, Li P, Li L, Lin C, Zheng Y, Hou J, Li D.


The cardioprotective effects of citric Acid and L-malic Acid on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury.



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216. Liu X, Wang M, Chen H, Guo Y, Ma F, Shi F, Bi Y, Li Y.


Hypothermia protects the brain from transient global ischemia/reperfusion by attenuating endoplasmic reticulum response-induced apoptosis through CHOP.

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217. Jin R, Zhu W, Cao S, Chen R, Jin H, Liu Y, Wang S, Wang W, Xiao G.


Japanese encephalitis virus activates autophagy as a viral immune evasion strategy.

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218. Feng Q, Gou XJ, Meng SX, Huang C, Zhang YQ, Tang YJ, Wang WJ, Xu L, Peng JH, Hu YY.


Qushi Huayu Decoction Inhibits Hepatic Lipid Accumulation by Activating AMP-Activated Protein Kinase In Vivoand In Vitro.



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219. Zhang L, Xiao R, Xiong J, Leng J, Ehtisham A, Hu Y, Ding Q, Xu H, Liu S, Wang J, Tang DG, Zhang Q.


Activated ERM protein plays a critical role in drug resistance of MOLT4 cells induced by CCL25.

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220. Hu L, Wu QQ, Wang WB, Jiang HG, Yang L, Liu Y, Yu HJ, Xie CH, Zhou YF, Zhou FX.


Suppression of Ku80 Correlates with Radiosensitivity and Telomere Shortening in the U2OS Telomerase-negativeOsteosarcoma Cell Line.



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221. Wang M, Wang J, Tan R, Wu Q, Qiu H, Yang J, Jiang Q.


Effect of Berberine on PPAR α /NO Activation in High Glucose- and Insulin-Induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy.



(IF 1.813)

222. Chen X, Gu M, Zhao X, Zheng X, Qin Y, You X.


Deterioration of cardiac function after acute myocardial infarction is prevented by transplantation of modified endothelial progenitor cells overexpressing endothelial NO synthases.



(IF 5.5)

223. Gao M, Wu M, Song Y, Jin L, Lou J, Tao H.


PCB153-induced oxidative stress and cell apoptosis on cultured rat Sertoli cells.

Toxicology Research.


(IF 1.593)

224. Lian LH, Jin Q, Song SZ, Wu YL, Bai T, Jiang S, Li Q, Yang N, Nan JX.


Ginsenoside Rh2 Downregulates LPS-Induced NF- κ B Activation through Inhibition of TAK1 Phosphorylation inRAW 264.7 Murine Macrophage.



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225. Liu Z, Zhang J, Huang X, Huang L, Li S, Wang Z.


Magnesium sulfate inhibits the secretion of high mobility group box 1 from lipopolysaccharide-activated RAW264.7 macrophages in vitro.

J Surg Res.

2013 Jan;179(1):e189-95.

(IF 1.841)

226. Zhu C, Wang Q, Xie J, Shi J, Zhou X, Li D, Xiong F, Zhang L.


Expression and Significance of RKIP and E-cadherin in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Pathol Oncol Res.

2013 Jan;19(1):19-26.

(IF 2.826)

227. Qiu L, Chen Y, Gao M, Zheng C, Zhao Q.


Phagocytic uptake and ROS-mediated cytotoxicity in human hepatic cell line of amphiphilic polyphosphazenenanoparticles.

J Biomed Mater Res A.

2013 Jan;101(1):285-97.

(IF 3.525)

228. Tang XQ, Zhuang YY, Zhang P, Fang HR, Zhou CF, Gu HF, Zhang H, Wang CY.


Formaldehyde impairs learning and memory involving the disturbance of hydrogen sulfide generation in thehippocampus of rats.

J Mol Neurosci.

2013 Jan;49(1):140-9.

(IF 2.678)

229. Zou Y, Hong B, Fan L, Zhou L, Liu Y, Wu Q, Zhang X, Dong M.


Protective effect of puerarin against beta-amyloid-induced oxidative stress in neuronal cultures from rat hippocampus: involvement of the GSK-3β/Nrf2 signaling pathway.


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(IF 2.839)

230. Ding J, Li QY, Yu JZ, Wang X, Lu CZ, Ma CG, Xiao BG.


Carbamylated erythropoietin ameliorates hypoxia-induced cognitive and behavioral defects with the generation ofcholine acetyltransferase-positive neurons.

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2013 Jan;91(1):73-82.

(IF 4.699)

231. Gu Y, Zhao Y, Gong L, Wang Y, Zhang Y.


Potassium aspartate attenuates apoptotic cell death after focal cerebral ischemia in rats.

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2013 Jan-Mar;3(1):14–19.

232. Duan S, Yang X, Mao J, Qi B, Cai Q, Shen H, Yang F, Deng X, Wang S.


Osteocompatibility evaluation of poly(glycine ethyl ester-co-alanine ethyl ester)phosphazene with honeycomb-patterned surface topography.

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233. Jia F, Fan J, Zhang B, Yuan Z.


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(IF 3.242)

234. Chen Y, Huang C, Bai C, Gao H, Ma R, Liu X, Dong Q.


Benzo[α]pyrene repressed DNA mismatch repair in human breast cancer cells.


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(IF 4.099)

235. Xie B, Zhou J, Shu G, Liu DC, Zhou J, Chen J, Yuan L.


Restoration of klotho gene expression induces apoptosis and autophagy in gastric cancer cells: tumorsuppressive role of klotho in gastric cancer.

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(IF 4.175)

236. Bai T, Lian LH, Wu YL, Wan Y, Nan JX.


Thymoquinone attenuates liver fibrosis via PI3K and TLR4 signaling pathways in activated hepatic stellate cells.

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2013 Feb;15(2):275-81.

(IF 3.943)

237. Liu H, Wu Z, Shi X, Li W, Liu C, Wang D, Ye X, Liu L, Na J, Cheng H, Chen L.


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(IF 2.895)

238. Zhang H, Wang ZW, Wu HB, Li Z, Li LC, Hu XP, Ren ZL, Li BJ, Hu ZP.


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(IF 2.795)

239. Dong X, Wang G, Zhang G, Ni Z, Suo J, Cui J, Cui A, Yang Q, Xu Y, Li F.


The endothelial lipase protein is promising urinary biomarker for diagnosis of gastric cancer.

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(IF 2.335)

240. Yang T, Li C, Zhang L, Li M, Zhou P.


A promising hepatocyte-like cell line, CCL-13, exhibits good liver function both in vitro and in an acute liver failuremodel.


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(IF 0.784)

241. Sui Z, Yuan H, Liang Z, Zhao Q, Wu Q, Xia S, Zhang L, Huo Y, Zhang Y.


An activity-maintaining sequential protein extraction method for bioactive assay and proteome analysis of velvetantlers.


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(IF 5.339)

242. Hu X, Yang T, Li C, Zhang L, Li M, Huang W, Zhou P.


Human fetal hepatocyte line, L-02, exhibits good liver function in vitro and in an acute liver failure model.


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243. Jin J, Zhao WC, Yuan F.


CXCR7/CXCR4/CXCL12 Axis Regulates the Proliferation, Migration, Survival and Tube Formation of Choroid-Retinal Endothelial Cells.

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(IF 1.961)

244. Yin Y, Liu W, Ji G, Dai Y.


The essential role of p38 MAPK in mediating the interplay of oxLDL and IL-10 in regulating endothelial cellapoptosis.

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(IF 3.025)

245. Jia QA, Wang ZM, Ren ZG, Bu Y, Xie XY, Wang YH, Zhang L, Zhang QB, Xue TC, Deng LF, Tang ZY.


Herbal compound "Songyou Yin" attenuates hepatoma cell invasiveness and metastasis through downregulationof cytokines secreted by activated hepatic stellate cells.


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(IF 2.833)

246. ITan Z, Zhu R, Shi R, Zhong J, Ma Y, Wang C, Wang X, Cheng N.


Involvement of rat organic cation transporter 2 in the renal uptake of jatrorrhizine.


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247. Hu J, Wu Q, Li T, Chen Y, Wang S.


Inhibition of high glucose-induced VEGF release in retinal ganglion cells by RNA interference targeting G protein-coupled receptor 91.

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(IF 3.011)

248. Wang J, Cui J, Zhu H.


Suppression of type I collagen in human scleral fibroblasts treated with extremely low-frequency electromagneticfields.

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(IF 2.202)

249. Wang Y, Li B, Li Z, Huang S, Wang J, Sun R.


Improvement of hypoxia-ischemia-induced white matter injury in immature rat brain by ethyl pyruvate.

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(IF 3.038)

250. He CL, Yi PF, Fan QJ, Shen HQ, Jiang XL, Qin QQ, Song Z, Zhang C, Wu SC, Wei XB, Li YL, Fu BD.


Xiang-Qi-Tang and its active components exhibit anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties by inhibiting MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways in LPS-treated rat cardiac microvascular endothelial cells.


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(IF 2.352)

251. Tang Z, Wu M, Li Y, Zheng X, Liu H, Cheng X, Xu L, Wang G, Hao H.


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(IF 5.977)

252. Huo K, Zhang X, Wang H, Zhao L, Liu X, Chu PK.


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(IF 10.317)

253. Yan W, Zhang H, Liu P, Wang H, Liu J, Gao C, Liu Y, Lian K, Yang L, Sun L, Guo Y, Zhang L, Dong L, Lau WB, Gao E, Gao F, Xiong L, Wang H, Qu Y, Tao L.


Impaired mitochondrial biogenesis due to dysfunctional adiponectin-AMPK-PGC-1α signaling contributing toincreased vulnerability in diabetic heart.

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(IF 11.981)

254. Yu SY, Zhang M, Luo J, Zhang L, Shao Y, Li G.


Curcumin ameliorates memory deficits via neuronal nitric oxide synthase in aged mice.


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(IF 4.361)

255. Wang J, Zeng L, Zhou Q, Xu Y, Pu S, Jiang W, Zhang X, Du D.


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256. Jing J, Liu H, Chen H, Hu S, Xiao K, Ma X.


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257. Wei Q, Shi F.


Cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 is involved in the process of porcine ovarian follicular atresia.

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(IF 1.66)

258. Bi LQ, Zhu R, Kong H, Wu SL, Li N, Zuo XR, Zhou SM, Kou JP, Yu BY, Wang H, Xie WP.


Ruscogenin attenuates monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats.

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(IF 3.943)

259. Yan M, Shi Y, Wang Y, Wang C, Zhou J, Quan C, Liu C, Yang K.


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(IF 3.152)

260. Yi PF, Bi WY, Shen HQ, Wei Q, Zhang LY, Dong HB, Bai HL, Zhang C, Song Z, Qin QQ, Lv S, Wu SC, Fu BD, Wei XB.


Inhibitory effects of sulfated 20(S)-ginsenoside Rh2 on the release of pro-inflammatory mediators in LPS-inducedRAW 264.7 cells.

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(IF 3.263)

261. Han HY, Zhu SH, Jiang LL, Li Y, Dong H, Zhao QP, Kong CL, Huang B.


Molecular characterization and analysis of a novel calcium-dependent protein kinase from Eimeria tenella.


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(IF 2.783)

262. Xie N, Wang C, Lian Y, Zhang H, Wu C, Zhang Q.


A selective inhibitor of Drp1, mdivi-1, protects against cell death of hippocampal neurons in pilocarpine-inducedseizures in rats.

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(IF 2.274)

263. Yue Y, Yang X, Wei X, Chen J, Fu N, Fu Y, Ba K, Li G, Yao Y, Liang C, Zhang J, Cai X, Wang M.


Osteogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells prompted by low-intensity pulsed ultrasound.


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(IF 5.753)

264. Chen N, Wu Q, Chi G, Soromou LW, Hou J, Deng Y, Feng H.


Prime-O-glucosylcimifugin attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice.

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(IF 3.943)

265. Tang L, Ma X, Tian Q, Cheng Y, Yao H, Liu Z, Qu X, Han X.


Inhibition of angiogenesis and invasion by DMBT is mediated by downregulation of VEGF and MMP-9 through Aktpathway in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.

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2013 Jun;56:204-13.

(IF 4.679)

266. Hong JP, Li XM, Li MX, Zheng FL.


VEGF suppresses epithelial-mesenchymal transition by inhibiting the expression of Smad3 and miR-192, aSmad3-dependent microRNA.

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2013 Jun;31(6):1436-42.

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267. Yan Y, Liu H, Wen H, Jiang X, Cao X, Zhang G, Liu G.


The novel estrogen receptor GPER regulates the migration and invasion of ovarian cancer cells.

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2013 Jun;378(1-2):1-7.

(IF 2.795)

268. Zou M, Xia S, Zhuang L, Han N, Chu Q, Chao T, Peng P, Chen Y, Gui Q, Yu S.


Knockdown of the Bcl-2 gene increases sensitivity to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the H1975 lung cancercell line harboring T790M mutation.

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269. Xue H, Zhang XY, Liu JM, Song Y, Liu TT, Chen D.


NDGA reduces secondary damage after spinal cord injury in rats via anti-inflammatory effects.

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270. Li L, Ye XP, Lu AZ, Zhou SQ, Liu H, Liu ZJ, Jiang S, Xu SY.


Hyperglycemia magnifies bupivacaine-induced cell apoptosis triggered by mitochondria dysfunction andendoplasmic reticulum stress.

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271. Zhang E, Yan X, Zhang M, Chang X, Bai Z, He Y, Yuan Z.


Aggrecanases in the human synovial fluid at different stages of osteoarthritis.

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2013 Jun;32(6):797-803.

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272. Sun L, Zhao M, Yu XJ, Wang H, He X, Liu JK, Zang WJ.


Cardioprotection by acetylcholine: a novel mechanism via mitochondrial biogenesis and function involving the PGC-1α pathway.

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(IF 5.546)

273. Li X, Wang X, Han C, Wang X, Xing G, Zhou L, Li G, Niu Y.


Astragaloside IV suppresses collagen production of activated hepatic stellate cells via oxidative stress-mediatedp38 MAPK pathway.


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(IF 6.17)

274. Zhang JX, Yang JR, Chen GX, Tang LJ, Li WX, Yang H, Kong X.


Sesamin ameliorates arterial dysfunction in spontaneously hypertensive rats via downregulation of NADPHoxidase subunits and upregulation of eNOS expression.

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(IF 5.064)

275. Tang Y, Wang YL, Yang L, Xu JX, Xiong W, Xiao M, Li M.


Inhibition of arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase 1 reduces the expression of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 in coloncarcinoma.

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276. Qing Y, Liang Y, Du Q, Fan P, Xu H, Xu Y, Shi N.


Apoptosis induced by Trimethyltin chloride in human neuroblastoma cells SY5Y is regulated by a balance and cross-talk between NF-κB and MAPKs signaling pathways.

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277. Zhou D, Wei A, Cao C, Ruan J.


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278. Qin D, Li K, Qu J, Wang S, Zou C, Sheng Y, Huang A, Tang H.


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279. Chen S, Lin G, Lei L, You X, Wu C, Xu W, Huang M, Luo L, Wang Z, Li Y, Zhao X, Yan F.


Hyperlipidemia Modifies Innate Immune Responses to Lipopolysaccharide via the TLR-NF-κB Signaling Pathway.


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(IF 3.212)

280. Qiu X, Cao L, Yang X, Zhao X, Liu X, Han Y, Xue Y, Jiang H, Chi Z.


Role of mitochondrial fission in neuronal injury in pilocarpine-induced epileptic rats.


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(IF 3.056)

281. Liu YW, Zhu X, Yang QQ, Lu Q, Wang JY, Li HP, Wei YQ, Yin JL, Yin XX.


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282. Yan T, Liu Y, Cui K, Hu B, Wang F, Zou L.


MiR-126 regulates EPCs function: implications for a role of miR-126 in preeclampsia.

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2013 Sep;114(9):2148-59.

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283. Xu T, Wang X, Chen G, He Y, Bie P.


Autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation attenuates hepatocyte apoptosis in a rat model of ex vivo liver resection and liver autotransplantation.

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2013 Oct;184(2):1102-8.

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284. Li LL, Wang H.


Enzyme-Coated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as Efficient Antibacterial Agents In Vivo.

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(IF 7.367)

285. Zheng XF, Li B, Zhang YH, Yang YH, Meng XY, Jiang SD, Jiang LS.


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286. Jin M, Zhang L, Yu H, Meng J, Sun Z, Lu R.


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(IF 5.399)

287. Wang Q, Luo C, Wu X, Du H, Song X, Fan Y.


HepaCAM and p-mTOR are closely correlated in transitional cell carcinoma of bladder and expression of hepaCAM inhibits proliferation via an AMPK/mTOR-dependent pathway in human bladder cancer cells.


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(IF 1.342)

288. Tang W, Yuan Y, Liu C, Wu Y, Lu X, Qian J.


Differential cytotoxicity and particle action of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in human cancer cells.


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(IF 4.3)

289. He Y, He W, Qin G, Luo J, Xiao M.


Transplantation KCNMA1 modified bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cell therapy for diabetes mellitus-inducederectile dysfunction.


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(IF 1.951)

290. Yuan J, Zhang Z, Li L, Song W.


Resveratrol affects the expression of glutamate cysteine ligase in the kidneys of aged rats.

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291. Xu H, Wang J, Chang Y, Xu J, Wang Y, Long T, Xue C.


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(IF 4.171)

292. Niu LN, Sun JQ, Li QH, Jiao K, Shen LJ, Wu D, Tay F, Chen JH.


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293. Li M, Zhang Z, Yuan J, Zhang Y, Jin X.


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294. Ni Q, Wan FQ, Jing YH, Dong XY, Zhang YC.


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295. Zhu Q, Guo R, Liu C, Fu D, Liu F, Hu J, Jiang H.


Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Mediated Apoptosis Contributing to High Glucose-Induced Vascular SmoothMuscle Cell Calcification.

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296. Yu C, Zhou Z, Wang J, Sun J, Liu W, Sun Y, Kong B, Yang H, Yang S.


In depth analysis of apoptosis induced by silica coated manganese oxide nanoparticles in vitro.

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(IF 9.038)

297. Ruan J, Lou S, Dai Q, Mao D, Ji J, Sun X.


Tumor suppressor miR-181c attenuates proliferation, invasion, and self-renewal abilities in glioblastoma.


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(IF 1.394)

298. Li L, Wang L, Shangguan D, Wei Y, Han J, Xiong S, Zhao Z.


Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry for accurate analysis of glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids in drug resistance tumor cells.

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(IF 4.049)

299. Lv QY, Wan B, Guo LH, Zhao L, Yang Y.


In vitro immune toxicity of polybrominated diphenyl ethers on murine peritoneal macrophages: apoptosis and immune cell dysfunction.


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(IF 5.778)

300. Zhang B, Peng X, Li G, Xu Y, Xia X, Wang Q.


Oxidative stress is involved in Patulin induced apoptosis in HEK293 cells.


2015 Feb;94:1-7.

(IF 2.201)

301. Du Z, Yang Q, Liu L, Li S, Zhao J, Hu J, Liu C, Qian D, Gao C.


NADPH oxidase 2-dependent oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and apoptosis in the ventral cochlear nucleus of D-galactose-induced aging rats.


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(IF 3.056)

302. Wei H, Wang S, Zhen L, Yang Q, Wu Z, Lei X, Lv J, Xiong L, Xue R.


Resveratrol attenuates the blood-brain barrier dysfunction by regulation of the MMP-9/TIMP-1 balance after cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats.

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2015 Apr;55(4):872-9.

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303. Hu Z, Gu Z, Sun M, Zhang K, Gao P, Yang Q, Yuan Y.


Ursolic acid improves survival and attenuates lung injury in septic rats induced by cecal ligation and puncture.

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(IF 1.841)

304. Liang M, Jin S, Wu DD, Wang MJ, Zhu YC.


Hydrogen sulfide improves glucose metabolism and prevents hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes.


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(IF 3.311)

305. Cao Q, Jiang Y, Shi J, Xu C, Liu X, Yang T, Fu P, Niu T.


Artemisinin inhibits the proliferation, migration, and inflammatory reaction induced by tumor necrosis factor-α in vascular smooth muscle cells through nuclear factor kappa B pathway.

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306. Hu H, Gao L, Wang C, Li Y, Ma H, Chen L, Qin J, Liu B, Liu Y, Liang C.


Lower serum soluble-EGFR is a potential biomarker for metastasis of HCC demonstrated by N-glycoproteomic analysis.

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307. Li H, Jia Z, Li G, Zhao X, Sun P, Wang J, Fan Z, Lv G.


Neuroprotective effects of exendin-4 in rat model of spinal cord injury via inhibiting mitochondrial apoptotic pathway.


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(IF 0.252)

308. Zhang F, Yang F, Zhao H, An Y.


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(IF 2.092)

309. Wang J, Chen L, Li H, Yang J, Gong Z, Wang B, Zhao X.


Clopidogrel reduces apoptosis and promotes proliferation of human vascular endothelial cells induced by palmitic acid via suppression of the long non-coding RNA HIF1A-AS1 in vitro.

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(IF 2.795)

310. Cao W, Li M, Li J, Li C, Xu X, Gu W.


Geranylgeranylacetone ameliorates lung ischemia/reperfusion injury by HSP70 and thioredoxin redox system: NF-kB pathway involved.

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311. Hu Y, Lin X, Wang P, Xue YX, Li Z, Liu LB, Yu B, Feng TD, Liu YH.


CRM197 in combination with shRNA interference of VCAM-1 displays enhanced inhibitory effects on human glioblastoma cells.

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312. Tian Y, Guo S, Guo Y, Jian L.


Anesthetic Propofol Attenuates Apoptosis, Aβ Accumulation, and Inflammation Induced by Sevoflurane Through NF-κB Pathway in Human Neuroglioma Cells.

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(IF 3.606)

313. Shen W, Wang L, Pi R, Li Z, Rikang Wang.


L-F001, a multifunctional ROCK inhibitor prevents paraquat-induced cell death through attenuating ER stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in PC12 cells.


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314. Wang Y, Wang B, Du F, Su X, Sun G, Zhou G, Bian X, Liu N.


Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Obstructive Nephropathy via NF-κB and Nrf2/HO-1 Signalling Pathway Regulation.


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315. Wang Y, Jiang Y, Ma N, Sang B, Hu X, Cong X, Liu Z.


Overexpression of Hiwi Inhibits the Growth and Migration of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells.

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316. Cheng Y, Yang X, Deng X, Zhang X, Li P, Tao J, Lu Q.


MicroRNA-218 inhibits bladder cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion by targeting BMI-1.


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317. Wu J, Li H, Sun X, Zhang H, Hao S, Ji M, Yang J, Li K.


A Mitochondrion-Targeted Antioxidant Ameliorates Isoflurane-Induced Cognitive Deficits in Aging Mice.

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318. Guo S, Feng Z.


Galectin-3 mediates the effect of PDGF on pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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319. Wang D, Shi J, Lv S, Xu W, Li J, Ge W, Xiao C, Geng D, Liu Y.


Artesunate Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Proinflammatory Responses by Suppressing TLR, MyD88 Expression, and NF-κB Activation in Microglial Cells.


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320. Ma K, Wu HY, Zhang B, He X, Li BX.


Neurotoxicity effects of atrazine-induced SH-SY5Y human dopaminergic neuroblastoma cells via microglial activation.

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321. Zhu D, Wang H, Zhang J, Zhang X, Xin C, Zhang F, Lee Y, Zhang L, Lian K, Yan W, Ma X, Liu Y, Tao L5.


Irisin improves endothelial function in type 2 diabetes through reducing oxidative/nitrative stresses.

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322. Chen O, Ye Z, Cao Z, Manaenko A, Ning K, Zhai X, Zhang R, Zhang T, Chen X, Liu W, Sun X.


Methane attenuates myocardial ischemia injury in rats through anti-oxidative, anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory actions.


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323. Ailijiang N, Chang J, Liang P, Li P, Wu Q, Zhang X, Huang X.


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324. Wang G, Kang N, Gong H, Luo Y, Bai C, Chen Y, Ji X, Huang C, Dong Q.


Upregulation of uncoupling protein Ucp2 through acute cold exposure increases post-thaw sperm quality in zebrafish.


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325. Chen L, Mao F, Kirumba GC, Jiang C, Manefield M, He Y.


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327. You J, Wang Z, Xu S, Zhang W, Fang Q, Liu H, Peng L, Deng T, Lou J .


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328. Chen Y, Huang W, Jiang W, Wu X, Ye B, Zhou X .


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329. Wang L, He Y, Zhang Y, Zhou H, Yu L, Yang J, Wan H.


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330. Guo YJ, Liu JX, Guan YW.


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331. Li R, Wang Y, Zhao E, Wu K, Li W, Shi L, Wang D, Xie G, Yin Y, Deng M, Zhang P, Tao K .


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333. Bai J, Zheng Y, Wang G, Liu P.


Protective Effect of D-Limonene against Oxidative Stress-Induced Cell Damage in Human Lens Epithelial Cells via the p38 Pathway.

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334. Wan L, Zhang L, Fan K, Cheng ZX, Sun QC, Wang JJ.


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Curcumin Protects Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes against High Glucose-Induced Apoptosis via PI3K/AktSignalling Pathway.

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339. Li L, Liu HC, Wang C, Liu X, Hu FC, Xie N, Lü L, Chen X, Huang HZ.


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340. Hu J, Liu G, Zhao Z, Jia W, Xia H.


MicroRNA-197 Mediates the Overgrowth and Anti-Apoptotic Effects by Downregulating Insulin-Like GrowthFactor-Binding Protein-3 During Nephroblastoma Tumorigenesis.

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341. Li LS, Luo YM, Liu J, Zhang Y, Fu XX, Yang DL .


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342. Zhang C, Li L, Zhao B, Jiao A, Li X, Sun N, Zhang J .


Ghrelin Protects against Dexamethasone-Induced INS-1 Cell Apoptosis via ERK and p38MAPK Signaling.

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343. Du W, Liang H, Gao X, Li X, Zhang Y, Pan Z, Li C, Wang Y, Liu Y, Yuan W, Ma N, Chu W, Shan H, Lu Y.


MicroRNA-328, a Potential Anti-Fibrotic Target in Cardiac Interstitial Fibrosis.



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344. Fan K, Li H, Wang Z, Du W, Yin W, Sun Y, Jiang J .


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345. Wang L, Yue Z, Guo M, Fang L, Bai L, Li X, Tao Y, Wang S, Liu Q, Zhi D, Zhao H.


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346. Peng Y, Lai M, Lou Y, Liu Y, Wang H, Zheng X.


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347. Tan G, Liu D, Pan F, Zhao J, Li T, Ma Y, Shen B, Lyu J .


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348. Ge Q, Wang C, Ruan Y, Chen Z, Liu J, Ye Z .


Overexpression of p53 activated by small activating RNA suppresses the growth of human prostate cancercells.


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349. Li L, Wu R, Yan G, Gao M, Deng C, Zhang X .


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350. Hu Q, Chen J, Zhang J, Xu C, Yang S, Jiang H .


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351. Zou Q, Hong W, Zhou Y, Ding Q, Wang J, Jin W, Gao J, Hua G, Xu X .


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352. Zhao Y, Liu X, He Z, Niu X, Shi W, Ding JM, Zhang L, Yuan T, Li A, Yang W, Lu L .


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356. Hu H, Xuan Y, Xue M, Cheng W, Wang Y, Li X, Yin J, Li X, Yang N, Shi Y, Yan S.


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357. Tang Y, Cui Y, Li Z, Jiao Z, Zhang Y, He Y, Chen G, Zhou Q, Wang W, Zhou X, Luo J, Zhang S.


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A novel method to isolate protein N-terminal peptides from proteome samples using sulfydryl tagging and gold-nanoparticle-based depletion.

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360. Pei G, Liu G, Pan X, Pang Y, Li Q.


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363. Jiang W, Luo F, Lu Q, Liu J, Li P, Wang X, Fu Y, Hao K, Yan T, Ding X .


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364. Jiang Q, Liu Y, Gou M, Han J, Wang J, Li Q, Xiao R .


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366. Wu Y, Qi Y, Liu H, Wang X, Zhu H, Wang Z.


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367. Liu C, Chen Z, Fang J, Xu A, Zhang W, Wang Z .


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368. Liu Y, Zhao Y, Guo L.


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370. Zhao F, Fu L, Yang W, Dong Y, Yang J, Sun S 4, Hou Y .


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372. Huang L, Li M, Wang D, He J, Wu W, Zeng Q, Li J, Xiao M, Hu J, He Y, Li Y, Mai L, Liu W.


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377. Cai X, Bao L, Ren J, Li Y, Zhang Z .


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378. Xia P, Chen HY, Chen SF, Wang L, Strappe PM, Yang HL, Zhou CH, Zhang X, Zhang YX, Ma LL, Wang L .


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Curcumin alleviates glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis by protecting osteoblasts from apoptosis in vivoand in vitro.


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383. Wang X, He G, Mai K, Xu W, Zhou H.


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384. Chen D, Yan W, Liu Z, Zhang Z, Zhu L, Liu W, Ding X, Wang A, Chen Y .


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388. Huang W, Liu Z, Zhou G, Tian A, Sun N .


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392. Zhang K, Liu J, You X, Kong P, Song Y, Cao L, Yang S, Wang W7, Fu Q, Ma Z .


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393. Xu T, Zong Y, Peng L, Kong S, Zhou M, Zou J, Liu J, Miao R, Sun X, Li L .


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394. Chen Z, Xue J, Shen T, Mu S, Fu Q.


Curcumin alleviates glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis through the regulation of the Wnt

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(IF 3.098)

395. Li H, Zhang C, Cui H, Guo K, Wang F, Zhao T, Liang W, Lv Q, Zhang Y .


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396. Zhang W, Tong D, Liu F, Li D, Li J, Cheng X, Wang Z .


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397. Chen L, Guan H, Gu C, Cao Y, Shao J, Wang F .


miR-383 inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma cell proliferation via targeting APRIL.


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(IF 3.65)

398. He B, Xiao YF, Tang B, Wu YY, Hu CJ, Xie R, Yang X, Yu ST, Dong H, Zhao XY, Li JL, Yang SM.


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399. Zhang L, Gan X, Zhu Z, Yang Y, He Y, Yu H .


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400. Wang X, Chen X, Yang X, Gao W, He B, Dai W, Zhang H, Wang X, Wang J, Zhang X, Dai Z, Zhang Q.


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401. Fang Y, Su T, Qiu X, Mao P, Xu Y, Hu Z, Zhang Y, Zheng X, Xie P, Liu Q .


Protective effect of alpha-mangostin against oxidative stress induced-retinal cell death.


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402. Yu W, Gao XJ, Liu Y, Wang Q.


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403. Dong YF, Chen ZZ, Zhao Z, Yang DD, Yan H, Ji J, Sun XL.


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404. Zhang D, Fei Q, Li J, Zhang C, Sun Y, Zhu C, Wang F, Sun Y .


2-Deoxyglucose Reverses the Promoting Effect of Insulin on Colorectal Cancer Cells In Vitro.

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405. Weifeng Y, Li L, Yujie H, Weifeng L, Zhenhui G, Wenjie H .


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406. Cao Z, Fu Y, Sun X, Zhang Q, Xu F, Li Y .


Aluminum trichloride inhibits osteoblastic differentiation through inactivation of Wnt/β-catenin signalingpathway in rat osteoblasts.


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(IF 3.152)

407. Liu B, Li T, Peng JJ, Zhang JJ, Liu WQ, Luo XJ, Ma QL, Gong ZC, Peng J .


Non-muscle myosin light chain promotes endothelial progenitor cells senescence and dysfunction inpulmonary hypertensive rats through up-regulation of NADPH oxidase.

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408. Miao L, Xin X, Xin H, Shen X, Zhu YZ .


Hydrogen Sulfide Recruits Macrophage Migration by Integrin β1-Src-FAK/Pyk2-Rac Pathway in MyocardialInfarction.


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409. Wang X, Chen E, Yang X, Wang Y, Quan Z, Wu X, Luo C .


5-azacytidine inhibits the proliferation of bladder cancer cells via reversal of the aberrant hypermethylationof the hepaCAM gene.

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410. Ju H, Yang Y, Sheng A, Qi Y.


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411. Ren X, Wang L, Wu X .


A potential link between TSLP/TSLPR/STAT5 and TLR2/MyD88/NFκB-p65 in human corneal epithelial cellsfor Aspergillus fumigatus tolerance.

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412. Fu X, Pang X, Qi H, Chen S, Li Y, Tan W.


XIAP inhibitor Embelin inhibits bladder cancer survival and invasion in vitro.

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413. Jiao Y, Ma S, Wang Y, Li J, Shan L, Sun J, Chen J .


Methacryloxylethyl Cetyl Ammonium Chloride Induces DNA Damage and Apoptosis in Human Dental PulpCells via Generation of Oxidative Stress.

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(IF 4.858)

414. Cai ZZ, Xu JG, Zhou YH, Zheng JH, Lin KZ, Zheng SZ, Ye MS, He Y, Liu CB, Xue ZX .


Human cytomegalovirus-encoded US28 may act as a tumor promoter in colorectal cancer.


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(IF 3.665)

415. Liu HZ, Wang QY, Zhang Y, Qi DT, Li MW, Guo WQ, Ma YH, Wang LY, Chen Y, Gao CY.


Pioglitazone up-regulates long non-coding RNA MEG3 to protect endothelial progenitor cells via increasingHDAC7 expression in metabolic syndrome.

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2016 Mar;78:101-9.

(IF 4.545)

416. Zhu Y, Zhao H, Feng L, Xu S.


MicroRNA-217 inhibits cell proliferation and invasion by targeting Runx2 in human glioma.

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2016 Mar 15;8(3):1482-91.

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417. Hu JJ, Song W, Zhang SD, Shen XH, Qiu XM, Wu HZ, Gong PH, Lu S, Zhao ZJ, He ML, Fan H.


HBx-upregulated lncRNA UCA1 promotes cell growth and tumorigenesis by recruiting EZH2 andrepressingp27Kip1/CDK2 signaling.


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(IF 3.998)

418. Wang YP, Song GH, Chen J, Xiao C, Li C, Zhong L, Sun X, Wang ZW, Deng GL, Yu FD, Xue YM, Tang HM, Peng ZH, Wang XL.


Elevated OCT1 participates in colon tumorigenesis and independently predicts poor prognoses ofcolorectal cancer patients.


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419. Du L, Lv R, Yang X, Cheng S, Ma T, Xu J.


Hypoxic conditioned medium of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells protects against scar formation.

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(IF 3.647)

420. Ma Y, Gai Y, Yan J, Li J, Zhang Y.


Puerarin Attenuates Anoxia/Reoxygenation Injury Through Enhancing Bcl-2 Associated Athanogene 3Expression, a Modulator of Apoptosis and Autophagy.


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421. Li TB, Zhang JJ, Liu B, Liu WQ, Wu Y, Xiong XM, Luo XJ, Ma QL, Peng J.


Involvement of NADPH oxidases and non-muscle myosin light chain in senescence of endothelial progenitorcells in hyperlipidemia.


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(IF 2.05)

422. Zhou J, Li W, Guo J, Li G, Chen F, Zhou J .


Downregulation of miR-329 promotes cell invasion by regulating BRD4 and predicts poor prognosis inhepatocellular carcinoma.


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423. Kong L, Guo S, Liu C, Zhao Y, Feng C, Liu Y, Wang T, Li C .


Overexpression of SDF-1 activates the NF-κB pathway to induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cell-like phenotypes of breast cancer cells.

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424. Dong Z, Tai W, Lei W, Wang Y, Li Z, Zhang T.


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425. Tian Y, Guo R, Shi B, Chen L, Yang L, Fu Q.


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426. Ji K, Xue L, Cheng J, Bai Y.


Preconditioning of H2S inhalation protects against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury by induction ofHSP70 through PI3K/Akt/Nrf2 pathway.

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427. Wu D, Zhang J, Wang J, Li J, Liao F, Dong W .


Hesperetin induces apoptosis of esophageal cancer cells via mitochondrial pathway mediated by theincreased intracellular reactive oxygen species.


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428. Chu W, Wei W, Yu S, Han H, Shi X, Sun W, Gao Y, Zhang L, Chen J .


C2C12 myotubes inhibit the proliferation and differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes by reducing theexpression of glucocorticoid receptor gene.


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429. KoraMagazi A, Wang D, Yousef B, Guerram M, Yu F .


Rhein triggers apoptosis via induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress, caspase-4 and intracellular calciumin primary human hepatic HL-7702 cells.


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430. Wang X, Guo H, Liu W, Yang C, Yang L, Wang D, Wang X.


Effects of siRNA-Mediated Knockdown of HDAC1 on the Biological Behavior of Esophageal Carcinoma CellLines.


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431. Wang N, Wei H, Yin D, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Ma X, Zhang S.


MicroRNA-195 inhibits proliferation of cervical cancer cells by targeting cyclin D1a.


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432. Wang X, Liang Z, Hou J, Bao X, Shen Y.


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433. Li J, Qiu D, Chen Z, Du W, Liu J, Mo X .


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434. Jiang Q, Liu Y, Duan D, Gou M, Wang H, Wang J, Li Q, Xiao R .


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435. Shang H, Sun J, Chen YQ .


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436. Zhou Y, Wang Y, Li Y, Nick N, Zou X, Bai F, Wu J, Xin J .


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437. Wang X, Xu W, Fan M, Meng T, Chen X, Jiang Y, Zhu D7, Hu W, Gong J, Feng S, Wu J, Li Y .


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438. Zhang S, Li J, Zhou G, Mu D, Yan J, Xing J, Yao Z, Sheng H, Li D, Lv C, Sun B, Hong Q, Guo H .


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439. Wu S, Zhang G, Li P, Chen S, Zhang F, Li J, Jiang C, Chen X, Wang Y, Du Y, Sun Q, Zhao G.


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440. Gan F, Hu Z, Huang Y, Xue H, Huang D, Qian G, Hu J, Chen X, Wang T, Huang K.


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441. Bi Y, Cao J, Jin S, Lv L, Qi L, Liu F, Geng J, Yu Y .


Interleukin-22 promotes lung cancer cell proliferation and migration via the IL-22R1/STAT3 and IL-22R1/AKTsignaling pathways.

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442. Wang Y, Zhang B, Liu W, Dai Y, Shi Y, Zeng Q, Wang F .


Noninvasive bioluminescence imaging of the dynamics of sanguinarine induced apoptosis via activation ofreactive oxygen species.


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444. Zhang Y, Liu C, Wang J, Li Q, Ping H, Gao S, Wang P.


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448. Su H, Jin X, Shen L, Fang Y, Fei Z, Zhang X, Xie C, Chen X .


Inhibition of cyclin D1 enhances sensitivity to radiotherapy and reverses epithelial to mesenchymaltransition for esophageal cancer cells.


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449. Liu X, Zhou L, Chen X, Liu T, Pan G, Cui W, Li M, Luo ZP, Pei M, Yang H, Gong Y, He F .


Culturing on decellularized extracellular matrix enhances antioxidant properties of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells.


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450. Cui R, Guan Y, Sun C, Chen L, Bao Y, Li G, Qiu B, Meng X, Pang C, Wang Y .


A tumor-suppressive microRNA, miR-504, inhibits cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis by targetingFOXP1 in human glioma.

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451. Chen W, Su H, Xu Y, Bao T, Zheng X.


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452. Su S, Liu J, He K, Zhang M, Feng C, Peng F, Li B, Xia X .


Overexpression of the long noncoding RNA TUG1 protects against cold-induced injury of mouse livers byinhibitingapoptosis and inflammation.


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454. Jin F, Qiao C, Luan N, Li H .


Lentivirus-mediated PHLDA2 overexpression inhibits trophoblast proliferation, migration and invasion, andinduces apoptosis.

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455. Wang W, Song XW, Bu XM, Zhang N, Zhao CH .


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456. Han Y, Liu X, Shi B, Xiao R, Gou M, Wang H, Li Q.


Identification and characterisation of the immune response properties of Lampetra japonica BLNK.


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457. Cui YY, Yan L, Zhou J, Zhao S, Zheng YB, Sun BH, Lv HT, Rong FN, Chang XT .


The role of peptidylarginine deiminase 4 in ovarian cancer cell tumorigenesis and invasion.


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458. Zhang G, Xia F, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Cao Y, Wang L, Liu X, Zhao G, Shi M .


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459. Liu Y, Wang J, Ni T, Wang L, Wang Y, Sun X .


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461. Zhang M, Li L, Xie W, Wu JF, Yao F, Tan YL, Xia XD, Liu XY, Liu D, Lan G, Zeng MY, Gong D, Cheng HP, Huang C, Zhao ZW, Zheng XL, Tang CK .


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463. Xu T, Qin L, Zhu Z, Wang X, Liu Y, Fan Y, Zhong S, Wang X, Zhang X, Xia L, Zhang X, Xu C, Shen Z.


MicroRNA-31 functions as a tumor suppressor and increases sensitivity to mitomycin-C in urothelialbladder cancer by targeting integrin α5.


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464. Xie W, Wang M, Chen C, Zhang X, Melzig MF .


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466. Hong Y, Shen C, Yin Q, Sun M, Ma Y, Liu X .


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467. Xie T, Ren HY, Lin HQ, Mao JP, Zhu T, Wang SD, Ye ZM .


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468. Wang Y, Huang HY, Yang L, Zhang Z, Ji H .


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470. Yu H, Guan Q, Guo L, Zhang H, Pang X, Cheng Y, Zhang X, Sun Y.


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471. Guo W, Yu D, Wang X, Luo C, Chen Y, Lei W, Wang C, Ge Y, Xue W, Tian Q, Gao X, Yao W .


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472. Wu-jiao Bai, Peng-jing Jin, Mei-qian Kuang, Quan-wei Wei, Fang-xiong Shi, John S. Davis, Da-gan Mao.


Temporal regulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation, heat shock protein 70 and activating transcription factor 3 during prostaglandin F-induced luteal regression in pseudopregnant rats following heat stress.


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474. Chen Q, Bei JJ, Liu C, Feng SB, Zhao WB, Zhou Z, Yu ZP, Du XJ, Hu HY.


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475. Chen XY, Xia HX, Guan HY, Li B, Zhang W.


Follicle Loss and Apoptosis in Cyclophosphamide-Treated Mice: What's the Matter?

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476. Li J, Feng Z, Chen L, Wang X, Deng H.


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477. Li Y, Shi S, Gao J, Han S, Wu X, Jia Y, Su L, Shi J, Hu D.


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478. Wang G, Zhang L, Chen X, Xue X, Guo Q, Liu M, Zhao J.


Formylpeptide Receptors Promote the Migration and Differentiation of Rat Neural Stem Cells.


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479. Wang S, Xie J, Li J, Liu F, Wu X, Wang Z .


Cisplatin suppresses the growth and proliferation of breast and cervical cancer cell lines by inhibitingintegrin β5-mediated glycolysis.

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480. Cao J, Wang H, Chen F, Fang J, Xu A, Xi W, Zhang S, Wu G, Wang Z .


Galangin inhibits cell invasion by suppressing the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and inducing apoptosisin renal cell carcinoma.

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481. Hua K, Jin J, Zhao J, Song J, Song H, Li D, Maskey N, Zhao B, Wu C, Xu H, Fang L.


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483. Xie N, Wang C, Wu C, Cheng X, Gao Y, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Lian Y .


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484. Yang Yang, Yanyan Sun, Laiyang Cheng, Anna Li, Yanjun Shen, Ligang Jiang, Xiaohui Deng, Lan Chao.


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486. Zhai Q, Huang B, Dong H, Zhao Q, Zhu S, Liang S, Li S, Yang S, Han H .


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487. Lin Y, Wang P, Liu YH, Shang XL, Chen LY, Xue YX.


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488. Zhai JW, Gao C, Ma WD, Wang W, Yao LP, Xia XX, Luo M, , Zu YG, Fu YJ .


Geraniin induces apoptosis of human breast cancer cells MCF-7 via ROS-mediated stimulation of p38MAPK.


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489. Lu Y, Xu S, Chen H, He M, Deng Y, Cao Z, Pi H, Chen C, Li M, Ma Q, Gao P, Ji Y, Zhang L, Yu Z, Zhou Z .


CdSe/ZnS quantum dots induce hepatocyte pyroptosis and liver inflammation via NLRP3 inflammasomeactivation.


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490. Ding X, Wang X, Lin M, Xing Y, Ge S, Jia R, Zhang H, Fan X, Li J .


PAUPAR lncRNA suppresses tumourigenesis by H3K4 demethylation in uveal melanoma.

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491. Jiang Y, Xu H, Wang J.


Alantolactone induces apoptosis of human cervical cancer cells via reactive oxygen species generation,glutathione depletion and inhibition of the Bcl-2/Bax signaling pathway.

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492. Wu ZH, Tao ZH, Zhang J, Li T, Ni C, Xie J, Zhang JF, Hu XC .


MiRNA-21 induces epithelial to mesenchymal transition and gemcitabine resistance via the PTEN/AKTpathway in breast cancer.


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493. Ma Z, Ma Y, Xia Q, Li Y, Li R, Chang W, Chen J, Leng Z, Tao K.


MicroRNA-155 expression inversely correlates with pathologic stage of gastric cancer and it inhibits gastriccancer cell growth by targeting cyclin D1.


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494. Qin WD, Liu GL, Wang J, Wang H, Zhang JN, Zhang F, Ma Y, Ji XY, Li C, Zhang MX .


Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 inhibition protects cardiomyocytes from inflammation and apoptosis indiabetic cardiomyopathy.


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495. Wang W, Liu M, Guan Y, Wu Q.


Hypoxia-Responsive Mir-301a and Mir-301b Promote Radioresistance of Prostate Cancer Cells viaDownregulating NDRG2.


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496. Gao X, Wang J, Bai W, Ji W, Wang L .


NOB1 silencing inhibits the growth and metastasis of laryngeal cancer cells through the regulation of JNKsignaling pathway.

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497. Liu D, Zhang N, Zhang J, Zhao H, Wang X.


miR-410 suppresses the expression of interleukin-6 as well as renal fibrosis in the pathogenesis of lupusnephritis.


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498. Gu H, Liu M, Ding C, Wang X, Wang R, Wu X, Fan R .


Hypoxia-responsive miR-124 and miR-144 reduce hypoxia-induced autophagy and enhance radiosensitivityof prostate cancer cells via suppressing PIM1.


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499. Liu P, Ye F, Xie X, Li X, Tang H, Li S, Huang X, Song C, Wei W, Xie X.


mir-101-3p is a key regulator of tumor metabolism in triple negative breast cancer targeting AMPK.


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500. Peng YY, He YH, Chen C, Xu T, Li L, Ni MM, Meng XM, Huang C, Li J4.


NLRC5 regulates cell proliferation, migration and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.

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501. Wang QY, Zhong H, Chen FY, Zhang MY, Cai JY, Zhong JH .


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502. Zhang X, Hu W, Feng F, Xu J, Wu F .


Apelin-13 protects against myocardial infarction-induced myocardial fibrosis.

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503. Li X, Cen Y, Cai Y, Liu T, Liu H, Cao G, Liu D, Li B, Peng W, Zou J, Pang X4, Zheng J, Zhou H .


TLR9-ERK-mTOR signaling is critical for autophagic cell death induced by CpG oligodeoxynucleotide 107combined with irradiation in glioma cells.


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504. Liu Q, Zhang Z, Zheng Z, Zheng C, Liu Y, Hu Q, Ke X, Wang H.


Human Bocavirus NS1 and NS1-70 Proteins Inhibit TNF-α-Mediated Activation of NF-κB by targeting p65.


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505. Yang H, Yang R, Liu H, Ren Z, Kong F, Li D, Ma X .


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506. Xu L, Wang X, Wang J, Liu D, Wang Y, Huang Z, Tan H .


Hypoxia-induced secretion of IL-10 from adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell promotes growth andcancer stem cell properties of Burkitt lymphoma.


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507. Zhang MJ, Zhou Y, Chen L, Wang X, Pi Y, Long CY, Sun MJ, Chen X, Gao CY, Li JC, Zhang LL.


Impaired SIRT1 promotes the migration of vascular smooth muscle cell-derived foam cells.

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508. Sun JY, Li DL, Dong Y, Zhu CH, Liu J, Li JD, Zhou T, Gou JZ, Li A, Zang WJ.


Baicalin inhibits toll-like receptor 2/4 expression and downstream signaling in rat experimentalperiodontitis.

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509. Yao S, Tian C, Ding Y, Ye Q, Gao Y, Yang N, Li Q.


Down-regulation of Krüppel-like factor-4 by microRNA-135a-5p promotes proliferation and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma by transforming growth factor-β1.


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510. Deng H, Zeng J, Zhu Y, Ye T, Xia Y, Shi Y, Wang N, Zhang L, Song X, Zuo W, Gao T, Yu L.


A novel small-molecule YLT256 inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis both in vitro and in vivo in solidtumors.

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2016 Jul;81:482-90.

(IF 4.545)

511. Lu YZ, Li PF, Li YZ, Luo F, Guo C, Lin B, Cao XW, Zhao J, Wang FJ .


Enhanced anti-tumor activity of trichosanthin after combination with a human-derived cell-penetratingpeptide, and a possible mechanism of activity.


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512. Zhang CG, Yang SD, Zhu WJ, You BG, Liu Y, Yuan ZQ, Chen WL, Li JZ, Zhou XF, Liu C, Zhang XN .


Distinctive polymer micelle designed for siRNA delivery and reversal of MDR1 gene-dependent multidrugresistance.


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513. Chen L, Zheng H, Zhang S .


Involvement of upregulation of miR-210 in a rat epilepsy model.

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514. Shi X, Li Y, Hu J, Yu B .


Tert-butylhydroquinone attenuates the ethanol-induced apoptosis of and activates the Nrf2 antioxidantdefense pathway in H9c2 cardiomyocytes.

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515. Wu L, Bao K, Song R, Wang D, Zhang L, Wang W, Zhang W, Bin W .


Development of Novel Erythromycin Derivatives with Inhibitory Activity against Proliferation

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516. Cao Z, Fang Y, Lu Y, Qian F, Ma Q, He M, Pi H, Yu Z, Zhou Z .


Exposure to nickel oxide nanoparticles induces pulmonary inflammation through NLRP3 inflammasomeactivation in rats.


2016 Jul 22;11:3331-46.

(IF 5.115)

517. Yan X, Wu L, Li B, Meng X, Dai H, Zheng Y, Fu J.


Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside Induces Apoptosis and Inhibits Migration of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Treated Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells.

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518. Li L, Tang S, Tang X .


Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin Promotes Fibrosis and Activates Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases in MRC-5 Cells.


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519. Lin X, Wei J, Chen Y, He P, Lin J, Tan S, Nie J, Lu S, He M, Lu Z, Huang Q .


Isoorientin from Gypsophila elegans induces apoptosis in liver cancer cells via mitochondrial-mediatedpathway.

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(IF 3.69)

520. Zou D, Geng N, Chen Y, Ren L, Liu X, Wan J, Guo S, Wang S .


Ranolazine improves oxidative stress and mitochondrial function in the atrium of acetylcholine-CaCl2 induced atrial fibrillation rats.

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521. He X, Liao Y, Lu W, Xu G, Tong H, Ke J, Wan X .


Elevated STMN1 promotes tumor growth and invasion in endometrial carcinoma.


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522. Zeng Q, Wang Z, Liu C, Gong Z, Yang L, Jiang L, Ma Z, Qian Y, Yang Y, Kang H, Hong S, Bu Y, Hu G .


Knockdown of NFBD1/MDC1 enhances chemosensitivity to cisplatin or 5-fluorouracil in nasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE1 cells.

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523. Xiang J, Cheng S, Feng T, Wu Y, Xie W, Zhang M, Xu X, Zhang C.


Neotuberostemonine attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis by suppressing the recruitment andactivation of macrophages.

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524. Li BS, Guo WJ, Hong L, Liu YD, Liu C, Hong SS, Wu DB, Min J.


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525. Lv L, Liu HG, Dong SY, Yang F, Wang QX, Guo GL, Pan YF, Zhang XH .


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526. Li X, Jin Q, Wu YL, Sun P, Jiang S, Zhang Y, Zhang DQ, Zhang YJ, Lian LH, Nan JX .


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527. Yan X, Wu L, Li B, Meng X, Dai H, Zheng Y, Fu J .


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528. Liu B, Shi Y, Peng W, Zhang Q, Liu J, Chen N, Zhu R .


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538. Xu G, Zhang X, Gao W, Wang C, Wang J, Sun H, Sun Y, Guo L, Zhang R, Chang KC, Liu J, Pu J .


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539. Li J, Yang X, Guan H, Mizokami A, Keller ET, Xu X, Liu X, Tan J, Hu L, Lu Y, Zhang J.


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542. Tian T, Zhou Y, Feng X, Ye S, Wang H, Wu W, Tan W, Yu C, Hu J, Zheng R, Chen Z, Pei X, Luo H.


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570. Pan L, Yao DC, Yu YZ, Li SJ, Chen BJ, Hu GH, Xi C, Wang ZH, Wang HY, Li JH, Tu YS .


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576. Dai C, Li B, Zhou Y, Li D, Zhang S, Li H, Xiao X, Tang S.


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577. Han Y, Liao X, Gao Z, Yang S, Chen C, Liu Y, Wang WE, Wu G, Chen X, Jose PA, Zhang Y, Zeng C .


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579. Wang XX, Zha YY, Yang B, Chen L, Wang M .


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583. Fan YL, Li HC, Zhao W, Peng HH, Huang F, Jiang WH, Xu SY.


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589. Chai J, Luo L, Hou F, Fan X, Yu J, Ma W, Tang W, Yang X, Zhu J, Kang W, Yan J, Liang H .


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592. Liu L, Zhao X, Zou H, Bai R, Yang K, Tian Z .


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Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Trichostatin a Promotes the Apoptosis of Osteosarcoma Cells through p53Signaling Pathway Activation.

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598. Zhang X, Wang L, Wang Y, Shi S, Zhu H, Xiao F, Yang J, Yang A, Hao X .


Inhibition of FOXQ1 induces apoptosis and suppresses proliferation in prostate cancer cells by controllingBCL11A/MDM2 expression.

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Mulberry anthocyanin extract ameliorates insulin resistance by regulating PI3K/AKT pathway in HepG2 cellsand db/db mice.

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MicroRNA-7 inhibits proliferation, migration and invasion of thyroid papillary cancer cells via targetingCKS2.

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603. Yu H, Shi L, Zhao S, Sun Y, Gao Y, Sun Y, Qi G .


Triptolide Attenuates Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injuries in Rats by Inducing the Activation ofNrf2/HO-1 Defense Pathway.

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604. Wang Y, Liu Q, Xu Y, Zhang Y, Lv Y, Tan Y, Jiang N, Cao G, Ma X, Wang J, Cao Z, Yu B, Kou J .


Ginsenoside Rg1 Protects against Oxidative Stress-induced Neuronal Apoptosis through Myosin IIA-actinRelated Cytoskeletal Reorganization.

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605. Teng H, Wang P, Xue Y, Liu X, Ma J, Cai H, Xi Z, Li Z, Liu Y.


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606. Chen Z, Tang J, Cai X, Huang Y, Gao Q, Liang L, Tian L, Yang Y, Zheng Y, Hu Y, Tang N .


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607. Zhang J, Xia J, Zhang Y, Xiao F, Wang J, Gao H, Liu Y, Rong S, Yao Y, Xu G, Li J .


HMGB1-TLR4 signaling participates in renal ischemia reperfusion injury and could be

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608. Hu L, Han J, Yang X, Wang Y, Pan H, Xu L .


Apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain enhances survival and promotes osteogenic differentiation of human osteoblast cells under Zoledronate treatment.

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Epigenetic regulation of placental glucose transporters mediates maternal cadmium-induced fetal growth restriction.


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Long Non-Coding RNA (lncRNA) Urothelial Carcinoma-Associated 1 (UCA1) Enhances TamoxifenResistance in Breast Cancer Cells via Inhibiting mTOR Signaling Pathway.


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Overexpression of miR-200a protects cardiomyocytes against hypoxia-induced apoptosis by modulating thekelch-like ECH-associated protein 1-nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 signaling axis.

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613. Wang XD, Li F, Ma DB, Deng X, Zhang H, Gao J, Hao L, Liu DD, Wang J.


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614. Wu K, Gao X, Shi B, Chen S, Zhou X, Li Z, Gan Y, Cui L, Kang JX, Li W, Huang R.


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615. Dai H, Chen H, Liu W, You Y, Tan J, Yang A, Lai X, Bie P .


Effects of Raf kinase inhibitor protein expression on pancreatic cancer cell growth and motility: an in vivoand in vitro study.


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616. Zhou J, Zhu J, Jiang L, Zhang B, Zhu D, Wu Y .


Interleukin 18 promotes myofibroblast activation of valvular interstitial cells.

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617. Liu S, Xu J, Fang C, Shi C, Zhang X, Yu B, Yin Y .


Over-expression of heat shock protein 70 protects mice against lung ischemia/reperfusion injury through SIRT1/AMPK/eNOS pathway.

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618. Jiang J, Dong L, Wang L, Wang L, Zhang J, Chen F, Zhang X, Huang M, Li S, Ma W, Xu Q, Huang C, Fang J, Wang C .


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619. Li G, Wu X, Yang L, He Y, Liu Y, Jin X, Yuan H.


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620. Chen D, Xia D, , Pan Z, Xu D, Zhou Y, Wu Y, Cai N, Tang Q, Wang C, Yan M, Zhang JJ, Zhou K, Wang Q, Feng Y, Wang X, Xu H, Zhang X, , Tian N.


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621. Dong M, Jiao G, Liu H, Wu W, Li S, Wang Q, Xu D, Li X, Liu H, Chen Y .


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622. Li Y, Pan K, Chen L, Ning JL, Li X, Yang T, Terrando N, Gu J, Tao G .


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623. Liu Z, Gan L, Wu T, Feng F, Luo D, Gu H, Liu S, Sun C .


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627. Zheng L, Zhai Y, Li N, Ma F, Zhu H, Du X, Li G, Hua J.


The Modification of Tet1 in Male Germline Stem Cells and Interact with PCNA, HDAC1 to promote their Self-renewal and Proliferation.


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628. Wang Y, Zhang S, Xu Y, Zhang Y, Guan H, Li X, Li Y, Wang Y.


Upregulation of miR-192 inhibits cell growth and invasion and induces cell apoptosis by targeting TCF7 inhuman osteosarcoma.


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miR-378 inhibits cell growth and enhances apoptosis in human myelodysplastic syndromes.

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630. Wang YJ, Liu JZ, Lv P, Dang Y, Gao JY, Wang Y .


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635. Yang Y, Ren J, Tong Y, Hu X, Lv Q, Tong N.


Protective Role of PPARdelta in Lipoapoptosis of Pancreatic β Cells.


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638. Dong H, Yang S, Zhao Q, Han H, Zhu S, Zhu X, Li C, Wang Z, Xia W, Men Q, Yang L, Huang B.


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639. Hu Y, Niu X, Wang G, Huang J, Liu M, Peng B.


Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome impairs erectile function through increased endothelialdysfunction, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and corporal fibrosis in a rat model.


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640. Lianmei Zhao, Taotao Han, Yanshuang Li, Jiazeng Sun, Shang Zhang, Yanxin Liu, Baoen Shan, Dexian Zheng, Juan Shi.


The lncRNA SNHG5/miR-32 axis regulates gastric cancer cell proliferation and migration by targeting KLF4.


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642. Wu Y, Gu C, Huang X.


Sevoflurane protects against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury by modulating microRNA-200c regulationin mice.

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(IF 4.545)

643. Liu D, Li Y, Luo G, Xiao X, Tao D, Wu X, Wang M, Huang C, Wang L, Zeng F, Jiang G .


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645. Liu CY, Hao YN, Yin F, Zhang YL, Liu JH .


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650. Huang T, Yin L, Wu J, Gu JJ, Wu JZ, Chen D, Yu HL, Ding K, Zhang N, Du MY, Qian LX, Lu ZW, He X.


MicroRNA-19b-3p regulates nasopharyngeal carcinoma radiosensitivity by targeting TNFAIP3/NF-κB axis.


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(IF 7.068)

651. Yang K, , Lu Y, Xie F, Zou H, Fan X, Li B, Li W, Zhang W, Mei L, Feng SS, Yin Y, Liu Y, Zhang H, Yin C, Zhong Y, Gao J.


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655. Yang M, Zhang F, Qin K, Wu M, Li H, Zhu H, Ning Q, Lei P, Shen G.


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657. Su W, Mo Y, Wu F, Guo K, Li J, Luo Y, Ye H, Guo H, Li D, Yang Z.


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662. Pan X, Wang H, Tong D, Wang C, Sun L, Zhao C, Li Y, Zhu L, Wu D.


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663. Wu Y, Dong L, Bao S, Wang M, Yun Y, Zhu R.


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664. Ji X, Xu B, Yao M, Mao Z, Zhang Y, Xu G, Tang Q, Wang X, Xia Y.


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665. Dai C, Ciccotosto GD, Cappai R, Tang S, Li D, Xie S, Xiao X, Velkov T .


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666. Wang H, Chen L, Zhang L, Gao X, Wang Y, Weiwei T.


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667. Liu Y, Feng X, Zhang Y, Jiang H, Cai X, Yan X, Huang Z, Mo F, Yang W, Yang C, Yang S, Liu X .


Establishment and characterization of a novel osteosarcoma cell line: CHOS.

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668. You D, Wang MM, Ye BC .


Acetyl-CoA synthetases of Saccharopolyspora erythraea are regulated by the nitrogen response regulatorGlnR at both transcriptional and post-translational levels.

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670. Huang Y, Huang D, Weng J, Zhang S, Zhang Q, Mai Z, Gu W .


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671. Liu G, Xiang T, Wu QF, Wang WX.


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672. Liang Z, Nie H, Xu Y, Peng J, Zeng Y, Wei Y, Wen X, Qiu J, Zhong W, Deng X, He J .


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673. Liu Q, Lin X, Li H, Yuan J, Peng Y, Dong L, Dai S.


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674. Li H, Jiao Y, Zhang L, Wang C, Zhang X, Guo H, Xu H .


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675. Zhi-Peng Wang, Shu-Yuan Chen, Ye Tian.


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676. Jiao S, Zhu H, He P, Teng J .


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677. Liu Z, Gu H, Gan L, Xu Y, Feng F, Saeed M, Sun C .


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678. Wang Y, Chen B, Wang Z, Zhang W, Hao K, Chen Y, Li K, Wang T, Xie Y, Huang Z, Tong X.


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679. Zhou R, Luo F, Lei H, Zhang K, Liu J, He H, Gao J, Chang X, He L, Ji H, Yan T, Chen T .


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681. Zhao L, Feng Y, Hu H, Shi A, Zhang L, Wan M.


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682. Danfeng Xu, Di Lian, Jing Wu, Ying Liu, Mingjie Zhu, Jiaming Sun, Dake He, Ling Li.


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683. Yu Ma, Yi Zhao, Ran Zhang, Xiaoxia Liang, Zhongqiong Yin, Yi Geng, Gang Shu, Xu Song, Yuanfeng Zou, Lixia Li, Lizi Yin, Guizhou Yue, Yinglun Li, Gang Ye, Changliang He.


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684. Huang Jie, Guo Li.


Knockdown of SOX9 Inhibits the Proliferation, Invasion, and EMT in Thyroid Cancer Cells.

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686. Zhiwang Song, Chan Feng, Yonglin Lu, Yong Gao, Yun Lin, Chunyan Dong.


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687. Wang H, Xie Z, Hou T, Li Z, Huang K, Gong J, Zhou W, Tang K, Xu J, Dong S.


MiR-125b Regulates the Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Targeting BMPR1b.



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688. Yu Li, Shengnan He, Jishun Tang, Nana Ding, Xiaoyan Chu, Lianping Cheng, Xuedong Ding, Ting Liang, Shibin Feng, Sajid Ur Rahman, Xichun Wang, Jinjie Wu.


Andrographolide Inhibits Inflammatory Cytokines Secretion in LPS-Stimulated RAW264.7 Cells through Suppression of NF-κB/MAPK Signaling Pathway.

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689. Lei Xie, Sifei Yu, Zhenfei Wang, Kai Yang, Zhuochao Liu, Changwei Li, Yu Liang.


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690. Jingfeng Wang, Zhiming Li, Yanyan Wang, Jingjing Zhang, Weipeng Zhao, Mingqiang Fu, Xueting Han, Jingmin Zhou, and Junbo Ge.


Qiliqiangxin Enhances Cardiac Glucose Metabolism and Improves Diastolic Function in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.

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693. Nan Wang, Yong Li, Jianhong Zhou.


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695. Dehua Zhou, Zhou Li, Xuefeng Bai.


BRAFV600E and RET/PTC Promote Proliferation and Migration of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Cells In Vitro by Regulating Nuclear Factor-κB.


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(IF 1.918)

696. Yong Zhou, Chuandong Yang, Kunpeng Wang, Xuefeng Liu, Quan Liu.


MicroRNA-33b Inhibits the Proliferation and Migration of Osteosarcoma Cells via Targeting Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α.

Oncology Research Featuring Preclinical & Clinical CancerTherapeutics.

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Morinda Officinalis Polysaccharides Stimulate Hypothalamic GnRH Secretion in Varicocele Progression.



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698. Rui Xie, Hong Zhang, Xing-zhou Wang, Xiao-zhong Yang, Shang-nong Wu, Hong-gang Wang, Peng Shen, Tian-heng Ma.


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699. Yandong Nan, Ruijing Chang, Hua Jiang, Shuanying Yang, Faguang Jin, Yonghong Xie.


Downregulation of P38 phosphorylation correlates with low-grade differentiation and proliferation of lung squamous cell carcinoma.

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700. Peng Chen, Shibo Duan, Xia Zheng.


HOTTIP/HOXA13 axis is positively associated with cell proliferation in glioma.

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701. Hai-Jing Sun, Yan Lu, Hao-Wei Wang, Hao Zhang, Shuang-Ran Wang, Wen-Yun Xu, Hai-Long Fu, Xue-Ya Yao, Feng Yang, Hong-Bin Yuan.


Activation of Endocannabinoid Receptor 2 as a Mechanism of Propofol Pretreatment-Induced Cardioprotection against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats.

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.

Volume 2017, Article ID 2186383, 18 pages.

(IF 4.868)

702. Chu-yi Guo, Mu-xue Yu, Jie-min Dai, Si-nian Pan, Zhen-tong Lu, Xiao-shan Qiu, Si-qi Zhuang.


Roles of Mitogen-Activating Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase Kinase-3 (MAP4K3) in Preterm Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cell Myogenesis and Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (mTORC1) Activation Regulation.


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(IF 1.918)

703. Dengfeng Li, Jiashu Hu, Hongming Song, Hui Xu, Chengyang Wu, Bingkun Zhao, Dan Xie, Tianqi Wu, Junyong Zhao, Lin Fang.


miR-143-3p targeting LIM domain kinase 1 suppresses the progression of triple-negative breast cancer cells.

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704. Lu-Lu Wang, Zheng-Sen Chen, Wen-Di Zhou, Jin Shu, Xiao-Hua Wang, Rui Jin, Li-Li Zhuang, Mir Alireza Hoda, Hao Zhang, Guo-Ping Zhou.


Down-regulated GATA-1 up-regulates interferon regulatory factor 3 in lung adenocarcinoma.

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705. Xiaoyu Li, Xiaojiaoyang Li, Junxian Lu, Youyi Huang, Lili Lv, Yongfu Luan, Runping Liu, Rong Sun.


Saikosaponins induced hepatotoxicity in mice via lipid metabolism dysregulation and oxidative stress: a proteomic study.

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(IF 2.479)

706. Huiming Hu, Qiaoqiao Zhu, Jie Su, Yajun Wu, Yanchen Zhu, Yin Wang, Hui Fang, Minxia Pang, Bo Li, Suhong Chen, Guiyuan Lv.


Effects of an Enriched Extract of Paeoniflorin, a Monoterpene Glycoside used in Chinese Herbal Medicine, on Cholesterol Metabolism in a Hyperlipidemic Rat Model.


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(IF 1.918)

707. Dengfeng Li, Hongming Song, Tianqi Wu, Dan Xie, Jiashu Hu, Junyong Zhao, Lin Fang.


MiR-138-5p targeting LIMK1 suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation and motility.


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708. Saisai Wang, Fei Wang, Qiang Zhang, Yiyun Cheng.


A core–shell structured polyplex for efficient and non-toxic gene delivery.

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709. Wang M, Li Y, Ni C, Song G.


Honokiol Attenuates Oligomeric Amyloid β1-42-Induced Alzheimer's Disease in Mice Through Attenuating Mitochondrial Apoptosis and Inhibiting the Nuclear Factor Kappa-B Signaling Pathway.



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710. Wenjuan Cao, Junqiang Tian, Chong Li, Yanjun Gao, Xingchen Liu, Jianzhong Lu, Yuhan Wang, Zhiping Wang, Robert S. Svatek, Ronald Rodriguez.


A novel bladder cancer - specific oncolytic adenovirus by CD46 and its effect combined with cisplatin against cancer cells of CAR negative expression.

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711. Yun Xiao, Xiaoyu Wang, Ben Wang, Xueyao Liu, Xurong Xu, Ruikang Tang.


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712. Zi-huan Yin, Xing-wang Jiang, Wu-bing Shi, Qian-le Gui, Dong-feng Yu.


Expression and Clinical Significance of ILF2 in Gastric Cancer.

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713. Haiqi Mu, Bo Qiu, Qipeng Xie, Yijun Wang, Cunjin Nan, Wei Han, Tong Zhao, Shan-Chao Zhao.


Gelsolin-like actin-capping protein is highly expressed in prostate cancer and affects cell apoptosis, proliferation and migration.



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714. Jiang Tinghui, Li Mengfan, Li Qiuyin, Guo Zhiqiang, Sun Xianjun, Zhang Xufeng, Liu Yan, Yao Wenyi, Xiao Ping.


MicroRNA-98-5p Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Induces Cell Apoptosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Targeting IGF2BP1.

Oncology Research Featuring Preclinical & Clinical CancerTherapeutics.

Volume 25, Number 7, 2017, pp. 1117-1127(11).

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Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of GPx2 protein expression in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

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716. Sun HJ, Chen D, Wang PY, Wan MY, Zhang CX, Zhang ZX, Lin W, Zhang F.


Salusin-β Is Involved in Diabetes Mellitus-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction via Degradation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma.

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717. Guowei Zhang, Hao Zheng, Guojun Zhang, Ruirui Cheng, Chunya Lu, Yijie Guo, Guoqiang Zhao.


MicroRNA-338-3p suppresses cell proliferation and induces apoptosis of non-small-cell lung cancer by targeting sphingosine kinase 2.

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The heat shock protein 90 of Toxoplasma gondii is essential for invasion of host cells and tachyzoite growth.



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719. Zhen-Long Yu, Yu-Lin Peng, Chao Wang, Fei Cao, Xiao-Kui Huo, Xiang-Ge Tian, Lei Feng, Jing Ning, Bao-Jing Zhang, Cheng-Peng Sun, Xiao-Chi Ma.


Alismanoid A, an unprecedented 1,2-seco bisabolene from Alisma orientale, and its protective activity against H2O2-induced damage in SH-SY5Y cells

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720. Liyuan Wang, Hongchao Jiao, Jingpeng Zhao, Xiaojuan Wang, Shuhong Sun, Hai Lin.


Allicin Alleviates Reticuloendotheliosis Virus-Induced Immunosuppression via ERK/Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway in Specific Pathogen-Free Chickens.

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721. Hao Jin, Geliang Xu, Qiang Zhang, Qing Pang, Meifang Fang.


Synaptotagmin-7 is overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma and regulates hepatocellular carcinoma cell proliferation via Chk1–p53 signaling.


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722. Zeng W, Dai H, Yan M, Cai X, Luo H, Ke M, Liu Z.


Decitabine-Induced Changes in Human Myelodysplastic Syndrome Cell Line SKM-1 Are Mediated by FOXO3A Activation.

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723. Ke Liu, Yi Hou, Yunke Liu, Jia Zheng.


LncRNA SNHG15 contributes to proliferation, invasion and autophagy in osteosarcoma cells by sponging miR-141.

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724. Lu CY, Liu X, Jiang H, Pan F, Ho CS, Ho RC.


Effects of Traumatic Stress Induced in the Juvenile Period on the Expression of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Receptor Type A Subunits in Adult Rat Brain.

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725. Wang Y, Wang W, Xu H, Sun Y, Sun J, Jiang Y, Yao J, Tian Y.


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726. Gang Chen, Dongdong Wang, Xiongqi Zhao, Jun Cao, Yingpeng Zhao, Fan Wang, Jianhua Bai, Ding Luo, Li Li.


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727. Chen WP, Hu ZN, Jin LB, Wu LD.


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Gimatecan exerts potent antitumor activity against gastric cancer in vitro and in vivo via AKT and MAPK signaling pathways.

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729. Chunhui Hu, Beibei Chen, Yibin Zhou, Yuxi Shan.


High expression of Rab25 contributes to malignant phenotypes and biochemical recurrence in patients with prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy.

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730. Tao Jiang, Chun Yang, Liyuan Ma, Zehua Wu, Ling Ye, Xiaoqiang Ma, Hai Li, Junwei Fan, Yinxue Yang.


Overexpression of GRK3, Promoting Tumor Proliferation, Is Predictive of Poor Prognosis in Colon Cancer.

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731. Xu Yang, Shimin Pei, Huanan Wang, Yipeng Jin, Fang Yu, Bin Zhou, Hong Zhang, Di Zhang, Degui Lin.


Tiamulin inhibits breast cancer growth and pulmonary metastasis by decreasing the activity of CD73.

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732. Zou J, Zhang Y, Sun J, Wang X, Tu H, Geng S, Liu R, Chen Y, Bi Z.


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734. Jiang W, Huang W, Chen Y, Zou M, Peng D, Chen D.


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735. Wu X, Liu D, Gao X, Xie F, Tao D, Xiao X, Wang L, Jiang G, Zeng F.


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736. Li Q, Zhang Y, Shi JL, Wang YL, Zhao HB, Shao DY, Huang QS, Yang H, Jin ML.


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737. Liu X, Pan YJ, Zheng JN, Pei DS.


The Role of Tumor Suppressor DLC-1: Far From Clear.



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738. Ye Y, Yang Y, Chen C, Li Z, Jia Y, Su X, Wang C, He X.


Electroacupuncture Improved Hippocampal Neurogenesis following Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice through Inhibition of TLR4 Signaling Pathway.

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739. Xu X, Zhu Q, Zhang R, Wang Y, Niu F, Wang W, Sun D, Wang A.


ITRAQ-Based Proteomics Analysis of Acute Lung Injury Induced by Oleic Acid in Mice.



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740. Chao Quan, Can Wang, Peng Duan, WenTing Huang, Kedi Yang.


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742. Li P, Wei J, Gao X, Wei B, Lin H, Huang R, Niu Y, Lim K, Jing K, Chu J.


Insulin Promotes the Proliferation of Human Umbilical Cord Matrix-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Activating the Akt-Cyclin D1 Axis.

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743. Li J, Chen L, Xiong Y, Zheng X, Xie Q, Zhou Q, Shi L, Wu C, Jiang J, Wang H.


Knockdown of PD-L1 in Human Gastric Cancer Cells Inhibits Tumor Progression and Improves the Cytotoxic Sensitivity to CIK Therapy.



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744. Binwu Hu, Xiao Lv, Feng Gao, Songfeng Chen, Shangyu Wang, Xiangcheng Qing, Jianxiang Liu, Baichuan Wang, Zengwu Shao.


Downregulation of DEPTOR inhibits the proliferation, migration, and survival of osteosarcoma through PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway.


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745. Xinwen Ke, Xing Zeng, Xian Wei, Yuanqing Shen, Jiahua Gan, Huake Tang, Zhiquan Hu.


MiR-514a-3p inhibits cell proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition by targeting EGFR in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.

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746. Liang Liu, Sitong Cui, Rui Zhang, Yan Shi, Liangsheng Luo.


MiR-421 inhibits the malignant phenotype in glioma by directly targeting MEF2D.

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747. Yang W, Huang J, Xiao B, Liu Y, Zhu Y, Wang F, Sun S.


Taurine Protects Mouse Spermatocytes from Ionizing Radiation-Induced Damage Through Activation of Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling.



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748. Chen L, Xiong Y, Li J, Zheng X, Zhou Q, Turner A, Wu C, Lu B, Jiang J.


PD-L1 Expression Promotes Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Human Esophageal Cancer.



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749. Gong Y, Qin Z, Zhou B, Chen H, Shi Z, Zhang J.


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750. Cheng He-Peng, Liu Qian, Li Yang, Li Xiao-Dong, Zhu Chao-Yang.


The Inhibitory Effect of PDIA6 Downregulation on Bladder Cancer Cell Proliferation and Invasion.

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751. Di Sun, Liting Zhou, Shuyue Wang, Te Liu, Jian Zhu, Yiyang Jia, Jin Xu, Huaiji Chen, Qi Wang, Feng Xu, Yuezhu Zhang, Lin Ye.


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752. Hu TX, Wang G, Wu W, Gao L, Tan QY, Wang J.


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753. Jian-Xia Xu, Wei Xiong, Zhen Zeng, Yi Tang, Ya-Lan Wang, Ming Xiao, Ming Li, Qing Shu Li, Guang-Lin Song, Jing Kuang.


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754. Huili Wang, Zhijiang Chen, Hongen Chang, Xiaoping Mu, Wenyu Deng, Zhaohu Yuan, Fang Yao, Yan Liu, Rongjia Mai, Bingyi Wu.


Expression of glia maturation factor γ is associated with colorectal cancer metastasis and its downregulation suppresses colorectal cancer cell migration and invasion in vitro.

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755. Lingyan Yang, Wen-Cheng Wang, Shih-Chun Candice Lung, Zhelin Sun, Chongjun Chen, Jen-Kun Chen, Qiang Zou, Yu-Hsin Lin, Chia-Hua Lin.


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are associated with increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during haze events in China.

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(IF 5.589)

756. Chen Juanni, Li Shili, Luo Jinxiang, Zhang Yongqiang, Ding Wei.


Graphene Oxide Induces Toxicity and Alters Energy Metabolism and Gene Expression in Ralstonia solanacearum.

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JSI-124 inhibits IgE production in an IgE B cell line.


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(IF 2.985)

758. Yanzhao Chen, Baihai Jiao, Min Yao, Xuezhen Shi, Zhebin Zheng, Shilin Li Dr, Limin Chen Dr.


ISG12a inhibits HCV replication and potentiates the anti-HCV activity of IFN-α through activation of the Jak/STAT signaling pathway independent of autophagy and apoptosis.

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(IF 2.736)

759. Jipeng Li, Ying Chen, Mingwei Jin, Jianhua Wang, Shanfeng Li, Zhe Chen, Wanjun Yu.


MicroRNA-134 reverses multidrug resistance in human lung adenocarcinoma cells by targeting FOXM1.

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760. Chen W, Shen X, Hu Y, Xu K, Ran Q, Yu Y, Dai L, Yuan Z, Huang L, Shen T, Cai K.


Surface functionalization of titanium implants with chitosan-catechol conjugate for suppression of ROS-induced cells damage and improvement of osteogenesis.


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(IF 10.317)

761. Wang Q, Cheng N, Li X, Pan H, Li C, Ren S, Su C, Cai W, Zhao C, Zhang L, Zhou C.


Correlation of long non-coding RNA H19 expression with cisplatin-resistance and clinical outcome in lung adenocarcinoma.


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762. Liu B, Ren KD, Peng JJ, Li T, Luo XJ, Fan C, Yang JF, Peng J.


Suppression of NADPH oxidase attenuates hypoxia-induced dysfunctions of endothelial progenitor cells.


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763. Xie R, Zhang H, Wang XZ, Yang XZ, Wu SN, Wang HG, Shen P, Ma TH .


The protective effect of betulinic acid (BA) diabetic nephropathy on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabeticrats.

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764. Shen CT, Wei WJ, Qiu ZL, Song HJ, Zhang XY, Sun ZK, Luo QY.


Metformin reduces glycometabolism of papillary thyroid carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.

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765. Li H, Zhang X, Jiang X, Ji X.


The expression and function of epithelial membrane protein 1 in laryngeal carcinoma.

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766. Chen Y, Huang L, Zhang H, Diao X, Zhao S, Zhou W.


Reduction in Autophagy by (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG): a Potential Mechanism of Prevention ofMitochondrial Dysfunction After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.

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(IF 4.5)

767. Wang Z, Xiong L, Wang G, Wan W, Zhong C, Zu H.


Insulin-like growth factor-1 protects SH-SY5Y cells against β-amyloid-induced apoptosis via the PI3K/Akt-Nrf2 pathway.

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(IF 3.376)

768. Li M, Yuan Y, Hu B, Wu L.


Study on Lentivirus-Mediated ABCA7 Improves Neurocognitive Function and Related Mechanisms in theC57BL/6 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.

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(IF 2.678)

769. Xiaonian Zhu, Meng Yan, Wei Luo, Wei Liu, Yuan Ren, Chunhua Bei, Guifang Tang, Ruiling Chen, Shengkui Tan.


Expression and clinical significance of PcG-associated protein RYBP in hepatocellular carcinoma.

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(IF 1.871)

770. Wang Z, Liao K, Zuo W, Liu X, Qiu Z, Gong Z, Liu C, Zeng Q, Qian Y, Jiang L, Bu Y, Hong S, Hu G.


Depletion of NFBD1/MDC1 Induces Apoptosis in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells Through the p53-ROS-Mitochondrial Pathway.

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771. Dong L, Yin L, Zhang Y, Fu X, Lu J.


Anti-inflammatory effects of ononin on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells.

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(IF 3.641)

772. Du JY, Yuan F, Zhao LY, Zhu J, Huang YY, Zhang GS, Wei Y, Liu Y, Yi Q, Tu YS, Zhong X, Sun FY, Sun HS, Guan YY, Chen WL, Wang GL.


Suppression of Kv1.5 protects against endothelial apoptosis induced by palmitate and in type 2 diabetesmice.

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(IF 3.647)

773. Dai C, Lei L, Li B, Lin Y, Xiao X, Tang S.


Involvement of the activationof Nrf2/HO-1, p38 MAPK signaling pathways and endoplasmic reticulum stress in furazolidone induced cytotoxicity and S phase arrest in human hepatocyte L02 cells: modulation of curcumin.


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(IF 2.295)

774. Qin L, Sun Y, Zhao Y, Xu J, Bi K.


In vitro model to estimate Edwardsiella tarda-macrophage interactions using RAW264.7 cells.


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(IF 3.298)

775. Tingting Wang, Pei Wang, Zhizhong Cao, Xingxing Wang, Dalin Wang, Yaxian Shen, Da Jing, Erping Luo, Weizhong Tang.


Effects of BMP9 and pulsed electromagnetic fields on the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem cells.


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(IF 2.278)

776. Miao Song, Hui Huo, Zheng Cao, Yanfei Han, Li Gao.


Aluminum Trichloride Inhibits the Rat Osteoblasts Mineralization In Vitro.

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(IF 2.431)

777. Wang P, Wang Y, Tang W, Wang X, Pang Y, Yang S, Wei Y, Gao H, Wang D, Cao Z.


Bone Morphogenetic Protein-9 Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells via the JNK Pathway.

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(IF 2.74)

778. Lu X, Yang L, Chen J, Zhou J, Tang X, Zhu Y, Qiu H, Shen J.


The action and mechanism of myrislignan on A549 cells in vitro and in vivo.


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779. Wu X, Fu Y, Sun X, Liu C, Chai M, Chen C, Dai L, Gao Y, Jiang H, Zhang J .


The possible FAT1-mediated apoptotic pathways in porcine cumulus cells.

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(IF 2.571)

780. Zhou L, Chen X, Liu T, Zhu C, Si M, Jargstorf J, Li M, Pan G, Gong Y, Luo ZP, Yang H, Pei M, He F .


SIRT1-dependent anti-senescence effects of cell-deposited matrix on human umbilical cord mesenchymalstem cells.


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(IF 3.078)

781. Liu J, Jiang X, Zhang Q, Lin S, Zhu J, Zhang Y, Du J, Hu X, Meng W, Zhao Q .


Neuroprotective effects of Kukoamine A against cerebral ischemia via antioxidant and inactivation ofapoptosis pathway.

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(IF 3.881)

782. Wang P, Wang Y, Tang W, Wang X, Pang Y, Yang S, Wei Y, Gao H, Wang D, Cao Z .


Bone Morphogenetic Protein-9 Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Periodontal Ligament StemCells via the JNK Pathway.

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(IF 2.74)

783. Cui L, Li Z, Chang X, Cong G, Hao L .


Quercetin attenuates vascular calcification by inhibiting oxidative stress and mitochondrial fission.


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(IF 4.152)

784. Fang Li, Yu Zhang, Donglin Zeng, Yu Xia, Xiaoxue Fan, Yisha Tan, Junping Kou, Boyang Yu.


The Combination of Three Components Derived from Sheng MaiSan Protects Myocardial Ischemic Diseases and Inhibits Oxidative Stress via Modulating MAPKs and JAK2-STAT3 Signaling Pathways Based on Bioinformatics Approach.


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785. Zhu Y, Wang Y, Yao R, Hao T, Cao J, Huang H, Wang L, Wu Y .


Enhanced neuroinflammation mediated by DNA methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor triggerscognitive dysfunction after sevoflurane anesthesia in adult rats subjected to maternal separation during theneonatal period.


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(IF 5.793)

786. Liu B, Gu X, Huang T, Luan Y, Ding X .


Identification of TMPRSS2-ERG mechanisms in prostate cancer invasiveness: Involvement of MMP-9 andplexin B1.

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2017 Jan;37(1):201-208.

(IF 3.417)

787. Fan Y, Shi C, Li T, Kuang T .


microRNA-454 shows anti-angiogenic and anti-metastatic activity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma bytargeting LRP6.

Am J Cancer Res.

2017 Jan 1;7(1):139-147.

(IF 5.177)

788. Luo L, Chen WJ, Yin JQ, Xu RX.


EID3 directly associates with DNMT3A during transdifferentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells to NPC-like cells.


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(IF 3.998)

789. Zhao H, Xue Y, Guo Y, Sun Y, Liu D, Wang X .


Inhibition of endocan attenuates monocrotaline-induced connective tissue disease related pulmonaryarterial hypertension.

Int Immunopharmacol.

2017 Jan;42:115-121.

(IF 3.943)

790. Wang C, Wang Q, Li X, Jin Z, Xu P, Xu N, Xu A, Xu Y, Zheng S, Zheng J, Liu C, Huang P.


Lycorine induces apoptosis of bladder cancer T24 cells by inhibiting phospho-Akt and activating the intrinsic apoptotic cascade.


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(IF 2.985)

791. Gao HT, Xu R, Cao WX, Qian LL, Wang M, Lu L, Xu Q, Yu SQ .


Effects of six priority controlled phthalate esters with long-term low-dose integrated exposure on malereproductive toxicity in rats.

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(IF 4.679)

792. You F, Li Q, Jin G, Zheng Y, Chen J, Yang H .


Genistein protects against Aβ25-35 induced apoptosis of PC12 cells through JNK signaling and modulationof Bcl-2 family messengers.

BMC Neurosci.

2017 Jan 12;18(1):12.

(IF 2.811)

793. Wang C, Wang Q, Li X, Jin Z, Xu P, Xu N, Xu A, Xu Y, Zheng S, Zheng J, Liu C, Huang P .


Lycorine induces apoptosis of bladder cancer T24 cells by inhibiting phospho-Akt and activating theintrinsic apoptotic cascade.


2017 Jan 29;483(1):197-202.

(IF 2.985)

794. Wang X, Zhang Y, Lin H, Liu Y, Tan Y, Lin J, Gao F, Lin S.


Alpha2,3-sialyltransferase III knockdown sensitized ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis.


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(IF 2.985)

795. Zhang T, Zhao L, Zeng S, Bai L, Chen J, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Duan C.


UHRF2 decreases H3K9ac expression by interacting with it through the PHD and SRA/YDG domain in HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells.

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(IF 3.098)

796. Ma C, Wang Y, Shen A, Cai W .


Resveratrol upregulates SOCS1 production by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages byinhibiting miR-155.

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(IF 3.098)

797. Zhang Y, Wu JY, Weng LH, Li XX, Yu LJ, Xu Y.


Valproic acid protects against MPP+-mediated neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y Cells through autophagy.

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(IF 2.274)

798. Wang T, Hou J, Su C, Zhao L, Shi Y .


Hyaluronic acid-coated chitosan nanoparticles induce ROS-mediated tumor cell apoptosis and enhanceantitumor efficiency by targeted drug delivery via CD44.


2017 Jan 10;15(1):7.

(IF 6.518)

799. Zhang L, Xu Y, Sun J, Chen W, Zhao L, Ma C, Wang Q, Sun J, Huang B, Zhang Y, Li X, Qu X.


M2-like tumor-associated macrophages drive vasculogenic mimicry through amplification of IL-6 expression in glioma cells.


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(IF 5.168)

800. Hou L, Zhang J, Zhang C, Xu Y, Zhu X, Yao C, Liu Y, Li T, Cao J.


The injury of fine particulate matter from cooking oil fumes on umbilical cord blood vessels in vitro.


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(IF 3.152)

801. Zhou Y, Wang X, Zhao Y, Liu A, Zhao T, Zhang Y, Shan Z, Teng W.


Elevated Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody Increases Risk of Post-partum Depression by Decreasing Prefrontal Cortex BDNF and 5-HT Levels in Mice.

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(IF 3.921)

802. Wang T, Hou J, Su C, Zhao L, Shi Y.


Hyaluronic acid-coated chitosan nanoparticles induce ROS-mediated tumor cell apoptosis and enhance antitumor efficiency by targeted drug delivery via CD44.


2017 Jan 10;15(1):7.

(IF 6.518)

803. Zhang J, Su L, Ye Q, Zhang S, Kung H, Jiang F, Jiang G, Miao J, Zhao B.


Discovery of a novel Nrf2 inhibitor that induces apoptosis of human acute myeloid leukemia cells.


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(IF 5.168)

804. Zhang ML, Fu FH, Yu LC.


Antinociception induced by galanin in anterior cingulate cortex in rats with acute inflammation.

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(IF 2.274)

805. Xiao Q, Huang L, Zhang Z, Chen X, Luo J, Zhang Z, Chen S, Shu Y, Han Z, Cao K.


Overexpression of miR-140 Inhibits Proliferation of Osteosarcoma Cells via Suppression of Histone Deacetylase 4.

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2017 Jan 26;25(2):267-275.

(IF 4.949)

806. Fan Y, Shi C, Li T, Kuang T.


microRNA-454 shows anti-angiogenic and anti-metastatic activity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by targeting LRP6.

Am J Cancer Res.

2017 Jan 1;7(1):139-147. eCollection 2017.

(IF 5.177)

807. Du JY, Yuan F, Zhao LY, Zhu J, Huang YY, Zhang GS, Wei Y, Liu Y, Yi Q, Tu YS, Zhong X, Sun FY, Sun HS, Guan YY, Chen WL, Wang GL.


Suppression of Kv1.5 protects against endothelial apoptosis induced by palmitate and in type 2 diabetes mice.

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2017 Jan 1;168:28-37.

(IF 3.647)

808. Xiong J, Liu Y, Luo S, Jiang L, Zeng Y, Chen Z, Shi X, Lv B, Tang W.


High expression of the long non-coding RNA HEIRCC promotes Renal Cell Carcinoma metastasis by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition.


2017 Jan 24;8(4):6555-6563.

(IF 5.168)

809. Li A, Li J, Lin J, Zhuo W, Si J.


COL11A1 is overexpressed in gastric cancer tissues and regulates proliferation, migration and invasion of HGC-27 gastric cancer cells in vitro.

Oncol Rep.

2017 Jan;37(1):333-340.

(IF 3.417)

810. Zhao H, Xue Y, Guo Y, Sun Y, Liu D, Wang X.


Inhibition of endocan attenuates monocrotaline-induced connective tissue disease related pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Int Immunopharmacol.

2017 Jan;42:115-121.

(IF 3.943)

811. Lingman Ma, Lifen Qian, Qidi Ying, Yan Zhang, Changlin Zhou, Guanzhong Wu.


I4, a synthetic anti-diabetes agent, attenuates atherosclerosis through its lipid-lowering, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptosis properties.

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(IF 3.693)

812. Liu B, Gu X, Huang T, Luan Y, Ding X.


Identification of TMPRSS2-ERG mechanisms in prostate cancer invasiveness: Involvement of MMP-9 and plexin B1.

Oncol Rep.

2017 Jan;37(1):201-208.

(IF 3.417)

813. Yu L, Li N, Zhang J, Jiang Y.


IL-13 regulates human nasal epithelial cell differentiation via H3K4me3 modification.


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(IF 3.174)

814. You F, Li Q, Jin G, Zheng Y, Chen J, Yang H.


Genistein protects against Aβ25-35 induced apoptosis of PC12 cells through JNK signaling and modulation of Bcl-2 family messengers.

BMC Neurosci.

2017 Jan 12;18(1):12.

(IF 2.811)

815. Ma C, Pi C, Yang Y, Lin L, Shi Y, Li Y, Li Y, He X.


Nampt Expression Decreases Age-Related Senescence in Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Targeting Sirt1.

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(IF 2.74)

816. Luyao Song, Liwen Tian, Yun Ma, Yang Xie, Haixing Feng, Fei Qin, Liqian Mo, Si Lin, Lianbing Hou, Chunxia Wang.


Protection of flavonoids from Smilax china L. rhizome on phenol mucilage-induced pelvic inflammation in rats by attenuating inflammation and fibrosis.

Journal of Functional Foods.

January 2017, Pages 194-204.

(IF 3.197)

817. Chen HM, Luo H, Zeng WB, Liu B, Huang JC, Liu M, Zeng YJ, Zheng Q, Li JQ, Sun XG, Zhou YC.


Salvianolic acid B attenuates oxidized low-density lipoprotein-induced endothelial cell apoptosis through inhibition of oxidative stress, p53, and caspase-3 pathways.

Chin J Integr Med.

2017 Jan 24.

(IF 1.545)

818. Zhu Y, Wang Y, Yao R, Hao T, Cao J, Huang H, Wang L, Wu Y.


Enhanced neuroinflammation mediated by DNA methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor triggers cognitive dysfunction after sevoflurane anesthesia in adult rats subjected to maternal separation during the neonatal period.


2017 Jan 7;14(1):6.

(IF 5.793)

819. Han Y, Zhao Q, Zhou J, Shi R.


miR-429 mediates tumor growth and metastasis in colorectal cancer.

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2017 Feb 1;7(2):218-233. eCollection 2017.

(IF 5.177)

820. Chao Zhao, Yan Wang, Mingjun Fu, Keng Yang, Lihua Qiu.


Molecular cloning, expression and functional analysis of three subunits of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) from black tiger shrimps (Penaeus monodon).


Volume 204, February 2017, Pages 77-89.

(IF 2.219)

821. Juan Wang, Liping Guo, Difei Shen, Xiao Xu, Jiaping Wang, Suxia Han, Wen He.


The Role of c‐SKI in Regulation of TGFβ‐Induced Human Cardiac Fibroblast Proliferation and ECM Protein Expression.

Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry.

18 February 2017.

(IF 3.448)

822. Jiang XS, Chen XM, Wan JM, Gui HB, Ruan XZ, Du XG.


Autophagy Protects against Palmitic Acid-Induced Apoptosis in Podocytes in vitro.


2017 Feb 22;7:42764.

(IF 3.998)

823. Han D, Chen W, Gu X, Shan R, Zou J, Liu G, Shahid M, Gao J, Han B.


Cytoprotective effect of chlorogenic acid against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in MC3T3-E1 cells through PI3K/Akt-mediated Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway.


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(IF 5.168)

824. Ming-Jenn Chen, Ya-Min Cheng, Chien-Chung Chend, Yu-Chieh Chen, Ching-JuShen.


MiR-148a and miR-152 reduce tamoxifen resistance in ER+ breast cancer via downregulating ALCAM.

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(IF 2.705)

825. Huang T, Liu R, Fu X, Yao D, Yang M, Liu Q, Lu WW, Wu C, Guan M .


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(IF 6.022)

826. Liu WY, Zhang JW, Yao XQ, Jiang C, He JC, Ni P, Liu JL, Chen QY, Li QR, Zang XJ, Yao L, Liu YZ, Wang ML, Shen PQ, Wang GJ, Zhou F .


Shenmai injection enhances the cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs against colorectal cancers viaimproving their subcellular distribution.

Acta Pharmacol Sin.

2017 Feb;38(2):264-276.

(IF 5.064)

827. Ruqin Peng, Shaozhan Wang, Rong Wang, Yuanyuan Wang, Yan Wu, Yongfang Yuan.


Antifibrotic Effects of Tanshinol in Experimental Hepatic Fibrosis by Targeting PI3K/AKT/mTOR/p70S6K1 Signaling Pathways.

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(IF 1.929)

828. Hu J, Zhai C, Hu J, Li Z, Fei H, Wang Z, Fan W.


MiR-23a inhibited IL-17-mediated proinflammatory mediators expression via targeting IKKα in articular chondrocytes.

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2017 Feb;43:1-6.

(IF 3.943)

829. Chen H, Yan L, Wang J, Sun Y, Li X, Zhao S, Wang D, Zhu G, Liang Y.


Methotrexate prevents epidural fibrosis through endoplasmic reticulum stress signalling pathway.

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2017 Feb 5;796:131-138.

(IF 3.263)

830. Dongqing Zuo, Zifei Zhou, Hongsheng Wang, Tao Zhang, Jie Zang, Fei Yin, Wei Sun, Jiepeng Chen, Lili Duan, Jing Xu, Zhuoying Wang, Chongren Wang, Binhui Lin, Zeze Fu, Yuxin Liao, Suoyuan Li, Mengxiong Sun, Yingqi Hua, Longpo Zheng, Zhengdong Cai.


Alternol, a natural compound, exerts an anti‐tumour effect on osteosarcoma by modulating of STAT3 and ROS/MAPK signalling pathways.

Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.

Volume21, Issue2, February 2017, Pages 208-221.

(IF 4.658)

831. Jiang W, Chen Q, Li P, Lu Q, Pei X, Sun Y, Wang G, Hao K.


Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced depressive-like behavior in mice.

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832. Yonggang Zhu, Hongguang Zhao, Min Rao, Songbai Xu.


MicroRNA-365 inhibits proliferation, migration and invasion of glioma by targeting PIK3R3.

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(IF 3.041)

833. Luan W, Qian Y, Ni X, Bu X, Xia Y, Wang J, Ruan H, Ma S, Xu B.


miR-204-5p acts as a tumor suppressor by targeting matrix metalloproteinases-9 and B-cell lymphoma-2 in malignant melanoma.


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(IF 3.337)

834. Fang A, Li X, Wang Y, Pan D, Wang Q.


A core component of the CUL4 ubiquitin ligase complexes, DDB1, regulates spermatogenesis in theChinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis.


2017 Feb 15;601:11-20.

(IF 2.984)

835. Liu Y, Wang F, Xu P.


miR-590 accelerates lung adenocarcinoma migration and invasion through directly suppressingfunctionaltarget OLFM4.

Biomed Pharmacother.

2017 Feb;86:466-474.

(IF 4.545)

836. Yang Y, Dong Q, Li R.


Matrine induces the apoptosis of fibroblast-like synoviocytes derived from rats with collagen-inducedarthritis by suppressing the activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway.

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(IF 3.098)

837. Wang Y, Gu YH, Liu M, Bai Y, Wang HL.


Fluoxetine protects against methamphetamine induced lung inflammation by suppressing

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(IF 2.1)

838. Zhang L, Xiong W, Li N, Liu H, He H, Du Y, Zhang Z, Liu Y.


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(IF 6.312)

839. Cui D, Xu J, Xu Q, Zuo G.


DL-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid protects primary neurons from oxygen-glucose deprivation induced injury.


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(IF 2.05)

840. Wang M, Wang Q, Peng WJ, Hu JF, Wang ZY, Liu H, Huang LN .


Testin is a tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer.

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(IF 3.417)

841. Han Luo, Dai-Jun Zhou, Zhang Chen, Qi-Quan Zhou, Kui Wu, Kun Tian, Zhi-Wei Li, Zhen-Liang Xiao.


Establishment and evaluation of an experimental rat model for high-altitude intestinal barrier injury.

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine.

February 2017, Volume 13 Issue 2.

(IF 1.448)

842. Chen S, Sun YY, Zhang ZX, Li YH, Xu ZM, Fu WN.


Transcriptional suppression of microRNA-27a contributes to laryngeal cancer differentiation via GSK-3β-involved Wnt/β-catenin pathway.


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(IF 5.168)

843. Zhang XG, Zhao L, Zhang Y, Li YY, Wang H, Duan GL, Xiao L, Li XR, Chen HP .


Extracellular Cl--free-induced cardioprotection against hypoxia/reoxygenation is associated withattenuation of mitochondrial permeability transition pore.

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2017 Feb;86:637-644.

(IF 4.545)

844. Wu J, Liu Z, Su J, Pan N, Song Q .


Anti-inflammatory activity of 3β-hydroxycholest-5-en-7-one isolated from Hippocampus trimaculatus leachvia inhibiting iNOS, TNF-α, and 1L-1β of LPS induced RAW 264.7 macrophage cells.

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2017 Feb 22;8(2):788-795.

(IF 4.171)

845. Di YF, Li DC, Shen YQ, Wang CL, Zhang DY, Shang AQ, Hu T.


MiR-146b protects cardiomyocytes injury in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion by targeting Smad4.

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2017 Feb 15;9(2):656-663. eCollection 2017.

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846. Wei B, Wei W, Zhao B, Guo X, Liu S.


Long non-coding RNA HOTAIR inhibits miR-17-5p to regulate osteogenic differentiation and proliferation in non-traumatic osteonecrosis of femoral head.

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(IF 2.74)

847. Xu J, Wu W, Wang J, Huang C, Wen W, Zhao F, Xu X, Pan X, Wang W, Zhu Q, Chen L.


miR-367 promotes the proliferation and invasion of non-small cell lung cancer via targeting FBXW7.

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(IF 3.417)

848. Guopei Zhang, Yangyang Guan, Yuejiao Zhao, Taharvan der Straaten, Sha Xiao, Ping Xue, Guolian Zhu, Qiufang Liu, Yuan Cai, Cuihong Jin, Jinghua Yang, Shengwen Wu, Xiaobo Lu.


ERCC2/XPD Lys751Gln alter DNA repair efficiency of platinum-induced DNA damage through P53 pathway.

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Volume 263, 1 February 2017, Pages 55-65.

(IF 3.407)

849. Lu C, Shan Z, Li C, Yang L.


MiR-129 regulates cisplatin-resistance in human gastric cancer cells by targeting P-gp.

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2017 Feb;86:450-456.

(IF 4.545)

850. Hu J, Zhai C, Hu J, Li Z, Fei H, Wang Z, Fan W .


MiR-23a inhibited IL-17-mediated proinflammatory mediators expression via targeting IKKα in articularchondrocytes.

Int Immunopharmacol.

2017 Feb;43:1-6.

(IF 3.943)

851. Shen H, Wu N, Liu Z, Zhao H, Zhao M .


Epigallocatechin-3-gallate alleviates paraquat-induced acute lung injury and inhibits upregulation of toll-likereceptors.

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(IF 3.647)

852. Chen X, Ye H, Li S, Jiao B, Wu J, Zeng P, Chen L.


Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus inhibits exogenous Type I IFN signaling pathway through its NSs invitro.

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(IF 2.74)

853. Liu WY, Zhang JW, Yao XQ, Jiang C, He JC, Ni P, Liu JL, Chen QY, Li QR, Zang XJ, Yao L, Liu YZ, Wang ML, Shen PQ, Wang GJ, Zhou F.


Shenmai injection enhances the cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs against colorectal cancers via improving their subcellular distribution.

Acta Pharmacol Sin.

2017 Feb;38(2):264-276.

(IF 5.064)

854. Yu Y, Liu C, Zhang J, Zhang M, Wen W, Ruan X, Li D, Zhang S, Gao M, Chen L.


Rtfc (4931414P19Rik) Regulates in vitro Thyroid Differentiation and in vivo Thyroid Function.


2017 Feb 23;7:43396.

(IF 3.998)

855. Liu Y, Wang F, Xu P.


miR-590 accelerates lung adenocarcinoma migration and invasion through directly suppressing functional target OLFM4.

Biomed Pharmacother.

2017 Feb;86:466-474.

(IF 4.545)

856. Liu Q, Yu Z, Yuan S, Xie W, Li C, Hu Z, Xiang Y, Wu N, Wu L, Bai L, Li Y.


Circulating exosomal microRNAs as prognostic biomarkers for non-small-cell lung cancer.


2017 Feb 21;8(8):13048-13058.

(IF 5.168)

857. Zhou C, Bai J, Jiang C, Ye L, Pan Y, Zhang H.


Geranylgeranylacetone attenuates myocardium ischemic/reperfusion injury through HSP70 and Akt/GSK-3β/eNOS pathway.

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2017 Feb 15;9(2):386-395. eCollection 2017.

(IF 3.375)

858. Wu J, Liu Z, Su J, Pan N, Song Q.


Anti-inflammatory activity of 3β-hydroxycholest-5-en-7-one isolated from Hippocampus trimaculatus leach via inhibiting iNOS, TNF-α, and 1L-1β of LPS induced RAW 264.7 macrophage cells.

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2017 Feb 22;8(2):788-795.

(IF 4.171)

859. Liu Z, Gu H, Gan L, Xu Y, Feng F, Saeed M, Sun C.


Reducing Smad3/ATF4 was essential for Sirt1 inhibiting ER stress-induced apoptosis in mice brown adipose tissue.


2017 Feb 7;8(6):9267-9279.

(IF 5.168)

860. Shi X, Yu W, Liu L, Liu W, Zhang X, Yang T, Chai L, Lou L, Gao Y, Zhu L.


Panax notoginseng saponins administration modulates pro- /anti-inflammatory factor expression and improves neurologic outcome following permanent MCAO in rats.

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2017 Feb;32(1):221-233.

(IF 2.726)

861. Yan-Yan Wang, Lu-Nan Qi, Jian-Hong Zhong, Hong-Gui Qin, Jia-Zhou Ye, Shi-Dong Lu, Liang Ma, Bang-De Xiang, Le-Qun Li, Xue-Mei You.


High expression of AKR1B10 predicts low risk of early tumor recurrence in patients with hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma.

Scientific Reports.

09 February 2017.

(IF 4.011)

862. Lu Xiaoyan, Jin Tingting, Zheng Jie, Fan Xiaohui.


The Size and Surface Modification of Amorphous Silica Particles Affect the Biological Processes in Murine Macrophages.

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(IF 1.093)

863. Jiang P, Wei WF, Zhong GW, Zhou XG, Qiao WR, Fisher R, Lu L.


The function of the three phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase (Prs) genes in hyphal growth and conidiation in Aspergillus nidulans.


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(IF 1.027)

864. Yanan An, Xiaochen Shi, Xudong Tang, Yang Wang, Fengge Shen, Qiaoli Zhang, Chao Wang, Mingguo Jiang, Mingyuan Liu, Lu Yu.


Aflatoxin B1 Induces Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Autophagy and Extracellular Trap Formation in Macrophages.


23 February 2017.

(IF 4.123)

865. Hong W, Shi H, Qiao M, Zhang Z, Yang W, Dong L, Xie F, Zhao C, Kang L.


pH-sensitive micelles for the intracellular co-delivery of curcumin and Pluronic L61 unimers for synergistic reversal effect of multidrug resistance.


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(IF 3.998)

866. Dongwu Lai, Jing Gao, Xukun Bi, Hong He, Xiaolu Shi, Shaoxiang Weng, Yu Chen, Ying Yang, Yang Ye, Guosheng Fu.


The Rho kinase inhibitor, fasudil, ameliorates diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction by improving calcium clearance and actin remodeling.


February 2017, Volume 95, Issue 2, pp 155–165.

(IF 4.427)

867. Zhang JX, Wang R, Xi J, Shen L, Zhu AY, Qi Q, Wang QY, Zhang LJ, Wang FC, Lü HZ, Hu JG.


Morroniside protects SK-N-SH human neuroblastoma cells against H2O2-induced damage.

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(IF 3.098)

868. AnYu Fang, XueJie Li, YuanLi Wang, DiYue Pan, Qun Wang.


A core component of the CUL4 ubiquitin ligase complexes, DDB1, regulates spermatogenesis in the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis.


Volume 601, 15 February 2017, Pages 11-20.

(IF 2.984)

869. Weiwei Wang, Lijun Zhang, Liang Liu, Yongfa Zheng, Yong Zhang, Siyuan Yang, Rongliang Shi, Shaojia Wang.


Chemosensitizing effect of shRNA-mediated ERCC1 silencing on a Xuanwei lung adenocarcinoma cell line and its clinical significance.

Oncology Reports.

February 14, 2017.

(IF 3.041)

870. Xintian Zheng, Xiaoyan Yang, Xiaohua Li, Guo-Hua Qiu, Ailing Dai, Qichun Huang, Cuiqin Huang, Xiaofeng Guo.


Omp16-based vaccine encapsulated by alginate-chitosan microspheres provides significant protection against Haemophilus parasuis in mice.


7 March 2017, Pages 1417-1423.

(IF 3.143)

871. Jiang Q, Li Q, Han J, Gou M, Zheng Y, Li B, Xiao R, Wang J .


rLj-RGD3 induces apoptosis via the mitochondrial-dependent pathway and inhibits adhesion, migration andinvasion of human HeyA8 cells via FAK pathway.

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(IF 5.162)

872. Zhou F, Zhang W, Zhou J, Li M, Zhong F, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Wang Y.


Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress in formalin-induced pain is attenuated by 4-phenylbutyric acid.

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2017 Mar 20;10:653-662.

(IF 2.386)

873. Gao R, Chen R, Cao Y, Wang Y, Song K, Zhang Y, Yang J .


Emodin suppresses TGF-β1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in alveolar epithelial cells throughNotch signaling pathway.


2017 Mar 1;318:1-7.

(IF 3.616)

874. Wulong Liang, Minping Zheng, Changlei Bao, Yanming Zhang.


CSFV proliferation is associated with GBF1 and Rab2.

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March 2017, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp 43–56.

(IF 1.823)

875. Chen H, Tang X, Zhou B, Xu N, Zhou Z, Fang K, Wang Y.


BDE-47 and BDE-209 inhibit proliferation of Neuro-2a cells via inducing G1-phase arrest.


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(IF 3.152)

876. Cuiyuan Huang, Linghui Pan, Fei Lin, Huijun Dai, Ruili Fu.


Monoclonal antibody against Toll-like receptor 4 attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in rats by inhibiting MyD88- and NF-κB-dependent signaling.

International Journal of Molecular Medicine.

March 2017, Volume 39 Issue 3.

(IF 2.928)

877. Liu Z, Lu Y, Xiao Y, Lu Y.


Upregulation of miR-21 expression is a valuable predicator of advanced clinicopathological features and poor prognosis in patients with renal cell carcinoma through the p53/p21‑cyclin E2‑Bax/caspase-3 signaling pathway.

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2017 Mar;37(3):1437-1444.

(IF 3.417)

878. Jiang Q, Li Q, Han J, Gou M, Zheng Y, Li B, Xiao R, Wang J.


rLj-RGD3 induces apoptosis via the mitochondrial-dependent pathway and inhibits adhesion, migration and invasion of human HeyA8 cells via FAK pathway.

Int J Biol Macromol.

2017 Mar;96:652-668.

(IF 5.162)

879. Daoliang Xu, Haiming Jin, Jianxia Wen, Jiaoxiang Chen, Deheng Chen, Ningyu Cai, Yongli Wang, Jianle Wang, Yu Chen, Xiaolei Zhang, Xiangyang Wang.


Hydrogen sulfide protects against endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial injury in nucleus pulposus cells and ameliorates intervertebral disc degeneration.

Pharmacological Research.

Volume 117, March 2017, Pages 357-369.

(IF 5.574)

880. Li H, Tang Y, Wen L, Kong X, Chen X, Liu P, Zhou Z, Chen W, Xiao C, Xiao P, Xiao X.


Neferine reduces cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity by enhancing autophagy via the AMPK/mTOR signaling pathway.


2017 Mar 11;484(3):694-701.

(IF 2.985)

881. Liao X, Feng B, Zhang D, Liu P, Zhou X, Li R, Ye L.


The Sirt6 gene: Does it play a role in tooth development?

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(IF 2.74)

882. Qiang Qu, Xiangdong Chu, Peng Wang.


MicroRNA-195-5p suppresses osteosarcoma cell proliferation and invasion by suppressing naked cuticle homolog 1.

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Volume41, Issue3, March 2017, Pages 287-295.

(IF 2.127)

883. Shoumin Bai, Ting Chen, Xiaoli Yu, Ming Luo, Xianju Chen, Chunhao Lin, Yiming Lai, Hai Huang.


The specific killing effect of matrine on castration-resistant prostate cancer cells by targeting the Akt/FoxO3a signaling pathway.

Oncology Reports.

March 16, 2017.

(IF 3.041)

884. Nian-Wei Yao, Yuan Lu, Li-Qi Shi, Feng Xu, Xian-Hua Cai.


Neuroprotective effect of combining tanshinone IIA with low‑dose methylprednisolone following acute spinal cord injury in rats.

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine.

March 28, 2017.

(IF 1.448)

885. Wu D, Luo N, Wang L, Zhao Z, Bu H, Xu G, Yan Y, Che X, Jiao Z, Zhao T, Chen J, Ji A, Li Y, Lee GD.


Hydrogen sulfide ameliorates chronic renal failure in rats by inhibiting apoptosis and inflammation through ROS/MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways.


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(IF 3.998)

886. Hou X, Yu Y, Feng J, Wang J, Zheng C, Ling Z, Ge M, Zhu X.


Biochemical changes of salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma cells induced by SGI-1776.

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2017 Mar 15;352(2):403-411.

(IF 3.383)

887. Zhang Y, Takemori H, Wang C, Fu J, Xu M, Xiong L, Li N, Wen X.


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(IF 3.647)

888. He HQ, Wu YX, Nie YJ, Wang J, Ge M, Qian F.


LYRM03, an ubenimex derivative, attenuates LPS-induced acute lung injury in mice by suppressing the TLR4 signaling pathway.

Acta Pharmacol Sin.

2017 Mar;38(3):342-350.

(IF 5.064)

889. Xu X, Li R, Zhou Y, Zou Q, Ding Q, Wang J, Jin W, Hua G, Gao J.


Dysregulated systemic lymphocytes affect the balance of osteogenic/adipogenic differentiation of bone mesenchymal stem cells after local irradiation.

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(IF 5.116)

890. Li Y, Shen R, Wen G, Ding R, Du A, Zhou J, Dong Z, Ren X, Yao H, Zhao R, Zhang G, Lu Y, Wu X.


Effects of Ketamine on Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α in the Hippocampus of Mice Following Acute or Chronic Administration.

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2017 Mar 20;8:139.

(IF 4.225)

891. Gao HT, Xu R, Cao WX, Qian LL, Wang M, Lu L, Xu Q, Yu SQ.


Effects of six priority controlled phthalate esters with long-term low-dose integrated exposure on male reproductive toxicity in rats.

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(IF 4.679)

892. Shen CJ, Kuo YL, Chen CC, Chen MJ, Cheng YM.


MMP1 expression is activated by Slug and enhances multi-drug resistance (MDR) in breast cancer.

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2017 Mar 23;12(3):e0174487.

(IF 2.74)

893. Chen L, Huang G, Gao M, Shen X, Gong W, Xu Z, Zeng Y, He F.


Chicoric acid suppresses BAFF expression in B lymphocytes by inhibiting NF-κB activity.

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2017 Mar;44:211-215.

(IF 3.943)

894. Pan XP, Wang HX, Tong DM, Li Y, Huang LH, Wang C.


miRNA-370 acts as a tumor suppressor via the downregulation of PIM1 in hepatocellular carcinoma.


2017 Mar;21(6):1254-1263.

(IF 3.024)

895. Cheng L, Zhan B, Luo P, Wang B.


miRNA‑375 regulates the cell survival and apoptosis of human non‑small cell carcinoma by targeting HER2.

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2017 Mar;15(3):1387-1392.

(IF 2.1)

896. Sun Y, Zong L, Gao Z, Zhu S, Tong J, Cao Y.


Mitochondrial DNA damage and oxidative damage in HL-60 cells exposed to 900MHz radiofrequency fields.


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(IF 5.803)

897. He LF, Xu HW, Chen M, Xian ZR, Wen XF, Chen MN, Du CW, Huang WH, Wu JD, Zhang GJ.


Activated-PAK4 predicts worse prognosis in breast cancer and promotes tumorigenesis through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling.


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(IF 5.168)

898. Zhang J, Cai Q, Jiang M, Liu Y, Gu H, Guo J, Sun H, Fang J, Jin L.


Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor alleviated 6-OHDA-induced cell damage via ROS-AMPK/mTOR mediated autophagic inhibition.

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2017 Mar;89:45-56.

(IF 3.376)

899. Pu YZ, Wan QL, Ding AJ, Luo HR, Wu GS.


Quantitative proteomics analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans upon germ cell loss.

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2017 Mar 6;156:85-93.

(IF 3.509)

900. Wang K, Xu Y, Yang W, Zhang Y.


Insufficient hypothalamic angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is associated with hypertension in SHR rats.


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(IF 5.168)

901. Lu Li, Lu Wang, Kevin M Prise, KN Yu, Guodong Chen, Lianyun Chen, Yide Mei, Wei Han.


Akt/mTOR mediated induction of bystander effect signaling in a nucleus independent manner in irradiated human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cells.


2017 Mar 14; 8(11): 18010–18020.

(IF 5.168)

902. Wei R, Yang Q, Han B, Li Y, Yao K, Yang X, Chen Z, Yang S, Zhou J, Li M, Yu H, Yu M, Cui Q.


microRNA-375 inhibits colorectal cancer cells proliferation by downregulating JAK2/STAT3 and MAP3K8/ERK signaling pathways.


2017 Mar 7;8(10):16633-16641.

(IF 5.168)

903. Gao R, Chen R, Cao Y, Wang Y, Song K, Zhang Y, Yang J.


Emodin suppresses TGF-β1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in alveolar epithelial cells through Notch signaling pathway.


2017 Mar 1;318:1-7.

(IF 3.616)

904. Dai C, Lei L, Li B, Lin Y, Xiao X, Tang S.


Involvement of the activation of Nrf2/HO-1, p38 MAPK signaling pathways and endoplasmic reticulum stress in furazolidone induced cytotoxicity and S phase arrest in human hepatocyte L02 cells: modulation of curcumin.


2017 Mar;27(3):165-172.

(IF 2.295)

905. Xu H, Qian M, Zhao B, Wu C, Maskey N, Song H, Li D, Song J, Hua K, Fang L.


Inhibition of RAB1A suppresses epithelial-mesenchymal transition and proliferation of triple-negative breast cancer cells.

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(IF 3.417)

906. Kang Q, Xiang Y, Li D, Liang J, Zhang X, Zhou F, Qiao M, Nie Y, He Y, Cheng J, Dai Y, Li Y.


MiR-124-3p attenuates hyperphosphorylation of Tau protein-induced apoptosis via caveolin-1-PI3K/Akt/GSK3β pathway in N2a/APP695swe cells.


2017 Apr 11;8(15):24314-24326.

(IF 5.168)

907. Xu E, Cao H, Lin L, Liu H.


rs10499194 polymorphism in the tumor necrosis factor-α inducible protein 3 (TNFAIP3) gene is associated with type-1 autoimmune hepatitis risk in Chinese Han population.

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908. Xie H, Wang Z, Zhang L, Lei Q, Zhao A, Wang H, Li Q, Cao Y, Jie Zhang W, Chen Z.


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909. Xianwu Liu, Bin Quan, Zhilong Tian, Hailin Xi, Gaolei Jia, Hui Wang, Liang Zhang, Ruming Liu, Cheng Ma, Fuzhou Han, Huansong Li, Fukang Yuan.


Elevated expression of KLK8 predicts poor prognosis in colorectal cancer.

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910. Yi Zhu, Minjie Wang, Xu Zhao, Lei Zhang, Yigao Wu, Bangqi Wang, Weilie Hu.


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911. Dong Y, Cui P, Li Z, Zhang S.


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912. Yintao Chen, Shasha Yu, Naijin Zhang, Yuan Li, Shuang Chen, Ye Chang, Guozhe Sun, Yingxian Sun.


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913. Liu H, Huang X, Yu H, Yang X, Zhang X, Hang R, Tang B.


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914. Yang Yang, Qin He, Hong Wang, Xinyue Hu, Ying Luo, Guojuan Liang, Shengnan Kuang, Shaoshan Mai, Jie Ma, Xiaoyan Tian, Qi Chen, Junqing Yang.


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915. Fan X, Zhou S, Zheng M, Deng X, Yi Y, Huang T.


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916. Carmelina D. Anfuso, Melania Olivieri, Annamaria Fidilio, Gabriella Lupo, Dario Rusciano, Salvatore Pezzino, Caterina Gagliano, Filippo Drago, Claudio Bucolo.


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918. Zhu WJ, Yang SD, Qu CX, Zhu QL, Chen WL, Li F, Yuan ZQ, Liu Y, You BG, Zhang XN.


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921. Guangyuan Zhao, Cheng Fu, Lu Wang, Lan Zhu, Yutao Yan, Ying Xiang, Fang Zheng, Feili Gong, Song Chen, Gang Chen.


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922. Li MS, Xin M, Guo CL, Lin GM, Li J, Wu XG.


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923. Liu S, Liang B, Jia H, Jiao Y, Pang Z, Huang Y.


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927. Chen J, Huang C, Wang J, Zhou H, Lu Y, Lou L, Zheng J, Tian L, Wang X, Cao Z, Zeng Y.


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934. Zou W, Zhou H, Hu J, Zhang L, Tang Q, Wen X, Xiao Z, Wang W.


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935. Li LS, Lu YL, Nie J, Xu YY, Zhang W, Yang WJ, Gong QH, Lu YF, Lu Y, Shi JS.


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936. Zhang L, Gan X, He Y, Zhu Z, Zhu J, Yu H.


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938. Xiuyan Wang, Liyu Zheng, Jinming Wu, Binbin Tang, Mengqin Zhang, Debin Zhu, Xianfan Lin.


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939. Mengqian Li, Yefeng Yuan, Bo Hu, Lei Wu.


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943. Qi-sang Guo, Yu Song, Ke-qin Hua, Shu-jun Gao.


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944. Cheng L, Liu J, Liu Q, Liu Y, Fan L, Wang F, Yu H, Li Y, Bu L, Li X, Wei W, Wang H, Sun G.


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945. Lin H, Zhao L, Ma X, Wang BC, Deng XY, Cui M, Chen SF, Shao ZW.


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946. Hong Ren, Juan Han, Zhifang Li, Zhiyong Xiong.


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947. Li J, Guo Y, Duan L, Hu X, Zhang X, Hu J, Huang L, He R, Hu Z, Luo W, Tan T, Huang R, Liao D, Zhu YS, Luo DX.


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949. Pei Wu, Yuchen Li, Shiyi Zhu, Chunlei Wang, Jiaxing Dai, Guang Zhang, Bingjie Zheng, Shancai Xu, Ligang Wang, Tongyu Zhang, PeiQuan Zhou, John H.Zhang, Huaizhang Shi.


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950. Li X, Yang B, Wang L, Chen L, Luo X, Liu L.


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951. Liu Bin, Jia Kaiqiao, Yang Yu, Hao Siyuan, Lu Caijie, Xu Fengming, Feng Dehui, Zhu Runzhi.


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952. Jun Lou, Yongli Wang, Zhimin Zhang, Weiqiang Qiu.


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953. Yanjun Sun, Chuan Jiang, Jun Jiang, Lisheng Qiu.


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955. Hongming Lv, Qinmei Liu, Junfeng Zhou, Guangyun Tan, Xuming Deng, Xinxin Ci.


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957. Xin Chen, Hai-Wen Ding, Hai-Di Li, Hui-Min Huang, Xiao-Feng Li, Yang Yang, Yi-Long Zhang, Xue-Yin Pan, Cheng Huang, Xiao-Ming Meng, Jun Li.


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(IF 3.499)

958. Liu Bin, Zhang Miaomiao, Liu Shuna, Ying Jie, Zhang Jingjing, Kurihara Hiroshi, Zheng Weiqiang, He Rong-Rong, Zhu Runzhi.


Diosmetin, a Potential p53 Activator, Performs Anticancer Effect by Regulating Cell Cycling and Cell Proliferation in HepG2 Cells.

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(IF 1.168)

959. Zhang JF, Zhang L, Shi LL, Zhao ZH, Xu H, Liang F, Li HB, Zhao Y, Xu X, Yang K, Tian YF.


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960. Ye M, He Y, Lin H, Yang S, Zhou Y, Zhou L, Zhong J, Lu G, Zheng J, Xue ZX, Cai ZZ.


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961. Guo Dong, Shusen Yang, Xuefei Cao, Nannan Yu, Jiangbo Yu, Xiufen Qu.


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963. Linxi Yu, Xiaoxin Liu, Zihang Yuan, Xiaojiaoyang Li, Hang Yang, Ziqiao Yuan, Lixin Sun, Luyong Zhang, Zhengzhou Jiang.


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965. Zuo Z, Qi F, Yang J, Wang X, Wu Y, Wen Y, Yuan Q, Zou J, Guo K, Yao ZB.


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967. Chen X, Xu H, Wu N, Liu X, Qiao G, Su S, Tian Y, Yuan R, Li C, Liu X, Lin X.


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968. Meng Z, Guo L, Li Q.


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970. Chen Y, Zhou CF, Xiao F, Huang HL, Zhang P, Gu HF, Tang XQ.


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971. Deng Z, Jin J, Wang Z, Wang Y, Gao Q, Zhao J.


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972. Gong ZY, Yuan ZQ, Dong ZW, Peng YZ.


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974. Zhao H, Liu F, Jia R, Chang H, Li H, Miao M, Wang H, Yang Z.


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975. Tang M, Zhao Y, Liu N, Chen E, Quan Z, Wu X, Luo C.


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976. Su ZQ, Liu YH, Guo HZ, Sun CY, Xie JH, Li YC, Chen JN, Lai XP, Su ZR, Chen HM.


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979. Ye Q, Chen C, Si E, Cai Y, Wang J, Huang W, Li D, Wang Y, Chen X.


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982. Lijun Tao, Fengyan Cao, Gonghao Xu, Haifeng Xie, Mian Zhang, Chaofeng Zhang.


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983. Kun Zhuang, Lingxia Zhang, Xin Zhang, Hailing Tang, Jun Zhang, Yuan Yan, Kun Han, Hanqing Guo.


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984. Zhou Q, Zhu S, Guo Y, Lian L, Hu Q, Liu X, Xu F, Zhang N, Kang H.


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985. Zhang X, Liu S, Zhang G, Zhong M, Liu T, Wei M, Wu D, Huang X, Cheng Y, Wu Q, Hu S.


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986. Yiting Lou, Chenggui Wang, Wenhao Zheng, Qian Tang, Yu Chen, Xiaolei Zhang, Xiaoshan Guo, Jianshun Wang.


Salvianolic acid B inhibits IL-1β-induced inflammatory cytokine production in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes and has a protective effect in a mouse osteoarthritis model.

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(IF 3.361)

987. Qin X, Yu S, Zhou L, Shi M, Hu Y, Xu X, Shen B, Liu S, Yan D, Feng J.


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988. Jianshu Gao, Xiaoqiang Liu, Bingjian Wang, Haiyan Xu, Qiang Xia, Tianfei Lu, Fang Wang.


Farnesoid X receptor deletion improves cardiac function, structure and remodeling following myocardial infarction in mice.

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990. Wang Y, Hu L, Zhang X, Zhao H, Xu H, Wei Y, Jiang H, Xie C, Zhou Y, Zhou F.


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991. Xin Wang, Peng Xiu, Fuhai Wang, Jingtao Zhong, Honglong Wei, Zongzhen Xu, Feng Liu, Jie Li.


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992. Chen Y, Gao A, Bai L, Wang Y, Wang X, Zhang X, Huang X, Hang R, Tang B, Chu PK.


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993. Xiang Y, Ye W, Huang C, Lou B, Zhang J, Yu D, Huang X, Chen B, Zhou M.


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994. Zhang JJ, Liu WQ, Peng JJ, Ma QL, Peng J, Luo XJ.


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995. Qi-Da Shen, Meng-Meng Yang, Guo-Qiang Xie, Hui-Juan Wang, Lu Zhang, Ling-Yu Qiu, Shi-Gui Wang, Bin Tang.


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(IF 0.967)

996. Shi S, Zhong D, Xiao Y, Wang B, Wang W, Zhang F, Huang H.


Syndecan-1 knockdown inhibits glioma cell proliferation and invasion by deregulating a c-src/FAK-associated signaling pathway.


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997. Ma CL, Qiao S, Li YC, Wang XF, Sun RJ, Zhang X, Qian RK, Song SD.


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998. Biying Liu, Haili Zhang, Xiao Tan, Daqian Yang, Zhanjun Lv, Huijie Jiang, Jingjing Lu, Ruiqi Baiyun, Zhigang Zhang.


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999. Gao Y, Zhou X, Wang H, Liu R, Ye Q, Zhao Q, Ming Z, Dong H.


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1000. Pan CW, Yang SX, Pan ZZ, Zheng B, Wang JZ, Lu GR, Xue ZX, Xu CL.


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MicroRNA-mediated inflammatory responses induced by Cryptococcus neoformans are dependent on the NF-κB pathway in human monocytes.

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1002. Hu C, Lv L, Peng J, Liu D, Wang X, Zhou Y, Huo J.


MicroRNA-375 suppresses esophageal cancer cell growth and invasion by repressing metadherin expression.

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1003. Dunwei Guo, Chaoyi Wang, Qiang Wang, Zhongpeng Qiao, Hua Tang.


Pantoprazole blocks the JAK2/STAT3 pathway to alleviate skeletal muscle wasting in cancer cachexia by inhibiting inflammatory response.


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1004. Junwei Zhu, Haomiao Li, Jun Ma, Haibo Huang, Jianjun Qin, Yin Li.


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1005. Zhong Y, Fei C, Tang X, Zhan W, Sheng X.


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1007. Wang Z, Qiu Z, Gao C, Sun Y, Dong W, Zhang Y, Chen R, Qi Y, Li S, Guo Y, Piao Y, Li S, Piao F.


2,5-hexanedione downregulates nerve growth factor and induces neuron apoptosis in the spinal cord of rats via inhibition of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway.

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1008. Sun R, Zhu G, Wang J, Tong L, Zhai J.


Indirect effects of X-irradiation on proliferation and osteogenic potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in a local irradiated rat model.

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1009. Huan W, Tianzhu Z, Yu L, Shumin W.


Effects of Ergosterol on COPD in Mice via JAK3/STAT3/NF-κB Pathway.


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1010. Li M, Wu X, Liu N, Li X, Meng F, Song S.


Silencing of ATF2 inhibits growth of pancreatic cancer cells and enhances sensitivity to chemotherapy.

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1011. Wu J, Hu G, Dong Y, Ma R, Yu Z, Jiang S, Han Y, Yu K, Zhang S.


Matrine induces Akt/mTOR signalling inhibition-mediated autophagy and apoptosis in acute myeloid leukaemia cells.

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1012. Zhang C, Zhou G, Cai C, Li J, Chen F, Xie L, Wang W, Zhang Y, Lai X, Ma L.


Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells alleviate acute myocarditis by modulating endoplasmic reticulum stress and extracellular signal regulated 1/2-mediated apoptosis.

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1013. Du L, Chen X, Duan Z, Liu C, Zeng R, Chen Q, Li M.


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1014. Qin X, Yu S, Xu X, Shen B, Feng J.


Comparative analysis of microRNA expression profiles between A549, A549/DDP and their respective exosomes.


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1015. Yu-Zhen Feng, Qing-Yan Zhang, Mei-Ting Fu, Zhen-Fei Zhang, Min Wei, Jue-Yu Zhou, Rong Shi.


Low expression of PinX1 is associated with malignant behavior in basal-like breast cancer.

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1016. Qu L, Li J, Zhao Z, Jiang H, Zhang Q.


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1017. Yongming Li, Xianda Meng, Wenguang Wang, Fu Liu, Zhiru Hao, Yang Yang, Jinbo Zhao, Wensi Yin, Lijuan Xu, Ruiping Zhao, Jiang Hu.


Cardioprotective Effects of SIRT6 in a Mouse Model of Transverse Aortic Constriction-Induced Heart Failure.


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1018. Lijun Tao, Juan Cao, Wencheng Wei, Haifeng Xie, Mian Zhang, Chaofeng Zhang.


Protective role of rhapontin in experimental pulmonary fibrosis in vitro and in vivo.

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1019. Zhao J, Xu T, Wang F, Cai W, Chen L.


miR-493-5p suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma cell proliferation through targeting GP73.

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1020. Jin-ming Zhang, Xing-he Wang, Li-hong Hao, He Wang, Xiu-ying Zhang, Ishfaq Muhammad, Yue Qi, Guang-liang Li, Xiao-qi Sun.


Nrf2 is crucial for the down-regulation of Cyp7a1 induced by arachidonic acid in Hepg2 cells.

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1021. Zhang H, Ju B, Zhang X, Zhu Y, Nie Y, Xu Y, Lei Q.


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1022. Pu SY, Yu Q, Wu H, Jiang JJ, Chen XQ, He YH, Kong QP.


ERCC6L, a DNA helicase, is involved in cell proliferation and associated with survival and progress in breast and kidney cancers.


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1023. Shan Zhang, Wan-Ling Yin, Xin Zhang, Xiao-Yu Zhang.


MicroRNA-455 is downregulated in gastric cancer and inhibits cell proliferation, migration and invasion via targeting insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor.


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1024. Jingjing Zhang, Lu Liu, Sai Han, Yi Li, Qiuhong Qian, Qianqian Zhang, Hui Zhang, Ziyan Yang, Youzhong Zhang.


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1025. Xinchao Deng, Congzhe Hou, Zhen Liang, Huali Wang, Lin Zhu, Hui Xu.


miR-202 Suppresses Cell Proliferation by Targeting FOXR2 in Endometrial Adenocarcinoma.

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1026. Ngabu Malobi, Lan He, Long Yu, Pei He, Junwei He, Yali Sun, Yuan Huang, Junlong Zhao.


Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Babesia orientalis Rhoptry Neck 2 BoRON2 Protein.


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1027. Liu F, Bai C, Guo Z.


The prognostic value of osteopontin in limited-stage small cell lung cancer patients and its mechanism.


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1028. Liu Y, Liu B, Zhang Y, Peng Y, Huang C, Wang N, Jiang J, Wang Q, Chang J.


Intestinal absorption mechanisms of 2'-deoxy-2'-β-fluoro-4'-azidocytidine, a cytidine analog for AIDS treatment, and its interaction with P-glycoprotein, multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 and breast cancer resistance protein.

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1029. Zhongcheng Ke, Gang Wang, Lei Yang, Huihui Qiu, Hao Wu, Mei Du, Juan Chen, Jie Song, Xiaobin Jia, Liang Feng.


Crude terpene glycoside component from Radix paeoniae rubra protects against isoproterenol-induced myocardial ischemic injury via activation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway.

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1030. Su Y, Yu QH, Wang XY, Yu LP, Wang ZF, Cao YC, Li JD.


JMJD2A promotes the Warburg effect and nasopharyngeal carcinoma progression by transactivating LDHA expression.

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1031. Zhiguo Chen, Rujian Zhu, Jiayi Zheng, Chen Chen, Chi Huang, Junjie Ma, Chen Xu, Wei Zhai, Junhua Zheng.


Cryptotanshinone inhibits proliferation yet induces apoptosis by suppressing STAT3 signals in renal cell carcinoma.


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1032. Zhao C, Li Y, Chen G, Wang F, Shen Z, Zhou R.


Overexpression of miR-15b-5p promotes gastric cancer metastasis by regulating PAQR3.

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1033. Wu J, Huang J, Wang W, Xu J, Yin M, Cheng N, Yin J.


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1034. Zhao G, Xu D, Yuan Z, Jiang Z, Zhou W, Li Z, Yin M, Zhou Z, Zhang L, Wang T.


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1035. Sun X, Wei Q, Cheng J, Bian Y, Tian C, Hu Y, Li H.


Enhanced Stim1 expression is associated with acquired chemo-resistance of cisplatin in osteosarcoma cells.

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1036. Wang H, Zhai N, Chen Y, Xu H, Huang K.


Cadmium induces Ca2+ mediated, calpain-1/caspase-3-dependent apoptosis in primary cultured rat proximal tubular cells.

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1037. Si-Jie Li, Chun-Shui Liu, Hai-Jun Li, Yan Li, Lei Zhou, Jin-Cheng Li, Yi-Chang Chen, Tian-Qi Su, De-Hai Yu.


A novel engineered interferon-α hybrid molecule increases anticancer efficacy of doxorubicin in breast cancer chemotherapy.

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1038. Kaige Peng, Likui Yang, Jian Wang, Feng Ye, Guorong Dan, Yuanpeng Zhao, Ying Cai, Zhihong Cui, Lin Ao, Jinyi Liu, Zhongmin Zou, Yan Sai, Jia Cao.


The Interaction of Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Fission/Fusion Mediated by PGC-1α Regulates Rotenone-Induced Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity.

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1039. Huang Q, Liu X, Wu Y, Liao Y, Huang Y, Wei X, Ma M.


P38 MAPK pathway mediates cognitive damage in pentylenetetrazole-induced epilepsy via apoptosis cascade.

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1040. Zhang CX, Wang T, Ma JF, Liu Y, Zhou ZG, Wang DC.


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1041. Qirong Wen, Yan Liu, Huabing Lyu, Xiaying Xu, Qingxia Wu, Ni Liu, Qi Yin, Juan Li, Xiujie Sheng.


Long Noncoding RNA GAS5, Which Acts as a Tumor Suppressor via microRNA 21, Regulates Cisplatin Resistance Expression in Cervical Cancer.

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1042. Gao Q, Wang K, Chen K, Liang L, Zheng Y, Zhang Y, Xiang J, Tang N.


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1043. Liu Z, Zeng W, Wang S, Zhao X, Guo Y, Yu P, Yin X, Liu C, Huang T.


A potential role for the Hippo pathway protein, YAP, in controlling proliferation, cell cycle progression, and autophagy in BCPAP and KI thyroid papillary carcinoma cells.

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1044. Liu L, Cai X, Liu E, Tian X, Tian C.


MicroRNA-18a promotes proliferation and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma via targeting KLF4.


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1045. He R, Lu Y, Ren J, Wang Z, Huang J, Zhu L, Wang K.


Decreased fibrous encapsulation and enhanced osseointegration in vitro by decorin-modified titanium surface.


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1046. Pan L, Zhang Y, Zhao W, Zhou X, Wang C, Deng F.


The cardiac glycoside oleandrin induces apoptosis in human colon cancer cells via the mitochondrial pathway.


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1047. Li D, Wang H, Song H, Xu H, Zhao B, Wu C, Hu J, Wu T, Xie D, Zhao J, Shen Q, Fang L.


The microRNAs miR-200b-3p and miR-429-5p target the LIMK1/CFL1 pathway to inhibit growth and motility of breast cancer cells.


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1048. Zhang D, Wu H, Zhang X, Ding X, Huang M, Geng M, Li H, Xie Z.


Phosphoglycerate Mutase 1 Predicts the Poor Prognosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and is Associated with Cell Migration.

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1049. Wang Y, Zhou Q, Wu B, Zhou H, Zhang X, Jiang W, Wang L, Wang A.


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1050. Zheng X, Xie Z, Wang S, Lin P.


Determination of the protein expression profiles of Propsilocerus akamusi (Tokunaga) Malpighian tubules response to cadmium stress by iTRAQ coupled LC-MS/MS.

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1051. Yang X, Song Z, Chen L, Wang R, Huang S, Qin W, Guo J, Lin Z.


Role of transient receptor potential channel 6 in the odontogenic differentiation of human dental pulp cells.

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1052. Yang X, Tang S, Dai C, Li D, Zhang S, Deng S, Zhou Y, Xiao X.


Quinocetone induces mitochondrial apoptosis in HepG2 cells through ROS-dependent promotion of VDAC1 oligomerization and suppression of Wnt1/β-catenin signaling pathway.

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1053. Hui Z, Li R, Chen L.


The impact of exposure to environmental contaminant on hepatocellular lipid metabolism.


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1054. Xia Q, Zhao Y, Wang J, Qiao W, Zhang D, Yin H, Xu D, Chen F.


Proteomic analysis of cell cycle arrest and differentiation induction caused by ATPR, a derivative of all-trans retinoic acid, in human gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells.


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1055. Yong Fu, Junting Ma, Xiafei Shi, Xiang-Yun Song, Yaping Yang, Shuke Xiao, Jiahuang Li, Wei-Jin Gu, Zhen Huang, Junfeng Zhang, Jiangning Chen.


A novel pyrazole-containing indolizine derivative suppresses NF-κB activation and protects against TNBS-induced colitis via a PPAR-γ-dependent pathway.

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1056. Liu J, Jiang X, Zhang Q, Lin S, Zhu J, Zhang Y, Du J, Hu X, Meng W, Zhao Q.


Neuroprotective effects of Kukoamine A against cerebral ischemia via antioxidant and inactivation of apoptosis pathway.

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1057. Zhang YQ, Fan YG, Dang YL, Liu YL, Liu H, Li LH.


Down-regulation of protein kinase C alpha/ezrin signals in light-induced phagocytic crisis of retinal pigment epithelium cells.


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1058. Liu Y, Song M, Zhu G, Xi X, Li K, Wu C, Huang L.


Corynoline attenuates LPS-induced acute lung injury in mice by activating Nrf2.

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1059. Bo Zhou, Gongping Wang, Shegan Gao, Ye Chen, Canhui Jin, Zengfang Wang, Yantong Yang, Zhikun Ma, Wei Zhang, Xiaoshan Feng.


Expression of ERO1L in gastric cancer and its association with patient prognosis.

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1060. Honglin Ding, Ning Li, Xiaoning He, Bing Liu, Liming Dong, Yili Liu.


Treatment of obesity-associated overactive bladder by the phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitor roflumilast.

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1061. Huang Y, Qin J, Sun D, Jiang H, Zheng L, He Y, Gui L, Qian B, Zhang C, Luo M.


Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase reduces portal pressure by protecting mesenteric artery myogenic responses in cirrhotic rats.


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1062. Yu-hu Jiao, Min Dou, Guang Wang, Hong-ye Li, Jie-sheng Liu, Xuesong Yang, Wei-dong Yang.


Exposure of okadaic acid alters the angiogenesis in developing chick embryos.


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1063. Zhang Y, Zhao L, Wu Z, Chen X, Ma T.


Galantamine alleviates senescence of U87 cells induced by beta-amyloid through decreasing ROS production.

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1064. Liu Y, Zou J, Li B, Wang Y, Wang D, Hao Y, Ke X, Li X.


RUNX3 modulates hypoxia-induced endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition of human cardiac microvascular endothelial cells.

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1065. Deng W, Zhu Y, Lin J, Zheng L, Zhang C, Luo M.


Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase lowers portal hypertension in cirrhotic rats by ameliorating endothelial dysfunction and liver fibrosis.


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1066. Xie X, Guo A, Wu T, Hu Q, Huang L, Yao C, Zhao B, Zhang W, Chi B, Lu P, Zhao Z, Fu Z.


Preventive effect of L-carnitine on the disorder of lipid metabolism and circadian clock of mice subjected to chronic jet-lag.

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1067. Luo Q, Cui H, Deng H, Kuang P, Liu H, Lu Y, Fang J, Zuo Z, Deng J, Li Y, Wang X, Zhao L.


Sodium fluoride induces renal inflammatory responses by activating NF-κB signaling pathway and reducing anti-inflammatory cytokine expression in mice.


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1068. Cao JY, Yin HS, Li HS, Yu XQ, Han X.


Interleukin-27 augments the inhibitory effects of sorafenib on bladder cancer cells.

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1069. Wang M, Zhang W, Xu S, Peng L, Wang Z, Liu H, Fang Q, Deng T, Men X, Lou J.


TRB3 mediates advanced glycation end product-induced apoptosis of pancreatic β-cells through the protein kinase C β pathway.

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1070. Xu Y, Deng N, Wang X, Chen Y, Li G, Fan H.


RKTG overexpression inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of human leukemia cells via suppression of the ERK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways.

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1071. Jianrui Lv, Junbin Tian, Guoxi Zheng, Jing Zhao.


Sirtuin7 is involved in protecting neurons against oxygen‐glucose deprivation and reoxygenation‐induced injury through regulation of the p53 signaling pathway.


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1072. Ying Zhang, Hui Sun, Jiaojiao Li, Qianyu Rong, Xiaofei Ji, Boqing Li.


The leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin (Ig)–like receptor-1 modulating cell apoptosis and inflammatory cytokines secretion in THP-1 cells after Helicobacter pylori infection.

Microbial Pathogenesis.

Volume 109, August 2017, Pages 292-299.

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1073. Cui Q, Fu J, Hu Y, Li Y, Yang B, Li L, Sun J, Chen C, Sun G, Xu Y, Zhang Q, Pi J.


Deficiency of long isoforms of Nfe2l1 sensitizes MIN6 pancreatic β cells to arsenite-induced cytotoxicity.


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1074. Wu D, Xie F, Xiao L, Feng F, Huang S, He L, Liu M, Zhou Q, Li L, Chen L.


Caveolin-1-Autophagy Pathway Mediated Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Induced by Apelin-13.

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1075. Ding YY, Li ZQ, Cheng XR, Ran YM, Wu SJ, Shi Y, Le G.


Dityrosine administration induces dysfunction of insulin secretion accompanied by diminished thyroid hormones T3 function in pancreas of mice.

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1076. Hui Xue, Juan Dong, Huijun Xu, Xin Huang, Huangguan Dai, Cuifang Hao.


Tiaogeng Yijing decoction improves the pregnancy outcomes of patients with poor ovarian response undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.


August 16, 2017, Pages: 3935-3941.

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1077. Shengjie Li, Fengxia Yang, Meiyan Wang, Wenjun Cao, Zhen Yang.


miR-378 functions as an onco-miRNA by targeting the ST7L/Wnt/β-catenin pathway in cervical cancer.

International Journal of Molecular Medicine.

August 30, 2017.

(IF 2.928)

1078. Gao L, Chen B, Li J, Yang F, Cen X, Liao Z, Long X.


Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway inhibits the proliferation and apoptosis of U87 glioma cells via different mechanisms.

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2017 Aug 24;12(8):e0181346.

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1079. Qina He, Lin Zong, Yulong Sun, Vijayalaxmi, Thomas J.Prihoda, Jian Tong, Yi Cao.


Adaptive response in mouse bone marrow stromal cells exposed to 900 MHz radiofrequency fields: Impact of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP).


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1080. Yongmei Yang, Jie Du, Fen Liu, Xiaoyan Wang, Xiaohui Li, Yuanjian Li.


Role of caspase-3/E-cadherin in helicobacter pylori-induced apoptosis of gastric epithelial cells.


2017 Aug 29; 8(35): 59204–59216.

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1081. Lu MD, Li LY, Li PH, You T, Wang FH, Sun WJ, Zheng ZQ.


Gossypol induces cell death by activating apoptosis and autophagy in HT-29 cells.

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1082. Min Gao, Kai-Min Guo, Ying-Mei Wei, Ming-Ming Ma, Jia-Rong Cai, Ting-Ting Xia, Qing-Jian Ye.


Aspirin inhibits the proliferation of human uterine leiomyoma cells by downregulation of K-Ras-p110α interaction.

Oncology Reports.

August 22, 2017.

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1083. Wenxi Wang, Anna Shao, Shisen Feng, Min Ding, Gan Luo.


Physicochemical characterization and gastrointestinal adhesion of S-layer proteins-coating liposomes.

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30 August 2017, Pages 227-237.

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1084. Jing Gan, Qianyun Cai, Yi Qu, Fengyan Zhao, Chaomin Wan, Rong Luo, Dezhi Mu.


miR-96 attenuates status epilepticus-induced brain injury by directly targeting Atg7 and Atg16L1.

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1085. Hu LW, Wang X, Jiang XQ, Xu LQ, Pan HY.


In vivo and in vitro study of osteogenic potency of endothelin-1 on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.

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2017 Aug 1;357(1):25-32.

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1086. Tian-Tian Zhu, Wei-Fang Zhang, Ping Luo, Fang He, Xiao-Yue Ge, Zheng Zhang, Chang-Ping Hu.


Epigallocatechin-3-gallate ameliorates hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling by promoting mitofusin-2-mediated mitochondrial fusion.

European Journal of Pharmacology.

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1087. Feng F, Ren Q, Wu S, Saeed M, Sun C.


Hoxa5 increases mitochondrial apoptosis by inhibiting Akt/mTORC1/S6K1 pathway in mice white adipocytes.


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1088. Changyu Sun, Zhihao Zhang, Ping He, Yan Zhou, Xuhua Xie.


Involvement of PI3K/Akt pathway in the inhibition of hepatocarcinoma cell invasion and metastasis induced by SASH1 through downregulating Shh-Gli1 signaling.


Volume 89, August 2017, Pages 95-100.

(IF 3.673)

1089. Liu H, Peng H, Chen S, Liu Y, Xiang H, Chen R, Chen W, Zhao S, Chen P, Lu H.


S1PR2 antagonist protects endothelial cells against high glucose-induced mitochondrial apoptosis through the Akt/GSK-3β signaling pathway.


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1090. Lai Y, He S, Ma L, Lin H, Ren B, Ma J, Zhu X, Zhuang S.


HOTAIR functions as a competing endogenous RNA to regulate PTEN expression by inhibiting miR-19 in cardiac hypertrophy.

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1091. Sun J, Gao X, Meng D, Xu Y, Wang X, Gu X, Guo M, Shao X, Yan H, Jiang C, Zheng Y.


Antagomirs Targeting MiroRNA-134 Attenuates Epilepsy in Rats through Regulation of Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Functions and Autophagy.

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1092. Yongfa Zheng, Liang Liu, Cong Chen, Pingpo Ming, Qin Huang, Changhu Li, Dedong Cao, Ximing Xu, Wei Ge.


The extracellular vesicles secreted by lung cancer cells in radiation therapy promote endothelial cell angiogenesis by transferring miR-23a.


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1093. Yang Y, Jin G, Liu H, Liu K, Zhao J, Chen X, Wang D, Bai R, Li X, Jang Y, Lu J, Xing Y, Dong Z.


Metformin inhibits esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-induced angiogenesis by suppressing JAK/STAT3 signaling pathway.


2017 Aug 18;8(43):74673-74687.

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1094. Jiang W, Chen Y, Li B, Gao S.


DBA-induced caspase-3-dependent apoptosis occurs through mitochondrial translocation of cyt-c in the rat hippocampus.

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1095. Gao P, Qiao X, Sun H, Huang Y, Lin J, Li L, Wang X, Li C.


Activated spleen tyrosine kinase promotes malignant progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma via mTOR/S6 signaling pathway in an ERK1/2-independent manner.


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1096. Quan Chen, Guanghua Luo, Xiaoying Zhang.


MiR-148a modulates HLA-G expression and influences tumor apoptosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine.

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1097. Leiming Zhang, Maojing Zhu, Minmin Li, Yuan Du, Sijin Duan, Yanan Huang, Yongying Lu, Jianqiao Zhang, Tian Wang, Fenghua Fu.


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1099. Wang X, Chen J, Wang H, Yu H, Wang C, You J, Wang P, Feng C, Xu G, Wu X, Zhao R, Zhang G.


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1100. Ling F, Tang Y, Li M, Li QS, Li X, Yang L, Zhao W, Jin CC, Zeng Z, Liu C, Wu CF, Chen WW, Lin X, Wang YL, Threadgill MD.


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1101. Ding Y, Gu Z, Wang Y, Wang S, Chen H, Zhang H, Chen W, Chen YQ.


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1102. Zhang GM, Deng MT, Lei ZH, Wan YJ, Nie HT, Wang ZY, Fan YX, Wang F, Zhang YL.


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1103. Shen CJ, Cheng YM, Wang CL.


LncRNA PVT1 epigenetically silences miR-195 and modulates EMT and chemoresistance in cervical cancer cells.

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1104. Chen B, Na F, Yang H, Li R, Li M, Sun X, Hu B, Huang G, Lan J, Xu H, Tong R, Mo X, Xue J, Lu Y.


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1105. Lin J, Wang C, Zhang L, Wang T, Zhang J, Liang W, Li C, Qian G, Ouyang Y, Guo K, Zhang Y.


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1106. Sun L, Yuan Q, Xu T, Yao L, Feng J, Ma J, Wang L, Lu C, Wang D.


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1107. Shen Y, Cao R, Liu W, Zhou Y, Wu Y, Tan J, Jin M, Zhong J, Zhang Q, Liu J, Zu X.


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1108. Cai M, Guo Y, Wang S, Wei H, Sun S, Zhao G, Dong H.


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Enhanced osteogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells on titanium substrates by inhibiting Notch3.

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1116. Yicheng Liang, Hetan Wang, Yuanyuan Sun, Sheng Chen, Haoyou Wang, Rong Huang, Xinyi Zhao, Weineng Fu, Chunlu Yang.


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1117. Chi J, Meng L, Pan S, Lin H, Zhai X, Liu L, Zhou C, Jiang C, Guo H.


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1119. Wang Q, Jiang Y, Guo R, Lv R, Liu T, Wei H, Ming H, Tian X.


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1120. Luan W, Li R, Liu L, Ni X, Shi Y, Xia Y, Wang J, Lu F, Xu B.


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1121. Zheng SW, Wan WG, Miao HX, Tang R, Wang B, Huang QZ, Liu WL, Zheng JP, Chen CQ, Zhong HB, Li SF, Sun CH.


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1123. Zhang D, Li C, Song Y, Zhou J, Li Y, Li J, Bai C.


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1125. Sun HJ, Xu DY, Sun YX, Xue T, Zhang CX, Zhang ZX, Lin W, Li KX.


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1126. Yin W, Ouyang S, Luo Z, Zeng Q, Hu B, Xu L, Li Y, Xiao B, Yang H.


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1127. Zhenhua Feng, Wenhao Zheng, Qian Tang, Liang Cheng, Hang Li, Wenfei Ni, Xiaoyun Pan.


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1128. Cheng P, Wang T, Li W, Muhammad I, Wang H, Sun X, Yang Y, Li J, Xiao T, Zhang X.


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1129. Ai-Jun Xu, Li-Na Fu, Hua-Xing Wu, Xiao-Li Yao, Rui Meng.


MicroRNA-744 inhibits tumor cell proliferation and invasion of gastric cancer via targeting brain‑derived neurotrophic factor.

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1130. Shenglan Wang, Xuemei Wang, Zhanping Weng, Shuping Zhang, Hui Ning, Baolai Li.


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1131. Yan J, Lai CH, Lung SC, Wang WC, Huang CC, Chen GW, Suo G, Choug CT, Lin CH.


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1132. Xiaojing Wang, Tianyuan Xu, Fengbin Gao, Hongchao He, Yu Zhu, Zhoujun Shen.


Targeting of CCN2 suppresses tumor progression and improves chemo-sensitivity in urothelial bladder cancer.


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1133. Wenshuai Li, Huilu Zhang, Pei Min, Jie Zhu, Diannan Xu, Weiru Jiang, Yanyun Ma, Jigang Qiu, Weihong Xu, Jian Chen, Mingqing Zhang, Min Li, Dongqin Yang, Jianping Shi, Jun Zhang, Jie Liu.


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1134. Li X, Zhou X, Chen Y, Yu S, Chen X, Xia X, Shi X, Zhang Y, Fan D.


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1135. Yin J, Xia W, Li Y, Guo C, Zhang Y, Huang S, Jia Z, Zhang A.


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1136. Yilian Pan, Xiaoyi Liu, Yong Huang.


Small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of Twist attenuates the aggressive phenotypes of human endometrial carcinoma Ishikawa cells.

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1137. Cuiting Qiu, Haijun Zheng, Huiren Tao, Wenjun Yu, Xiaoyu Jiang, Aiqin Li, Hui Jin, Anlin Lv, Huan Li.


Vitamin K2 inhibits rat vascular smooth muscle cell calcification by restoring the Gas6/Axl/Akt anti-apoptotic pathway.

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1138. Lei Zhao, Hui Lin, Songfeng Chen, Sheng Chen, Min Cui, Deyao Shi, Baichuan Wang, Kaige Ma, Zengwu Shao.


Hydrogen peroxide induces programmed necrosis in rat nucleus pulposus cells through the RIP1/RIP3-PARP-AIF pathway.

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1139. Zhang Z, Li S, Jiang H, Liu B, Lv Z, Guo C, Zhang H.


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1140. Zhou K, Luo X, Wang Y, Cao D, Sun G.


MicroRNA-30a suppresses tumor progression by blocking Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma.

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1141. Yuan Liu, Dexiang Liu, Jingjing Xu, Hong Jiang, Fang Pan.


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1142. Guo XQ, Cao YL, Hao F, Yan ZR, Wang ML, Liu XW.


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1143. Biao Ding, Liang-Ze Wan, Yu-Qing Zhang.


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1144. Zhao H, Duan Q, Zhang Z, Li H, Wu H, Shen Q, Wang C, Yin T.


Up-regulation of glycolysis promotes the stemness and EMT phenotypes in gemcitabine-resistant pancreatic cancer cells.

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1145. Juan Li, Chun-Xia Zhang, Yi-Mei Liu, Ke-Li Chen, Gang Chen.


A comparative study of anti-aging properties and mechanism: resveratrol and caloric restriction.


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1146. Lu-Lu Wang, Lan-Bo Zhou, Jin Shu, Nan-Nan Li, Hui-Wen Zhang, Rui Jin, Li-Li Zhuang, Guo-Ping Zhou.


Up-regulation of IRF-3 expression through GATA-1 acetylation by histone deacetylase inhibitor in lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells.


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1147. Zheng H, Wu J, Shi J, Lu C, Wang Y, Sun Q, Zhang G, Zhao G.


miR-125a-5p upregulation suppresses the proliferation and induces the cell apoptosis of lung adenocarcinoma by targeting NEDD9.

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1148. Zhang D, Wang F, Pang Y, Ke XX, Zhu S, Zhao E, Zhang K, Chen L, Cui H.


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1149. Hong Yang, Fei Huang, Yulong Tao, Xinbin Zhao, Lina Liao, Xia Tao.


Simvastatin ameliorates ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis in the thymus by activating the AKT/sirtuin 1 pathway in mice.

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1150. Yuan Xu, Yi-Fan Han, Shao-Jun Zhu, Jian-Da Dong, Bing Ye.


miRNA-148a inhibits cell growth of papillary thyroid cancer through STAT3 and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways.

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1151. Yuan Q, Cao G, Li J, Zhang Y, Yang W.


MicroRNA-136 inhibits colon cancer cell proliferation and invasion through targeting liver receptor homolog-1/Wnt signaling.


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1152. Jiangang Wang, Bing Xiao, Fang Han, Yuxiu Shi.


Metformin Alleviated the Neuronal Oxidative Stress in Hippocampus of Rats under Single Prolonged Stress.

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1153. Gong G, An F, Wang Y, Bian M, Yu LJ, Wei C.


miR-15b represses BACE1 expression in sporadic Alzheimer's disease.


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1154. Zhu X, Zhou Y, Cai W, Sun H, Qiu L.


Salusin-β mediates high glucose-induced endothelial injury via disruption of AMPK signaling pathway.


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1155. Juying Liu, Wei Chen, Zhenzhang Chen, Jing Wen, Hongliang Yu, Feijiang Wang, Lirong Wu, Xia He.


The effects of microRNA-98 inhibits cell proliferation and invasion by targeting STAT3 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

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1156. Li J, Qian C, Zhou Q, Li J, Li K, Yi P.


BEBT-908: A novel potent PI3K/HDAC inhibitor against diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.


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1157. Qinjun Chu, Dan Shen, Long He, Hongwei Wang, Chunlan Liu, Wei Zhang.


Prognostic significance of SOCS3 and its biological function in colorectal cancer.


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1158. Yawen Ma, Yixue Xue, Xiaobai Liu, Chengbin Qu, Heng Cai, Ping Wang, Zhiqing Li, Zhen Li, Yunhui Liu.


SNHG15 affects the growth of glioma microvascular endothelial cells by negatively regulating miR-153.

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1159. Nan-Qi Zhang, Cui-Zhu Wang, Zhen-zhou Wang, Zhuo Li, Jing-Ying Sai, Yan Meng, Fang Wang, Ping-Ya Li, Jin-Ping Liu.


Anti-myocardial ischaemic effect of pseudoginsenoside F11 by inhibiting expression of beta1-adrenoceptor in rats with coronary artery ligation.

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1160. Duan WN, Xia ZY, Liu M, Sun Q, Lei SQ, Wu XJ, Meng QT, Leng Y.


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1161. Liu W, Zhang B, Chen G, Wu W, Zhou L, Shi Y, Zeng Q, Li Y, Sun Y, Deng X, Wang F.


Targeting miR-21 with Sophocarpine Inhibits Tumor Progression and Reverses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Head and Neck Cancer.

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1162. Lu C, Cui C, Liu B, Zou S, Song H, Tian H, Zhao J, Li Y.


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1163. Bin Feng, Meng R, Bin Huang, Bi Y, Shen S, Zhu D.


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1164. Sun Q, Shen ZY, Duan WN, Meng QT, Xia ZY.


Mechanism of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury through DJ-1/Nrf2 pathway in diabetic rats.

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1165. Guan H, Piao H, Qian Z, Zhou X, Sun Y, Gao C, Li S, Piao F.


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1167. Li HH, Sun YL, Cui DM, Wu J, Zeng JW.


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1168. Gu CJ, Cheng J, Zhang B, Yang SL, Xie F, Sun JS, Huang LQ, Yu JJ, Li MQ.


Protopanaxadiol and metformin synergistically inhibit estrogen-mediated proliferation and anti-autophagy effects in endometrial cancer cells.

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1169. Shao P, Qu WK, Wang CY, Tian Y, Ye ML, Sun DG, Sui JD, Wang LM, Fan R, Gao ZM.


MicroRNA-205-5p regulates the chemotherapeutic resistance of hepatocellular carcinoma cells by targeting PTEN/JNK/ANXA3 pathway.

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1171. Yanhui Lou, Huanhuan Jiang, Zhumei Cui, Lingzhi Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Tian Tian.


Linc-ROR induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in ovarian cancer by increasing Wnt/β-catenin signaling.


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1172. Li X, Cheng Q, Li J, He Y, Tian P, Xu C.


Significance of hydrogen sulfide in sepsis-induced myocardial injury in rats.

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1173. Feng Z, Zheng W, Li X, Lin J, Xie C, Li H, Cheng L, Wu A, Ni W.


Cryptotanshinone protects against IL-1β-induced inflammation in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes and ameliorates the progression of osteoarthritis in mice.

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1174. Yang H, Zhao N, Lv L, Yan X, Hu S, Xu T.


Functional research and molecular mechanism of Kainic acid-induced denitrosylation of thioredoxin-1 in rat hippocampus.

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1175. Dang Y, Zhao Q, Luo B, Pan L, Wei Q, Zhang R, Fan Q, Chen J, Chang R, Zhang J, Li Z.


Effects of acrylonitrile-induced oxidative stress on testicular apoptosis through activation of NF-κB signaling pathway in male sprague dawley rats.

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1176. P Gao, X‐H Qiao, L‐M Gou, Y Huang, Q‐H Li, L‐J Li, X‐Y Wang, C‐J Li.


TGF‐β1 attenuated branching morphogenesis of embryonic murine submandibular gland through Smad3 activation.

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1177. Wu XL, Yang ZW, He L, Dong PD, Hou MX, Meng XK, Zhao HP, Wang ZY, Wang F, Baoluri, Wurenqimuge, Agudamu, Jia YF, Shi L.


RRS1 silencing suppresses colorectal cancer cell proliferation and tumorigenesis by inhibiting G2/M progression and angiogenesis.


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1178. Ma J, Hu X, Li J, Wu D, Lan Q, Wang Q, Tian S, Dong W.


Enhancing conventional chemotherapy drug cisplatin-induced anti-tumor effects on human gastric cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo by Thymoquinone targeting PTEN gene.


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1179. Yin M, Zhang P, Yu F, Zhang Z, Cai Q, Lu W, Li B, Qin W, Cheng M, Wang H, Gao H.


Grape seed procyanidin B2 ameliorates hepatic lipid metabolism disorders in db/db mice.

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1180. Zhongkun Ren, Rongping Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Yu Li, Zhiyong Yang, Hui Yang.


Ferulic acid exerts neuroprotective effects against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury via antioxidant and anti-apoptotic mechanisms in vitro and in vivo.

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1181. Gan F, Zhou Y, Hou L, Qian G, Chen X, Huang K.


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1182. Xianli Ma, Shengjin Qi, Zhenying Duan, Hongzhan Liao, Baohua Yang, Wenbo Wang, Jie Tan, Qinghua Li, Xuewei Xia.


Long non‐coding RNA LOC554202 modulates chordoma cell proliferation and invasion by recruiting EZH2 and regulating miR‐31 expression.

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1183. Wang J, Zhou J, Wang Y, Yang C, Fu M, Zhang J, Han X, Li Z, Hu K, Ge J.


Qiliqiangxin protects against anoxic injury in cardiac microvascular endothelial cells via NRG-1/ErbB-PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway.

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1184. Yan P, Bai L, Lu W, Gao Y, Bi Y, Lv G.


Regulation of autophagy by AMP-activated protein kinase/sirtuin 1 pathway reduces spinal cord neurons damage.

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1185. Wen X, Xiao L, Zhong Z, Wang L, Li Z, Pan X, Liu Z.


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1186. Hou L, Meng M, Chen Y, Wang C.


A water-soluble polysaccharide from Grifola frondosa induced macrophages activation via TLR4-MyD88-IKKβ-NF-κB p65 pathways.


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1187. Xiaolei Li, Hui Chen, Yu Sun, Jihang Dai, Shuguang Wang, Jingcheng Wang, Lianqi Yan.


Hydroxycamptothecin prevents intraarticular scar adhesion by activating the PERK signal pathway.

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1188. Wang H, Sun R, Chi Z, Li S, Hao L.


Silencing of Y-box binding protein-1 by RNA interference inhibits proliferation, invasion, and metastasis, and enhances sensitivity to cisplatin through NF-κB signaling pathway in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells.

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1189. Jiang L, Xu G, Li Z, Zeng X, Li Z, Liu J, Mei L, Li X.


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1190. Yang C, Zhang JJ, Peng YP, Zhu Y, Yin LD, Wei JS, Gao WT, Jiang KR, Miao Y.


A Yin-Yang 1/miR-30a regulatory circuit modulates autophagy in pancreatic cancer cells.

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1191. Xu Q, Liu X, Wang X, Hua Y, Wang X, Chen J, Li J, Wang Y, Stoeger T, Chen S, Huang N.


Growth arrest-specific protein 7 regulates the murine M1 alveolar macrophage polarization.

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1192. Zhang CH, Zheng L, Gui L, Lin JY, Zhu YM, Deng WS, Luo M.


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1193. Kang H, Yang K, Xiao L, Guo L, Guo C, Yan Y, Qi J, Wang F, Ryffel B, Li C, Deng L.


Osteoblast Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α Pathway Activation Restrains Osteoclastogenesis via the Interleukin-33-MicroRNA-34a-Notch1 Pathway.

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1194. Xiaoyan Li, Yuansheng Ding, Naiqing Liu, Qinli Sun, Jie Zhang.


MicroRNA-760 inhibits cell proliferation and invasion of colorectal cancer by targeting the SP1-mediated PTEN/AKT signalling pathway.

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1195. Geng YD, Zhang C, Lei JL, Yu P, Xia YZ, Zhang H, Yang L, Kong LY.


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1196. Feng Z, Li X, Lin J, Zheng W, Hu Z, Xuan J, Ni W, Pan X.


Oleuropein inhibits the IL-1β-induced expression of inflammatory mediators by suppressing the activation of NF-κB and MAPKs in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes.

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1197. Xiancai Ge, Haiyan Cui, Yanbing Zhou, Deying Yin, Yuanyuan Feng, Qun Xin, Xianhui Xu, Weijing Liu, Shanglong Liu, Qin Zhang.


miR-320a modulates cell growth and chemosensitivity via regulating ADAM10 in gastric cancer.

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1198. Mingqi Qu, Ju Yu, Hongyuan Liu, Ying Ren, Chunxiao Ma, Xingyao Bu, Qing Lan.


The Candidate Tumor Suppressor Gene SLC8A2 Inhibits Invasion, Angiogenesis and Growth of Glioblastoma.

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1199. Qi B, Hu L, Zhu L, Shang L, Wang X, Liu N, Wen N, Hong Y, Fang D.


Metformin Attenuates Neurological Deficit after Intracerebral Hemorrhage by Inhibiting Apoptosis, Oxidative Stress and Neuroinflammation in Rats.

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1200. Jingjing Shen, Yaoguang Chang, Shujun Dong, Feng Chen.


Cloning, expression and characterization of a ι-carrageenase from marine bacterium Wenyingzhuangia fucanilytica: A biocatalyst for producing ι-carrageenan oligosaccharides.

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1201. Wang XY, Li YL, Wang HY, Zhu M, Guo D, Wang GL, Gao YT, Yang Z, Li T, Yang CY, Chen YM.


Propofol inhibits invasion and proliferation of C6 glioma cells by regulating the Ca2+ permeable AMPA receptor-system xc- pathway.

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1202. Feng Xu, Xiao-Chun Liu, Li Li, Chao-Nan Ma, Ya-Jun Zhang.


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1203. Zhao Y, Wu X, Qian L, Guo L, Liao J, Wu X.


Activating transcription factor 3 protects mice against pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced acute lung injury by interacting with lipopolysaccharide binding protein.

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1204. Jiang J.


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1205. Liu C, Hu W, Cheng T, Peng Z, Mita K, Xia Q.


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1206. Li CY, Wang YH, Lin ZY, Yang LW, Gao SL, Liu T, Zou BA, Pan ZC, Song ZQ, Liu G.


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1207. Liu Y, Shi F, Bo L, Zhi W, Weng J, Qu S.


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1208. Xie L, Liu S, Cheng J, Wang L, Liu J, Gong J.


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1209. Hao Y, Zheng C, Wang L, Zhang J, Niu X, Song Q, Feng Q, Zhao H, Li L, Zhang H, Zhang Z, Zhang Y.


Tumor acidity-activatable manganese phosphate nanoplatform for amplification of photodynamic cancer therapy and magnetic resonance imaging.

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1210. Wang N, Tian X, Chen Y, Tan HQ, Xie PJ, Chen SJ, Fu YC, Chen YX, Xu WC, Wei CJ.


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1212. Li-Li Mei, Wen-Jun Wang, Yun-Tan Qiu, Xiu-Feng Xie, Jie Bai, Zhi-Zhou Shi.


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1213. Han Q, Li L, Liang H, Li Y, Xie J, Wang Z.


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1215. Jianyou Zhang, Hui Liu, Shitong Li, Jin Wu, Jianhong Sun.


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1216. Tuo YL, Ye YF.


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1217. Lixia Mao, Lunguo Xia, Jiang Chang, Jiaqiang Liu, Lingyong Jiang, Chengtie Wu, Bing Fang.


The synergistic effects of Sr and Si bioactive ions on osteogenesis, osteoclastogenesis and angiogenesis for osteoporotic bone regeneration.

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1218. Zhang TT, Zhang GM, Jin YH, Guo YX, Wang Z, Fan YX, El-Samahy MA, Wang F.


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1219. Yang M, Lv Y, Tian X, Lou J, An R, Zhang Q, Li M, Xu L, Dong Z.


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1220. He X, Wu C, Cui Y, Zhu H, Gao Z, Li B, Hua J, Zhao B.


The aldehyde group of gossypol induces mitochondrial apoptosis via ROS-SIRT1-p53-PUMA pathway in male germline stem cell.


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1221. Guo X, Yan F, Shan X, Li J, Yang Y, Zhang J, Yan X, Bu P.


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1222. Zhang C, Lin J, Ge J, Wang LL, Li N, Sun XT, Cao HB, Li JL.


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1223. Zhang M, Ai WW, Mei ZL, Hu YH, Zhang ZL.


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1224. Hu Y, Deng C, Zhang H, Zhang J, Peng B, Hu C.


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1226. Du J, Yang P, Kong F, Liu H.


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1227. Guo R, Lv Y, Ouyang Y, Liu S, Li D.


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1228. Zhang CG, Yang SD, Zhu WJ, You BG, Liu Y, Yuan ZQ, Chen WL, Li JZ, Zhou XF, Liu C, Zhang XN.


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1229. Jiang S, Huang Y, Qi Y, He R, Liu Z, Ma Y, Guo X, Shao Y, Sun Z, Ruan Q.


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1230. Wang Z, Bu J, Yao X, Liu C, Shen H, Li X, Li H, Chen G.


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1231. Gao F, Liu W, Guo Q, Bai Y, Yang H, Chen H.


Physcion blocks cell cycle and induces apoptosis in human B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells by downregulating HOXA5.

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1232. Lou Y, Wang C, Tang Q, Zheng W, Feng Z, Yu X, Guo X, Wang J.


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1233. Zhou X, Han TL, Chen H, Baker PN, Qi H, Zhang H.


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1234. Tang M, Jiang L, Lin Y, Wu X, Wang K, He Q, Wang X, Li W.


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1235. Jiang Y, Ren W, Wang W, Xia J, Gou L, Liu M, Wan Q, Zhou L, Weng Y, He T, Zhang Y.


Inhibitor of β-catenin and TCF (ICAT) promotes cervical cancer growth and metastasis by disrupting E-cadherin/β-catenin complex.

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1236. Lai Q, Luo Z, Wu C, Lai S, Wei H, Li T, Wang Q, Yu Y.


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1237. Hou Z, Hu Y, Yang X, Chen W.


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1238. Mingnan Cao, Huixia Wang, Limei Guo, Simin Yang, Chun Liu, Tin Oo Khor, Siwang Yu, Ah-Ng Kong.


Dibenzoylmethane Protects Against CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury by Activating Nrf2 via JNK, AMPK, and Calcium Signaling.


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1239. Xueyan Liang, Yufang Yang, Zhenguang Huang, Jinling Zhou, Yue’e Li, Xiaobin Zhong.


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1240. Yujie Liu, Jianwei Pan, Lifang Liu, Wei Li, Ran Tao, Yinghu Chen, Huamei Li, Shiqiang Shang.


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1241. Wenyu Xin, Qiaoyun Wang, Dan Zhang, Chaoyun Wang.


A new mechanism of inhibition of IL-1β secretion by celastrol through the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway.

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1242. Mengchen Shi, Lina Zhou, Lu Zhao, Mei Shang, Tongtong He, Zeli Tang, Hengchang Sun, Pengli Ren, Zhipeng Lin, Tingjin Chen, Jinyun Yu, Jin Xu, Xinbing Yu, Yan Huang.


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1243. Wu N, Hui H, Cui L, Yang F.


GRIM-19 represses the proliferation and invasion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma cells associated with downregulation of STAT3 signaling.

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1244. Liu H, Yue Q, He S.


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1245. Han H, Gu S, Chu W, Sun W, Wei W, Dang X, Tian Y, Liu K, Chen J.


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1246. Zhihui Huang, Naidong Zhang, Wenming Ma, Xiaoyu Dai, Jinbo Liu.


MiR-337-3p promotes chondrocytes proliferation and inhibits apoptosis by regulating PTEN/AKT axis in osteoarthritis.

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(IF 3.743)

1247. Du WL, Fang Q, Chen Y, Teng JW, Xiao YS, Xie P, Jin B, Wang JQ.


Effect of silencing the T‑Box transcription factor TBX2 in prostate cancer PC3 and LNCaP cells.

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1248. Zhao L, Liu S, Xu J, Li W, Duan G, Wang H, Yang H, Yang Z, Zhou R.


A new molecular mechanism underlying the EGCG-mediated autophagic modulation of AFP in HepG2 cells.

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1249. Shengwei Liu, Shuang Chen, Weiguang Yuan, Hongyan Wang, Kewang Chen, Dianjun Li, Dalin Li.


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1250. Shang H, Wang Y, Chao X, Sun G, Bai X, Xu L, Han Y, Li J, Wang H, Fan Z.


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1252. Xiaoliang Chen, Yanhong Liu, Yanhong Shan, Xingyi Jin, Qingyang Shi, Chunshu Jia.


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Scutellarin Prevents Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Hyperlipidemia via PI3K/AKT-Dependent Activation of Nuclear Factor (Erythroid-Derived 2)-Like 2 (Nrf2) in Rats.


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1255. Liu L, Li N, Zhang Q, Zhou J, Lin L, He X.


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1256. Liu C, Wu H, Li Y, Shen L, Yu R, Yin H, Sun T, Sun C, Zhou Y, Du Z.


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1257. Shi J, Zhao W, Ying H, Zhang Y, Du J, Chen S, Li J, Shen B.


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1258. Cui K, Tang Z, Li CC, Wang T, Rao K, Wang SG, Liu JH, Chen Z.


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1259. Pan T, Wu D, Cai N, Chen R, Shi X, Li B, Pan J.


Alpha-Mangostin protects rat articular chondrocytes against IL-1β-induced inflammation and slows the progression of osteoarthritis in a rat model.

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1260. Gong JH, Gong JP, Zheng KW.


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1261. Zhao H, Tang W, Chen X, Wang S, Wang X, Xu H, Li L.


The NAMPT/E2F2/SIRT1 axis promotes proliferation and inhibits p53-dependent apoptosis in human melanoma cells.


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1262. Li X, Wang S, Dai J, Yan L, Zhao S, Wang J, Sun Y.


Homoharringtonine prevents surgery-induced epidural fibrosis through endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling pathway.

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1263. Liang P, Zhong L, Gong L, Wang J, Zhu Y, Liu W, Yang J.


Fibroblast growth factor 21 protects rat cardiomyocytes from endoplasmic reticulum stress by promoting the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1-extracellular signal‑regulated kinase 1/2 signaling pathway.

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(IF 3.098)

1264. Fan S, Yang Z, Ke Z, Huang K, Liu N, Fang X, Wang K.


Downregulation of the long non-coding RNA TUG1 is associated with cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in breast cancer.

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1265. Tao S, Ren Y, Zheng H, Zhao M, Zhang X, Zhu Y, Yang J, Zheng S.


Salvianolic acid B inhibits intermittent high glucose-induced INS-1 cell apoptosis through regulation of Bcl-2 proteins and mitochondrial membrane potential.

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1266. Fan C, Qiao Y, Tang M.


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1267. Wang SQ, Wang X, Zheng K, Liu KS, Wang SX, Xie CH.


Simultaneous targeting PI3K and PERK pathways promotes cell death and improves the clinical prognosis in esophageal squamous carcinoma.


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1268. Xu C, He T, Li Z, Liu H, Ding B.


Regulation of HOXA11-AS/miR-214-3p/EZH2 axis on the growth, migration and invasion of glioma cells.

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1269. Haifeng Zhang, Baoli Hu, Zuopei Wang, Feng Zhang, Haitao Wei, Li Li.


miR-181c contributes to cisplatin resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells by targeting Wnt inhibition factor 1.

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(IF 3.008)

1270. Yu L, Wang X, Chen H, Yan Z, Wang M, Li Y.


Neurochemical and Behavior Deficits in Rats with Iron and Rotenone Co-treatment: Role of Redox Imbalance and Neuroprotection by Biochanin A.


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1271. Mingxia Jiang, Haifen Zhang, Lijie Zhai, Bianliang Ye, Yin Cheng, Chengkai Zhai.


ALA/LA ameliorates glucose toxicity on HK-2 cells by attenuating oxidative stress and apoptosis through the ROS/p38/TGF-β1 pathway.

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1272. Cao H, Xu H, Zhu G, Liu S.


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1273. Lv C, Yuan X, Zeng HW, Liu RH, Zhang WD.


Protective effect of cinnamaldehyde against glutamate-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in PC12 cells.

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1274. Minlan Yang, Yanru Li, Xiangfeng Shen, Yang Ruan, Yan Lu, Xiangshu Jin, Peiye Song, Yantong Guo, Xiaoli Zhang, Huinan Qu, Yijia Shao, Chengshi Quan.


CLDN6 promotes chemoresistance through GSTP1 in human breast cancer.

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1275. Pan S, An L, Meng X, Li L, Ren F, Guan Y.


MgCl2 and ZnCl2 promote human umbilical vein endothelial cell migration and invasion and stimulate epithelial-mesenchymal transition via the Wnt/β-catenin pathway.

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1276. Wang J, Huang J, Wang L, Chen C, Yang D, Jin M, Bai C, Song Y.


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1277. Qiao X, Wang L, Wang Y, Su X, Qi Y, Fan Y, Peng Z.


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1278. Tang W, Shen M, Xie J, Liu D, Du M, Lin L, Gao H, Hamaker BR, Xie M.


Physicochemical characterization, antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from Mesona chinensis Benth and their protective effect on injured NCTC-1469 cells induced by H2O2.


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1279. Zhou J, Xu R, Du XZ, Zhou XD, Li Q.


Saxifragifolin D attenuates phagosome maturation arrest in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macrophages via an AMPK and VPS34-dependent pathway.

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1280. Shuixian Li, Qianyun Zhang, Lichun Zhou, Yanhui Guan, Shang Chen, Yu Zhang, Xiuzhen Han.


Inhibitory effects of compound DMBT on hypoxia-induced vasculogenic mimicry in human breast cancer.

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1281. Ni Z, Yi J.


Oxymatrine induces nasopharyngeal cancer cell death through inhibition of PI3K/AKT and NF‑κB pathways.

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1282. Zhou L, Chen X, Yan J, Li M, Liu T, Zhu C, Pan G, Guo Q, Yang H, Pei M, He F.


Melatonin at pharmacological concentrations suppresses osteoclastogenesis via the attenuation of intracellular ROS.


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1283. Feng Y, Wang N, Xu J, Zou J, Liang X, Liu H, Chen Y.


Alpha-1-antitrypsin functions as a protective factor in preeclampsia through activating Smad2 and inhibitor of DNA binding 4.


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1284. Zhang Y, Su Y, Zhao Y, Lv G, Luo Y.


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1329. Yu Zhang, Kaiqiang Li, Youmin Ying, Bingyu Chen, Ke Hao, Boxu Chen, Yu Zheng, Jianxin Lyu, Xiangming Tong, Xiaopan Chen, Ying Wang, Zhajun Zhan, Wei Zhang, Zhen Wang.


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1534. Ning Zhang, Hongdan Xu, Yueying Wang, Yuan Yao, Guoliang Liu, Xia Lei, Huifeng Sun, Xiuhong Wu, Jianmin Li


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1540. Zhongyuan Piao, Lin Song, Lifen Yao, Limei Zhang, Yichan Lu


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1543. Hua Fang, Miao Yang, Qin Pan, Hon-Ling Jin, Hua-Feng Li, Ru-Rong Wang, Quan-Yun Wang, Jian-Ping Zhang


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1546. Miao Zhang, Yuan Hu, Jiahui Zhang, Junjian Zhang


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1547. Sihong Li, Ruimeng Liu, Gaoqiang Wei, Guifang Guo, Hongxiao Yu, Yixin Zhang, Muhammad Ishfaq, Saqib Ali Fazilani, Xiuying Zhang


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1550. Linjie Ju, Peipei Hu, Ping Chen, Jiejie Wu, Zhuoqun Li, Zhixia Qiu, Jun Cheng, Fang Huang


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1551. Xue Wang, Hong Zhu, Lei Lei, Yang Zhang, Chao Tang, Jia-Xing Wu, Jie-Ru Zhou, Xi-Rong Xiao


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1552. Meng Xia, Xuena Li, Yao Diao, Bulin Du, Yaming Li


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1553. Hao Jiang, Yanping Zou, Jihong Zhao, Xuecong Li, Shaodong Yang, Xiaoshun Zhou, Dongsheng Mou, Wenqun Zhong, Yu Cai


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1557. Hongwei Lu, Changchang Fu, Suyan Kong, Xudong Wang, Lin Sun, Zeng Lin, Peng Luo, Haidong Jin


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1558. Fengqi Jiang, Shuo Ren, Yaodong Chen, Ange Zhang, Yuekun Zhu, Zhenan Zhang, Zizhuo Li, Daxun Piao


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1559. Li Zhang, Shixia Zhou, Tiejun Zhou, Kaifeng Yuan, Xiaoming Li, Junling Tang


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1562. Qingfei Xiao, Yan Cui, Yongli Zhao, Li Liu, Hongyue Wang, Liming Yang


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1563. Dongliang Zhang, Lan Jiang, Mengling Wang, Meiping Jin, Xuemei Zhang, Difa Liu, Zhangwei Wang, Licai Yang, Xudong Xu


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1564. Ning Ma, Xingjie Li, Hongyu Jiang, Yulong Dai, Guofeng Xu, Zongde Zhang


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1565. Wenchao Zhang, Jianwei Liu, Yang Fu, Huifang Ji, Zheyan Fang, Wanming Zhou, Huimin Fan, Yingxuan Zhang, Yan Liao, Ting Yang, Xiaolin Wang, Wanwan Yuan, Xiaoshu Chen, Yi-Fei Dong


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1566. Huan Liu, Huidan Deng, Hengmin Cui, Zhijie Jian, Hongrui Guo, Jing Fang, Zhicai Zuo, Junliang Deng, Yinglun Li, Xun Wang, Ling Zhao


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1567. Ying Luo, Li-Mei Liu, Li Xie, Hong-Lei Zhao, Yong-Kang Lu, Bao-Quan Wu, Zhi-Ye Wu, Zhi-Ling Zhang, Yun-Ling Hao, Wu-Hua Ou, Rui-Shuang Liu, Wen-Min Xu, Xie-Hui Chen


Activation of the CaR-CSE/H2S pathway confers cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury

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1568. Lishen Ren, Dongrui Guo, Xiaohui Wan, Rongfeng Qu


EYA2 upregulates miR-93 to promote tumorigenesis of breast cancer by targeting and inhibiting the STING signaling pathway


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1569. Fangyuan Jia, Qi Wu, Zhiwei Wang, Min Zhang, Shun Yuan, Yanjia Che, Bowen Li, Zhipeng Hu, Xiaoping Hu


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1570. Guoyuan Pan, Huimei Zhang, Anqi Zhu, Yao Lin, Lili Zhang, Bingyun Ye, Jingyan Cheng, Weimin Shen, Lingqin Jin, Chan Liu, Qingfeng Xie, Xiang Chen


Treadmill exercise attenuates cerebral ischaemic injury in rats by protecting mitochondrial function via enhancement of caveolin-1

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1571. Guangdong Zhang, Fangli Zhong, Lei Chen, Peipei Qin, Junmei Li, Feijie Zhi, Lulu Tian, Dong Zhou, Pengfei Lin, Huatao Chen, Keqiong Tang, Wei Liu, Yaping Jin, Aihua Wang


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1572. Dan Song, Yaohua Chen, Cheng Chen, Lili Chen, Oumei Cheng


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1573. Yahong Liu, Lei Qi, Keping Zhang, Fuxin Wang


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1574. Gangyin Xie, Linxiao Sun, Yonglin Li, Bicheng Chen, Cheng Wang


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1576. Hangwei Fu, Yida Zhang, Yin Chen, Junying Chen, Ping Chen


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1577. Jing Zhang, Na Jiang, Jian Ping, Lieming Xu


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1578. Tong Zhou, Bolan Zhou, Yasong Zhao, Qing Li, Guili Song, Zuoyan Zhu, Yong Long, Zongbin Cui


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1579. Ping Lin, Hui-Ru Bai, Ling He, Qiu-Xiang Huang, Qin-Han Zeng, Yuan-Zhi Pan, Bei-Bei Jiang, Fan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Qing-Lin Liu


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1580. Panpan Meng, Yi-Fan Zhang, Wangli Zhang, Xin Chen, Tong Xu, Sheng Hu, Xinjun Liang, Mingqian Feng, Xiaoqing Yang, Mitchell Ho


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Vascular endothelial cell-secreted exosomes facilitate osteoarthritis pathogenesis by promoting chondrocyte apoptosis

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1584. Yujing Cao, Qiuxia Lv, Yang Li


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1585. Boying Zhao, Renfu Lu, Jianjun Chen, Ming Xie, Xingji Zhao, Lingwen Kong


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1586. Yang Liu, Xue-Bin Hu, Li-Zhi Zhang, Zi Wang, Rong Fu


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1587. Yue Wang, Xiaozhou Wang, Lumei Wang, Guodong Cheng, Meihua Zhang, Yuxiao Xing, Xiaona Zhao, Yongxia Liu, Jianzhu Liu


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1588. Meng Wang, Yong Nie, Xiao-Lei Wu


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1589. Jinming Zhu, Chunling Ma, Xiaomei Luan, Juan Li, Fengyun Peng, Lei Huang


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1590. Xiu-Dan Li, Shan-Shan He, Ting-Ting Wan, Yan-Bo Li


Liraglutide protects palmitate-induced INS-1 cell injury by enhancing autophagy mediated via FoxO1

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1591. Jia-Huan Sun, Hong-Xia Yang, Ting-Ting Yao, Yuan Li, Lin Ruan, Geng-Rui Xu, Chuang Zhang, Guo-Xin Guo, Ai-Ying Li


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1592. Bin Qi, Xiaowen Zhang, Hang Yu, Yandong Bao, Nan Wu, Dalin Jia


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1593. Ning Zhang, Lingran Zhang, Linjie Li, Junyou Geng, Lei Zhao, Yan Ren, Zhongdong Dong, Feng Chen


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1595. Hao Wu, Yijun Chu, Shanshan Sun, Guozheng Li, Shouping Xu, Xianyu Zhang, Yongdong Jiang, Song Gao, Qin Wang, Jian Zhang, Da Pang


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1596. Xing Du, Qiqi Li, Liu Yang, Qiang Zeng, Siqi Wang, Qifa Li


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1597. Mianjie Lin, Ya-Nan Wang, Yixin Ye, Zhelei Xiong, Fengbiao Guo, Haibin Chen


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1598. Yue Wu, Yang Xun, Jiaqiao Zhang, Henglong Hu, Baolong Qin, Tao Wang, Shaogang Wang, Cong Li, Yuchao Lu


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1599. Hua-Su Zhu, Dong Li, Cong Li, Jin-Xian Huang, Shan-Shan Chen, Lan-Bo Li, Qing Shi, Xiu-Li Ju


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1600. Qiqi Cao, Chun Zhao, Congjing Wang, Lingbo Cai, Meng Xia, Xiaolan Zhang, Jian Han, Yangyang Xu, Junqiang Zhang, Xiufeng Ling, Xiang Ma, Ran Huo


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1601. Tianle Gu, Dandan Yu, Ling Xu, Yu-Lin Yao, Xiao Zheng, Yong-Gang Yao


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1602. Jian Hu, Pei-Le Liu, Yan Hua, Bei-Yao Gao, Yu-Yuan Wang, Yu-Long Bai, Chan Chen


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1603. Xiaotao Xu, Yang Su, Kaixuan Wu, Fan Pan, Aizhong Wang


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1604. Yuhao Wu, Junke Wang, Tianxin Zhao, Yuexin Wei, Lindong Han, Lianju Shen, Chunlan Long, Shengde Wu, Guanghui Wei


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1606. Qingqing Yi, Weiwei Cai, Qing Chang, Dongyu Liang, Rong Yang, Guowei Jiang, Liying Qiu


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1607. Yuyi Chen, Qiudong Yang, Chunhua Lv, Yue Chen, Wenhua Zhao, Wenlei Li, Hongyu Chen, Hua Wang, Wen Sun, Hua Yuan


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1609. Jiguang Li, Yanlan Wang, Liqun Wang, Jianyu Zhu, Jing Deng, Rui Tang, Guanghui Chen


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1610. Shiping Huang, Yueming Sun


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1612. Yanhong Yang, Changyuan Yang, Zili Lei, Hedong Rong, Siping Yu, Huijuan Wu, Lanxiang Yang, Yuting Lei, Wanwan Liu, Ya Nie, Jiamin Zhu, Jiao Guo


Cigarette smoking exposure breaks the homeostasis of cholesterol and bile acid metabolism and induces gut microbiota dysbiosis in mice with different diets


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1613. Tianyu Zou, Jielin Zhang, Yongxiu Liu, Yiming Zhang, Kazuo Sugimoto, Cheng Mei


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1614. Zhiyuan Qin, Haihong Hu, Wen Sun, Lu Chen, Shengnan Jin, Qingwen Xu, Yuxi Liu, Lushan Yu, Su Zeng


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1616. Guiting Zhang, Qianqian Cai, Hong Zhou, Chao He, Yudan Chen, Peng Zhang, Ting Wang, Liangjie Xu, Jinchuan Yan


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1617. Hongyan Zhang, Feng Su, Libo Huang, Boyu Li, Xuejun Yuan, Mingjiu Luo, Lijiang Ge


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1620. Xiaohan Gong, Jinzhi Zhang, Caiyun Ge, Yiwen Yi, Shiyun Dai, Guanlan Fan, Changrong Li, Yuanzhen Zhang, Hui Wang, Dan Xu


miRNA320a-3p/RUNX2 signal programming mediates the transgenerational inheritance of inhibited ovarian estrogen synthesis in female offspring rats induced by prenatal dexamethasone exposure

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1621. Chenye Tang, Yuntao Wu, Xiao Wang, Kean Chen, Zhiling Tang, Xiao Guo


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1622. Tianji Lin, Nan Wu, Linhong Wang, Ruipeng Zhang, Ruolang Pan, Yun-Fang Chen


Inhibition of chondrocyte apoptosis in a rat model of osteoarthritis by exosomes derived from miR‑140‑5p‑overexpressing human dental pulp stem cells

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1623. Bobo Yang, Wenjun Zhao, Changsheng Yin, Yu Bai, Suhua Wang, Guangwei Xing, Fang Li, Jinsong Bian, Michael Aschner, Jiyang Cai, Haifeng Shi, Rongzhu Lu


Acute acrylonitrile exposure inhibits endogenous H2S biosynthesis in rat brain and liver: The role of CBS/3-MPST-H2S pathway in its astrocytic toxicity


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1625. Jun Li, Cuiting Zhao, Qing Zhu, Yonghuai Wang, Guangyuan Li, Xinxin Li, Yuhong Li, Nan Wu, Chunyan Ma


Sweroside Protects Against Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Inhibiting Oxidative Stress and Pyroptosis Partially via Modulation of the Keap1/Nrf2 Axis

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1626. Wentao Shao, Jin Xu, Cheng Xu, Zhenkun Weng, Qian Liu, Xin Zhang, Jingjia Liang, Wenxiang Li, Yi Zhang, Zhaoyan Jiang, Aihua Gu


Early-life perfluorooctanoic acid exposure induces obesity in male offspring and the intervention role of chlorogenic acid

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1627. Wenjie Su, Shikai Zhu, Kai Chen, Hongji Yang, Mingwu Tian, Qiang Fu, Ganggang Shi, Shijian Feng, Dianyun Ren, Xin Jin, Chong Yang


Overexpressed WDR3 induces the activation of Hippo pathway by interacting with GATA4 in pancreatic cancer

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1629. Yu Xia, Lan-Xiang Huang, Hui Chen, Juan Li, Ke-Ke Chen, Hang Hu, Fu-Bing Wang, Zhao Ding, Shi-Shang Guo


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Mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium improved mitochondrial function and alleviated inflammation and apoptosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by regulating SIRT1

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1631. Jiucui Li, Kongmiao Lu, Fenglan Sun, Shanjuan Tan, Xiao Zhang, Wei Sheng, Wanming Hao, Min Liu, Weihong Lv, Wei Han


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1632. Bingbing Ma, Lin Zhang, Jiaolong Li, Tong Xing, Yun Jiang, Feng Gao


Dietary taurine supplementation ameliorates muscle loss in chronic heat stressed broilers via suppressing the perk signaling and reversing endoplasmic reticulum-stress-induced apoptosis

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1633. Weiqi Sun, Zhijing Ni, Rui Li, Xiuli Chang, Weihua Li, Mingjun Yang, Zhijun Zhou


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1634. Di Meng, Hongying Pan, Youwei Chen, Jiexia Ding, Yining Dai


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1635. Bao-You Fan, Yi-Lin Pang, Wen-Xiang Li, Chen-Xi Zhao, Yan Zhang, Xu Wang, Guang-Zhi Ning, Xiao-Hong Kong, Chang Liu, Xue Yao, Shi-Qing Feng


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1636. Guopeng Lin, Xuzhi Wan, Dan Liu, Yuxi Wen, Chengfeng Yang, Chao Zhao


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1637. Yigao Wu, Wei Rong, Qin Jiang, Ruiquan Wang, Huilan Huang


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1638. Yijiang Huang, Daosen Chen, Zijian Yan, Jingdi Zhan, Xinghe Xue, Xiaoyun Pan, Huachen Yu


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1639. Hui-Qing Lin, Shao-Hua Dai, Wei-Cheng Liu, Xiang Lin, Ben-Tong Yu, Shi-Biao Chen, Sheng Liu, Hua Ling, Jian Tang


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1640. Liangping Zhao, Li Wang, Daimin Zhang, Yuqi Chen, Fulu Jin


Puerarin alleviates coronary heart disease via suppressing inflammation in a rat model


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1641. Xi Zhang, Yang Liu, Zhen Zhang, Juan Tan, Junjun Zhang, Hao Ou, Jie Li, Zewen Song


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1642. Ye Yang, Zhen-Yu Sang, Jie Ma, Ya-Ping Zhu, Su-Fang Wu


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1643. Yu Han, Yu Tang, Shuge Sun, Tongchol Kim, Kwangjin Ju, Sanghyok Ri, Xueying Du, Weishang Zhou, Wei Shi, Shiguo Li, Guangxu Liu


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1644. Dan Zhao, Yumei Li, Chunhong Peng, Jieru Lin, Fuxun Yu, Yichen Zhao, Xiangyan Zhang, Degang Zhao


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1645. Danling Chen, LinLi Xu, Jinhua Wu, Haiying Liang, Yuemei Liang, Guocheng Liu


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1646. Xiangming Xu, Jiao Nie, Lin Lu, Chao Du, Fansheng Meng, Duannuo Song


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1647. Jingjing Li, Changmai Chen, Wei Zhang, Jing'ai Bi, Guang Yang, Erguang Li


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1651. Ying Li, Yuhui Ouyang, Jian Jiao, Zhaojun Xu, Luo Zhang


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1653. Chuanbao Lin, Pengfei Qian, Yan Zhang, Zhihui Liu, Kun Dai, Dawei Sun


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1654. Lulu Zhao, Shengnan Wang, Hong Liu, Xiaoli Du, Ren Bu, Bing Li, Ruilan Han, Jie Gao, Yang Liu, Jian Hao, Jianrong Zhao, Yan Meng, Gang Li


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1655. Menglin Wang, Xinxin Wu, Lu Yu, Zi-Yun Hu, Xiaobo Li, Xia Meng, Chun-Tao Lv, Gi-Young Kim, Yung Hyun Choi, Zhengya Wang, Hai-Wei Xu, Cheng-Yun Jin


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1656. Wen-Wen Wang, Ruiyu Han, Hai-Jun He, Jia Li, Si-Yan Chen, Yingying Gu, Chenglong Xie


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1660. Juan Chang, Chengxu Ma, Huan Guo, Haiqiong Ran, Guolian Chen, Yingdong Li


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1663. Chenjing Wang, Xiaodong Nan, Shuyan Pei, Yu Zhao, Xiaokun Wang, Shijie Ma, Guoyan Ma


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1664. Hanlin Ma, Fang Han, Xiaohui Yan, Gonghua Qi, Yingwei Li, Rongrong Li, Shi Yan, Cunzhong Yuan, Kun Song, Beihua Kong


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1667. Kun Wu, Guoquan Tao, Ting Xu, Yuanyuan An, Xiangyou Yu, Yi Wang, Shaochuang Wang, Wen Guo, Long Ma


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1668. Qiuling Jie, Fei Sun, Qi Li, Juan Zhu, Yunjian Wei, Huamei Yang, Ping Long, Zhen Wang, Xiaohui Yang, Dan Li, Liping Huang, Yanlin Ma


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1673. Tao Wang, Li Wang, Yi Zhang, Jian Sun, Yilin Xie, Yan Yuan, Jianhong Gu, Jianchun Bian, Zongping Liu, Hui Zou


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1674. Dingding Gao, Nan Jin, Yixian Fu, Yueyue Zhu, Yujie Wang, Ting Wang, Yuehong Chen, Mingming Zhang, Qiang Xiao, Min Huang, Yingxia Li


Rational drug design of benzothiazole-based derivatives as potent signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) signaling pathway inhibitors

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1675. Hang Xue, Ziyi Wu, Ying Xu, Qiushi Gao, Yahan Zhang, Chang Li, Ping Zhao


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1676. Yijin Wu, Min Wu, Jue Yang, Ying Li, Wenying Peng, Meifen Wu, Changjiang Yu, Miaoxian Fang


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1679. Nier Cha, Baoqing Jia, Yinzai He, Wei Luan, Wenhua Bao, Xiuhua Han, Weishi Gao, Yanwei Gao


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1680. Yan Zhou, Xiawei Ji, Jiajing Chen, Yaoyang Fu, Juewei Huang, Rui Guo, Jinhui Zhou, Jianke Cen, Qihao Zhang, Anne Chu, Yingpeng Huang, Changlong Xu, Fangyan Wang


Short-chain fatty acid butyrate: A novel shield against chronic gastric ulcer

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1681. Tong Lu, Tong Qiu, Bin Han, Yuanyong Wang, Xiao Sun, Yi Qin, Ao Liu, Nan Ge, Wenjie Jiao


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1683. Yu-Shuai Wang, Wei-Han Yang, Wei Gao, Lu Zhang, Fang Wei, Hang Liu, Shu-Ya Wang, Ying-Ying Li, Wei-Man Zhao, Tao Ma, Qingqing Wang


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1684. Qingbiao Xu, Mingyang Hu, Min Li, Jinxiu Hou, Xianghua Zhang, Ya Gao, Bahram Chachar, Xiang Li


Dietary Bioactive Peptide Alanyl-Glutamine Attenuates Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colitis by Modulating Gut Microbiota

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1685. Kun-Yi Li, Xiao-Jiao Xiang, Li Song, Jian Chen, Biao Luo, Qi-Xin Wen, Bi-Rou Zhong, Gui-Feng Zhou, Xiao-Juan Deng, Yuan-Lin Ma, Li-Tian Hu, Guo-Jun Chen


Mitochondrial TXN2 attenuates amyloidogenesis via selective inhibition of BACE1 expression

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1686. Bi-Rou Zhong, Gui-Feng Zhou, Li Song, Qi-Xin Wen, Xiao-Juan Deng, Yuan-Lin Ma, Li-Tian Hu, Guo-Jun Chen


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1687. Chao Ma, Long Teng, Ge Lin, Beibei Guo, Run Zhuo, Xiaowei Qian, Tuchen Guan, Ronghua Wu, Yan Liu, Mei Liu


L-leucine promotes axonal outgrowth and regeneration via mTOR activation


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1688. Qun Zhao, Yun Bi, Jing Zhong, Xiang Li, Jian Guo, Ying-Xiang Liu, Long-Rui Pan, Yan Tan, Zhang-Shuang Deng, Xian-Jun Yu


10,11-dehydrocurvularin exerts antitumor effect against human breast cancer by suppressing STAT3 activation

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1689. Qinghui Jia, Haihua Zhang, Yongmei Su, Xin Liu, Jiangsong Bai, Wuying Lang, Qiumei Shi, Minshan Feng


Strictosamide alleviates the inflammation in an acute ulcerative colitis (UC) model

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1690. Rong Jiang, Lei Han, Qianqian Gao, Jie Chao


ZC3H4 mediates silica-induced EndoMT via ER stress and autophagy

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1691. Shengwei Liu, Jingdong Liu, Yuchun Wang, Ling Deng, Sha Chen, Xuan Wang, Tianrui Zuo, Qingwen Hu, Jiangyan Rao, Qian Wang, Zhi Dong


Differentially expressed genes induced by β-caryophyllene in a rat model of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury

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1692. Sheng Chang, Yang Cao


Sulfasalazine maintains blood-brain barrier integrity and relieves lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in hCMEC/D3 cells


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1693. Xupeng Mu, Meng Zhang, Anhui Wei, Fei Yin, Yan Wang, Kebang Hu, Jinlan Jiang


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1694. Bing Zou, Tieqiu Huang, Dan Wu, Xiaomin Hu, Linghui Xiao, Chenxi Wang, Hongzhou Zhang, Jian Xiang, Chenkai Hu, Qinghua Wu, Tao Wu


Knockdown of ZFAS1 improved the cardiac function of myocardial infarction rats via regulating Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway

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Neferine Protects against Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Damage in Neonatal Rats by Suppressing NLRP3-Mediated Inflammasome Activation

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1696. Zejie Zuo, Fangfang Qi, Zhiwei Xing, Lifang Yuan, Yunjie Yang, Zitian He, Lihua Zhou, Zhibin Yao


Bacille Calmette-Guérin attenuates vascular amyloid pathology and maximizes synaptic preservation in APP/PS1 mice following active amyloid-β immunotherapy

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1697. Yuanyuan Tu, E Song, Zhenzhen Wang, Na Ji, Linling Zhu, Kun Wang, Haotian Sun, Yuting Zhang, Qiujian Zhu, Xiaojuan Liu, Manhui Zhu


Melatonin attenuates oxidative stress and inflammation of Müller cells in diabetic retinopathy via activating the Sirt1 pathway

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1698. Li Wang, Dianfu Zhang, Sai Li, Long Wang, Jiaojiao Yin, Zhen Xu, Xuezhen Zhang


Dietary Selenium Promotes Somatic Growth of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by Accelerating the Hypertrophic Growth of White Muscle

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miR-135a-5p inhibitor protects glial cells against apoptosis via targeting SIRT1 in epilepsy

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1700. Lei Zhang, Shuge Ouyang, Hongbo Zhang, Mingke Qiu, Yuxin Dai, Shuqing Wang, Yang Wang, Jingmin Ou


Graphene oxide induces dose-dependent lung injury in rats by regulating autophagy

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1701. Huiting Sun, Yichao Shi, Yuwei Shang, Xia Chen, Fei Xia


MicroRNA‑378d inhibits Glut4 by targeting Rsbn1 in vitamin D deficient ovarian granulosa cells

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1702. Yuqiong Chen, Su Li, Yan Zhang, Mengshen Wang, Xinyan Li, Shuang Liu, Dengyue Xu, Yandong Bao, Pengyu Jia, Nan Wu, Yao Lu, Dalin Jia


The lncRNA Malat1 regulates microvascular function after myocardial infarction in mice via miR-26b-5p/Mfn1 axis-mediated mitochondrial dynamics

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1703. Mengyuan Cen, Wei Ouyang, Wanying Zhang, Liping Yang, Xiuhui Lin, Min Dai, Huiqun Hu, Huifang Tang, Hongyun Liu, Jingyan Xia, Feng Xu


MitoQ protects against hyperpermeability of endothelium barrier in acute lung injury via a Nrf2-dependent mechanism

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1704. Xiaolong Sun, Xu Wang, Zhenyu Zhao, Jing Chen, Cheng Li, Gang Zhao


Paeoniflorin inhibited nod-like receptor protein-3 inflammasome and NF-κB-mediated inflammatory reactions in diabetic foot ulcer by inhibiting the chemokine receptor CXCR2

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Preparation, stability and commutability of candidate reference materials for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

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1706. Yin Li, Hao Sheng, Feng Ma, Qiang Wu, Jianfang Huang, Qiang Chen, Lianghe Sheng, Xinghai Zhu, Xiaoxi Zhu, Meng Xu


RNA m6A reader YTHDF2 facilitates lung adenocarcinoma cell proliferation and metastasis by targeting the AXIN1/Wnt/β-catenin signaling

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1707. Shengqiang Li, Zhen Lei, Meng Zhao, Yonghao Hou, Di Wang, Xingli Xu, Xiaowen Lin, Jingxin Li, Shuhai Tang, Jingui Yu, Tao Meng


Propofol Inhibits Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Cardiotoxicity Through the Protein Kinase C/Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-Related Factor Pathway

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1708. Meixuan Chen, Shuo Wu, Bing Shen, Qingquan Fan, Ran Zhang, Yu Zhou, Pingping Zhang, Liecheng Wang, Lesha Zhang


Activation of the δ opioid receptor relieves cerebral ischemic injury in rats via EGFR transactivation

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1709. Liu Li, Li Yang, Feng Yang, Xin-Lan Zhao, Shengjiang Xue, Fang-Hua Gong


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1711. Ke Wu, Xinyi Zheng, Zhixian Yao, Zhong Zheng, Wenjie Huang, Xingyu Mu, Feng Sun, Zhihong Liu, Junhua Zheng


Accumulation of CD45RO+CD8+ T cells is a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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1712. Song Xue, Hanfei Tang, Gefei Zhao, Chao Fang, Yang Shen, Dong Yan, Ye Yuan, Weiguo Fu, Zhenyu Shi, Xiao Tang, Daqiao Guo


C-C motif ligand 8 promotes atherosclerosis via NADPH oxidase 2/reactive oxygen species-induced endothelial permeability increase

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1713. Xiaolei Hu, Ling Xu, Xuewei Fu, Jiao Huang, Ping Ji, Zhiwei Zhang, Feng Deng, Xiaomian Wu


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1714. Ming Deng, Ping Xie, Zhonghui Chen, Yan Zhou, Junqi Liu, Jianghua Ming, Jianwei Yang


Mash-1 modified neural stem cells transplantation promotes neural stem cells differentiation into neurons to further improve locomotor functional recovery in spinal cord injury rats


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1715. Ruye Ma, Dandan Yu, Yu Peng, Hongfei Yi, Yingcong Wang, Taofang Cheng, Bingqing Shi, Guang Yang, Weiming Lai, Xiaosong Wu, Ye Lu, Jumei Shi


Resveratrol induces AMPK and mTOR signaling inhibition-mediated autophagy and apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells

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1716. Dongrui Zhou, Kai Cen, Wei Liu, Fengzhi Liu, Ruijia Liu, Yikun Sun, Yizhou Zhao, Jingling Chang, Lingqun Zhu


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1717. Duo Wen, Wan-Lin Liu, Zhong-Wu Lu, Yi-Ming Cao, Qing-Hai Ji, Wen-Jun Wei


SNHG9, a Papillary Thyroid Cancer Cell Exosome-Enriched lncRNA, Inhibits Cell Autophagy and Promotes Cell Apoptosis of Normal Thyroid Epithelial Cell Nthy-ori-3 Through YBOX3/P21 Pathway

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1718. Jiaying Wang, Conghui Wang, Yang Li, Mingyue Li, Tingjia Zhu, Zhangjin Shen, Hui Wang, Weiguo Lv, Xinyu Wang, Xiaodong Cheng, Xing Xie


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1719. Pengfei Zhao, Chaofei Wang, Jun Ding, Chengfeng Zhao, Yingjun Xia, Yanli Hu, Li Zhang, Yanqin Zhou, Junlong Zhao, Rui Fang


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1720. Yixuan Wu, Zhigang Jiao, Zhiting Wan, Shaogang Qu


Role of autophagy and oxidative stress to astrocytes in fenpropathrin-induced Parkinson-like damage

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1721. Xianming Chen, Yulin Zhang, Sen Zhang, Aiming Wang, Quanyin Du, Ziming Wang


Oleanolic acid inhibits osteosarcoma cell proliferation and invasion by suppressing the SOX9/Wnt1 signaling pathway

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1722. Feifei Shao, Lingmin Zhou, Yu Zhang, Hongping Chen, Yu Zhang, Zhihui Guan


Gastrodin alleviates inflammatory injury of cardiomyocytes in septic shock mice via inhibiting NLRP3 expression

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1724. Mengzhu Zheng, Junfeng Huo, Xiaoxia Gu, Yali Wang, Canrong Wu, Qingzhe Zhang, Wang Wang, Yang Liu, Yu Liu, Xuechen Zhou, Lixia Chen, Yirong Zhou, Hua Li


Rational Design and Synthesis of Novel Dual PROTACs for Simultaneous Degradation of EGFR and PARP

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1725. Wei Zhang, Donge Tang, Liewen Lin, Tingting Fan, Ligang Xia, Wanxia Cai, Weier Dai, Chang Zou, Lianghong Yin, Yong Xu, Yong Dai


Integrative multiplatform-based molecular profiling of human colorectal cancer reveals proteogenomic alterations underlying mitochondrial inactivation

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1726. Guanghua Yang, Chen Zeng, Yang Liu, Dongliang Li, Juanjuan Cui


ZNRD1-AS1 knockdown alleviates malignant phenotype of retinoblastoma through miR-128-3p/BMI1 axis

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1727. Wei Zhang, Liewen Lin, Ligang Xia, Wanxia Cai, Weier Dai, Chang Zou, Lianghong Yin, Donge Tang, Yong Xu, Yong Dai


Multi-omics analyses of human colorectal cancer revealed three mitochondrial genes potentially associated with poor outcomes of patients

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1728. Zili Lei, Huijuan Wu, Yanhong Yang, Qing Hu, Yuting Lei, Wanwan Liu, Ya Nie, Lanxiang Yang, Xueying Zhang, Changyuan Yang, Ting Lin, Fengxue Tong, Jiamin Zhu, Jiao Guo


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1729. Yan Hu, Bing Wang, Ke Yi, Qingjun Lei, Guanghui Wang, Xiaohui Xu


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1730. Liqiang Qi, Bo Sun, Beibei Yang, Su Lu


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1732. Yuan Gao, Xinjia Zhou, Yan Zhou, Wei Zhang, Li Zhao


Chrysene accelerates the proceeding of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with the aggravation of inflammation and apoptosis in cigarette smoke exposed mice

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1733. Mingdong Yu, Chao Qin, Pei Li, Yingli Zhang, Ying Wang, Jing Zhang, Dedong Li, Huixing Wang, Yuechun Lu, Keliang Xie, Yang Yu, Yonghao Yu


Hydrogen gas alleviates sepsis-induced neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment through regulation of DNMT1 and DNMT3a-mediated BDNF promoter IV methylation in mice

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1734. Qian Chai, Jiajing Miao, Meili Liu, Ziying Zhang, Ziang Meng, Weihua Wu


Knockdown of SGLT1 prevents the apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by glucose fluctuation via relieving oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction

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1735. Hengchen Liu, Mingzhao Zhang, Manyu Shi, Tingting Zhang, Wenjun Lu, Shulong Yang, Qingbo Cui, Zhaozhu Li


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1736. Xiao Liu, Ling Wang, Qunzhi Xing, Kehan Li, Jianluo Si, Xiaowu Ma, Lianjing Mao


Sevoflurane inhibits ferroptosis: A new mechanism to explain its protective role against lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury

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1737. Zongzhen Liao, Dihang Lin, Jirong Jia, Ran Cai, Yang Yu, Wensheng Li


Innate Immune Response to Fasting and Refeeding in the Zebrafish Kidney


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1738. Qiang Zheng, Yuan Zhang, Zheng Zhao, Haitao Shen, Hongyu Zhao, Min Zhao


Isorhynchophylline ameliorates paraquat-induced acute kidney injury by attenuating oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage via regulating toll-interacting expression

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1739. Yun Long, Yi-Cheng Wang, Dong-Zhi Yuan, Xin-Hua Dai, Lin-Chuan Liao, Xue-Qin Zhang, Li-Xue Zhang, Yong-Dan Ma, Yi Lei, Zhi-Hui Cui, Jin-Hu Zhang, Li Nie, Li-Min Yue


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1740. Jianqing Jiang, Mingsong Cai


Cardamonin Inhibited IL-1β Induced Injury by Inhibition of NLRP3 Inflammasome via Activating Nrf2/NQO-1 Signaling Pathway in Chondrocyte

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1741. Jinglin Ma, Yanrong Liu, Yongpeng Guo, Qiugang Ma, Cheng Ji, Lihong Zhao


Transcriptional Profiling of Aflatoxin B1-Induced Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Response in Macrophages

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1742. Qian Qu, Yan Li, Zhenyan Zhang, Hengzheng Cui, Qianqiu Zhao, Wanyue Liu, Tao Lu, Haifeng Qian


Effects of S-metolachlor on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedling root exudates and the rhizosphere microbiome

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1743. Huiqiong Jiang, Jiaren Lv


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1744. Tengfei Zhang, Danjie Guo, Weiping Zheng, Qunyun Dai


Effects of S1PR2 antagonist on blood pressure and angiogenesis imbalance in preeclampsia rats

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1745. Yong Xu, Xiang Li, Hailun Li, Lili Zhong, Yongtao Lin, Juan Xie, Donghui Zheng


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1746. Jing Chen, Wenbin Shi, Yan Xu, Huaming Zhang, Bo Chen


Hirudin prevents vascular endothelial cell apoptosis and permeability enhancement induced by the serum from rat with chronic renal failure through inhibiting RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway

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1747. Ling Zheng, Ya-Lin Jiang, Jun Fei, Peng Cao, Chen Zhang, Guo-Fang Xie, Li-Xiang Wang, Wei Cao, Lin Fu, Hui Zhao


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1748. Qingyun Zheng, Tianyi Wang, Xiangying Zhu, Xiao Tian, Chen Zhong, Guolin Chang, Gai Ran, Yilin Xie, Bing Zhao, Liqing Zhu, Chen Ling


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1749. Yaping Jiang, Xin Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Kun Zhao, Jing Zhang, Chuanxi Yang, Yihui Chen


Comprehensive Analysis of the Transcriptome-Wide m6A Methylome in Pterygium by MeRIP Sequencing

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1750. Shuaishuai Gong, Jincheng Liu, Shiyao Wan, Weiwei Yang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Boyang Yu, Fang Li, Junping Kou


Schisandrol A Attenuates Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Myocardial Apoptosis through Upregulation of 14-3-3 θ

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1751. Yi Jiang, Ming Shen, Yuanyuan Chen, Yinghui Wei, Jingli Tao, Honglin Liu


Melatonin Represses Mitophagy to Protect Mouse Granulosa Cells from Oxidative Damage


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1752. Bin Zhai, Xiaohong Li, Cheng Lin, Peiyu Yan, Qun Zhao, Erchao Li


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1753. Songsong Wang, Feiya Sheng, Liang Zou, Jianbo Xiao, Peng Li


Hyperoside attenuates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats via cholesterol metabolism and bile acid metabolism

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1754. Yubo Wang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Sheng Cao, Yue Sun, Zhiqiang Dong, Chen Li, Haoran Wang, Yuhong Yao, Haiyan Yu, Xiangyi Song, Ming Li, Jiefu Wang, Mingming Wei, Guang Yang, Cheng Yang


In vitro and in vivo degradation of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) by a proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC)

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1755. Guo-Liang Jiang, Xing-Long Yang, Hou-Jun Zhou, Jiang Long, Bin Liu, Lin-Ming Zhang, Di Lu


cGAS knockdown promotes microglial M2 polarization to alleviate neuroinflammation by inhibiting cGAS-STING signaling pathway in cerebral ischemic stroke

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1756. Yangyang Xia, Shouzhen Chen, Jianfeng Cui, Yong Wang, Xiaochen Liu, Yangli Shen, Li Gong, Xuewen Jiang, Wenfu Wang, Yaofeng Zhu, Shuna Sun, Jiangxia Li, Yongxin Zou, Benkang Shi


Berberine suppresses bladder cancer cell proliferation by inhibiting JAK1-STAT3 signaling via upregulation of miR-17-5p

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1757. Ke Xiao, Zhaogang Dong, Ding Wang, Min Liu, Juan Ding, Wendan Chen, Ziqi Shang, Congbo Yue, Yi Zhang


Clinical value of lncRNA CCAT1 in serum extracellular vesicles as a potential biomarker for gastric cancer

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1758. Hui Yu, Zhe Zhang


ALKBH5-mediated m6A demethylation of lncRNA RMRP plays an oncogenic role in lung adenocarcinoma

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1759. Guoli Li, Beibei Kong, Qingchao Tong, Yejia Li, Lifen Chen, Jin Zeng, Haitao Yu, Xinyou Xie, Jun Zhang


Vanillin downregulates NNMT and attenuates NNMT‑related resistance to 5‑fluorouracil via ROS‑induced cell apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells

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1760. Shu Wang, Yuqing Huang, Guangyan Luo, Xin Yang, Wei Huang


Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside attenuates high glucose-induced podocyte dysfunction by inhibiting apoptosis and promoting autophagy via activation of SIRT1/AMPK pathway

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Propofol attenuates lung ischemia/reperfusion injury though the involvement of the MALAT1/microRNA-144/GSK3β axis

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1762. Fan Zhang, Baoguo Zhang, Rong Tang, Haiping Jiang, Zhimin Ji, Yongjian Chen, Hao Feng


The occurrence of lupus nephritis is regulated by USP7-mediated JMJD3 stabilization

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1763. Qi Li, Dongsheng Xu, Zehui Gu, Tengteng Li, Peng Huang, Liqun Ren


Rutin restrains the growth and metastasis of mouse breast cancer cells by regulating the microRNA-129-1-3p-mediated calcium signaling pathway

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miR‑30a‑5p mitigates autophagy by regulating the Beclin‑1/ATG16 pathway in renal ischemia/reperfusion injury

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1765. Jianzhang Zheng, Yunshuo Lin, Faqiang Tang, Huiling Guo, Laipeng Yan, Shiping Hu, Hong Wu


Promotive Role of CircATRNL1 on Chondrogenic Differentiation of BMSCs Mediated by miR-338-3p

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1766. Hailong Ruan, Lin Bao, Zhen Tao, Ke Chen


Flightless I Homolog Reverses Enzalutamide Resistance through PD-L1-Mediated Immune Evasion in Prostate Cancer

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1767. Haiyan Zhang, Zheng Wang, Zhengxia Liu, Kang Du, Xiang Lu


Protective Effects of Dexazoxane on Rat Ferroptosis in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy Through Regulating HMGB1

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1768. Xuan Ju, Shengdong Wang, Pan Yan, Chunyan Zhu, Xiwen Hu, Jiezheng Dong, Zhonglin Tan


Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Deprivation Combined With Fluoxetine Protects Against Depression-Induced Damage and Apoptosis in Rat Hippocampi via A1 Adenosine Receptor

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1769. Kexin Wang, Yixin Cui, Peng Lin, Zhina Yao, Yu Sun


JunD Regulates Pancreatic β-Cells Function by Altering Lipid Accumulation

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1770. Kun Zhang, Ming Xiao, Xin Jin, Hongyan Jiang


NR5A2 Is One of 12 Transcription Factors Predicting Prognosis in HNSCC and Regulates Cancer Cell Proliferation in a p53-Dependent Manner

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1771. Li Wang, Jiao-Jiao Yin, Feng Zhang, Hao-Dong Yu, Fei-Fei Chen, Zi-Yi Zhang, Xue-Zhen Zhang


Selenium Status Affects Hypertrophic Growth of Skeletal Muscle in Growing Zebrafish by Mediating Protein Turnover

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1772. Zhuo Li, Zhiying Miao, Linlin Ding, Xiaohua Teng, Jun Bao


Energy metabolism disorder mediated ammonia gas-induced autophagy via AMPK/mTOR/ULK1-Beclin1 pathway in chicken livers

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1773. Ziyue Peng, Chengqiang Wang, Chun Liu, Haixia Xu, Yihan Wang, Yang Liu, Yunteng Hu, Jianjun Li, Yanglei Jin, Cong Jiang, Liangle Liu, Jiasong Guo, Lixin Zhu


3D printed polycaprolactone/beta-tricalcium phosphate/magnesium peroxide oxygen releasing scaffold enhances osteogenesis and implanted BMSCs survival in repairing the large bone defect

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1774. Yaoyao Hou, Yingjun Fan, Xian Xia, Jicheng Pan, Jianjun Hou, Xixia Liu, Xinpeng Chen


USP31 acetylation at Lys1264 is essential for its activity and cervical cancer cell growth

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1775. De-Bo Zou, Zongyou Mou, Wenliang Wu, Haichun Liu


TRIM33 protects osteoblasts from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in osteoporosis by inhibiting FOXO3a ubiquitylation and degradation

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1776. Lei Xu, Ying Xu, Jianbing Zheng, Yun Zhao, Hongcai Wang, Yushu Qi


Dacomitinib improves chemosensitivity of cisplatin-resistant human ovarian cancer cells

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1777. Ting Luo, Dandan Lin, Yanan Hao, Rong Shi, Changwei Wei, Wenzhen Shen, Anshi Wu, Peili Huang


Ginkgolide B‑mediated therapeutic effects on perioperative neurocognitive dysfunction are associated with the inhibition of iNOS‑mediated production of NO

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1778. Guanqun Cui, Ziyuan Li, Feifei Cao, Peng Li, Minghua Jin, Shanshan Hou, Xu Yang, Yingwen Mu, Cheng Peng, Hua Shao, Zhongjun Du


Activation of Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway attenuates ROS-mediated autophagy induced by silica nanoparticles in H9c2 cells

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1779. Zhi-Bin Chen, Ge Li, Haocheng Lin, Jun Jiang, Rui Jiang


Low androgen status inhibits erectile function by increasing pyroptosis in rat corpus cavernosum


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1780. Xintong Wang, Zixu Wang, Jing Cao, Yulan Dong, Yaoxing Chen


Melatonin Alleviates Acute Sleep Deprivation-Induced Memory Loss in Mice by Suppressing Hippocampal Ferroptosis

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1781. Hong-Xia Li, Xiao-Yan Liang, Jiong-He Wu, Ya-Ping Yuan, Yue Gao, Shao-Hua Cai


Simvastatin attenuates acute lung injury by activation of A2B adenosine receptor

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1782. Tingting Yu, Guangdi Zhou, Zhenzhen Cai, Wei Liang, Yatao Du, Weiye Wang


Behavioral effects of early-life exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid might synthetically link to multiple aspects of dopaminergic neuron development and dopamine functions in zebrafish larvae

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1783. Zhenwan Li, Jin Ma, Zhongsheng Kuang, Yong Jiang


β-Asarone Attenuates Aβ-Induced Neuronal Damage in PC12 Cells Overexpressing APPswe by Restoring Autophagic Flux

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1784. Tieying Hou, Long Ye, Shulin Wu


Knockdown of LINC00504 Inhibits the Proliferation and Invasion of Breast Cancer via the Downregulation of miR-140-5p

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1785. Mengqiu Wu, Weiyi Chen, Mengqiu Miao, Qianqian Jin, Shengnan Zhang, Mi Bai, Jiaojiao Fan, Yue Zhang, Aihua Zhang, Zhanjun Jia, Songming Huang


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Circulating mitochondrial DNA-triggered autophagy dysfunction via STING underlies sepsis-related acute lung injury

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1787. Chengxiao Ma, Wen Zhang, Wengcong Wang, Jiabing Shen, Kefu Cai, Mei Liu, Maohong Cao


SKP-SCs transplantation alleviates 6-OHDA-induced dopaminergic neuronal injury by modulating autophagy

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1788. Hongyan Qu, Kai Shan, Chunlei Tang, Guozhen Cui, Guoling Fu, Yumin Qi, Jing Cui, Jiaqi Li, Rong Wang, Ninghan Feng, Yong Q Chen


A novel small-molecule fatty acid synthase inhibitor with antitumor activity by cell cycle arrest and cell division inhibition

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1789. Lei Zhang, Dingyu Hao, Pengyi Ma, Boyuan Ma, Jia Qin, Guangyuan Tian, Zihao Liu, Xianhu Zhou


Epitranscriptomic Analysis of m6A Methylome After Peripheral Nerve Injury

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1790. Dezhi Li, Min Yan, Fengfei Sun, Junmei Song, Xingsheng Hu, Sijia Yu, Lina Tang, Shishan Deng


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1791. Jinxiu Chu, Jian Wang, Lijuan Cui, Shuai Liu, Nina An, Jian Han, Xiaohang Che, Chunfu Wu, Jingyu Yang


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1792. Jiujiao Gao, Peng Chu, Caigang Liu, Zhaolin Sun, Quentin Liu, Yongliang Yang


Discovery and biological evaluation of a small-molecule inhibitor of CRM1 that suppresses the growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells


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1793. Song Tian, Yongjun Zheng, Shichu Xiao, Pengfei Luo, Rongju Sun, Jun Liu, Zhaofan Xia


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1795. Kai Hou, Jianliang Shen, Junrong Yan, Chuannan Zhai, Jingxia Zhang, Ji-An Pan, Ye Zhang, Yaping Jiang, Yongbo Wang, Richard Z Lin, Hongliang Cong, Shenglan Gao, Wei-Xing Zong


Loss of TRIM21 alleviates cardiotoxicity by suppressing ferroptosis induced by the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin


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1796. Fei-Yu Liu, Jing Wen, Jiong Hou, Si-Qi Zhang, Chun-Bin Sun, Luo-Chuan Zhou, Wen Yin, Wen-Lin Pang, Cui Wang, Yi Ying, Si-Si Han, Jin-Yuan Yan, Chen-Xi Li, Jia-Li Yuan, Hai-Jing Xing, Zhong-Shan Yang


Gastrodia remodels intestinal microflora to suppress inflammation in mice with early atherosclerosis

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1797. Xuelong Li, Jianmin Han, Ying Liu, Hui Liang


Lactobacillus casei relieves liver injury by regulating immunity and suppression of the enterogenic endotoxin-induced inflammatory response in rats cotreated with alcohol and iron

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1798. Xiankang Xu, Weixue Zhao, Yiru Ye, Weining Cui, Lu Dong, Yixin Yao, Kexuan Li, Jianzhong Han, Weilin Liu


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1800. Lijun Kong, Hewei Zhang, Chaosheng Lu, Keqing Shi, Hongjian Huang, Yushu Zheng, Yongqiang Wang, Dan Wang, Hongwei Wang, Wei Huang


AICAR, an AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Activator, Ameliorates Acute Pancreatitis-Associated Liver Injury Partially Through Nrf2-Mediated Antioxidant Effects and Inhibition of NLRP3 Inflammasome Activa

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1801. Xiangyu Wu, Zitong Wang, Yanan Jiang, Hao Zhou, Ang Li, Yaxing Wei, Zhuo Bao, Donghao Wang, Jimin Zhao, Xinhuan Chen, Yaping Guo, Zigang Dong, Kangdong Liu


Tegaserod Maleate Inhibits Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Proliferation by Suppressing the Peroxisome Pathway

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1802. Yifan Ren, Qing Cui, Jia Zhang, Wuming Liu, Meng Xu, Yi Lv, Zheng Wu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Rongqian Wu


Milk Fat Globule-EGF Factor 8 Alleviates Pancreatic Fibrosis by Inhibiting ER Stress-Induced Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy in Mice

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1803. Min Zhu, Xing Zhang, Jun Pan, Hanxue Zhu, Ziyao Zhang, Zi Liang, Guangli Cao, Xiaolong Hu, Renyu Xue, Chengliang Gong


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1804. Yirui Xie, Xiaozhu Chen, Xuying Zheng, Ling Li, Jieyin Li, Yuling Xu, Junbing He, Yao Lin


Beta1-integrin/Hedgehog-Gli1 signaling pathway fuels the diameter-dependent osteoblast differentiation on different TiO2 nanotubes: The optimal-diameter nanotubes for osteoblast differentiation

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Apatinib combined with PD-L1 blockade synergistically enhances antitumor immune responses and promotes HEV formation in gastric cancer

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1807. Jiani He, Zhongkai Qiu, Hao Zhang, Zhipeng Gao, Yuanjun Jiang, Zhenhua Li, Chuize Kong, Xiaojun Man


MicroRNA‑16‑5p/BIMP1/NF‑κB axis regulates autophagy to exert a tumor‑suppressive effect on bladder cancer

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1808. Shu Zhang, Juanli Xing, Yulin Gong, Ping Li, Boqian Wang, Ling Xu


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1809. Lulu Chen, Zixiang Chen, Zhuqiu Xu, Weifeng Feng, Xiaonan Yang, Zuoliang Qi


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1810. Yuan-Qi Li, Wei-Li Li, Xin-Hui Yu, Hua Wu, Yuan-Zhong Wang, Ya Jin, Le-le Hao, Ming-Min Liu, Xiao-Ge Song


Mechanisms of Traditional Chinese Medicine Bushenantai granules in promoting angiogenesis at the maternal-fetal interface of recurrent spontaneous abortion mice

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1811. Hailin Liu, Xiangnan Hu, Rong Jiang, Jianghui Cai, Qiao Lin, Zhiguo Fan, Pan Zhao, Song Wang, Chunqiao Zou, Weimin Du, Zhi Dong, Yingju Liu


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1812. Yongxi Zhang, Shuyuan Liu, Tiesuo Zhao, Chengxue Dang


METTL3‑mediated m6A modification of Bcl‑2 mRNA promotes non‑small cell lung cancer progression

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1813. Yujie Zhong, Chengni Jin, Jiahui Han, Jiachang Zhu, Qi Liu, Dianjun Sun, Xiaodong Xia, Yu Zhang, Xiaoli Peng


Diosgenin Protects Against Kidney Injury and Mitochondrial Apoptosis Induced by 3-MCPD Through the Regulation of ER Stress, Ca2+ Homeostasis, and Bcl2 Expression

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1814. Xianyuan Zeng, Liang Lyu, Dousha Zhao, Jinying Zhong, Yan Feng, Haifu Wan, Chunyang Li, Ziping Zhang, Yilei Wang


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1815. Yu Chen, Ping Li, Yueting Peng, Xiaoxue Xie, Yixi Zhang, Ying Jiang, Tingting Li, Xiang Qin, Shun Li, Hong Yang, Chunhui Wu, Chuan Zheng, Jie Zhu, Fengming You, Yiyao Liu


Protective autophagy attenuates soft substrate-induced apoptosis through ROS/JNK signaling pathway in breast cancer cells

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1816. Xiang Chen, Hongyu Xie, Xin Wang, Zhinan Zheng, Sanqing Jin


CIRBP Knockdown Attenuates Tumourigenesis and Improves the Chemosensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer via the Downregulation of DYRK1B

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1817. Chengpeng Zhao, Xiaoling Ling, Yunxia Xia, Bingxue Yan, Quanlin Guan


The m6A methyltransferase METTL3 controls epithelial-mesenchymal transition, migration and invasion of breast cancer through the MALAT1/miR-26b/HMGA2 axis

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1818. Tongyao Wei, Heng Liu, Hongxiang Wu, Fan Pu, Xuechen Li


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1819. Jun Zhang, Haiyan Wang, Xizhi Sun


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1820. Bin Liu, Wei Gan, Zhang Jin, Meng Wang, Guopeng Cui, Hongyu Zhang, Huafu Wang


The Role of miR-34c-5p in Osteogenic Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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1821. Xiaoya Wang, Man Xu, Qingbao Xu, Feng Yang, Hui Tang, Chuan Shao, Luyi Wang, Yan Wang, Jing Deng, Shali Wang


Rictor is involved in Ctnnd2 deletion-induced impairment of spatial learning and memory but not autism-like behaviors

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1822. Lan Jiang, Qianhong Yang, Jianjun Gao, Jiahong Yang, Jiaqi He, Hong Xin, Xuemei Zhang


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1823. Qian Zheng, Pengfei Li, Xin Zhou, Yulong Qiang, Jiachen Fan, Yan Lin, Yurou Chen, Jing Guo, Fan Wang, Haihua Xue, Jie Xiong, Feng Li


Deficiency of the X-inactivation escaping gene KDM5C in clear cell renal cell carcinoma promotes tumorigenicity by reprogramming glycogen metabolism and inhibiting ferroptosis


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1824. Chen Yu, Hengchang Zang, Cui Yang, Dong Liang, Shuang Quan, Danyang Li, Yanni Li, Qin Dong, Fengshan Wang, Lian Li


Study of chondroitin sulfate E oligosaccharide as a promising complement C5 inhibitor for osteoarthritis alleviation

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1825. Wei Wang, Rui Wang, Zhijun Jiang, Haonan Li, Zemeng Zhu, Arslan Khalid, Dexiang Liu, Fang Pan


Inhibiting Brd4 alleviated PTSD-like behaviors and fear memory through regulating immediate early genes expression and neuroinflammation in rats

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1826. Ping Wang, Xinwei Hao, Xiaohan Li, Yizhi Yan, Wenxiu Tian, Lin Xiao, Zhenming Wang, Junhong Dong


Curcumin inhibits adverse psychological stress-induced proliferation and invasion of glioma cells via down-regulating the ERK/MAPK pathway

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1827. Ye Li, Xin Wei, Shu-Li Liu, Ying Zhao, Si Jin, Xiao-Yan Yang


Salidroside protects cardiac function in mice with diabetic cardiomyopathy via activation of mitochondrial biogenesis and SIRT3

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1828. Xu-Peng Wang, Wei-Chao Zheng, Yang Bai, Yan Li, Yue Xin, Jing-Zhou Wang, Yu-Lin Chang, Li-Min Zhang


Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule-3 Alleviates Kupffer Cell Pyroptosis Induced by Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation via sGC-cGMP Signal Pathway


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1829. Jing Sun, Xiang Zhou, Jusheng Wu, Renjie Xiao, Yong Chen, Yimei Lu, Haili Lang


Ligustilide enhances hippocampal neural stem cells activation to restore cognitive function in the context of postoperative cognitive dysfunction

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1830. Jingyi Mi, Yang Yang, Hao Yao, Zhirong Huan, Ce Xu, Zhiheng Ren, Wenfu Li, Ying Tang, Rao Fu, Xin Ge


Inhibition of heat shock protein family A member 8 attenuates spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury via astrocyte NF-κB/NLRP3 inflammasome pathway : HSPA8 inhibition protects spinal ischemia-reperfu

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Daidzein alleviates cisplatin-induced muscle atrophy by regulating Glut4/AMPK/FoxO pathway

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1832. Runqing Huang, Jianxia Li, Yang Fu, Yanhong Deng


Downregulation of FEM1C enhances metastasis and proliferation in colorectal cancer

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1833. Hao Li, Wenchao Xu, Xiaming Liu, Tao Wang, Shaogang Wang, Jihong Liu, Hongyang Jiang


JAK2 deficiency improves erectile function in diabetic mice through attenuation of oxidative stress, apoptosis, and fibrosis


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1834. Gui-Lin Jin, Li-Mian Hong, Hai-Ping Liu, Rong-Cai Yue, Zu-Cheng Shen, Jian Yang, Ying Xu, Hui-Hui Huang, Yi Li, Bo-Jun Xiong, Yan-Ping Su, Chang-Xi Yu


Koumine modulates spinal microglial M1 polarization and the inflammatory response through the Notch-RBP-Jκ signaling pathway, ameliorating diabetic neuropathic pain in rats


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1835. Qingman Li, Lijie Zhu, Fangqing Niu, Qingmin Li, Che Wang, Honghui Yang, Chuanyu Gao


Histone deacetylase HDAC4 participates in the pathological process of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury via MEKK1/JNK pathway by binding to miR-206

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1836. Ying Yuan, Chengcheng Zhu, Mingming Liu, Bilian Ke


Comparative proteome analysis of form-deprivation myopia in sclera with iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomics

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1837. Abdoulaye Issotina Zibrila, Zheng Wang, Md Ahasan Ali, James Ampofo Osei, Yuyao Sun, Salman Zafar, Kaili Liu, Chunfang Li, Yuming Kang, Jinjun Liu


Pyridostigmine ameliorates preeclamptic features in pregnant rats by inhibiting tumour necrosis factor-α synthetsis and antagonizing tumour necrosis factor-α-related effects

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1838. Yiliang Wang, Weisheng Luo, Lianzhou Huang, Ji Xiao, Xiaowei Song, Feng Li, Yuying Ma, Xiaohui Wang, Fujun Jin, Ping Liu, Yexuan Zhu, Kaio Kitazato, Yifei Wang, Zhe Ren


A novel lncRNA linc-AhRA negatively regulates innate antiviral response in murine microglia upon neurotropic herpesvirus infection


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1839. Ming Chang, Dan Zhu, Yanjiang Chen, Weiquan Zhang, Xi Liu, Xiao-Lan Li, Zhiping Cheng, Zhiheng Su, Jian Zhang, Yi Lu, Hongwei Guo


Total Flavonoids of Litchi Seed Attenuate Prostate Cancer Progression Via Inhibiting AKT/mTOR and NF-kB Signaling Pathways

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1840. Weihua Wu, Qian Chai, Ziying Zhang


Glucose fluctuation accelerates cardiac injury of diabetic mice via sodium-dependent glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1)

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1841. Lu Yao, Zhuoyan Fan, Shiwen Han, Na Sun, Huilian Che


Apigenin acts as a partial agonist action at estrogen receptors in vivo

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1842. Rong Fan, Jidong Sui, Xuepeng Dong, Biao Jing, Zhenming Gao


Wedelolactone alleviates acute pancreatitis and associated lung injury via GPX4 mediated suppression of pyroptosis and ferroptosis

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1843. Xuejun Dai, Yanyu Guan, Zhongzi Zhang, Ying Xiong, Chengwei Liu, Haifeng Li, Bailian Liu


Comparison of the differentiation abilities of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells toward nucleus pulposus-like cells in three-dimensional culture

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1844. Kangjun Zhang, Taishi Fang, Yajie Shao, Yanhui Wu


TGF-β-MTA1-SMAD7-SMAD3-SOX4-EZH2 Signaling Axis Promotes Viability, Migration, Invasion and EMT of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells

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1845. Xing Ge, Yong Zuo, Jinhong Xie, Xincheng Li, Yan Li, Anand Thirupathi, Peng Yu, Guofen Gao, Changhao Zhou, Yanzhong Chang, Zhenhua Shi


A new mechanism of POCD caused by sevoflurane in mice: cognitive impairment induced by cross-dysfunction of iron and glucose metabolism

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1846. Yike Wang, Lifeng Dong, Fang Wan, Fangfang Chen, Dianlei Liu, Deqin Chen, Jingpei Long


MiR-9-3p regulates the biological functions and drug resistance of gemcitabine-treated breast cancer cells and affects tumor growth through targeting MTDH

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1847. Qunqun Shan, Ning Li, Fan Zhang, Peng Yu, Qingxi Meng


Resveratrol Suppresses Annulus Fibrosus Cell Apoptosis through Regulating Oxidative Stress Reaction in an Inflammatory Environment

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1848. Xing Xie, Fei Hao, Rong Chen, Jingjing Wang, Yanna Wei, Jin Liu, Haiyan Wang, Zhenzhen Zhang, Yun Bai, Guoqing Shao, Qiyan Xiong, Zhixin Feng


Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide-Dependent Flavin Oxidoreductase of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Functions as a Potential Novel Virulence Factor and Not Only as a Metabolic Enzyme

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1849. Mian Wang, Yahui Zhu, Pei Wang, Zhenxin Gu, Runqiang Yang


Effect of γ-aminobutyric Acid on Phenolics Metabolism in Barley Seedlings under Low NaCl Treatment

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1850. Lili Jin, Yuxin Sun, Yuying Li, Hanyu Zhang, Wenxue Yu, Yiling Li, Yi Xin, Saeed Ali Alsareii, Qiuyu Wang, Dianbao Zhang


A synthetic peptide AWRK6 ameliorates metabolic associated fatty liver disease: involvement of lipid and glucose homeostasis


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1851. Liushan Chen, Linghao Qin, Chujun Chen, Qiong Hu, Junjian Wang, Juan Shen


Serum exosomes accelerate diabetic wound healing by promoting angiogenesis and ECM formation

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1852. Zhuo Gao, Xin Zhong, Ying-Xia Tan, Dong Liu


Apelin‑13 alleviates diabetic nephropathy by enhancing nitric oxide production and suppressing kidney tissue fibrosis

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1853. Tao Li, Bin Fu, Xin Zhang, Yunjiang Zhou, Mengdi Yang, Mengran Cao, Yaxin Chen, Yingying Tan, Rong Hu


Overproduction of Gastrointestinal 5-HT Promotes Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer Progression via Enhancing NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation

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1854. Zhengtao Gu, Li Li, Qin Li, Hongping Tan, Zhimin Zou, Xueyong Chen, Zichen Zhang, Yijun Zhou, Danian Wei, Chengyong Liu, Qiaobing Huang, Marc Maegele, Daozhang Cai, Mingguang Huang


Polydatin alleviates severe traumatic brain injury induced acute lung injury by inhibiting S100B mediated NETs formation

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1855. Yue Xiong, Xiaochuan Cui, Yanjun Zhou, Gaoshang Chai, Xiufeng Jiang, Guizhi Ge, Yue Wang, Hongxu Sun, Huilian Che, Yunjuan Nie, Peng Zhao


Dehydrocostus lactone inhibits BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis and inflammation in mice via the JNK and p38 MAPK-mediated NF-κB signaling pathways

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1856. Erping Xu, Baoying Wang, Shuaifei Lu, Changjing Zhang, Leilei Zhu, Xueying Liu, Ming Bai, Yucheng Li


Tandem mass tag-based quantitative proteomic analysis of the liver reveals potential protein targets of Xiaochaihutang in CUMS model of depression

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Dichloroacetate enhances the anti-tumor effect of sorafenib via modulating the ROS-JNK-Mcl-1 pathway in liver cancer cells

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1858. Bo Liao, Mengtong Guan, Qiaoyan Tan, Gailan Wang, Ruobin Zhang, Junlan Huang, Mi Liu, Hong Chen, Kaiting Li, Dingqun Bai, Ying Zhu


Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound inhibits fibroblast-like synoviocyte proliferation and reduces synovial fibrosis by regulating Wnt/β-catenin signaling

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Perinatal low-dose bisphenol AF exposure impairs synaptic plasticity and cognitive function of adult offspring in a sex-dependent manner

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1860. Tanjing Song, Qingli Zou, Yingying Yan, Suli Lv, Neng Li, Xuefeng Zhao, Xianyun Ma, Haigang Liu, Borui Tang, Lidong Sun


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1861. Chengyuan Yang, Cheng Gao, Naicheng Liu, Yitong Zhu, Xu Zhu, Xinlin Su, Qin Zhang, Yanglin Wu, Chenhui Zhang, Ang Liu, Weifeng Lin, Luyang Tao, Huilin Yang, Jun Lin


The effect of traumatic brain injury on bone healing from a novel exosome centered perspective in a mice model

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1863. Han Lu, Hui-Li Yang, Wen-Jie Zhou, Zhen-Zhen Lai, Xue-Min Qiu, Qiang Fu, Jian-Yuan Zhao, Jian Wang, Da-Jin Li, Ming-Qing Li


Rapamycin prevents spontaneous abortion by triggering decidual stromal cell autophagy-mediated NK cell residence


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1864. Xintong Wang, Zixu Wang, Jing Cao, Yulan Dong, Yaoxing Chen


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1865. Huaying Wang, Sai'nv Si, Mingjun Jiang, Liping Chen, Kefeng Huang, Wanjun Yu


Leukemia inhibitory factor is involved in the pathogenesis of NSCLC through activation of the STAT3 signaling pathway

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1866. Nian Zhou, Bing Yan, Jing Ma, Hongchao Jiang, Li Li, Haoyu Tang, Fengming Ji, Zhigang Yao


Expression of TCF3 in Wilms' tumor and its regulatory role in kidney tumor cell viability, migration and apoptosis in vitro

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1867. Wen-Juan Wang, Xia Jiang, Chang-Chun Gao, Zhi-Wei Chen


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1868. Hao Xu, Guo Wang, Yu-Yu Chi, Ya-Xin Kou, Yun Li


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1870. Tianyu Zheng, Jinrong Huang, Xi Xiang, Siyuan Li, Jiaying Yu, Kunli Qu, Zhe Xu, Peng Han, Zhanying Dong, Yang Liu, Fengping Xu, Huanming Yang, Marja Jäättelä, Yonglun Luo, Bin Liu


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1871. Ying Yang, Junjie Gu, Xuechun Li, Chunling Xue, Li Ba, Yang Gao, Jianfeng Zhou, Chunmei Bai, Zhao Sun, Robert Chunhua Zhao


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1872. Yao Cheng, Yaru Cui, Yujie Zhai, Wenyu Xin, Yan Yu, Jia Liang, Shucui Li, Hongliu Sun


Neuroprotective Effects of Exogenous Irisin in Kainic Acid-Induced Status Epilepticus

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1873. Qiaofeng Li, Taijin Lan, Songhua He, Weiwei Chen, Xiaolan Li, Weiquan Zhang, Ying Liu, Qiuping Zhang, Xin Chen, Yaoyao Han, Zhiheng Su, Dan Zhu, Hongwei Guo


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1875. Yuanyuan Lv, Yang Li, Jiangya Wang, Mei Li, Wenhao Zhang, Huifen Zhang, Ying Shen, Chao Li, Yuan Du, Lian Jiang


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1876. Yang Zhao, Zhao Ding, Wenhao Ge, Junhao Liu, Xi Xu, Rui Cheng, Jianfa Zhang


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1877. Yi Luo, Xu Gao, Luetao Zou, Miao Lei, Junming Feng, Zhenming Hu


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1878. Jin-Yu Liu, Ya-Jing Chen, Huan-Hui Feng, Zhan-Li Chen, Yun-Long Wang, Jin-E Yang, Shi-Mei Zhuang


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1879. Houkang Cao, Shaoyang Xi, Weiwei He, Xiaohui Ma, Li Liu, Jie Xu, Kefeng Zhang, Yingdong Li, Ling Jin


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1880. Tao Zhang, Sixia Chen, Yi Peng, Changgang Wang, Xi Cheng, Ren Zhao, Kun Liu


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1881. Lan Zhan, Xiangxiu Wang, Yanjing Zhang, Guonian Zhu, Yu Ding, Xuemei Chen, Wei Jiang, Sisi Wu


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1882. Jing-Hua Song, Hong-Yan Jia, Tian-Peng Shao, Zhi-Bao Liu, Yuan-Ping Zhao


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1883. Rui Wang, Jingjing Xu, Jinbo Wu, Shunheng Gao, Zhiping Wang


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1884. Hui Li, Guilan Di, Yi Zhang, Junping Liang, Xianfeng Wang, Zhenshan Xu, Xianghui Kong


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1887. Guotao Huang, Ming Hu, Danhua Lu, Li Hong


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1888. Yunlong Huang, Ran Ruan, Yanxin Fang, Kaiming Wu, Long Yao, Renquan Zhang, Wei He


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1889. Xin Jin, Wan Fu, Jiaxiu Zhou, Niannian Shuai, Yan Yang, Bo Wang


Oxymatrine attenuates oxidized low‑density lipoprotein‑induced HUVEC injury by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome‑mediated pyroptosis via the activation of the SIRT1/Nrf2 signaling pathway

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1890. Xin-Tian Zhang, Jing Hu, Li-Hua Su, Chang-An Geng, Ji-Jun Chen


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1891. Xuemei Piao, Jieru Zhou, Luan Xue


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1892. Lingming Kong, Jie Deng, Xiang Zhou, Binbin Cai, Baofu Zhang, Xiaohu Chen, Zongjing Chen, Weiming Wang


Sitagliptin activates the p62-Keap1-Nrf2 signalling pathway to alleviate oxidative stress and excessive autophagy in severe acute pancreatitis-related acute lung injury

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1893. Hewei Zhang, Lijun Kong, Yan Zhang, Cheng Wang, Linxiao Sun


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1894. Naiyan Lu, Xinhe Wang, Wentao Shi, Lu Bian, Xuan Zhang, Guofeng Yang, Xue Tang, Jun Wang, Yin Zou, Yuyan Weng


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1895. Peng Li, Zhiping Lin, Qianzheng Liu, Siyuan Chen, Xiang Gao, Weixiong Guo, Fan Gong, Jinsong Wei, Hao Lin


Enhancer RNA SLIT2 Inhibits Bone Metastasis of Breast Cancer Through Regulating P38 MAPK/c-Fos Signaling Pathway

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1896. Xiaoyong Zhao, Shan Li, Yunchang Mo, Ruru Li, Shaoyi Huang, Anqi Zhang, Xuqing Ni, Qinxue Dai, Junlu Wang


DCA Protects against Oxidation Injury Attributed to Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion by Regulating Glycolysis through PDK2-PDH-Nrf2 Axis

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1897. Yan Fu, Yuexin Wei, Yu Zhou, Huan Wu, Yifan Hong, Chunlan Long, Junke Wang, Yuhao Wu, Shengde Wu, Lianju Shen, Guanghui Wei


Wnt5a Regulates Junctional Function of Sertoli cells Through PCP-mediated Effects on mTORC1 and mTORC2


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1898. Huan Liu, Huidan Deng, Zhijie Jian, Hengmin Cui, Hongrui Guo, Jing Fang, Zhicai Zuo, Junliang Deng, Yinglun Li, Xun Wang, Ling Zhao, Yanqiu Zhu


Copper exposure induces hepatic G0/G1 cell-cycle arrest through suppressing the Ras/PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in mice

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1899. Wanbing He, Jieping Huang, Yang Liu, Changming Xie, Kun Zhang, Xinhong Zhu, Jie Chen, Hui Huang


Deletion of soluble epoxide hydrolase suppressed chronic kidney disease-related vascular calcification by restoring Sirtuin 3 expression

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1900. Guijuan Yu, Weihao Ou, Qinghui Ai, Wenbing Zhang, Kangsen Mai, Yanjiao Zhang


In vitro study of sodium butyrate on soyasaponin challenged intestinal epithelial cells of turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus L.) refer to inflammation, apoptosis and antioxidant enzymes

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1901. Heqin Zhan, Feng Huang, Qian Niu, Mingli Jiao, Xumeng Han, Kaina Zhang, WenZhuo Ma, Shan Mi, Shiyu Guo, Zhenghang Zhao


Downregulation of miR-128 Ameliorates Ang II-Induced Cardiac Remodeling via SIRT1/PIK3R1 Multiple Targets

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1902. Yanning Li, Yitong He, Haoliang Fan, Zhuo Wang, Jian Huang, Gehua Wen, Xiaohan Wang, Qiqian Xie, Pingming Qiu


Brain-derived neurotrophic factor upregulates synaptic GluA1 in the amygdala to promote depression in response to psychological stress

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1903. Yan Heng Zhao, Shun Wen Zhang, Hai Jun Zhao, Hui Yuan Qin, Fang Wu, Jie Zhang, Yu Qing Zhang, Xiao Ling Liu, Su Liang, Hui Zhang, Jiang Dong Wu, Zheng Yong Zhao, Hong Zhou Wang, Meng Shao, Jing Liu, Jiang Tao Dong, Wan Jiang Zhang


Gadolinium chloride pre-treatment reduces the inflammatory response and preserves intestinal barrier function in a rat model of sepsis

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1904. Yang Kang, Minghui Bai, Liling Deng, Linbo Fan, Xing Wang


MiRNA-21 Regulates Bronchial Epithelial Cell Proliferation by Activating Tgfβ1/Smad Signaling Pathway and Its Correlation with Asthma Severity in Children

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1905. Zhihong Lu, Xiujuan Zhu, Yuhong Ye, Haidong Fu, Jianhua Mao


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1906. Chunju Zheng, Ting Lu, Zhimin Fan


miR-200b-3p alleviates TNF-α-induced apoptosis and inflammation of intestinal epithelial cells and ulcerative colitis progression in rats via negatively regulating KHDRBS1


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1907. Xiaoyue Zhang, Wendi Yang, Kehong Chen, Taihao Zheng, Zhengjun Guo, Yuan Peng, Zhenzhou Yang


The potential prognostic values of the ADAMTS-like protein family: an integrative pan-cancer analysis

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1908. Jie Zhou, Cheng Guo, Hao Wu, Bing Li, Li-Li Zhou, Ai-Bin Liang, Jian-Fei Fu


Dnmt3a is downregulated by Stat5a and mediates G0/G1 arrest by suppressing the miR-17-5p/Cdkn1a axis in Jak2V617F cells

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1909. Jiao Guo, Haiyu Yang, Ya Liu, Wei Liu, Ruiying Zhao, He Li, Wei Long, Wenqing Xu, Meili Guo, Xiaodong Zhang


Atomically precise silver clusterzymes protect mice from radiation damages

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1910. Tong Wang, Guangyuan Wang, Guoli Zhang, Ranran Hou, Liwei Zhou, Xuemei Tian


Systematic analysis of the lysine malonylome in Sanghuangporus sanghuang

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1911. Shaoqing Li, Wei An, Bin Wang, Jing Li, Yi Qu, Haoyang Zhang, Yingrui Zhang, Songlin Wang, Lizheng Qin


Inorganic nitrate alleviates irradiation-induced salivary gland damage by inhibiting pyroptosis

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1912. Tianyi Ma, Xiaohui Huang, Haoxiao Zheng, Guolin Huang, Weiwen Li, Xinyue Liu, Jingjing Liang, Yue Cao, Yunzhao Hu, Yuli Huang


SFRP2 Improves Mitochondrial Dynamics and Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

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1913. Meng Wang, Lingchen Wang, Yuan Zhou, Xiaoxuan Feng, Chaoyang Ye, Chen Wang


Icariin attenuates renal fibrosis in chronic kidney disease by inhibiting interleukin-1β/transforming growth factor-β-mediated activation of renal fibroblasts

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1914. Dan Li, Yonghou Zhao, Peng Bai, Yan Li, Siqi Wan, Xi Zhu, Mengyu Liu


Baihui (DU20)-penetrating-Qubin (GB7) acupuncture regulates microglia polarization through miR-34a-5p/Klf4 signaling in intracerebral hemorrhage rats

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mRNA m5C controls adipogenesis by promoting CDKN1A mRNA export and translation

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1916. Yuyan Liao, Chenghao Kuang, Zheng Bao, Yijing He, Long Gu, Qianke Tao, Xiancheng Qiu, Ghosh Dipritu, Xi Kong, Lifang Zhang, Jianhua Peng, Yong Jiang, Shigang Yin


Nucleo-cytoplasmic RNA distribution responsible for maintaining neuroinflammatory microenvironment

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1917. Hua-Chun Weng, Xin-Yu Lu, Yu-Peng Xu, Yi-Hong Wang, Dan Wang, Yi-Ling Feng, Zhang Chi, Xiao-Qing Yan, Chao-Sheng Lu, Hong-Wei Wang


Fibroblast growth factor 21 attenuates salt-sensitive hypertension-induced nephropathy through anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation mechanism

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1918. Jing He, Zhuang Wang, Yanbo Zhao, Jin Yang, Yuanxing Zhang, Qin Liu, Dahai Yang


Feeding with poly(I:C) induced long-term immune responses against bacterial infection in turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus)

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1919. Yu Qian, Xinyu Lu, Lulu Chen, Jinyu Sun, Kan Cao, Qiang Yu, Junfei Shao


Effect of astaxanthin on neuron damage, inflammatory factors expressions and oxidative stress in mice with subarachnoid hemorrhage

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1920. Xinxin Wang, Haitao Gu, Kaichun Li, Jiayun Lin, Yiming Zhu, Wensheng Deng


DPP4 inhibitor reduces portal hypertension in cirrhotic rats by normalizing arterial hypocontractility

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1921. Jingjing Wu, Mengyu Yao, Yonggang Zhang, Zefeng Lin, Wenwu Zou, Jiaping Li, Pamela Habibovic, Chang Du


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1922. Kun Zhang, Ran Liu, Jingruo Zhang, Xifang Wei, Yuan Gao, Wen Ma, Yijing Li, Wa Cai, Weidong Shen


Electroacupuncture Ameliorates Depression-Like Behaviour in Rats by Enhancing Synaptic Plasticity via the GluN2B/CaMKII/CREB Signalling Pathway

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1923. Jingtao Jiang, Chengji Dong, Liang Zhai, Junsheng Lou, Jie Jin, Sheng Cheng, Zhuliu Chen, Xiaoshan Guo, Damu Lin, Jian Ding, Weiyang Gao


Paeoniflorin Suppresses TBHP-Induced Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells via the Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling Pathway and Improves Skin Flap Survival

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1924. Zhuang Geng, Xiang Wang, Shiyuan Hao, Bingzi Dong, Yajing Huang, Yangang Wang, Lili Xu


LncRNA NNT-AS1 regulates proliferation, ECM accumulation and inflammation of human mesangial cells induced by high glucose through miR-214-5p/smad4

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1925. Ning Cui, Yong Liang, Junyu Wang, Bo Liu, Bing Wei, Yu Zhao


Minocycline attenuates oxidative and inflammatory injury in a intestinal perforation induced septic lung injury model via down-regulating lncRNA MALAT1 expression

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1926. Xi Wu, Muhammad Asim Farooq, Tiantian Li, Tianjiao Geng, Perpeuta Takunda Kutoka, Bo Wang


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1927. Abdullrahman M Al-Bishari, Kendrick Hii Ru Yie, Mohammed A Al-Baadani, Bilal A Al-Shaaobi, Zixin Zhou, Kai Fang, Anba Sun, Yiding Shen, Lei Cai, Lili Yao, Xi Ding, Xinkun Shen, Jinsong Liu


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2074. Xiu-Yuan Lang, Yang Hu, Jin-Peng Bai, Jun Wang, Xiao-Yan Qin, Rongfeng Lan


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2075. Wentao Liu, Bin Zhang, Dan Zhang, Feng Guo, Kun Ye, Liang Zhu, Xin Jin


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2076. Yue Zhang, Mengxian Sun, Dongwei Wang, Yaju Hu, Ruonan Wang, Hongtao Diao, Xiaoqi Shao, Yun Li, Xu Li, Mingyang Leng, Lexun Wang, Meiling Yan, Xianglu Rong, Jiao Guo


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2077. Fenying Lu, Weichang Chen, Tingwang Jiang, Cuie Cheng, Bin Wang, Zhiping Lu, Guojin Huang, Jiaming Qiu, Wei Wei, Ming Yang, Xia Huang


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2079. Gui-Feng Su, Ze-Xiu Huang, Deng-Liang Huang, Peng-Xiao Chen, Yao Wang, Yi-Fei Wang


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2083. Guifang Huang, Xiao He, Zesheng Xue, Yiming Long, Jiakuan Liu, Jinming Cai, Pengfei Tang, Bangmin Han, Bing Shen, Ruimin Huang, Jun Yan


Rauwolfia vomitoria extract suppresses benign prostatic hyperplasia by inducing autophagic apoptosis through endoplasmic reticulum stress

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2085. Mei Yang, Yu-Xia Ma, Ying Zhi, Hai-Bin Wang, Li Zhao, Peng-Sheng Wang, Jie-Ting Niu


Inhibitors of IFN gene stimulators (STING) improve intestinal ischemia-reperfusion-induced acute lung injury by activating AMPK signaling

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2086. Peiyu Han, Li Shen, Nan Nan, Renwu Zhou, Tianci Li, Xiaofeng Dai


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2087. Hai-Jun He, Xi Xiong, Shuoting Zhou, Xing-Ru Zhang, Xuemiao Zhao, Lingli Chen, Cheng-Long Xie


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2088. Xuefeng Chen, Xinyuan Zhang, Yangyang Qian, Enhui Xia, Yu Wang, Qi Zhou


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2089. Yueying Wu, Hui Meng, Bo Qiao, Ning Li, Qiang Zhang, Wenqing Jia, Haijing Xing, Yuqing Li, Jiali Yuan, Zhongshan Yang


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2092. Chunxiu Zhou, Yi Tan, Baojun Xu, Yitao Wang, Wai-San Cheang


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2094. Tao Zhang, Guowei Cheng, Ping Chen, Yue Peng, Lei Liu, Runze Li, Bin Qiu


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2095. Songlin Fang, Lezeng Wang, Chunmei Luo, Hang Yi, Xiangrui Wang, Bo Ning


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2096. Bojiao Ding, Weiqing Niu, Siyi Wang, Fan Zhang, Haiqing Wang, Xuetong Chen, Sen Chen, Shuangxin Ma, Wenhui Kang, Mingjuan Wang, Liang Li, Wei Xiao, Zihu Guo, Yonghua Wang


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2097. Jiahuan Liu, Mingzhu Pan, Dong Huang, Jing Wu, Yue Liu, Yanlin Guo, Wenbing Zhang, Kangsen Mai


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2100. Junhua Li, Xiaotong Ye, Yang Zhou, Shiqiao Peng, Peibing Zheng, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Jiajun Yang, Yanhong Xu


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2101. Xinlong Wan, Xuan Shi, Mengke Li, Qing Chen, Chang Xue, Guanghui Li, Yeke Huang, Jingwen Yang, Chan Chen, Zhiyi Wang, Shumei Ma, Xiaodong Liu


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2103. Yafang Zhong, Wei Zhang, Haiyan Yu, Liewen Lin, Xucan Gao, Jingquan He, Dandan Li, Yumei Chen, Zhipeng Zeng, Yong Xu, Donge Tang, Yong Dai


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2104. Xiaodong Zhang, Ligang Liu, Danyang Liu, Yongtao Li, Jun He, Lei Shen


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2106. Qiong Huang, Xiao Wang, An Chen, Hua Zhang, Qimeng Yu, Chenfeng Shen, Annoor Awadasseid, Xiaoyin Zhao, Xuqiong Xiong, Yanling Wu, Wen Zhang


Design, synthesis and anti-tumor activity of novel benzothiophenonaphthalimide derivatives targeting mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) G-quadruplex

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2107. Zili Lei, Hedong Rong, Yanhong Yang, Siping Yu, Tianle Zhang, Lei Chen, Ya Nie, Qi Song, Qing Hu, Jiao Guo


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2108. You-Ping Li, Yue Liu, Li-Min Xiao, Li-Ke Chen, Er-Xing Tao, Er-Ming Zeng, Chun-Hua Xu


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2109. Mingxiao Wen, Xiaoqing Dou, Shuzhen Zhang, Bin Wang, Jiangyan Xu, Wenchao Zhang, Feifei Wang


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2110. Pengcheng Xia, Jing Chen, Yingchao Liu, Xiaolin Cui, Cuicui Wang, Shuai Zong, Le Wang, Zhiming Lu


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2112. Qian Wang, Zhenzhen Sun, Shihan Cao, Xiuli Lin, Mengying Wu, Yuanyuan Li, Jie Yin, Wei Zhou, Songming Huang, Aihua Zhang, Yue Zhang, Weiwei Xia, Zhanjun Jia


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2113. Hanlin Ma, Gonghua Qi, Fang Han, Jiali Peng, Cunzhong Yuan, Beihua Kong


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2114. Yu Tang, Yu Han, Weixia Zhang, Yihan Yu, Lin Huang, Weishang Zhou, Wei Shi, Dandan Tian, Guangxu Liu


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2115. Cong Pang, Sen Gao, Xun-Zhi Liu, Xiao-Jian Li, Zheng Peng, Hua-Sheng Zhang, Yan Zhou, Xiang-Xin Chen, Tao Tao, Yue Lu, Wei Li, Chun-Hua Hang


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2116. Weiwei Yuan, Jinxi Huang, Shanshan Hou, Huahua Li, Liangyu Bie, Beibei Chen, Gaofeng Li, Yang Zhou, Xiaobing Chen


The Antigastric Cancer Effect of Triptolide is Associated With H19/NF-κB/FLIP Axis

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2117. Ruiqi Xu, Ling Ma, Timson Chen, Jing Wang


Sophorolipid Suppresses LPS-Induced Inflammation in RAW264.7 Cells through the NF-κB Signaling Pathway


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2118. Doudou Jing, Wei Wu, Xuanzuo Chen, Hongwei Xiao, Zhenhao Zhang, Fengxia Chen, Zhicai Zhang, Jianxiang Liu, Zengwu Shao, Feifei Pu


Quercetin encapsulated in folic acid-modified liposomes is therapeutic against osteosarcoma by non-covalent binding to the JH2 domain of JAK2 Via the JAK2-STAT3-PDL1

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2119. Fangxing Hou, Xing Li, Yanfeng Wang, Xiangzuo Xiao


MicroRNA-183 accelerates the proliferation of hepatocyte during liver regeneration through targeting programmed cell death protein 6

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The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling factor DPF3 regulates metastasis of ccRCC by modulating TGF-β signaling

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2121. Wentao Chen, Hao Luo, Lihong Zeng, Yuying Pan, Jonathan B Parr, Yinbo Jiang, Clark H Cunningham, Kelly L Hawley, Justin D Radolf, Wujian Ke, Jiangli Ou, Jianjiang Yang, Bin Yang, Heping Zheng


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2122. Javad Harati, Xuelian Tao, Hosein Shahsavarani, Ping Du, Massimiliano Galluzzi, Kun Liu, Zhen Zhang, Peter Shaw, Mohammad Ali Shokrgozar, Haobo Pan, Peng-Yuan Wang


Polydopamine-Mediated Protein Adsorption Alters the Epigenetic Status and Differentiation of Primary Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (hASCs)

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2123. Jing Zhang, Yongping Zheng, Yun Wang, Jin Wang, Aming Sang, Xuemin Song, Xinyi Li


YAP1 alleviates sepsis-induced acute lung injury via inhibiting ferritinophagy-mediated ferroptosis

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2124. Huiling Hu, Xue Yang, Yuqing He, Chaohui Duan, Nannan Sun


Psychological stress induces depressive-like behavior associated with bone marrow-derived monocyte infiltration into the hippocampus independent of blood-brain barrier disruption

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2125. Li Zhou, Yonglong Han, Quanjun Yang, Bo Xin, Mengyi Chi, Yan Huo, Cheng Guo, Xipeng Sun


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2126. Jinyuan Luoqian, Wenyong Yang, Xulong Ding, Qing-Zhang Tuo, Zheng Xiang, Zhaoyue Zheng, Yu-Jie Guo, Li Li, Pengbo Guan, Scott Ayton, Biao Dong, Huiyuan Zhang, Hongbo Hu, Peng Lei


Ferroptosis promotes T-cell activation-induced neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis

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2127. Xiaoyang Wang, Weili Cheng, Xiaopan Chen, Yanan Gong, Guangjie Wang, Xiaoxue Zhang, Yuanyuan Qi


Inhibition of CEBPB Attenuates Lupus Nephritis via Regulating Pim-1 Signaling

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Inhibition of the integrated stress response reverses oxidative stress damage-induced postoperative cognitive dysfunction

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2129. Jing-Tao Wen, Xi Chen, Xin Liu, Bu-Min Xie, Jing-Wen Chen, Hong-Lei Qin, Yang Zhao


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2130. Chunxia Liu, Shenglin Pei, Huijun Dai, Zhen Liu, Mengling Ye, Hao Liu, Xiaojing He, Siyi Wu, Yi Qin, Fei Lin


Downregulation of SIRT3 Aggravates Lung Ischemia Reperfusion Injury by Increasing Mitochondrial Fission and Oxidative Stress through HIF-1 α-Dependent Mechanisms

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2131. Lei Jia, Bo Li, Cong Fang, Xiaoyan Liang, Yingjun Xie, Xiaofang Sun, Wen Wang, Lei Zheng, Ding Wang


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2132. Feng Shi, Zhiwei Wang, Qi Wu, Xiaohan Zhong, Min Zhang, Bowen Li, Wei Ren, Shun Yuan, Yuanyang Chen


Iron deficiency promotes aortic media degeneration by activating endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated IRE1 signaling pathway

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2133. Weiyuan Yang, Xin Li, Guiyun Jiang, Yu Long, Hui Li, Shujun Yu, Huina Zhao, Juanxu Liu


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2134. Jiaoyue Zhang, Fanli Wang, Dengbin Wu, Dewei Zhao


Revealing the mechanisms of Weishi Huogu I capsules used for treating osteonecrosis of the femoral head based on systems pharmacology with one mechanism validated with in vitro experiments

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2135. Weili Wang, Zhenyu Liu, Yu Zhang, Liu Wang, Dongwei Meng, Xueqin Li, Jingbo Zhang, Yuzhang Wu, Xinyuan Zhou, Guoxiang Liu


Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) induces lung injury and fibrosis through neutrophil extracellular traps

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2136. Shuang Qu, Qiao Liao, Cheng Yu, Yue Chen, Han Luo, Xuewei Xia, Duofen He, Zaicheng Xu, Pedro A Jose, Zhuxin Li, Wei Eric Wang, Qing Rex Lyu, Chunyu Zeng


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2138. Zhipeng Chen, Chengyu Bian, Jingjing Huang, Xiang Li, Liang Chen, Xueying Xie, Yang Xia, Rong Yin, Jun Wang


Tumor-derived exosomal HOTAIRM1 regulates SPON2 in CAFs to promote progression of lung adenocarcinoma

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2140. Zhichu Chen, Dong Huang, Prakaiwan Yongyut, Guangbin Li, María Ángeles Esteban, Orapint Jintasataporn, Junming Deng, Wenbing Zhang, Qinghui Ai, Kangsen Mai, Yanjiao Zhang


Vitamin D3 deficiency induced intestinal inflammatory response of turbot through nuclear factor-κB/inflammasome pathway, accompanied by the mutually exclusive apoptosis and autophagy

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2141. Zhitao Jiang, Xiang Yang, Yi Han, Jie Li, Chen Hu, Chundi Liu, Wei Xiao


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2142. Yaoguang Gu, Juan Bai, Jiayan Zhang, Yansheng Zhao, Ruirong Pan, Ying Dong, Henglin Cui, Ranhui Meng, Xiang Xiao


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2143. Hongyu Li, Boying Wang, Benquan Qi, Guojun Jiang, Min Qin, Meiling Yu


Connexin32 regulates expansion of liver cancer stem cells via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway

Oncol Rep.

2022 Sep;48(3):166. doi: 10.3892/or.2022.8381.

(IF 3.417)

2144. Hongjuan Yao, Wenping Song, Rui Cao, Cheng Ye, Li Zhang, Hebing Chen, Junting Wang, Yuchen Shi, Rui Li, Yi Li, Xiujun Liu, Xiaofei Zhou, Rongguang Shao, Liang Li


An EGFR/HER2-targeted conjugate sensitizes gemcitabine-sensitive and resistant pancreatic cancer through different SMAD4-mediated mechanisms

Nat Commun.

2022 Sep 20;13(1):5506. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33037-x.

(IF 12.121)

2145. Siyuan Dai, Xiaoyin Tang, Lili Li, Takao Ishidate, Ahmet R Ozturk, Hao Chen, Altair L Dude, Yong-Hong Yan, Meng-Qiu Dong, En-Zhi Shen, Craig C Mello


A family of C. elegans VASA homologs control Argonaute pathway specificity and promote transgenerational silencing

Cell Rep.

2022 Sep 6;40(10):111265. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111265.

(IF 8.109)

2146. Peng Sun, Xuan Yang


Hsa_circ_0097271 Knockdown Attenuates Osteosarcoma Progression via Regulating miR-640/MCAM Pathway

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2022 Oct 26:2022:8084034. doi: 10.1155/2022/8084034.

(IF 2.738)

2147. Lingjun Dong, Fuxiang Liang, Zhiling Lou, Yangfan Li, Jinsheng Li, Yaling Chen, Jingjing Ding, Bin Jiang, Chuanqiang Wu, Huan Yu, Yafei Liu, Weiping Zhang, Yunbi Lu, Ming Wu


Necrostatin-1 Alleviates Lung Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Inhibiting Necroptosis and Apoptosis of Lung Epithelial Cells


2022 Oct 6;11(19):3139. doi: 10.3390/cells11193139.

(IF 4.366)

2148. Lu Liu, Jun Chen, Meng-Meng Wang, Yuanlei Huang, Yong Qian, Xuling Xue, Zhi Su, Hong-Ke Liu


The cyclometalated iridium (III) complex based on 9-Anthracenecarboxylic acid as a lysosomal-targeted anticancer agent

J Inorg Biochem.

2022 Oct:235:111913. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2022.111913.

(IF 3.212)

2149. Jiangliu Xie, Bo Wang, Wenjie Luo, Chen Li, Xunchao Jia


Upregulation of KIF18B facilitates malignant phenotype of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by activating CDCA8/mTORC1 pathway

J Clin Lab Anal.

2022 Oct;36(10):e24633. doi: 10.1002/jcla.24633.

(IF 1.54)

2150. Hong-Yang Shu, Yi-Zhong Peng, Wei-Jian Hang, Min Zhang, Lan Shen, Dao-Wen Wang, Ning Zhou


Trimetazidine enhances myocardial angiogenesis in pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy mice through directly activating Akt and promoting the binding of HSF1 to VEGF-A promoter

Acta Pharmacol Sin.

2022 Oct;43(10):2550-2561. doi: 10.1038/s41401-022-00877-8.

(IF 5.064)

2151. Xiao-Wen Zhang, Lu-Yi Wu, Hui-Rong Liu, Yan Huang, Qin Qi, Rui Zhong, Lu Zhu, Chun-Fang Gao, Lin Zhou, Jian Yu, Huan-Gan Wu


NSUN5 promotes progression and predicts poor prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma

Oncol Lett.

2022 Oct 21;24(6):439. doi: 10.3892/ol.2022.13559.

(IF 2.311)

2152. Mengmeng Song, Xianjie Sheng, Jianrong Zhang, Xinru Li, Qianyun Dai, Yan Chen, An Kang


Homeostatic regulation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-cytochrome P450 1a axis by Scutellaria baicalensis-Coptis chinensis herb pair and its main constituents

J Ethnopharmacol.

2022 Oct 28:297:115545. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2022.115545.

(IF 3.69)

2153. Xinli Dong, Yanhua Wang, Hua Zhuang, Gang An


Hydroxygenkwanin suppresses proliferation, invasion and migration of osteosarcoma cells via the miR‑320a/SOX9 axis

Mol Med Rep.

2022 Oct;26(4):299. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2022.12815.

(IF 2.1)

2154. Lei Wang, Min Li, Cuiping Zhu, Aiping Qin, Jinchun Wang, Xianni Wei


The protective effect of Palmatine on depressive like behavior by modulating microglia polarization in LPS-induced mice

Neurochem Res.

2022 Oct;47(10):3178-3191. doi: 10.1007/s11064-022-03672-3.

(IF 3.038)

2155. Qinying Liu, Yi Yang, Miaomiao Cheng, Fangting Cheng, Shanshan Chen, Qiuhong Zheng, Yang Sun, Li Chen


The marine natural product, dicitrinone B, induces apoptosis through autophagy blockade in breast cancer

Int J Mol Med.

2022 Oct;50(4):130. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2022.5186.

(IF 3.098)

2156. Zixiang Wang, Shourong Wang, Junchao Qin, Xiyu Zhang, Gang Lu, Hongbin Liu, Haiyang Guo, Ligang Wu, Victoria O Shender, Changshun Shao, Beihua Kong, Zhaojian Liu


Splicing factor BUD31 promotes ovarian cancer progression through sustaining the expression of anti-apoptotic BCL2L12

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2022 Oct 21;13(1):6246. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34042-w.

(IF 12.121)

2157. Xuedong Chen, Yongfeng Wang, Yujun Wang, Qiuying Li, Xinyin Liang, Guang Wang, Jianglan Li, Ruji Peng, Yanghu Sima, Shiqing Xu


Ectopic expression of sericin enables efficient production of ancient silk with structural changes in silkworm

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2022 Oct 22;13(1):6295. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34128-5.

(IF 12.121)

2158. Wan Chang, Qingyu Luo, Xiaowei Wu, Yabing Nan, Pengfei Zhao, Lingqiang Zhang, Aiping Luo, Wenjie Jiao, Qiong Zhu, Yesheng Fu, Zhihua Liu


OTUB2 exerts tumor-suppressive roles via STAT1-mediated CALML3 activation and increased phosphatidylserine synthesis

Cell Rep.

2022 Oct 25;41(4):111561. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111561.

(IF 8.109)

2159. Hua Han, Xiaofeng Xu


MiR-205 Promotes the Viability, Migration, and Tube Formation of Cervical Cancer Cells In Vitro by Targeting GATA3

Cancer Biother Radiopharm.

2022 Nov;37(9):779-791. doi: 10.1089/cbr.2020.4184.

2160. Hua Chang, Xue Zhang, Baixue Li, Xiangkai Meng


PARP1 Is Targeted by miR-519a-3p and Promotes the Migration, Invasion, and Tube Formation of Ovarian Cancer Cells

Cancer Biother Radiopharm.

2022 Nov;37(9):824-836. doi: 10.1089/cbr.2020.4394.

2161. Xin Yang, Fengyan Zhang, Xuhui Liu, Jia Meng, Shanshan Du, Jingzhi Shao, Jingjing Liu, Mengyuan Fang


FOXO4 mediates resistance to oxidative stress in lens epithelial cells by modulating the TRIM25/Nrf2 signaling

Exp Cell Res.

2022 Nov 1;420(1):113340. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2022.113340.

(IF 3.383)

2162. Sheng-Qing Gao, Jia-Jun Shi, Xue-Wang, Shu-Hao Miao, Tao Li, Chao-Chao Gao, Yan-Ling Han, Jia-Yin Qiu, Yun-Song Zhuang, Meng-Liang Zhou


Endothelial NOX4 aggravates eNOS uncoupling by decreasing dihydrofolate reductase after subarachnoid hemorrhage

Free Radic Biol Med.

2022 Nov 20;193(Pt 2):499-510. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2022.10.318.

2163. Gao-Shang Chai, Jia-Jun Wu, Juan Gong, Jia-Li Zhou, Zhi-Qian Jiang, Hai-Yan Yi, Yu Gu, Hao-Hua Huang, Zhe-Yu Yao, Yu-Qi Zhang, Peng Zhao, Yun-Juan Nie


Activation of β2-adrenergic Receptor Ameliorates Amyloid-β-induced Mitophagy Defects and Tau Pathology in Mice


2022 Nov 21:505:34-50. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.09.020.

(IF 3.056)

2164. Lei Cao, Huixiang Tian, Man Fang, Zhe Xu, Dongsheng Tang, Juan Chen, Jiye Yin, Haihua Xiao, Kun Shang, Hongbin Han, Xiangping Li


Activating cGAS-STING pathway with ROS-responsive nanoparticles delivering a hybrid prodrug for enhanced chemo-immunotherapy


2022 Nov:290:121856. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2022.121856.

(IF 10.317)

2165. Shan Yu, Changyong E, Jinghui Yang


STAM binding protein regulated by hsa_circ_0007334 exerts oncogenic potential in pancreatic cancer


2022 Nov;22(7):1003-1012. doi: 10.1016/j.pan.2022.08.010.

(IF 3.629)

2166. Yanyin Zhao, Yu Chen, Zhiwei Wang, Changli Xu, Suchi Qiao, Tianze Liu, Ke Qi, Dake Tong, Cheng Li


Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosome Attenuates Inflammasome-Related Pyroptosis via Delivering circ_003564 to Improve the Recovery of Spinal Cord Injury

Mol Neurobiol.

2022 Nov;59(11):6771-6789. doi: 10.1007/s12035-022-03006-y.

(IF 4.5)

2167. Jinxia Ao, Zonghua Ma, Rui Li, Sen Zhang, Xuejun Gao, Minghui Zhang


Phospho-Tudor-SN coordinates with STAT5 to regulate prolactin-stimulated milk protein synthesis and proliferation of bovine mammary epithelial cells

Anim Biotechnol.

2022 Nov;33(6):1161-1169. doi: 10.1080/10495398.2021.1879824.

(IF 1.487)

2168. Hao Wang, Hengxiang Zhang, Yuhan Chen, Huina Wang, Yangzi Tian, Xiuli Yi, Qiong Shi, Tao Zhao, Baolu Zhang, Tianwen Gao, Sen Guo, Chunying Li, Weinan Guo


Targeting Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Exacerbates Ferroptosis and Increases the Efficacy of Melanoma Immunotherapy via the Regulation of MITF


2022 Nov 12;11(22):3580. doi: 10.3390/cells11223580.

(IF 4.366)

2169. Hao Zhang, Yaqiao Wang, Kehan Wu, Runmin Liu, Hao Wang, Yongwei Yao, Peter Kvietys, Tao Rui


miR‑141 impairs mitochondrial function in cardiomyocytes subjected to hypoxia/reoxygenation by targeting Sirt1 and MFN2

Exp Ther Med.

2022 Nov 14;24(6):763. doi: 10.3892/etm.2022.11699.

(IF 1.785)

2170. Shicheng Sun, Changfa Guo, Taihong Gao, Dengzhen Ma, Xiangsheng Su, Qi Pang, Rui Zhang


Hypoxia Enhances Glioma Resistance to Sulfasalazine-Induced Ferroptosis by Upregulating SLC7A11 via PI3K/AKT/HIF-1 α Axis

Oxid Med Cell Longev.

2022 Nov 18:2022:7862430. doi: 10.1155/2022/7862430.

(IF 5.076)

2171. Bowen Meng, Di Jiang, Delin Kong, Yunqin Yan, Yuzhe Nie, Chun-Bo Teng, Yang Liang


MiR-18 inhibitor promotes the differentiation of bovine skeletal muscle-derived satellite cells by increasing MEF2D expression

J Anim Sci.

2022 Nov 1;100(11):skac238. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac238.

(IF 2.092)

2172. Caiji Lin, Zheng Zeng, Yiru Lin, Pengfei Wang, Danli Cao, Kaihong Xie, Yao Luo, Hao Yang, Jiaming Yang, Wenxue Wang, LingJie Luo, Huihui Lin, Hang Chen, Yufan Zhao, Yongwei Shi, Zixiang Gao, Huidi Liu, Shu-Lin Liu


Naringenin suppresses epithelial ovarian cancer by inhibiting proliferation and modulating gut microbiota


2022 Nov:106:154401. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2022.154401.

(IF 4.268)

2173. Jinqing Huang, Lang Hong, Binghua Shen, Yunying Zhou, Jianyun Lan, Ying Peng


FOXO1 represses MCL1 transcription to regulate the function of vascular smooth muscle cells in intracranial aneurysm

Exp Brain Res.

2022 Nov;240(11):2861-2870. doi: 10.1007/s00221-022-06461-0.

(IF 1.591)

2174. Xiangliang Tang, Dian Li, Tianxin Zhao, Shibo Zhu, Xiaofeng Gao, Rui Zhou, Fuming Deng, Wen Fu, Wei Jia, Guochang Liu


The inhibition of CFTR in the descended testis of SD rats with unilateral cryptorchidism induced by di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.

2022 Nov;29(51):77047-77056. doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-21134-9.

2175. Jie Yu, Yao Cheng, Yaru Cui, Yujie Zhai, Wenshen Zhang, Mengdi Zhang, Wenyu Xin, Jia Liang, Xiaohong Pan, Qiaoyun Wang, Hongliu Sun


Anti-Seizure and Neuronal Protective Effects of Irisin in Kainic Acid-Induced Chronic Epilepsy Model with Spontaneous Seizures

Neurosci Bull.

2022 Nov;38(11):1347-1364. doi: 10.1007/s12264-022-00914-w.

(IF 4.326)

2176. Bingyan Wei, Tao Zhang, Pengyu Wang, Yihui Pan, Jiahui Li, Weizhong Chen, Min Zhang, Quanjiang Ji, Wenjuan Wu, Lefu Lan, Jianhua Gan, Cai-Guang Yang


Anti-infective therapy using species-specific activators of Staphylococcus aureus ClpP

Nat Commun.

2022 Nov 14;13(1):6909. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34753-0.

(IF 12.121)

2177. Jing Gu, Rui-Kun Peng, Chun-Ling Guo, Meng Zhang, Jie Yang, Xiao Yan, Qian Zhou, Hongwei Li, Na Wang, Jinwei Zhu, Qin Ouyang


Construction of a synthetic methodology-based library and its application in identifying a GIT/PIX protein-protein interaction inhibitor

Nat Commun.

2022 Nov 23;13(1):7176. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34598-7.

(IF 12.121)

2178. Jing Yan, Yuemei Zhang, Hairong Yu, Yicen Zong, Daixi Wang, Jiangfei Zheng, Li Jin, Xiangtian Yu, Caizhi Liu, Yi Zhang, Feng Jiang, Rong Zhang, Xiangnan Fang, Ting Xu, Mingyu Li, Jianzhong Di, Yan Lu, Xinran Ma, Jian Zhang, Weiping Jia, Cheng Hu


GPSM1 impairs metabolic homeostasis by controlling a pro-inflammatory pathway in macrophages

Nat Commun.

2022 Nov 25;13(1):7260. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34998-9.

(IF 12.121)

2179. Liyuan Ran, Jinhui Yu, Rui Ma, Qing Yao, Mingjie Wang, Yuping Bi, Zichao Yu, Yingjie Wu


Microalgae oil from Schizochytrium sp. alleviates obesity and modulates gut microbiota in high-fat diet-fed mice

Food Funct.

2022 Dec 13;13(24):12799-12813. doi: 10.1039/d2fo01772e.

(IF 4.171)

2180. Xinghe Chen, Xiaozhen Wei, Saijie Ma, Huating Xie, Sirui Huang, Mengge Yao, Li Zhang


Cysteine and glycine rich protein 2 exacerbates vascular fibrosis in pulmonary hypertension through the nuclear translocation of yes-associated protein and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.

2022 Dec 15:457:116319. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2022.116319.

2181. Xiaoxue Ma, Yiru Wang, Qi Liu, Baihe Han, Gang Wang, Ruoxi Zhang, Xingtao Huang, Xuedong Wang, Mengyue Yang, Chun Xing, Jingbo Hou, Bo Yu


Vaspin alleviates the lncRNA LEF1-AS1-induced osteogenic differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells via the Hippo/YAP signaling pathway

Exp Cell Res.

2022 Dec 15;421(2):113407. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2022.113407.

(IF 3.383)

2182. Wanying Liu, Ke Li, Menglin Zheng, Ling He, Tong Chen


Genipin Attenuates Diabetic Cognitive Impairment by Reducing Lipid Accumulation and Promoting Mitochondrial Fusion via FABP4/Mfn1 Signaling in Microglia

Antioxidants (Basel).

2022 Dec 29;12(1):74. doi: 10.3390/antiox12010074.

2183. Qing Li, Liren Zhang, Wenhua You, Jiali Xu, Jingjing Dai, Dongxu Hua, Ruizhi Zhang, Feifan Yao, Suiqing Zhou, Wei Huang, Yongjiu Dai, Yu Zhang, Tasiken Baheti, Xiaofeng Qian, Liyong Pu, Jing Xu, Yongxiang Xia, Chuanyong Zhang, Jinhai Tang, Xuehao Wang


PRDM1/BLIMP1 induces cancer immune evasion by modulating the USP22-SPI1-PD-L1 axis in hepatocellular carcinoma cells

Nat Commun.

2022 Dec 12;13(1):7677. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35469-x.

(IF 12.121)

2184. Zilong Zheng, Guokai Yan, Xiuzhi Li, Yuke Fei, Lingling Sun, Haonan Yu, Yaorong Niu, Weihua Gao, Qing Zhong, Xianghua Yan


Lysine crotonylation regulates leucine-deprivation-induced autophagy by a 14-3-3ε-PPM1B axis

Cell Rep.

2022 Dec 20;41(12):111850. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111850.

(IF 8.109)

2185. Yayun Gu, Yan Zhou, Sihan Ju, Xiaofei Liu, Zicheng Zhang, Jia Guo, Jimiao Gao, Jie Zang, Hao Sun, Qi Chen, Jinghan Wang, Jiani Xu, Yiqun Xu, Yingjia Chen, Yueshuai Guo, Juncheng Dai, Hongxia Ma, Cheng Wang, Guangfu Jin, Chaojun Li, Yankai Xia, Hongbing Shen, Yang Yang, Xuejiang Guo, Zhibin Hu


Multi-omics profiling visualizes dynamics of cardiac development and functions

Cell Rep.

2022 Dec 27;41(13):111891. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111891.

(IF 8.109)

2186. Wei Yang, Bo Mu, Jing You, Chenyu Tian, Huachao Bin, Zhiqiang Xu, Liting Zhang, Ronggang Ma, Ming Wu, Guo Zhang, Chong Huang, Linli Li, Zhenhua Shao, Lunzhi Dai, Laurent Désaubry, Shengyong Yang


Non-classical ferroptosis inhibition by a small molecule targeting PHB2

Nat Commun.

2022 Dec 3;13(1):7473. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35294-2.

(IF 12.121)

2187. Feng Chen, Yingjie Wu, Lu Ke, Xinyi Lin, Fengchao Wang, Yinghe Qin


ARHGEF15 in Sertoli cells contributes to germ cell development and testicular immune privilege†

Biol Reprod.

2022 Dec 10;107(6):1565-1579. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioac166.

(IF 3.322)

2188. Ying Zhou, Jia-Jie Yang, Yuan Cheng, Ge-Xuan Feng, Rong-Hui Yang, Yuan Yuan, Li-Yong Wang, Miao Wang, Lu Kong


Loss of Mature Lamin A/C Triggers a Shift in Intracellular Metabolic Homeostasis via AMPKα Activation


2022 Dec 9;11(24):3988. doi: 10.3390/cells11243988.

(IF 4.366)

2189. Yun-Qi Zhou, Ke Wang, Xue-Yan Wang, Hong-Yong Cui, Yongxiang Zhao, Ping Zhu, Zhi-Nan Chen


SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus enters the host cells through spike protein-CD147 in an Arf6-dependent manner

Emerg Microbes Infect.

2022 Dec;11(1):1135-1144. doi: 10.1080/22221751.2022.2059403.

2190. Chang Li, Ziyi Wu, Hang Xue, Qiushi Gao, Yahan Zhang, Changming Wang, Ping Zhao


Ferroptosis contributes to hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats: Role of the SIRT1/Nrf2/GPx4 signaling pathway

CNS Neurosci Ther.

2022 Dec;28(12):2268-2280. doi: 10.1111/cns.13973.

(IF 4.074)

2191. Weixiang Song, Yindeng Luo, Yajing Zhao, Xinjie Liu, Jiannong Zhao, Jie Luo, Qunxia Zhang, Haitao Ran, Zhigang Wang, Dajing Guo.


delivery and trimodal imaging in breast cancer: an in vitro study.


VOL. 12, NO. 9.

(IF 4.717)

2192. Yuan Chen, Haofeng Liu, Junwei Zou, Guangxin Cao, Yunfei Li, Chungen Xing, Jindong Wu


Exosomal circ_0091741 promotes gastric cancer cell autophagy and chemoresistance via the miR-330-3p/TRIM14/Dvl2/Wnt/β-catenin axis

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2023 Jan;36(1):258-275. doi: 10.1007/s13577-022-00790-6.

(IF 3.463)

2193. H B Zeng, L H Zhang, D P Yuan, W Wang, X M Su, W X Weng, R Miao, J Y Xu, J Long, Y H Song


[Methylophiopogonanone a Inhibits LPS/ATP-Induced Macrophage Pyroptosis via ROS/NLRP3 Pathway]

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2023 Jan-Feb;57(1):106-108. doi: 10.31857/S0026898423010196.

2194. Guanlan Fan, Fan Wang, Yurou Chen, Qian Zheng, Jie Xiong, Qiongying Lv, Kejia Wu, Jiaqiang Xiong, Lei Wei, Dongqing Li, Jiachen Zhang, Wei Zhang, Feng Li


The deubiquitinase OTUD1 noncanonically suppresses Akt activation through its N-terminal intrinsically disordered region

Cell Rep.

2023 Jan 31;42(1):111916. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111916.

(IF 8.109)

2195. Yewen Cong, Yujing Hong, Dandan Wang, Pei Cheng, Zhisheng Wang, Changming Xing, Wenxing Sun, Guangfei Xu


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin induces liver lipid metabolism disorder via the ROS/AMPK/CD36 signaling pathway

Toxicol Sci.

2023 Feb 17;191(2):276-284. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfac133.

(IF 3.703)

2196. Hanshen Yang, Xiaozhen Zhang, Mengyi Lao, Kang Sun, Lihong He, Jian Xu, Yi Duan, Yan Chen, Honggang Ying, Muchun Li, Chengxiang Guo, Qingsong Lu, Sicheng Wang, Wei Su, Tingbo Liang, Xueli Bai


Targeting ubiquitin-specific protease 8 sensitizes anti-programmed death-ligand 1 immunotherapy of pancreatic cancer

Cell Death Differ.

2023 Feb;30(2):560-575. doi: 10.1038/s41418-022-01102-z.

(IF 10.717)

2197. Hongyan Zhang, Lulu Xu, Junwei Xiong, Xinxin Li, Yindong Yang, Yong Liu, Chunfeng Zhang, Qiyu Wang, Jiajia Wang, Pengyu Wang, Xiaobin Wu, Xue Wang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Yanzhong Guan


Role of KCC2 in the Regulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor on Ethanol Consumption in Rats

Mol Neurobiol.

2023 Feb;60(2):1040-1049. doi: 10.1007/s12035-022-03126-5.

(IF 4.5)

2198. Yulin Su, Junjie Liang, Meiling Zhang, Meng Zhao, Xueqian Xie, Xiaojing Wang, Zengfeng Pan, Shaowei Huang, Rong Yan, Qing Wang, Lian Zhou, Xia Luo


Wogonin regulates colonocyte metabolism via PPARγ to inhibit Enterobacteriaceae against dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice

Phytother Res.

2023 Mar;37(3):872-884. doi: 10.1002/ptr.7677.

(IF 4.087)

2199. Dongxing Cao, Keyu Qian, Ying Zhao, Jie Hong, Haoyan Chen, Xiaohui Wang, Nailin Yang, Cheng Zhang, Jingkai Cao, Keyu Jia, Guangyu Wu, Mingming Zhu, Jun Shen, Ye Zhang, Zhe Cui, Zheng Wang


Association of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps with Fistula Healing in Patients with Complex Perianal Fistulizing Crohn's Disease

J Crohns Colitis.

2023 Apr 19;17(4):580-592. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjac171.

(IF 8.658)

2200. Lingling Wu, Zhaoyang Fan, Lifei Gu, Jincheng Liu, Zekun Cui, Boyang Yu, Junping Kou, Fang Li


QiShenYiQi dripping pill alleviates myocardial ischemia-induced ferroptosis via improving mitochondrial dynamical homeostasis and biogenesis

J Ethnopharmacol.

2023 May 23:308:116282. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2023.116282.

(IF 3.69)

2201. Duosheng Luo, Yaru Zhao, Zhaoyan Fang, Yating Zhao, Yi Han, Jingyu Piao, Xianglu Rong, Jiao Guo


Tianhuang formula regulates adipocyte mitochondrial function by AMPK/MICU1 pathway in HFD/STZ-induced T2DM mice

BMC Complement Med Ther.

2023 Jun 19;23(1):202. doi: 10.1186/s12906-023-04009-5.

2202. Caixia Hu, Xiufen Zhang, Kai Fang, Zijian Guo, Lihua Li


LINC00536 Promotes Breast Cancer Progression by Regulating ROCK1 via Sponging of miR-214-5p

Biochem Genet.

2023 Jun;61(3):1163-1184. doi: 10.1007/s10528-022-10304-6.

(IF 2.027)

2203. Weijie Xie, Yanqin Zeng, Yunqiu Zheng, Bin Cai


Activated AMPK Protects Against Chronic Cerebral Ischemia in Bilateral Carotid Artery Stenosis Mice

Cell Mol Neurobiol.

2023 Jul;43(5):2325-2335. doi: 10.1007/s10571-022-01312-6.

(IF 3.606)





























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BCA 法原理

碱性条件下,蛋白将 Cu2+还原为 Cu+,Cu+与 BCA 试剂相互作用形成紫色的络合物,该水溶性的复合物在 562nm 处显示强烈的吸光性,吸光度和蛋白浓度在广泛范围内有良好的线性关系,因此根据吸光值可以推算出蛋白浓度。


1. 梯度稀释牛血清白蛋白(BSA)标准品(具体操作按试剂盒中说明操作)

2. 制备 BCA 工作液(具体操作按说明书进行)

3. 将各个稀释浓度的蛋白质标准品和待测蛋白质样品加入到微孔板或试管中,分别加入 BCA 工作液(比例参照试剂盒说明书)混匀。

4. 密封后,37℃ 保温 30-60 min

5. 冷却到室温,以空白为对照,测量样品在 562nm 或该波长附近的吸光值

6. 将各个标准品和待测蛋白质样品在 562nm 处的吸光值减去空白标准品在 562nm 处的平均吸光值。


1. 输入相对应的标准曲线值和相应的蛋白样品值。(图中所示均为举例说明,具体数据参照自己的实验结果)选定标准曲线的 OD 值和标准品蛋白浓度。

2. 点击表头上的插入-图表-XY 散点图,点击确定。

3. 完成后会弹出一个图表,点击图表里面的散点,右键添加趋势曲线。

4. 完成后弹出设置趋势线格式,点击选勾最底下显示公式(E)以及显示 R 平方值。则在图表标题中显示出公式和 R2 值来。一般 R2 值越接近 1 代表你的标准曲线做得越好,根据标准曲线带入的样品 OD 值测出的蛋白浓度也越准确。R2 值越接近 1 越好,一般要求为 0.99 几左右。

5. 将样品 OD 值代入标准曲线的公式中,推导即得到待测样品蛋白的浓度。以 C1 蛋白样品 OD 值为例,按照图中模式代入公式,点击 enter 即为终结果。







为什么同一批次提取蛋白跑出的条带不一致 做这个实验的时,我同一批次提取的蛋白,胶跑出的条带都不一致,这是什么原因呢?   43 评论


WB 敷牛奶需要的时间   Western Blot 实验时敷牛奶大概多久?一定要过夜吗   42 评论


WB发光结果异常 我做WB也不算是新手,自己觉得整个过程也没有什么明显的问题,可是最后发光的时候内参整个是晕开的,分子还连成了一条线,之前没出现过这种情况,所以想请大家帮忙分析下,是胶的问题,蛋白的问题,还是什么别的,谢啦!   28 评论





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水溶性复合物)_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心BCA是一个多义词,请在下列义项上选择浏览(共6个义项)添加义项收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10BCA播报讨论上传视频水溶性复合物BCA(bicinchoninic acid)钠盐是一种稳定的水溶性复合物,可与Cu2+高度特异性结合,产生紫色复合物。中文名聚氰基丙烯酸正丁酯外文名butyleyanoacrylate,BCA别    名2,2-联喹啉-4,4-二甲酸二钠化学式C20H10N2Na2O4 · xH2O分子量388.28CAS登录号979-88-4目录1化学性质2质量标准3应用范围化学性质播报编辑淡黄色粉末、有吸湿性,溶解于水或者乙醇。质量标准播报编辑外观Appearance淡黄色粉末红外光谱鉴别Infrared spectrometry<符合纯度Purity≥98.0% (HPLC)水分Moistrue≤4%铁Iron(Fe)<5PPM重金属Heavy Metals<5PPM灼烧残渣Residue On Ignition≤0.1%水溶性试验Solubility500mg/ml水摩尔吸收系数Molar Absorptivity3.74*104(氧化产物)应用范围播报编辑该复合物在562 nm处有最大吸光值,并与蛋白浓度成正比。以BCA为标准品求得标准曲线,进而计算未知蛋白样品的浓度,故BCA常用于蛋白定量检测,是蛋白定量试剂的重要原料。 [1]新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000


白浓度检测_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心BCA蛋白浓度检测播报讨论上传视频检测实验收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10BCA蛋白浓度检测是一个实验,是根据吸光值可以推算出蛋白浓度.碱性条件下,蛋白将Cu2+还原为Cu+, Cu+与BCA试剂形成紫颜色的络合物,两分子BCA螯合一个Cu+。将该水溶性复合物在562nm处的吸收值,与标准曲线对比,即可计算待测蛋白的浓度。常用浓度的去垢剂SDS,Triton X-100,Tween不影响检测结果,但受螯合剂(EDTA,EGTA)、还原剂(DTT,巯基乙醇)和脂类的影响。实验中,若发现样品稀释液或裂解液本身背景值较高,可试用Bradford蛋白浓度测定试剂盒。中文名BCA蛋白浓度检测外文名BCA assay实验试剂BCA试剂,标准蛋白质溶液实验操作绘制标准曲线试验方法根据吸光值可以推算出蛋白浓度。目录1简介2实验试剂3实验操作简介播报编辑二价铜离子在碱性的条件下,可以被蛋白质还原成一价铜离子,一价铜离子和独特的BCA Solution A(含有BCA)相互作用产生敏感的颜色反应。两分子的BCA螯合一个铜离子,形成紫色的反应复合物。该水溶性的复合物在562nm处显示强烈的吸光性,吸光度和蛋白浓度在广泛范围内有良好的线性关系,因此根据吸光值可以推算出蛋白浓度。测定方法:实验试剂播报编辑(1) BCA试剂的配制① 试剂A,1L:分别称取10g BCA (1%),20g Na2CO3·H2O(2%),1.6g Na2C4H4O6·2H2O(0.16%),4g NaOH (0.4%) ,9.5g NaHCO3(0.95%) ,加水至1L,用NaOH或固体NaHCO3调节pH值至11.25。②试剂B,50ml:取2g CuSO4·5H2O (4%),加蒸馏水至50ml。③BCA试剂:取50份试剂A与1份试剂B混合均匀。此试剂可稳定一周。(2)标准蛋白质溶液:称取0.5g牛血清白蛋白,溶于蒸馏水中并定容至100ml,制成5mg/ml的溶液。用时稀释十倍。实验操作播报编辑绘制标准曲线:取96孔酶标板,按下表加入试剂。管号12345678标准蛋白溶液(μl)蒸馏水(μl)BCA试剂(μl)蛋白质浓度(mg/ml)02020001192000.0252182000.054162000.18122000.21282000.31642000.42002000.5上述试剂加完后,准确吸取20μl样品溶液于酶标孔中,加入BCA试剂200μl,轻摇,于37℃保温30-60min,冷却至室温后,以空白为对照,在酶标仪上562nm处比色,以牛血清白蛋白含量为横坐标,以吸光值为纵坐标,绘制标准曲线。以标准曲线空白为对照,根据样品的吸光值从标准曲线上查出样品的蛋白质含量。新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000





BCA法(bicinchoninic acid)是一种常用的测蛋白质浓度的方法,本文介绍了BCA法蛋白质定量的原理,优缺点,以及BCA的实验流程。















































③各孔加入200μL BCA工作液。









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