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区块链故事汇:Mt.Gox门头沟黑客谜案 - 知乎

区块链故事汇:Mt.Gox门头沟黑客谜案 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册区块链故事汇:Mt.Gox门头沟黑客谜案星传媒在2014年初,总部位于日本的比特币交易所Mt Gox是全球最大的比特币交易所,处理了全球70%以上的比特币交易,但是到了2014年2月底,Mt Gox破产了。当时Mt . Gox网站遭受了大规模黑客攻击,损失了大约740000比特币(6%的所有比特币存在),价值相当于4.6亿美元,以2017年10月的价格超过30亿美元。此外,该公司的银行账户上还少了2700万美元。虽然最终找回了20万枚比特币,但剩余的65万枚却未被找回。本文将讨论Mt. Gox的兴衰、黑客攻击的后果以及由此产生的(以及正在进行的)调查,并将考虑是否会再次发生这种情况。Mt Gox交易所的兴起Mt Gox于2010年由美国程序员杰德•麦卡莱布(Jed McCaleb,他后来创立了Ripple公司)推出,在2011年3月被法国开发商、比特币爱好者马克•卡佩莱斯(Mark Karpeles)收购后,迅速扩张成为迄今为止全球最受欢迎的比特币交易平台。更奇怪的是,Mt Gox这个名字代表“Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange”,至今也不太明白这个名字的含义。2011年6月,Mt. Gox交易所遭到黑客攻击,极有可能是属于该公司一名审计人员的电脑受到了攻击。当时,黑客利用他们对比特币交易所的访问,人为的将比特币的名义价值修改为1美分,然后从该交易所的客户账户转移了大约2000枚比特币,这些账户随后被出售。此外,据估计,Mt. Gox客户以人为压低的价格从该交易所购买了650枚比特币,但没有一枚归还。针对这次黑客攻击,Mt. Gox采取了一系列安全措施,包括安排大量比特币下线并被脱机冷钱包存储。尽管发生了2011年6月的黑客袭击,但在2013年之前。Mt. Gox已经成为世界上最大的比特币交易所,部分原因是人们对比特币的兴趣越来越大。比特币的价格增长迅速(从2013年1月的13美元飙升至1200多美元的峰值)。幕后的斗争尽管Mt. Gox到2013年期间迅速扩张,成为世界上最大的比特币交易所,但在它苦苦挣扎的幕后。自从它破产以来,有许多Mt. Gox的员工们在谈论了Mt. Gox是如何运作的,通过描绘后发现,Mt. Gox是一个内部组织不一致、程序安全性不佳、网站源代码泄露等严重问题的平台,并且业务运营也存在一些严重问题。2013年5月,Mt. Gox的一位前商业伙伴Coinlab起诉该公司,称其违反合同,索赔7500万美元。两家公司签署了一项协议,Coinlab将接管Mt. Gox的美国客户,但根据Coinlab的诉讼,由于Mt. Gox违反了合同的一项条款,该交易未能实现。此外,美国国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)正在调查有关Mt. Gox在美国运营的一家子公司没有执照,因此以未注册的货币发送者身份运营的指控。调查的结果是,美国政府从该公司的银行账户中查扣了500多万美元。作为美国调查的结果,Mt. Gox宣布暂停提取美元。虽然这一暂停期名义上只持续了一个月,但许多客户在从其帐户中提取现金方面遇到了长达3个月的延误,很少有美元提取成功完成。这些延迟导致Mt. Gox在2013年底失去了全球最大比特币交易所的地位,跌至第三位。然而,事实证明,这些问题只是冰山一角。实际上,Mt. Gox面临的问题比它意识到的要大得多。两年来,它一直是黑客攻击的受害者。Mt. Gox黑客2014年2月7日,Mt. Gox停止了所有比特币提款,声称它只是暂停提款请求,“以便对货币流程有一个清晰的技术视角”。在经历了数周的不确定之后,2014年2月24日,该交易所暂停了所有交易,网站也关闭了。就在同一周,一份泄露的公司文件称,黑客袭击了Mt. Gox交易所,窃取了属于Mt. Gox客户的744408个比特币,以及属于该公司的另外10万个比特币,导致该交易所被宣布破产。2月28日,Mt. Gox在日本申请破产保护,两周后在美国申请破产保护。随后的调查显示,对Mt. Gox的大规模黑客攻击早在2011年9月就开始了。结果,Mt. Gox在技术上破产的时候运营了近两年,到2013年年中几乎失去了所有比特币。更多证据显示,早在马克·卡佩莱斯(Mark Karpeles) 2011年收购比特币交易所之前,Mt. Gox就已经丢失了多达8万个比特币。虽然目前仍在进行调查,事实仍不清楚,但据推测,大部分比特币是从Mt. Gox被盗的。由于热钱包的“泄漏”,Mt. Gox被从其在线(或热)钱包中取出,包括所有存放在冷藏库中的货币。网上密码货币钱包是一种基于网络的钱包,用于存储安全的数字代码,称为私钥,用于显示公共数字代码的所有权,即公钥,可用于访问货币地址,而存储在钱包中的正是这些信息。在2011年9月之前,Mt. Gox私钥未加密,似乎是通过复制的wallet.dat文件被盗的,可能是黑客窃取的,也可能是内部人窃取的。一旦该文件被黑客入侵,黑客就可以从Mt. Gox的私人密钥相关的钱包中逐渐获取比特币并对其进行加密,而不会被发现。复制文件的共享密钥池导致了地址的重用,这意味着该公司似乎对盗窃行为毫不知情,Mt. Gox系统将这些传输解释为存款显然被转移到更安全的地址。每当钱包被掏空,Mt Gox系统就会将盗窃行为解释为存款,导致额外4万枚比特币被存入多个用户账户。余波2014年3月,Mt. Gox在其网站上报告称,该交易所在2011年6月之前使用过20万枚旧式数字钱包比特币。这些比特币仍由债权人托管,而公司仍处于破产保护状态。马克·卡佩莱斯(Mark Karpeles)于2015年8月在日本被捕,被控欺诈和挪用公款,不过这些指控都与盗窃没有直接关系。他一直被关押到2016年7月,并获得保释。他对指控不认罪,审判仍在进行中。Mt. Gox仍处于破产保护之下,此案仍在调查中。此外,与CoinLab的诉讼仍未解决,在该诉讼解决之前,不能向债权人进行分配。钱到哪里去了?由于Mt. Gox黑客攻击,65万比特币仍下落不明。关于丢失的比特币在哪里,目前尚不得知,但是有许多网友对此进行了讨论。一些人认为Mt. Gox从未拥有它声称拥有的比特币数量,而卡佩莱斯操纵了这些数字,使Mt. Gox持有的比特币似乎比它实际持有的要多。关于黑客如何能够访问Mt. Gox的比特币,Mt. Gox保存在冷藏室,理论上来说,这样的离线存储只可能被个人从现场接触到,而冷钱包中的比特币是逐步存放在Mt. Gox。所以当Mt. Gox交换系统的热钱包转到冷钱包的过程中出现了问题,以及工作人员缺乏问责制,从而导致工作上的严重疏忽。这些意味着工作人员没有意识到钱包已经被黑客抽干了。2017年7月,一名名叫亚历山大·文尼克(Alexander Vinnik)的俄罗斯人在希腊被美国当局逮捕,并被控在清洗从Mt. Gox盗取的比特币中扮演关键角色。此外,希腊当局还指控文尼克洗钱约40亿美元比特币。Vinnick被指控与比特币交易平台BTC-e有关联。作为调查的一部分,BTC-e遭到FBI的突击搜查。BTC-e网站已被关闭,该域名已被美国联邦调查局(FBI)查封,这是美国政府首次在外国土地上查封外汇。由比特币安全专家组成的Wizsec展开的调查已确认,Vinnik是被盗比特币被转移到的钱包的所有者,这些钱包中有许多是在比特币交易平台BTC-e上出售的。随着对马克·卡佩莱斯(Mark Karpeles)的审判在日本进行,以及对维尼克(Vinnik)的起诉,针对Mt. Gox黑客事件的独立调查似乎终于走到了一起。这一切是否会导致所有或任何被盗的比特币的回收仍有待观察,但似乎在不久的将来,我们至少会对Mt. Gox黑客事件有一定的了解。这种情况还会发生吗?简而言之,答案是可以。目前有很多比特币交易平台在运营,其中一些比其他的更有信誉。Coinbase和Binance等人气交易所的运营相对透明,也提供有保险的存款,并得到声誉良好的风险投资家的支持。然而,他们也将成为最好的黑客的目标,他们将非常乐意利用任何安全漏洞。此外,目前有许多规模较小的交易所交易,但它们的运作方式并不清楚。这并不意味着这些交易所在以任何方式实施黑客攻击或名誉扫地。但是,当涉及到加密货币交易时,建议您使用信誉较好的交易所,如果只是为了您自己的内心平静,除非您有办法绝对保证您正在处理的任何较小交易所的合法性。如果以上这些还不足以吓到你,那么最后的建议是,不要把比特币存放在任何交易所。发布于 2019-01-04 10:36比特币 (Bitcoin)​赞同 1​​添加评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请


ox_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10Mt.Gox播报讨论上传视频日本东京的比特币交易商Mt.Gox(读做:Mount Gox 或者 MTGOX ,昵称:门头沟 [1])是日本东京的比特币交易商,承担着超过80%的比特币交易。中文名Mt.Gox别    名MTGOX昵    称门头沟地理位置日本东京目录1发展历史2交易▪规则▪手续费3破产▪联邦政府介入▪多国政府施压▪破产保护▪持续发酵▪最新情况发展历史播报编辑Mt.GoxMt.Gox网站本来是一个魔法风云会线上买卖交易平台,由Jed McCaleb所创设,其命名源于魔法风云会英文名称(Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange)的首字母略缩字。McCaleb后将其转变为一个比特币交易平台,并在2011年将其卖给了Mark Karpeles。在后者的管理下,Mt.Gox一度成长为世界上最大的比特币交易所,承担全球超过70%的比特币交易。 [6]在越来越多的人们开始了解使用比特币的时候,Mt.Gox的地位变得越来越重要。 [2]MT.GOX最初由Jed McCaleb在2010年7月建立,后来在2011年3月卖给了日本的 Tibanne Co.,现在由 Mark Karpelese管理。 [3]Mt.Gox网站于2014年2月25日下线。2014年3月,Mt.Gox在日本设立呼叫中心,应付比特币投资者问责。 [4]2020年4月,原Mt.Gox交易所股东Albert.Jehy决定重启Mt.Gox交易所。本次MT.GOX将着重开发中文语言市场,因为现有的中文语言客户在加密货币市场占主要位置。Mt.Gox将发展借贷服务、区块链游戏、去中心化合约交易、区块链直播、发行平台通证等.投身于全球区块链产业和技术创新领域,为全球区块链技术的发展贡献一份力量。 [5]交易播报编辑规则Mt.Gox在MT.GOX注册了的用户账户有两个子储蓄账户,一个是用来储蓄比特币的,一个使用来储存美元或者其他外汇的现金账户。用户可以用现金账户中的钱买卖比特币。MT.GOX并不支持除比特币之外的外汇兑换。 在MT.GOX交易平台可以进行比特币买卖。就像买卖股票和期货一样,MT.GOX会将对比特币买入请求和卖出请求按照规则进行排序然后开始匹配,如果符合要求即成交。由于用户提交买入卖出量之间的差异,一个买入或卖出请求可能部分被执行。比如,用户A挂出10个比特币的100$/BTC的卖单,而用户B挂出的买单只要求100$/BTC的5个比特币。那么用户A只能卖出5个比特币,剩下的5个等待下一次交易匹配。 对于资金账户不足的交易请求,MT.GOX也会执行。比如,用户A挂出10个比特币每个100$的买单,不考虑手续费这笔交易需要A账户上有1000$,而实际上A的账户资金只有500$,在这个时候,MT.GOX会忽略用户A的现金不足,只执行符合A账户金额500$的交易即只能成交5个比特币,而剩下5个比特币的交易请求会被暂时保留,如果用户A在随后转账500$的现金到帐,则剩下的交易请求也会被纳入执行请求。 [7]手续费MT.GOX对低于100个比特币的个人用户每一比交易收取0.6%的手续费,按照比特币交易数量的不同,MT.GOX按照用户的交易次数给予一定的手续费优惠和打折。具体手续费用明细如下表格:交易比特币数量交易费用折扣 (总共)折扣 (每次)0 到 1000.60%0.00%0.00%100 到 2000.55%8.33%8.33%200 到 5000.53%11.66%3.64%500 到 10000.50%16.66%5.66%1000 到 20000.46%23.33%8.00%2000 到 50000.43%28.33%6.52%5000 到 100000.40%33.33%6.97%10000 到 250000.30%50.00%25.00%25000 到 500000.29%51.66%3.33%50000 到 1000000.28%53.33%3.45%100000 到 2500000.27%55.00%3.56%250000 到 5000000.26%56.66%3.70%大于 5000000.25%58.33%3.85%破产播报编辑美政府查封比特币交易所Mt.Gox账户2014年2月24日,Mt.Gox的CEO Mark Karpeles在博客中宣布退出比特币基金会,随后访问Mt.Gox只返回一个空白页面。2014年2月25日深夜,Mt.Gox官方网站张贴最新讯息,表示以“最近新闻报道和可能对Mt.Gox营运造成冲击”为由“决定暂时关闭所有交易”。2014年2月28日,Mt.Gox向东京地方法院声请破产保护,破产研究机构“帝国资料调查公司”(Teikoku Databank, Ltd.)的资料显示,Mt.Gox负债达65亿日圆、2013年度营收为1.35亿日圆;帝国资料调查公司表示,Mt.Gox在2月24日发现自有比特币10万枚与使用者比特币75万枚被窃。 [8]联邦政府介入2014年2月25日,熟知内情人士表示,Mt.Gox已经于2月收到美国联邦政府检察官的传唤通知,检察官要求Mt.Gox应传唤指示准备特定文件等物件进行报告。多国政府施压Mt.Gox [2]网络媒体HITC以新闻标题“Mt. Gox的中断据传源于全球政府对于比特币的镇压”报道并引述InterTrader(en:InterTrader)总经理(Managing Director)Shai Heffetz的话说:“许多的政府开始了解比特币对于传统的法定货币可以展现的真正威胁,也因此它们是有意图要关闭Mt.Gox的。现下全球货币战争变的激烈而血腥,所有的国家都大量印制钞票并且扭曲数据以掩盖他们疯狂印钞票的事实。人们口袋里面的钞票或许还可以填饱肚子,但事实是,生活支出的代价在过去五年内出现显著的增加,持续的货币宽松并无法永续。比特币和其它的替代货币正在开始被认为是传统法币的可行性替代方案;因为比特币无法受到任何政府的操纵,全世界的掌权派开始忧虑并展开一波镇压;当被掩盖的通货膨脤事实渐渐被外界获知时,人们就会开始采信某一种独立的数位货币以取代价值遭到过度膨胀的传统法币。” [9]破产保护2014年2月28日,Mt. Gox正式申请破产保护。根据公司财报,Mt. Gox已负债65亿日元(约6千4百万美元),而资产仅余38亿日元。公司称其损失了接近75万属于客户的比特币以及约10万左右属于公司自身的比特币,两者合计约占世界比特币总量的7%,按当时汇率估计约值4.73亿美元。持续发酵比特币中国行情大跌Mt.Gox“比特币中国”是中国最大的比特币交易平台,该平台官网周一刚把交易手续费由0.3%降为0.1%,此外,如果投资者挂的是“限价单”并且增加了该平台的市场深度,交易费将被免除,并获得额外0.1%的返利。但这似乎无法阻止投资者对比特币的抛售。“比特币中国”的比特币开盘价格为3562.41元,截至2014年1月27日下午4点40分,价格已下跌至3185元,跌幅逾10%。根据该平台的历史行情数据显示,在2014年1月27日,1比特币还能兑换5032元人民币。这意味着,该平台上不到一个月,比特币价格已下跌了36.7%。信任危机或持续发酵Mt.Gox对于Mt.Gox出现的状况,该平台辩称,是由比特币自身存在的问题引发的,该网站发言人曾表示,比特币软件中存在一个漏洞,黑客可以利用该漏洞修改交易信息,比如让一个本来已经发生的比特币交易看起来像没发生,这会导致系统重新发送比特币。 [10]截至记者发稿时,还无法从权威渠道获知消息以确定Mt.Gox何时宣布破产及资产如何处置等相关事项,也并不清楚在该平台交易的投资者能否拿回自己的资金或比特币。 [10]黑客攻击Mt.Gox2014年3月10日早间消息,一群匿名黑客近期攻击了比特币交易所Mt.Gox的服务器,获取了其中的大量数据,试图解释Mt.Gox为何会发生比特币大规模被盗事件。 [11]黑客攻破了Mt.Gox CEO马克·卡佩尔斯(Mark Karpeles)的Reddit账号和个人博客,并在其中发布消息称,Mt.Gox实际上仍持有该交易所声称被盗的部分比特币。 [11]黑客在卡佩尔斯的个人网站上发布了716MB来自Mt.Gox服务器的文件,其中包括一张保存了数百万条交易记录的Excel表格、以8种货币显示的Mt.Gox资产负债表、Mt.Gox母公司Tibanne Limited的管理人员申请访问这一数据库的记录,以及卡佩尔斯的家庭地址和个人资料等。 [11]丢失了用户大约75万枚比特币Mt.Gox2014年2月26日,一份名为Mt.Gox“危机管理草案”(crisis strategy draft)的文件出现在网上,根据该文件,比特币交易网站Mt.Gox丢失了用户大约75万枚比特币,价值约为3.65亿美元。这份Mt.Gox“危机管理草案”最早在文件分享论坛中被发现,该文件是否是Mt.Gox官方文件无法证实。不过,该文件中的一些内容引起了业界的关注,以下是要点摘要:1.Mt.Gox在数年内由于技术问题共丢失了744408枚比特币,已经严重资不抵债。2.Mt.Gox暂时关站一个月,维修技术故障。3.Mt.Gox打算重新开设Twitter、Facebook账号(Mt.Gox已删除Twitter主页全部内容)。4.Mt.Gox换一个品(名字)牌重新上线。 [12]设立呼叫中心应对比特币投资者问责2014年3月,Mt.Gox在其官网上发布了一则日语和英语的公告,并提供了一个电话号码,接受来自所有用户任何有关于Mt.Gox问题的询问。这份公告的发布,为日本相关法律规定的破产流程之一。根据官网的公告,呼叫中心的服务从周一正式开始。服务时间为,日本当地时间周一至周五上午的十点至下午五点。Mt.Gox 于2014年2月28日申请了破产保护,该公司 CEO 马克·卡佩尔斯 (Mark Parpeles) 承认,Mt.Gox 丢失了85万枚比特币,按市价约为5亿美元。 [4]Mt.Gox放弃重组计划 向东京法院申请清算2014年4月16日,已申请破产保护的比特币交易所Mt. Gox已放弃重组计划,请求东京一家法院允许其进行破产清算。Mt. Gox于2014年2月28日在日本申请破产保护,原因是公司网络遭遇大规模的黑客攻击,大部分比特币被黑客窃取,总价值达4.7亿美元。上个月,Mt. Gox又在美国申请破产保护,旨在保护公司的剩余资产。本月初,美国财政部金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN)曾发出传票,要求Mt. Gox创始人马克·卡佩勒斯(Mark Karpeles)赴美回答有关公司申请破产保护的问题。Mt. Gox代理律师周一表示,卡佩勒斯正在寻找法律顾问,因此不会赴美回答相关问题。Mt.Gox的比特币交易于2014年2月突然中断,一周后Mt.Gox宣布终止运营。有消息称,Mt.Gox在破产前的一个月遭受着大规模的黑客攻击,Mt.Gox大部分比特币被黑客窃取,总价值达4.7亿美元。卡佩勒斯曾表示,这主要是由于系统‘脆弱’而导致。但有匿名黑客称,他们入侵了Mt.Gox公司服务器,发现Mt.Gox保留了部分号称是被欺诈性盗取的比特币,所有遭受损失的比特币投资者都被欺骗,是卡佩勒斯等人自编自导了这场比特币盗窃案。 [13]最新情况2014年2月28日,东京比特币交易所Mt Gox申请破产,该公司声称丢失了大约85万枚比特币。近日,一份来自东京比特币安全公司WizSec的调查报告显示Mt Gox丢失的比特币是从2011年开始逐渐从该交易所被偷走的,而这批比特币在Mt Gox破产之前早已失窃,Mt Gox在那之后是通过一部分比特币储备继续运作的,Mt Gox本身对当时比特币的流失是否知情还未查明。被窃的比特币被卖到了包括Mt Gox在内的很多家交易所。根据时间推测这些比特币被卖掉的价格应该比2013年和14年比特币价格最高时低很多。 [14]2020年4月,原Mt.Gox的股东Albert.Jehy决定重启Mt.Gox交易所。本次Mt.Gox将着重开发中文语言市场,因为现有的中文语言客户在加密货币市场占主要位置。Mt.Gox将发展借贷服务、区块链游戏、去中心化合约交易、区块链直播、发行平台通证等.投身于全球区块链产业和技术创新领域,为全球区块链技术的发展贡献一份力量。 [5]新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000

全面解读最大比特币交易所Mt.Gox破产之谜 - 知乎

全面解读最大比特币交易所Mt.Gox破产之谜 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册全面解读最大比特币交易所Mt.Gox破产之谜游戏日报​已认证账号Mt.Gox宣布申请破产保护 丢失85万个比特币日本比特币交易所Mt.Gox日前表示,已申请破产保护。该交易所客户的75万个比特币,以及交易所自有的10万个比特币已经丢失。  根据CoinDesk的比特币价格指数,Mt.Gox遭遇的损失达到4.73亿美元。Mt.Gox的律师在新闻发布会上表示,根据东京地方法院的数据,Mt.Gox的债务约为65亿日元(约合6360万美元),而资产为38.4亿日元。  自2月初宣布暂停提现以来,Mt.Gox就陷入了争议的漩涡之中。Mt.Gox当时表示,暂停提现是由于技术问题可能导致提现欺诈。  本周二,Mt.Gox宣布停止全部交易。这给比特币市场造成了有史以来影响最大的冲击,并使外界怀疑比特币用户没有得到任何保护。多名Mt.Gox的用户表示,几乎没有希望拿回自己的资金。而一些个人投资者则称,存入Mt.Gox的比特币价值达到数十万美元。  Mt.Gox在网站上表示,该公司在瑞穗银行和日本网络银行设有帐户,可用于客户结算。瑞穗银行发言人周五确认,Mt.Gox在该银行拥有客户结算帐户,但拒绝进一步置评。日本网路银行则拒绝对特定客户的情况置评。  一家接受比特币支付的日本小企业所有者表示,日本的银行已对这一支付方式提出了质疑。在Mt.Gox周二停止所有交易之后,该企业的贷款银行已要求停止使用比特币。(新浪科技 邱越)全球最大比特币平台为何会关闭?MT.GOX究竟为何突然关闭的原因莫衷一是,有玩家声称MT.GOX是由于系统漏洞损失大量比特币无法弥补客户损失而申请破产保护。但这个可能也只是一个幌子,因为MT.GOX的办公场所已经人去楼空,Twitter账户被清除,网站停止交易……尽管MT.GOX CEO马克·卡乐佩斯通过官网陆续发布了两次声明,却始终不露面。用符合中国特色的语言来描述,这更类似于“携款潜逃”。无论是系统漏洞造成的安全问题也好,还是MT.GOX卷走用户的钱也罢,比特币信用的两大重要支柱均已坍塌。MT.GOX技术隐患存在已久Mt.Gox曾面临一系列长期的技术问题。交易平台的技术漏洞在去年夏季就已开始出现,当时Mt.Gox暂停了客户提取美元。这个问题一直未能得到有效解决,以至于到本月早些时候,问题变得更加严重,Mt.Gox停止了所有客户取现。美国媒体报道了一份在网上流传的文件,其中透露MT.GOX受到黑客攻击,总共744408个比特币失窃,盗取行为持续几年未被察觉。如果按2月24日交易价计算,这些失窃比特币价值3.5亿美元。黑客的突袭对于MT.GOX所爆出的交易漏洞,MT.GOX宣称它暂停比特币提款是因为比特币协议存在缺陷,称攻击者可以伪造交易ID。(交易ID:也叫Tx Hash、Tx ID,你打开钱包双击一笔交易会看到一个叫交易ID的东西,相当于这笔交易的流水号,可用于查询这笔交易来自哪里,发到哪里,以及金额。)对于攻击者盗窃的整个流程,从技术层面简单解释就是,交易ID可以伪造,但不影响正常交易。攻击者通过伪造交易ID,利用比特币交易网络确认有延时,进行重复交易,导致MT.GOX被骗,最终盗走比特币。据了解,这种漏洞只对中心化服务的交易网站、钱包托管网站有影响,对个人没有任何影响。交易平台缺乏监管从根本上看,比特币作为一种投资手段,其风险是不言而喻的。比特币不是真正意义上的货币,更像是一支股票,一支没有实体经济为其信用背书也无人监管的股票。无论是此前比特币交易被描述得多么有保障,但接连发生的事故已经表明,这些保障极为脆弱。究其原因,无外乎对比特币交易平台的监管出现失位,造成这些平台的权力太大。比特币原则本是点对点支付,特点是去中心化。而大型交易平台的出现却企图构建一个中心化的体系,恰恰破坏了比特币的生态,从而催生了一个巨大的不受监管的逐利空间。因此,完全寄希望于比特币交易平台的自律是不靠谱的。比特币有风险 投资需谨慎比特币被盗风险不仅存在于MT.GOX一家,本月早些时候,另外两家大型比特币交易所Bitstamp和BTC-e也曾因遭受黑客攻击而暂停了提款服务。MT.GOX的关闭必然会导致一大批投资用户丧失对比特币的信心,造成比特币价格波动,投资风险增大……很可能就此陷入恶性循环。总之,比特币投资安全隐患的集中爆发尚无很好的解决措施,政府监管也不可能一蹴而就。在此之前,比特币投资者应提高警惕。(腾讯科技 刘静)谁动了Mt.Gox价值4亿美元的比特币?从目前来看,Mt. Gox的命运已经基本注定,这家比特币交易服务商极可能无力摆脱困境,CEO马克·卡普勒斯(MarkKarpeles)将另寻出路,比特币领域的其他服务商也只会把这起事件当作一个坎坷,并继续探索前行。但随着整个比特币经济的复苏,留下了一个尚未解答的棘手问题:到底是谁从Mt.Gox的保险库里拿走了价值4亿美元的比特币?长期问题根据互联网上曝光的一份“危机战略草案”,这种窃取“已有多年但未被注意”,也就是说在比特币价格飙升,并成为创业领域热门主题之前很久,窃取者就已经得到了进入权限。几乎从一开始,Mt.Gox账户资金就在流失,随着比特币价值飙升,这种流失成为最大规模的银行打劫行为之一,世界上超过二十分之一的比特币都在无声无息中人间蒸发。在一个以技术保证安全和透明的系统里,这种情况如何能出现?一种委婉、礼貌的解释是Mt.Gox系统交易漏洞导致窃取行为发生,整个团队不够敏锐,未能发现问题所在。但有很多情况说不过去,因为Mt.Gox是唯一一个未能针对漏洞做好准备的交易平台,进而造成了史无前例的损失。其他比特币交易平台也曾因为类似问题暂时关闭,但大多数都能够在几天内重新开放,并且没有造成大量损失。然后需要关注的是窃取规模:74.4408万枚比特币,相当于全世界比特币总数的6%。即便最马虎的审计人员都应当发现问题存在,发现资金正在从Mt.Gox账户流失。但是这家公司不到最后一刻坚持不寻求外部帮助,直到为时已晚。内鬼疑云最近几天,有些业内人士甚至猜测盗窃者来自内部。没有人会怀疑卡普勒斯有意窃取比特币,毕竟Mt.Gox就像他的孩子一般,但是该交易所在不同阶段共有18名员工,任何人都有可能知道此前公布的漏洞。当然,或许真正的原因就是这个小小的漏洞,尤其是最近有人质疑Mt.Gox技术能力,但是比特币极易被洗白的本质,使得Mt. Gox挽回自己的声誉极其困难。黑市交易网站“丝绸之路(Silk Road)”的升级版Silk Road2.0也遭遇了同样的问题,该网站本月早些时候遭到黑客攻击,价值约270万美元的比特币人间蒸发。这起黑客攻击事件公布之后,立即有用户指责管理员窃取资金,整个运营体系都已经被侵蚀。正如一些业内人士所怀疑,过去几周的反馈说明了这一点。Mt.Gox的命运转折如此急剧,说明不仅存在能力不足问题,还有腐败问题暗藏其中。在其他比特币交易平台发布的一份联合声明中,Mt.Gox被称为“应被淘汰出局的不良商家”,而在私下交流中,也有人毫不避讳地将其称为业界毒瘤。即便有一天我们能够找到Mt. Gox或Silk Road2.0事件当中的真正罪犯,或许也只能使用传统的司法体制。起诉Silk Road的同一位美国律师已经开始调查Mt.Gox,其他比特币交易公司正拭目以待看是否会提起诉讼。所有牵涉其中的公司都被密切关注,以免资金被长期隐藏。无论是谁窃取了这些资金,这都已经构成历史上最大规模的打劫之一,但罪犯或许仍能保持清白之身。(腾讯科技 小贝)比特币交易平台Mt. Gox在美遭用户起诉据路透社报道,由于丢失用户的比特币,曾经的全球最大比特币交易平台Mt. Gox在美国被起诉。未来很可能会出现更多起寻求挽回损失的美国诉讼。Mt. Gox昨天宣布申请破产保护。原告格雷戈里·格林(Gregory Greene)近日向芝加哥的一家美国地区法院提出诉讼,称Mt. Gox和它的CEO马克·卡佩莱斯(Mark Karpeles)未能保护该位于东京的交易平台免遭黑客盗窃,犯有疏忽罪和欺诈罪。格林称,在Mt. Gox发现其安全漏洞后,比特币股价暴跌,但他和其他比特币投资者都未能减少他们的损失,因为该交易平台停止了交易。该网站于本周二下线。“Mt. Gox未能为付费的用户提供良好的安全保护。”格林说。他估计他的比特币价值2.5万美元。该诉讼将寻求集体诉讼地位,以维护Mt. Gox用户的利益,索取赔偿,挽回金钱损失。周五,卡佩莱斯在东京地区法院举行的新闻发布会上表示,他感到“很抱歉”, Mt. Gox的崩塌是因为系统存在漏洞。不过他预计,比特币市场将会继续增长。Mt. Gox称,它可能已经丢失了用户的7.5万个比特币和它自己的10万个,相当于丢失了全球7%的比特币,共计损失约4.8亿美元。该交易网站表示,他共有12.7万债权人,负债65亿日元(约合6400万美元),总资产则为38.4亿日元(约合3800万美元)。“如果不算明目张胆的欺诈行为的话,那卡佩莱斯和Mt. Gox就是存在一连串的经营管理不善问题。”提交格林的诉讼文件的丹佛律师事务所Edelson合伙人史蒂芬·伍德罗(Steven Woodrow)指出,“该交易网站的用户共计有数百万人,他们的比特币被Mt. Gox紧紧握在手中。我们想要在美国法庭追根究底。”(网易科技 乐邦)Mt.Gox关闭引恐慌 国内比特币投资人淡定  因“技术”原因一度停止比特币交易所Mt.Gox2月25日因网站突然无法正常登录而引发破产猜疑,根据网络上流传的一份未经证实的文件称,该交易平台失去了74.4万个比特币,价值近3.67亿美元。2月26日,Mt. Gox网站以CEO马克·卡珀利斯的名义公告称,他在日本正努力为最近的麻烦寻找解决方案,并请求资金被套的客户先不要联系交易所。  《华夏时报》记者采访了国内几家交易所负责人,他们比较一致地认为,一家交易所的问题不会对比特币行业产生大的影响。而25日国内比特币的交易价格仅有小幅下跌似乎也印证了这一点。  火币网联合创始人杜均表示,希望能联合国内交易所共同发起行业自律,以保护良好的投资环境。  国内行情影响较小  虽然损失74.4万个比特币的消息并未获得证实,但在国内比特币交易平台OKCoin创始人徐明星看来,这样大规模的损失难以理解。他表示,除了技术上的风险控制,如果进行每日资金盘点,很容易就会发现可能存在的异常及问题。  徐明星介绍,交易所一般会涉及两类钱包,一类是尽量保证私钥从来不接触互联网,以实现物理隔绝网络的冷钱包,另一类是与之相对的热钱包,有特殊的风险控制。同时交易所也有可以覆盖风险偿付的资产作为保障。除了比特币资产,交易所的人民币资产因为与银行账户关联,是实名的,风险相对较低。  “大部分的安全问题都是管理的问题而不是技术的问题。”徐明星说。  对于Mt.Gox可能带来的影响,他表示,比特币在发展中曾出现几百家甚至上千家的交易所,很多都因为经营或竞争等原因关闭。一家交易所的倒闭不会产生很大影响。  2月25日当天,国内交易所比特币中国联合其他5家国外交易机构发表《关于Mt.Gox的联合声明》称,此次事件是由一家公司的丑恶行为造成的,“并不会影响比特币和电子货币行业的应变能力或价值。”  值得注意的是,此次事件确实未对国内的价格行情产生较大影响,25日前后,1比特币的国内价格从3800元左右降到3400元左右,之后便出现缓慢回升。  一业内人士认为,这可能是因为Mt.Gox事件前后持续时间较长,投资者对风险有一定的预期,而25日的事件没有超出投资者的想象。  “这次事件确实有可能影响新进投资者的信心,但比起此前的政策冲击影响要小得多。”杜均认为,前几次的政策冲击已经使一部分投机者退出了市场,投资者的心理承受也在增强。而且Mt.Gox从去年11月起已经失去“最大交易平台”的市场地位,其影响力也在减小。  “比特币的价值不是来自政府政策或其他外部因素,而是在于其本身的数学算法是否合理,是否安全。”他说。  交易规范成考验  采访中记者了解到,国内投资者大部分还是集中在国内交易所,至于Mt.Gox上的中国投资者的损失该如何追溯,受访者都无法给出明确的答复,似乎一切都有待日本方面的表态。  对于比特币来说,由于交易所而引发行情震动已经不是新鲜事。以“去中心化”为设计初衷的比特币一再面临“中心化”交易所带来的问题。  另一方面,投资者为了交易操作的便利选择将大量比特币或现金留存在交易所,而未及时转入个人钱包或个人账户,使得一些交易所挪用客户资产成为可能。  “我们希望可以联合比特币的资深玩家、分析人士、交易所等,共同成立行业监督委员会,以在国内的交易所之间形成行业自律,以避免类似事件的发生。”杜均表示,已经初步拟定5条规则,包括交易所及股东不参与交易;不制造虚假数据;及时公开政策法规;不发布未经证实的消息及不挪用客户资金等。  因为监管必然涉及交易所的多项交易信息内容,这样的自律能在多大程度上被同业所接受还未知。杜均也表示现在还处于“探讨”的阶段。  “比特币现在还属于一个投资或者说投机的市场,应用很少,而走向实际应用才是方向。交易所只是基础设施,比特币的价值支撑是建立在投资者对其未来价值的信心之上。如果永远都只有交易,肯定是有问题。”徐明星说。(华夏时报 张夏楠)__________________________游戏日报(微信号:Gamedaily),覆盖超过1000w人的Wemedia联盟成员之一。欢迎加入游戏日报QQ读者群交流群 191647794 您可在腾讯新闻客户端订阅栏目里关注游戏日报,也可在网易云阅读选择订阅游戏日报。发布于 2019-01-01 11:17动漫比特币 (Bitcoin)交易所​赞同​​添加评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请




Please click here to log in to the online filing system in relation to MTGOX’s civil rehabilitation proceedings.






Please click here to log in to the website for viewing documents for creditors.






Click here for the Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)




The Rehabilitation Trustee has changed the deadline of the Base Repayment, the Early Lump-Sum Repayment, and the Intermediate Repayment from October 31, 2023 (Japan Time) to October 31, 2024 (Japan Time), respectively. For details, please see the “[Important] Notices Concerning Change of Repayment Deadlines” below.

【Important】Notice Concerning Change of Repayment Deadlines




Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Upload Documents for Verification of Corporate

Identity again. Please note that the deadline for uploading Documents for Verification of Corporate

Identity has been changed to June 30, 2023 (Japan time). The contents other than the deadline are the

same as those on May 19, 2023 and May 31, 2023.

If corporate rehabilitation creditors do not upload Documents for Verification of Corporate

Identity, your selection of a repayment method will be nullified, and you may not be able to receive the

desired repayment. Therefore, please make sure to upload the documents for Verification of

Corporate Identity by the above deadline.

Request to Upload Documents for Verification of Corporate




Please refer to the Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan Becoming Final and Binding.

Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan Becoming Final

and Binding



The deadline for uploading the documents for Verification of Corporate Identity has been changed to June

15, 2023(Japan Time). If you are a corporate rehabilitation creditor, please see the notice below.

Request to Upload Documents for Verification of Corporate




Please refer to the Notice Concerning Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan and Acquisition of Permission

Regarding Repayments.

Notice Concerning Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan and

Acquisition of Permission Regarding Repayments



The Rehabilitation Trustee has released a corporate identity verification function. If you are a

corporate rehabilitation creditor, please see the notice below.

Request to Upload Documents for Verification of Corporate




Please refer to the Notice of Expiration of Deadline for Selecting Repayment Methods and Registering

Payee Information

Notice of Expiration of Deadline for Selecting Repayment

Methods and Registering Payee Information










Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information again. Please note that the deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of

payee information (“Selection and Registration”) has been changed to April 6, 2023 (Japan time). The

contents other than the deadline are the same as those on December 1, 2022, December 20, 2022, February

8, 2023, February 22, 2023, March 1, 2023, March 7, 2023, March 23, 2023, and March 28, 2023.

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Therefore, rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration should refer to

the following Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information

and other relevant information the Rehabilitation Trustee provided the rehabilitation creditors with and

complete the Selection and Registration immediately, as the deadline is fast approaching. This is

the final notice to all of rehabilitation creditors from the Rehabilitation Trustee about the

deadline for Selection and Registration.

In addition, in order to carry out the Selection and Registration, it is necessary to log in to the MTGOX

Online Rehabilitation Claim Filing System (i.e., the “System”). If you are unable to log in to the

System, you must apply for the Creditor Code and make various other applications in advance.If you

have not yet completed the necessary applications, please promptly complete them. If you file your

applications from now on, the Rehabilitation Trustee may not be able to approve your applications by

the deadline due to a large number of applications, lack of sufficient time to correct deficiencies

in your application, or other reasons. Please note that MTGOX and the Rehabilitation Trustee will

not be liable for any rehabilitation creditor’s failure to log in to the System and carry out the

Selection and Registration by the deadline as a result.

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.










Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information again. Please note that the deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of

payee information (“Selection and Registration”) has been changed to April 6, 2023 (Japan time). The

contents other than the deadline are the same as those on December 1, 2022, December 20, 2022, February

8, 2023, February 22, 2023, March 1, 2023, March 7, 2023, and March 23, 2023.

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Therefore, rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration should refer to

the following Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information

and other relevant information the Rehabilitation Trustee provided the rehabilitation creditors with and

complete the Selection and Registration immediately, as the deadline is fast approaching.

If you file your applications a few days before the deadline for the Selection and Registration of

April 6, 2023, the Rehabilitation Trustee may not be able to approve your applications in a timely

manner due to a large number of applications, lack of sufficient time to correct deficiencies in your

application, or other reasons. Please note that MTGOX and the Rehabilitation Trustee will not be liable

for any rehabilitation creditor’s failure to log in to the MTGOX Online Rehabilitation Claim Filing

System and carry out the Selection and Registration by the deadline as a result.

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.









Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information again. Please note that the deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of

payee information (“Selection and Registration”) has been changed to April 6, 2023 (Japan time). The

contents other than the deadline are the same as those on December 1, 2022, December 20, 2022, February

8, 2023, February 22, 2023, March 1, 2023 and March 7, 2023.

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.



The Rehabilitation Trustee has changed the deadline for Selection of Repayment Method and Registration

of Payee Information from March 10, 2023 (Japan time) to April 6, 2023 (Japan time). For

details, please see the “Change of (i) Deadline for Selection of Repayment Method and Registration of

Payee Information and (ii) Repayment Deadline” below.

【Important】Change of (i) Deadline for Selection of

Repayment Method and Registration of Payee Information and (ii) Repayment Deadline









Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information again. Please note that the deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of

payee information (“Selection and Registration”) has been changed to March 10, 2023 (Japan time). The

contents other than the deadline are the same as those on December 1, 2022, December 20, 2022, February

8, 2023, February 22, 2023, and March 1, 2023.

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Therefore, rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration should refer to

the following Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information

and other relevant information the Rehabilitation Trustee provided the rehabilitation creditors with and

complete the Selection and Registration as soon as possible.

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.



Please refer to the Notice regarding Restraining Order by New Zealand Court.

Notice regarding Restraining Order by New Zealand










Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information again. Please note that the deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of

payee information (“Selection and Registration”) has been changed to March 10, 2023 (Japan time). The

contents other than the deadline are the same as those on December 1, 2022, December 20, 2022, February

8, 2023, and February 22, 2023.

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Therefore, rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration should refer to

the following Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information

and other relevant information the Rehabilitation Trustee provided the rehabilitation creditors with and

complete the Selection and Registration as soon as possible.

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.





Payward Asia, Inc., which had provided Kraken’s services for Japan residents, withdrew from entities

performing agency receipt in respect of repayment in cryptocurrencies. The announcement below explains

the treatment of the agency receipt agreement upon such withdrawal. Please note that there are no

specific procedures that rehabilitation creditors are required to carry out with respect to the


【Important】Notice regarding Handling of Agency Receipt

Agreement upon Withdrawal of Payward Asia, Inc. from Entities Performing Agency Receipt









Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information again. Please note that the deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of

payee information (“Selection and Registration”) has been changed to March 10, 2023 (Japan time). The

contents other than the deadline are the same as those on December 1, 2022, December 20, 2022, and

February 9, 2023

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Therefore, rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration should refer to

the following Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information

and other relevant information the Rehabilitation Trustee provided the rehabilitation creditors with and

complete the Selection and Registration as soon as possible.

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.









Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information again. Please note that the deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of

payee information (“Selection and Registration”) has been changed to March 10, 2023 (Japan time). The

contents other than the deadline are the same as those on December 1, 2022, and December 20, 2022.

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Therefore, rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration should refer to

the following Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information

and other relevant information the Rehabilitation Trustee provided the rehabilitation creditors with and

complete the Selection and Registration as soon as possible.

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.





Payward Asia, Inc., which had provided Kraken’s services for Japan residents, withdrew from entities

performing agency receipt in respect of repayment in cryptocurrencies. If you are a rehabilitation

creditor residing in Japan, please see the notice below.

【Important】Notice regarding Withdrawal of Payward Asia,

Inc. which Had Provided Kraken’s Services for Japan Residents from Entities Performing Agency




The Rehabilitation Trustee has changed the deadline for Selection of Repayment Method and Registration of

Payee Information from January 10, 2023 (Japan time) to March 10, 2023 (Japan time). For

details, please see the “Change of (i) Deadline for Selection of Repayment Method and Registration of

Payee Information and (ii) Repayment Deadline” below.

【Important】Change of (i) Deadline for Selection of

Repayment Method and Registration of Payee Information and (ii) Repayment Deadline









Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information (The contents are the same as those of December 1st.) again. The deadline for selection of

repayment method and registration of payee information (“Selection and Registration”) is January

10, 2023 (Japan time).

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not

be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Therefore, rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration should refer to

the following Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information

and other relevant information the Rehabilitation Trustee provided the rehabilitation creditors with and

complete the Selection and Registration as soon as possible.

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.



Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee

Information. The deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of payee information is January

10, 2023 (Japan time).

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.



Please refer to the Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan Becoming Final and Binding.

【Important】Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan

Becoming Final and Binding



Please refer to the Information on Launch of Function for Selection of Repayment Method and Registration

of Payee Information. The deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of payee

information is January 10, 2023 (Japan time).

【Important】Information on Launch of Function for

Selection of Repayment Method and Registration of Payee Information.



Please refer to the Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan.

【Important】Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan

(Updated on October 6, 2022)



Please refer to the Information on Procedures for Name and Address Change below.

【Important】Information on Procedures for Name and Address




Please refer to the Information on Prohibition of Assignment, etc. of Rehabilitation Claims below.

【Important】Information on Prohibition of Assignment, etc.

of Rehabilitation Claims



Please refer to the Information on Repayment Procedures below. For more details, please review documents

uploaded to the Online Rehabilitation Claim Filing System (

Information on Repayment Procedures



A confirmation order of the Rehabilitation Plan became final and binding.

Notice of Confirmation Order of Rehabilitation Plan

becoming Final and Binding.



The Draft Rehabilitation Plan was approved at a creditors’ meeting, and the Tokyo District Court

made a confirmation order of the Rehabilitation Plan.

Notice of Confirmation Order of Rehabilitation Plan



Notice Concerning Passing of Deadline for Accepting

Requests for Participation in Rehabilitation Proceedings

On August 27, 2021 (Japan time), the Rehabilitation Trustee posted a notice titled “Notice Concerning

Participation in the Rehabilitation Proceedings” on the MtGox homepage. However, the deadline for

accepting requests for participation in the Rehabilitation Proceeding has already passed. Therefore,

please note that the Rehabilitation Trustee cannot respond to future requests for participation in the

Rehabilitation Proceedings.




(Important)Notice Concerning Participation in the Rehabilitation Proceedings

As to the objections made by certain creditors on March 28, 2019, to Self-Approved Claims of Users with

creditor numbers starting with Z2 who did not file their claims either in the previous bankruptcy

proceedings or in the current rehabilitation proceedings, the Rehabilitation Trustee has posted a

“Notice Concerning Participation in the Rehabilitation Proceedings” at the link below. The

self-approved creditors for whom the objections have not been withdrawn and who wish to participate

in the rehabilitation proceedings must review the notice.

Notice Concerning Participation in the Rehabilitation




The online voting function has been released on the online rehabilitation claim filing system (the online

system). The deadline for voting online is October 8, 2021 (Japan Time).

Notice of Release of Online Voting Function



The Tokyo District Court made an order to refer the draft rehabilitation plan to a resolution.

Order to Refer Draft Rehabilitation Plan to







On March 28, 2019, certain creditors objected to Self-Approved Claims of Users who did not file their

claims in the previous bankruptcy proceedings or in this current civil rehabilitation proceedings. For

further details, please refer to the post below.

[Notice concerning Objections from Creditors against

Self-Approved Rehabilitation Claims without Proofs of Bankruptcy Claim]

Also, the Q&As below give details on our approval or disapproval of the filed claims.

[Q&As regarding Approval or Disapproval]



The Rehabilitation Trustee has emailed Users who filed the Exchange-Related Rehabilitation Claims

informing them of the results of our approval or disapproval. For further details, please refer to the

post below.

「Notification of Approval or Disapproval on

Exchange-Related Rehabilitation Claims(Updated on March 27, 2019)」




At 5:00 p.m. on June 22, 2018, the Tokyo District Court issued an order of the commencement of civil

rehabilitation proceedings for MTGOX. As a result, the previously ongoing bankruptcy proceedings were

stayed. In addition, simultaneously with the order of the commencement of civil rehabilitation

proceedings, an administration order was issued by the Tokyo District Court, and I have been appointed

Civil Rehabilitation Trustee ([In the Matter of a ]Petition for Commencement of Civil Rehabilitation

Proceedings, Tokyo District Court 2017 (sai) no. 35).

Please refer to the post below for further information on the Commencement of Civil Rehabilitation


「Announcement of Commencement of Civil Rehabilitation


Press Releases & Announcements:

2023-12-28: 年末年始におけるコールセンター窓口休止のお知らせ

/ Re: Suspension of Call Center Service during Year-end and New Year Holidays

2023-11-22: 信託財産の償還の実施に関するお知らせ /

Announcement on Redemption of Trust Assets

2023-09-21: 【重要】弁済期限日の変更に関するお知らせ /

【Important】Notice Concerning Change of Repayment Deadlines

2023-06-14: 法人本人確認資料のアップロードのお願い /

Request to Upload Documents for Verification of

Corporate Identity

2023-06-08: 再生計画変更決定確定のお知らせ / Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan Becoming

Final and Binding

2023-05-31: 法人本人確認資料のアップロードのお願い /

Request to Upload Documents for Verification of

Corporate Identity

2023-05-29: 再生計画の変更及び弁済に係る許可取得に関するお知らせ

/ Notice Concerning Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan and

Acquisition of Permission Regarding Repayments

2023-05-19: 法人本人確認資料のアップロードのお願い /

Request to Upload Documents for Verification of

Corporate Identity

2023-04-07: 弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報の登録期限の満了に関するお知らせ

/ Notice of Expiration of Deadline for Selecting

Repayment Methods and Registering Payee Information

2023-04-03: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い / 【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2023-03-28: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い / 【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2023-03-23: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い / 【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2023-03-09: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録期限並びに弁済期限日変更のお知らせ

/ 【Important】Change of (i) Deadline for Selection of

Repayment Method and Registration of Payee Information and (ii) Repayment Deadline

2023-03-07: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い / 【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2023-03-03: ニュージーランド裁判所による差押命令のお知らせ / Notice regarding Restraining Order by New Zealand


2023-03-01: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い /

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2023-03-01: 【重要】Payward

Asia株式会社の代理受領法人からの離脱に伴う代理受領合意の取扱いに関するお知らせ / 【Important】Notice regarding Handling of Agency

Receipt Agreement upon Withdrawal of Payward Asia, Inc. from Entities Performing Agency Receipt

2023-02-22: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い / 【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2023-02-09: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い / 【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2023-01-20: 【重要】Krakenの日本居住者向けサービスを提供していたPayward

Asia株式会社の代理受領法人からの離脱のお知らせ / 【Important】Notice

regarding Withdrawal of Payward Asia, Inc. which Had Provided Kraken’s Services for Japan Residents from

Entities Performing Agency Receipt

2023-01-06: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録期限並びに弁済期限日変更のお知らせ

/ 【Important】Change of (i) Deadline for Selection of

Repayment Method and Registration of Payee Information and (ii) Repayment Deadline

2022-12-29: 年末年始におけるコールセンター窓口休止のお知らせ

/ Re: Suspension of Call Center Service during Year-end and New Year Holidays

2022-12-20: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い / 【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2022-12-01: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録のお願い / 【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and

Register Payee Information.

2022-10-28: 【重要】再生計画変更決定確定のお知らせ /

【Important】Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan

Becoming Final and Binding

2022-10-06: 【重要】弁済方法の選択及び弁済先情報登録機能のリリースに関するご案内

/ 【Important】Information on Launch of Function for

Selection of Repayment Method and Registration of Payee Information

2022-10-04: 【重要】再生計画変更のお知らせ(令和4年10月6日更新) /

【Important】Notice of Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan

(Updated on October 6, 2022)

2022-09-21: 【重要】氏名変更及び住所変更の手続に関するご案内 / 【Important】Information on Procedures for Name and

Address Change

2022-09-05: 【重要】オンラインシステム初期登録又は再登録のご案内

/ 【Important】Notice Concerning Initial

Registration/Re-registration on Online System

2022-08-31: 【重要】再生債権の譲渡等の禁止に関するご案内 / 【Important】Information on Prohibition of Assignment,

etc. of Rehabilitation Claims

2022-07-06: 弁済に向けた手続に関するご案内 / Information on Repayment Procedures

2022-02-14: 自認債権者向けオンラインシステム登録機能のリリースのお知らせ(第5弾)

/ Announcement of Release of Online System Registration

Feature for Self-Approved Creditors (Phase 5)

2022-01-06: 自認債権者向けオンラインシステム登録機能のリリースのお知らせ(第4弾)

/ Announcement of Release of Online System Registration

Feature for Self-Approved Creditors (Phase 4)

2021-12-28: 年末年始におけるコールセンター窓口休止のお知らせ/Re:

Suspension of Call Center Service during Year-end and New Year Holidays

2021-12-15: MGIF提供担保の提供に関するお知らせ / Notice regarding Provision of MGIF Collateral

2021-11-30: 自認債権者向けオンラインシステム登録機能のリリースのお知らせ(第3弾)

/ Announcement of Release of Online System Registration

Feature for Self-Approved Creditors (Phase 3)

2021-11-16: 再生計画認可決定確定のお知らせ / Notice of Confirmation Order of Rehabilitation Plan

becoming Final and Binding.

2021-10-22: 本民事再生手続への参加希望の受付終了のご案内 / Notice Concerning Passing of Deadline for Accepting

Requests for Participation in Rehabilitation Proceedings

2021-10-20: 再生計画認可決定のお知らせ / Notice of Confirmation Order of Rehabilitation Plan

2021-10-12: 債権者集会に関するお知らせ / Notice regarding Creditors’ Meeting

2021-10-06: オンラインシステムに初期登録/再登録する方法 /

How to register/re-register for Online System

2021-09-21: 【重要】オンラインシステム初期登録のご案内 / 【Important】Announcement of the Online System

Initial Registration

2021-09-21: 自認債権者向けオンラインシステム登録機能のリリースのお知らせ(第2弾)

/ Announcement of Release of Online System

Registration Feature for Self-Approved Creditors (Phase 2)

2021-08-27: (重要)本民事再生手続への参加希望に関するご案内 / (Important)Notice Concerning Participation in the

Rehabilitation Proceedings

2021-07-16: 自認債権者向けオンラインシステム登録機能のリリースのお知らせ(第1弾)

/ Announcement of Release of Online System Registration

Feature for Self-Approved Creditors (Phase 1)

2021-05-31: オンライン投票機能リリースのお知らせ /

Notice of Release of Online Voting Function

2021-05-26: 再生計画案への投票に際する参照資料閲覧開始のお知らせ

/ Notice of Commencement of Inspection of Reference

Materials for Voting on Draft Rehabilitation Plan

2021-03-19: 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のための第6回債権者集会出席自粛のお願い

/ Request to Refrain from Attending Sixth Creditors’

Meeting to Prevent Spread of Infection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

2021-02-25: 再生計画案の付議決定について / Order to Refer Draft Rehabilitation Plan to


2021-01-07: オフライン債権者向けオンラインシステム登録機能のリリースのお知らせ

/ Announcement of Release of Online System Registration

Function for Offline Creditors

2020-12-29: 年末年始におけるコールセンター窓口休止のお知らせ/

Re: Suspension of Call Center Service during Year end and New Year Holidays

2020-12-15: 再生計画案の提出に関するお知らせ / Announcement of Filing of Draft Rehabilitation Plan

2020-10-15: 再生計画案の提出期限の変更に関するお知らせ / Announcement of Order to Change Submission Deadline for

Rehabilitation Plan



On October 7, 2020, the fifth creditor’s meeting (Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings) was


Next creditors’ meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’ Meeting

No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 15:00 on March

24, 2021.

2020-10-01: 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のための第5回債権者集会出席自粛のお願い

/ Request to Refrain from Attending Fifth Creditors’

Meeting to Prevent Spread of Infection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

2020-06-30: 再生計画案の提出期限の変更に関するお知らせ / Announcement of Order to Change Submission Deadline for

Rehabilitation Plan

2020-05-07: 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う管財業務の制約について

/ Limitation of Rehabilitation Trustee’s Work due

to Spread of Infection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

2020-03-30: 再生計画案の提出期限の変更に関するお知らせ / Announcement of Order to Change Submission Deadline for

Rehabilitation Plan

2020-03-24: 第4回債権者集会(民事再生手続)配付資料アップロードに関するお知らせ

(令和2年3月25日更新) / Announcement regarding Upload

of Documents Distributed at the Fourth Creditors’ Meeting (Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings)

(Updated on March 25, 2020)

2020-03-13: 特別調査の対象となる再生債権に係る認否書提出のお知らせ

/ Announcement of Submission of Statement of Acceptance

or Rejection of Rehabilitation Claims Subject to Special Investigation

2020-03-13: 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のための債権者集会出席の自粛のお願い

/ Request to Refrain from Attending Creditors’

Meetings to Prevent Spread of Infection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)

2020-02-26: 特別調査期間の決定に関するお知らせ / Announcement of Order to Set the Period of Special


2020-02-21: オフライン債権者宛の書面発送について /

Mailing to Offline Users

2019-12-27: 年末年始におけるコールセンター窓口休止のお知らせ

/ Re: Suspension of Call Center Service during Year-end and New Year Holidays

2019-10-28: 再生計画案の提出期限の変更に関するお知らせ / Announcement of Order to Change Submission Deadline for

Rehabilitation Plan

2019-10-18: 債権届出期間経過後の再生債権届出に関するお知らせ /

Announcement regarding Proofs of Rehabilitation Claims

Filed after Deadline

2019-10-01: 第3回債権者集会(民事再生手続)配付資料/ Documents

distributed at the third creditors’ meeting (Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings)



On October 1, 2019, the third creditor’s meeting (Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings) was


Next creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’ Meeting

No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30 on March

25, 2020.

2019-07-05: 債権届出期間経過後の再生債権届出に関する基本的なQ&A(2019年10月9日更新版)

/ Basic Q&A regarding Proofs of Rehabilitation Claims Filed

after Deadline (Updated on October 9, 2019)

2019-04-25: 再生計画案の提出期限の変更に関するお知らせ / Announcement of Order to Change Submission Deadline for

Rehabilitation Plan

2019-04-09: 連休期間中のコールセンター窓口及びメールサポートの対応について

/ Re: Close of Call Center Service and Email Support during Consecutive Japanese National Holidays

2019-04-03: 破産債権届出のない自認債権に対する届出債権者からの異議に関するお知らせ

/ Notice concerning Objections from Creditors against

Self-Approved Rehabilitation Claims without Proofs of Bankruptcy Claim

2019-04-03: 取引所関係再生債権の認否に関するQ&A(平成31年4月5日更新) /

Q&As regarding Approval or Disapproval

2019-03-26: 取引所関係再生債権に係る認否結果の通知のお知らせ(平成31年3月27日更新)

/ Notification of Approval or Disapproval on

Exchange-Related Rehabilitation Claims(Updated on March 27, 2019)

2019-03-20: 第2回債権者集会(民事再生手続)配布資料 / Documents

distributed at the second creditors’ meeting (Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings)



On March 20, 2019, the second creditor’s meeting (Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings) was


Next creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’ Meeting

No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30 on

October 1, 2019.

2019-03-19: 取引所関係再生債権に係る認否書提出のお知らせ / Notice of Submission of Statement of Approval or

Disapproval on Exchange-Related Rehabilitation Claims

2019-02-08: 認否書に記載される譲渡債権の名義に関するお知らせ /

Announcement Regarding Transferees of Transferred Claims

Who Will Be Listed in Statement of Approval or Disapproval

2019-01-25: 非取引所関係再生債権の認否に関するお知らせ / Announcement of Approval or Disapproval on

Non-Exchange-Related Rehabilitation Claims

2019-01-24: 再生債権認否書の提出期限等の変更に関するお知らせ /

Announcement of Order to Change Schedule for Civil

Rehabilitation Proceedings

2018-12-26: 年末年始におけるコールセンター窓口休止のお知らせ

/ Re: Suspension of Call Center Service during Year-end and New Year Holidays

2018-10-09: Payward, Inc.との覚書の締結に関するお知らせ /

Announcement on Execution of Memorandum with Payward, Inc.

2018-10-03: 破産債権の譲受人による再生債権届出に関するお知らせ

/ Announcement for Filing of Proofs of Claims by

Transferee of Bankruptcy Claims

2018-09-26: 財産状況報告集会配付資料 / Documents distributed at

the Meeting for reporting the status of property(Updated on December 3, 2018)



On September 26, 2018, the Meeting for reporting the status of property was held.

Next creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’ Meeting

No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30 on March

20, 2019.

2018-09-25: 破産債権者の利益確保措置に関するお知らせ

/ Announcement on Measures to Secure Interests of

Bankruptcy Creditors

再生債権の届出開始に関するお知らせ等を掲載しました。The rehabilitation trustee posted the following

announcements, etc. regarding the commencement of filing proofs of rehabilitation claim.

2019-01-22: 債権届出期間の終了のお知らせ / Announcement of End of Period for Filing Proofs of

Rehabilitation Claims

2018-12-08: 補助的なオンライン方法による届出を行ったユーザー向けの届出内容確認機能のリリースのお知らせ

/ Users Who Filed Proofs of Rehabilitation Claims by

Supplementary Online Method Can Now Check Filed Matters

2018-12-04: 再生債権者が変動した場合のオフライン方法による届出について(2019年5月21日更新版)

/ Regarding a Filing for a Change of Holder

of a Rehabilitation Claim via Offline Method (Updated on May 21, 2019)

2018-11-23: オンライン方法により届け出た再生債権及び自認債権の再生債権者が変動した場合について(2019年5月21日更新版)

/ Regarding a Change of the Holder of a

Rehabilitation Claim Filed via the Online Method and a Self-Approved Claim (Updated on May 21,


2018-11-22: 債権届出期間経過後になされた再生債権の届出の取扱いに関するお知らせ

/ Announcement for Handling of Proofs of

Rehabilitation Claims Filed After Deadline

2018-11-01: 連絡先メールアドレス/債権届出名義の変更機能のリリースのお知らせ

/ Announcement on Release: New Tool to Change

Contact E-mail Address / Claimholder’s Name

2018-10-03: オンラインシステムの利用に関するEメールでのサポート開始のお知らせ

/ Announcement of E-mail Support for Use of Online


2018-10-03: オフライン方法の記載要領(2018年10月3日更新版) /

How to Use Offline Method (Updated on October 3,


2018-09-21: 再生債権届出についてよくあるご質問(2018年9月21日更新版)

/ Frequently Asked Questions regarding Filing Proof of

Rehabilitation Claim(Updated on September 21, 2018)

2018-09-12: 法人ユーザー向けオンラインシステムのリリースのお知らせ

/ Re: Release of the Online System for Corporate


2018-08-23: 再生債権の届出開始に関するお知らせ /

Announcement for Commencement of Filing Proofs of

Rehabilitation Claim

2018-08-23: 再生債権の届出に関するQ&A / Q&As for Filing Proofs of Rehabilitation Claim

2018-08-23: オンライン方法の記載要領 / How to Use Online Method

民事再生手続きに関するお知らせを掲載しました。The rehabilitation trustee posted the following

announcement regarding the Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings.

2018-07-19: 再生債権届出の開始時期について / Re: Timing for

Filing Proofs of Rehabilitation Claim

2018-06-22: 民事再生手続開始決定のお知らせ / Announcement of Commencement of Civil Rehabilitation

Proceedings (Updated on October 26, 2018)

破産債権の届出に関するお知らせ等を掲載しました。The bankruptcy trustee posted the following notices and

documents regarding the filing of bankruptcy claims.

2018-03-17: 第10回債権者集会報告書に関するQ&A / Q&A Regarding

10th Creditors’ Meeting Report

2018-03-07: 第10回債権者集会配布資料 / Documents distributed at

the tenth creditors’ meeting



On March 7, 2018, the tenth creditor’s meeting was held.

The eleventh creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’

Meeting No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30

on September 26, 2018.

2018-01-30: 本破産手続に関するFAQ / FAQs Regarding the Bankruptcy Proceedings

2017-11-29: 一部の債権者による民事再生手続開始の申立てに関するお知らせ

/ Announcement Regarding Petition for Commencement of Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings Filed by Some of

the Creditors

2017-09-27: 第9回債権者集会配布資料 / Documents distributed at

the ninth creditors’ meeting



On September 27, 2017, the ninth creditor’s meeting was held.

The tenth creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’

Meeting No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30

on March 7, 2018.

2017-03-08: 第8回債権者集会配布資料 / Documents distributed at

the eighth creditors’ meeting



On March 8, 2017, the eighth creditor’s meeting was held.

The ninth creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’

Meeting No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30

on September 27, 2017.

2017-03-08: 米国連邦裁判所における期日の開催に関する通知 /

Notice of Hearing before United States Bankruptcy Judge

2016-09-28: 第7回債権者集会配布資料 / Documents distributed at

the seventh creditors’ meeting



On September 28, 2016, the seventh creditor’s meeting was held.

The eighth creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’

Meeting No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30

on March 8, 2017.

2016-06-10: 2016年6月15日修正 / revised on June 15, 2016 債権認否に関するお知らせ(その3) /

Notification of Acceptance and

Rejection of Claims (No. 3)

2016-06-03: 認否に関するQ&A / Q&A regarding Acceptance or Rejection of the Claims

2016-05-25: 第6回債権者集会配布資料 / Documents distributed at

the sixth creditors’ meeting



On May 25, 2016, the sixth creditor’s meeting was held.

The seventh creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’

Meeting No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30

on September 28, 2016.

2016-05-25: 債権認否のお知らせ(その2) / Notification of Acceptance and Rejection of Claims (No.


2016-05-11: ビットコインアドレスのリストの公表中止の件 /

Re: Suspension of Release of List of Bitcoin Addresses

2016-02-17: 第5回債権者集会配付資料 / Documents distributed at

the fifth creditors’ meeting



On February 17, 2016, the fifth creditor’s meeting was held.

The sixth creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’

Meeting No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30

on May 25, 2016.

2016-02-17: 債権認否のお知らせ / Notification of Acceptance and Rejection of Claims

2015-11-10: 株式会社MTGOX代表者代表取締役カルプレス・マルク・マリ・ロベート個人につき東京地方裁判所が破産手続開始を決定しました。/

Tokyo District Court announced the Commencement of Bankruptcy Proceedings for Mr. Mark Marie Robert

Karpeles, former representative director of MtGox Co., Ltd. on November 10, 2015.



2015-09-09: 第4回債権者集会配付資料/Documents distributed at the

forth creditors’ meeting



On September 9, 2015, the forth creditor’s meeting was held.

The fifth creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’Meeting No.1

(5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30 on February

17, 2016.

2015-07-23: オンライン方法による破産債権の届出の期限及び本システムの一時的な機能制限について(再度のお知らせ)

/ Deadline for filing of bankruptcy claims using online method and temporary restriction on

functionality of online system (follow-up notice)

2015-07-23: オフライン方法により届け出た破産債権の破産債権者が変動した場合について

/ Regarding Change of Holder of Bankruptcy Claim Filed Using Offline Method

2015-07-23: ユーザーがオンライン方法により届け出た取引所関係破産債権の保有者が変動した場合について

/ Regarding Change of Holder of Claim Users Have Filed Using Online Method

2015-07-06: オンライン方法による破産債権の届出の期限及び本システムの一時的な機能制限について

/ Deadline for filing of bankruptcy claims using online method and temporary restriction on

functionality of online system



The offline claim form was updated to fix an error. If you downloaded the form before this, please

re-download it.

2015-04-22: 第3回債権者集会配付資料/Documents distributed at the

third creditors’ meeting



On April 22, 2015, the third creditor’s meeting was held.

The forth creditor’s meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors’Meeting

No.1 (5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30 on

September 9, 2015.

2015-04-22: MTGOXのビットコイン取引所のユーザーによる破産債権の届出開始に関するお知らせ

/ Notice of Commencement of Filing of Bankruptcy Claims by

MTGOX Bitcoin Exchange Users

2015-04-22: MTGOXのビットコイン取引所のユーザーによる破産債権の届出等に関するQ&A

/ FAQs Regarding Filing, Etc. Bankruptcy Claims by MTGOX Bitcoin

Exchange Users

2015-04-22: ユーザーでない破産債権者の破産債権の届け出に関するお知らせ

/Notice Regarding Filing of Bankruptcy Claims by Bankruptcy

Creditors other than Users

2015-02-02: 株式会社TIBANNEに対する破産手続開始申立て、及び同破産手続開始決定のお知らせ/Announcement

of Application for Commencement of Bankruptcy Proceeding for TIBANNE Co., Ltd. and Order of Commencement

of Bankruptcy Proceedings

2014-12-17: 第2回債権者集会におけるご質問等に対する回答 /

Answers to Questions, etc., at Second Creditors’ Meeting

2014-11-26: 第2回債権者集会配付資料 / Documents distributed at

the second creditors' meeting



On November 26, 2014, the second creditor's meeting was held.

The third creditor's meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors'Meeting No.1

(5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30 on April 22,


2014-11-26: 第2回債権者集会等に関するFAQ / FAQs Regarding Second

Creditors' Meetings

2014-11-26: MTGOX破産手続の支援企業決定のお知らせ /

Announcement of Determination of Supporting Company for MtGox Bankruptcy Proceedings

2014-09-01: 破産管財人室移転のお知らせ / Announcement

of transfer of the office of bankruptcy trustee

2014-07-24: 破産債権届出期間及び債権調査期日の変更のお知らせ

/ Announcement of order to change the period for filing proofs of claims and the date for investigation

of claims

2014-07-23: 債権者集会配付資料(日本語) / Documents distributed at the creditors'




On July 23, 2014, the first creditor's meeting was held.

The second creditor's meeting will be held at Tokyo District Courtroom for Creditors' Meeting No.1

(5F, joint government building for the domestic, summary and district courts) at 13:30 on November

26, 2014.

2014-07-14: 債権者集会に関するご質問に対する回答 / FAQs

Regarding Creditors’ Meetings

2014-06-18: 米国連邦裁判所による承認決定 / Order Recognizing

Foreign Main Proceeding and Granting Related Relief by U.S. Bankruptcy Court

2014-05-23: 米国連邦裁判所における期日の開催に関する通知 / Notice

of Recognition Hearing in the US Bankruptcy Court

2014-05-21: 破産手続開始のご連絡 / Announcement of Commencement

of Bankruptcy Proceedings

2014年5月21日以降、順次、破産管財人より「Announcement of Commencement of Bankruptcy



Since May 21, 2014, the bankruptcy trustee has sent emails titled “Announcement of Commencement of

Bankruptcy Proceedings” in sequence. However, such emails are sent for the purpose of providing

information regarding the commencement of the bankruptcy proceedings for the bankrupt entity to

those whose email addresses are known to the bankrupt entity and who may have bankruptcy claims.

Receipt of such email does not mean that you are certified as a bankruptcy creditor or that you can

participate in the bankruptcy distribution. To participate in the bankruptcy proceedings and to

receive the bankruptcy distribution, after separately filing proofs of your claim as provided in the

Bankruptcy Act of Japan, investigation thereof is necessary. It is possible that, on investigation

of your claims as provided in the Bankruptcy Act of Japan, your claim may not be approved. The

bankruptcy trustee owes no legal liability to anyone due to the transmission of this document.

2014-04-24(002): 破産手続開始決定書 / Bankruptcy proceedings

written decision

2014-04-24(001): 破産手続開始決定のお知らせ -

基本的なご質問に対する回答 / Announcement of

Commencement of Bankruptcy Proceedings - Answers to Frequent Asked Questions

2014-04-16(002): 保全管理命令等のお知らせ -

基本的なご質問に対する回答 / Announcement of the

Order for Provisional Administration, etc. - Answers to Frequent Asked Questions

2014-04-16(001): 民事再生手続開始申立ての棄却、保全管理命令のお知らせ

/ Information regarding the dismissal of the application for commencement of a civil rehabilitation

procedure and the order for provisional administration

2014-03-28: 調査結果報告書の提出期限伸長のお知らせ /

Announcement regarding the extension of the deadline for submission of the examination results


2014-03-26: ビットコインの消失に係る捜査機関への相談に関するお知らせ

/ Announcement with regard to consultations with investigating authorities on the disappearance of


2014-03-20: 当社保有ビットコインの残高に関するお知らせ /

Announcement regarding the balance of Bitcoin held by the company

2014-03-14: 米国連邦破産法第15章適用の申請に関するお知らせ

/ Announcement regarding the applicability of US Bankruptcy Code Chapter 15

2014-03-08: MTGOX 詐欺メール注意喚起通知 / Spam warning

2014-03-04: 包括的禁止命令主文の通知 / Comprehensive

Prohibition Order Judgment Announcement

2014-03-03: 民事再生手続に関するよくあるご質問に対する回答

2014-02-28: 民事再生手続開始の申立てに関するお知らせ

/ Announcement Regarding An Application For

Commencement Of A Prodedure Of Civil Rehabilitation

What Was Mt. Gox? Definition, History, Collapse, and Future

What Was Mt. Gox? Definition, History, Collapse, and Future





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Table of Contents

What Was Mt. Gox?

Early History of Mt. Gox

What Happened to Mt. Gox?

The Future of Mt. Gox

Mt. Gox FAQs


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What Was Mt. Gox? Definition, History, Collapse, and Future


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What Was Mt. Gox?

Mt. Gox was a Tokyo-based cryptocurrency exchange that operated between 2010 and 2014. It was responsible for more than 70% of Bitcoin transactions at its peak. Although it is most commonly known as Mt. Gox, the exchange is sometimes referred to as MtGox or Mt Gox. The exchange declared bankruptcy in 2014, but it continued to be the subject of lawsuits and speculation for years.

Key Takeaways

Mt. Gox was a cryptocurrency exchange that operated between 2010 and 2014.Mt. Gox once accounted for over 70% of all Bitcoin transactions.In 2014, Mt. Gox was hacked and thousands of Bitcoins were stolen; the company filed for bankruptcy shortly thereafter.In late 2021, creditors and the Tokyo District Court reached an agreement on the Mt. Gox rehabilitation plan, closing a seven and half year legal battle.

Early History of Mt. Gox

Jed McCaleb created the website that became the Mt. Gox exchange. It was initially a way for enthusiasts of the card game "Magic: The Gathering" to trade cards online.

The name Mt. Gox was created as an acronym for "Magic: The Gathering Online Exchange." The site was transferred to Mark Karpeles in 2011 in exchange for six months worth of revenue. Karpeles became the largest shareholder and CEO.

Mt. Gox was considered the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange at its peak. It handled 70% to 80% of the trading volume. Handling so many transactions gave Mt. Gox an outsized role in determining Bitcoin's market activity. For example, in 2013 it suspended trading for several days to cool down the market.

What Happened to Mt. Gox?

Its prominence in the cryptocurrency scene made it a target for hackers, and Mt. Gox experienced security problems several times during the years it operated. In 2011, hackers used stolen credentials to transfer Bitcoins. That same year, deficiencies in network protocols resulted in several thousand Bitcoins being “lost.”

In the months leading up to February 2014, customers expressed increasing frustration with problems withdrawing funds. Technical bugs prevented the company from having a firm grasp on transaction details, including uncertainty relating to whether Bitcoins had been transferred to customers’ digital wallets.

This issue was claimed to be the result of a bug in the Bitcoin software that allowed users to alter transaction IDs, sometimes referred to as “transaction malleability.” This claim has been disputed by the community, but the issue may be closed as an agreement was reached in late 2021.

The exchange suffered a fatal blow in February 2014. In early February 2014, the exchange suspended withdrawals after claiming to have found suspicious activity in its digital wallets. The company discovered that it had "lost" hundreds of thousands of Bitcoins. Reports on the number of coins lost ranged from 650,000 to 850,000.

While it was later able to locate 200,000 Bitcoins, the missing cryptocurrency profoundly destabilized the market. The value of the Bitcoins was estimated to be in the hundreds of millions, which pushed Mt. Gox into insolvency. It filed for bankruptcy in the Tokyo District Court and was ordered to liquidate in April 2014.

The estate that Mt. Gox’s assets were placed in owned more than 200,000 Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. In October 2019, Mt. Gox trustee Nobuaki Kobayashi extended the deadline for submitting claims to March 31, 2020.

There had been speculation that Russian hackers were behind the heist; there was also hope that some of the stolen Bitcoins could be recovered. CoinLab, a leading creditor against Mt. Gox, continued to pursue its multibillion-dollar breach of contract lawsuit against Mt. Gox.

In 2019, Mark Karpeles, the CEO of Mt. Gox, was found guilty of falsifying data to inflate holdings.

The Future of Mt. Gox

In November 2021, Mr. Kobayashi, the trustee for Mt. Gox, published an announcement after Japanese courts and Mt. Gox creditors reached an agreement on the Mt. Gox rehabilitation plan. The rehabilitation plan establishes a registration and compensation plan based on phases for different creditors.

Approved rehabilitation creditors with creditor codes can signup on the MT. Gox Online Rehabilitation Claim Filing System. Unfortunately, new rehabilitation claims cannot be filed using this system; the Tokyo District Court referred the rehabilitation draft to a resolution in February 2021, sealing the process and preventing the initiation of any new claims.

Whether Mt. Gox has a future in cryptocurrency remains to be seen. However, what is for certain is that a chapter in the cryptocurrency history book is now concluded.

What Happened to the Mt. Gox Bitcoins?

Only about 200,000 were ever recovered. The rest are lost or removed from the network.

How Many Bitcoins Did Mt. Gox Lose?

Reports range from 650,000 to 850,000, some of which belonged to the company and the rest to customers.

Is Mt. Gox Still Active?

Mt. Gox closed its website and filed for bankruptcy in 2014. Whether there will be an attempt at a reopening remains to be seen.

Investing in cryptocurrencies and other Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”) is highly risky and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by Investopedia or the writer to invest in cryptocurrencies or other ICOs. Since each individual's situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.

Article Sources

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our

editorial policy.

Christian Decker, Roger Wattenhofer. "Bitcoin Transaction Malleability and Mt. Gox," Page 2.

Mt. Gox. "Announcement of Commencement of Bankruptcy Proceedings."

Nasdaq. "A $480 Million Mystery: The Saga of Mt. Gox."

CoinDesk. "Mt. Gox Temporarily Suspends USD Withdrawals." "The Present and Future Impact of Virtual Currency." "The Biggest Exchange Hacks in Cryptocurrency History - Part1: Mt. Gox."

CoinDesk. "Mt. Gox Halts All Bitcoin Withdrawals, Price Drop Follows."

Christian Decker, Roger Wattenhofer. "Bitcoin Transaction Malleability and Mt. Gox," Page 12.

Mt. Gox. "Notice of Confirmation Order of Rehabilitation Plan Becoming Final and Binding."

National Conference of State Legislatures. "The Emergence of Bitcoin."

American Bankruptcy Institute. "Bankrupt Bitcoin Exchange Mt. Gox begins to Pay Back Account Holders in Bitcoin."

Coindesk. "Mt. Gox Deadline Extended Again After Creditors Criticize Refund Proposal."

United States Attorney's Office Northern District of Columbia. "Russian National And Bitcoin Exchange Charged In 21-Count Indictment For Operating Alleged International Money Laundering Scheme And Allegedly Laundering Funds From Hack Of Mt. Gox."

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington. "Coinlab, Inc. a Delaware Corporation vs. Mt. Gox KK, a Japanese Corporation and Tibanne KK, a Japanese Corporation."

The United States Department of Justice. "Department of Justice. Journal of Federal Law and Practice. Volume 69, Number 3," Page 200.

Mt. Gox. "Order to Refer Draft Rehabilitation Plan to Resolution."

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Mt.Gox(讀做:Mount Gox 或者 MTGOX ,暱稱:門頭溝





別    名


暱    稱




















Mt.Gox網站本來是一個魔法風雲會線上買賣交易平台,由Jed McCaleb所創設,其命名源於魔法風雲會英文名稱(Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange)的首字母略縮字。McCaleb後將其轉變為一個比特幣交易平台,並在2011年將其賣給了Mark Karpeles。在後者的管理下,Mt.Gox一度成長為世界上最大的比特幣交易所,承擔全球超過70%的比特幣交易。




MT.GOX最初由Jed McCaleb在2010年7月建立,後來在2011年3月賣給了日本的 Tibanne Co.,現在由 Mark Karpelese管理。









在MT.GOX註冊了的用户賬户有兩個子儲蓄賬户,一個是用來儲蓄比特幣的,一個使用來儲存美元或者其他外匯的現金賬户。用户可以用現金賬户中的錢買賣比特幣。MT.GOX並不支持除比特幣之外的外匯兑換。 在MT.GOX交易平台可以進行比特幣買賣。就像買賣股票和期貨一樣,MT.GOX會將對比特幣買入請求和賣出請求按照規則進行排序然後開始匹配,如果符合要求即成交。由於用户提交買入賣出量之間的差異,一個買入或賣出請求可能部分被執行。比如,用户A掛出10個比特幣的100$/BTC的賣單,而用户B掛出的買單隻要求100$/BTC的5個比特幣。那麼用户A只能賣出5個比特幣,剩下的5個等待下一次交易匹配。 對於資金賬户不足的交易請求,MT.GOX也會執行。比如,用户A掛出10個比特幣每個100$的買單,不考慮手續費這筆交易需要A賬户上有1000$,而實際上A的賬户資金只有500$,在這個時候,MT.GOX會忽略用户A的現金不足,只執行符合A賬户金額500$的交易即只能成交5個比特幣,而剩下5個比特幣的交易請求會被暫時保留,如果用户A在隨後轉賬500$的現金到帳,則剩下的交易請求也會被納入執行請求。



MT.GOX對低於100個比特幣的個人用户每一比交易收取0.6%的手續費,按照比特幣交易數量的不同,MT.GOX按照用户的交易次數給予一定的手續費優惠和打折。具體手續費用明細如下表格:交易比特幣數量交易費用折扣 (總共)折扣 (每次)0 到 1000.60%0.00%0.00%100 到 2000.55%8.33%8.33%200 到 5000.53%11.66%3.64%500 到 10000.50%16.66%5.66%1000 到 20000.46%23.33%8.00%2000 到 50000.43%28.33%6.52%5000 到 100000.40%33.33%6.97%10000 到 250000.30%50.00%25.00%25000 到 500000.29%51.66%3.33%50000 到 1000000.28%53.33%3.45%100000 到 2500000.27%55.00%3.56%250000 到 5000000.26%56.66%3.70%大於 5000000.25%58.33%3.85%



2014年2月24日,Mt.Gox的CEO Mark Karpeles在博客中宣佈退出比特幣基金會,隨後訪問Mt.Gox只返回一個空白頁面。2014年2月25日深夜,Mt.Gox官方網站張貼最新訊息,表示以“最近新聞報道和可能對Mt.Gox營運造成衝擊”為由“決定暫時關閉所有交易”。2014年2月28日,Mt.Gox向東京地方法院聲請破產保護,破產研究機構“帝國資料調查公司”(Teikoku Databank, Ltd.)的資料顯示,Mt.Gox負債達65億日圓、2013年度營收為1.35億日圓;帝國資料調查公司表示,Mt.Gox在2月24日發現自有比特幣10萬枚與使用者比特幣75萬枚被竊。







網絡媒體HITC以新聞標題“Mt. Gox的中斷據傳源於全球政府對於比特幣的鎮壓”報道並引述InterTrader(en:InterTrader)總經理(Managing Director)Shai Heffetz的話説:“許多的政府開始瞭解比特幣對於傳統的法定貨幣可以展現的真正威脅,也因此它們是有意圖要關閉Mt.Gox的。現下全球貨幣戰爭變的激烈而血腥,所有的國家都大量印製鈔票並且扭曲數據以掩蓋他們瘋狂印鈔票的事實。人們口袋裏面的鈔票或許還可以填飽肚子,但事實是,生活支出的代價在過去五年內出現顯著的增加,持續的貨幣寬鬆並無法永續。比特幣和其它的替代貨幣正在開始被認為是傳統法幣的可行性替代方案;因為比特幣無法受到任何政府的操縱,全世界的掌權派開始憂慮並展開一波鎮壓;當被掩蓋的通貨膨脤事實漸漸被外界獲知時,人們就會開始採信某一種獨立的數位貨幣以取代價值遭到過度膨脹的傳統法幣。”



2014年2月28日,Mt. Gox正式申請破產保護。根據公司財報,Mt. Gox已負債65億日元(約6千4百萬美元),而資產僅餘38億日元。公司稱其損失了接近75萬屬於客户的比特幣以及約10萬左右屬於公司自身的比特幣,兩者合計約佔世界比特幣總量的7%,按當時匯率估計約值4.73億美元。














黑客攻破了Mt.Gox CEO馬克·卡佩爾斯(Mark Karpeles)的Reddit賬號和個人博客,並在其中發佈消息稱,Mt.Gox實際上仍持有該交易所聲稱被盜的部分比特幣。


黑客在卡佩爾斯的個人網站上發佈了716MB來自Mt.Gox服務器的文件,其中包括一張保存了數百萬條交易記錄的Excel表格、以8種貨幣顯示的Mt.Gox資產負債表、Mt.Gox母公司Tibanne Limited的管理人員申請訪問這一數據庫的記錄,以及卡佩爾斯的家庭地址和個人資料等。




2014年2月26日,一份名為Mt.Gox“危機管理草案”(crisis strategy draft)的文件出現在網上,根據該文件,比特幣交易網站Mt.Gox丟失了用户大約75萬枚比特幣,價值約為3.65億美元。這份Mt.Gox“危機管理草案”最早在文件分享論壇中被發現,該文件是否是Mt.Gox官方文件無法證實。不過,該文件中的一些內容引起了業界的關注,以下是要點摘要:1.Mt.Gox在數年內由於技術問題共丟失了744408枚比特幣,已經嚴重資不抵債。2.Mt.Gox暫時關站一個月,維修技術故障。3.Mt.Gox打算重新開設Twitter、Facebook賬號(Mt.Gox已刪除Twitter主頁全部內容)。4.Mt.Gox換一個品(名字)牌重新上線。


設立呼叫中心應對比特幣投資者問責2014年3月,Mt.Gox在其官網上發佈了一則日語和英語的公告,並提供了一個電話號碼,接受來自所有用户任何有關於Mt.Gox問題的詢問。這份公告的發佈,為日本相關法律規定的破產流程之一。根據官網的公告,呼叫中心的服務從週一正式開始。服務時間為,日本當地時間週一至週五上午的十點至下午五點。Mt.Gox 於2014年2月28日申請了破產保護,該公司 CEO 馬克·卡佩爾斯 (Mark Parpeles) 承認,Mt.Gox 丟失了85萬枚比特幣,按市價約為5億美元。


Mt.Gox放棄重組計劃 向東京法院申請清算2014年4月16日,已申請破產保護的比特幣交易所Mt. Gox已放棄重組計劃,請求東京一家法院允許其進行破產清算。Mt. Gox於2014年2月28日在日本申請破產保護,原因是公司網絡遭遇大規模的黑客攻擊,大部分比特幣被黑客竊取,總價值達4.7億美元。上個月,Mt. Gox又在美國申請破產保護,旨在保護公司的剩餘資產。本月初,美國財政部金融犯罪執法網絡(FinCEN)曾發出傳票,要求Mt. Gox創始人馬克·卡佩勒斯(Mark Karpeles)赴美回答有關公司申請破產保護的問題。Mt. Gox代理律師週一表示,卡佩勒斯正在尋找法律顧問,因此不會赴美回答相關問題。Mt.Gox的比特幣交易於2014年2月突然中斷,一週後Mt.Gox宣佈終止運營。有消息稱,Mt.Gox在破產前的一個月遭受着大規模的黑客攻擊,Mt.Gox大部分比特幣被黑客竊取,總價值達4.7億美元。卡佩勒斯曾表示,這主要是由於系統‘脆弱’而導致。但有匿名黑客稱,他們入侵了Mt.Gox公司服務器,發現Mt.Gox保留了部分號稱是被欺詐性盜取的比特幣,所有遭受損失的比特幣投資者都被欺騙,是卡佩勒斯等人自編自導了這場比特幣盜竊案。



2014年2月28日,東京比特幣交易所Mt Gox申請破產,該公司聲稱丟失了大約85萬枚比特幣。近日,一份來自東京比特幣安全公司WizSec的調查報告顯示Mt Gox丟失的比特幣是從2011年開始逐漸從該交易所被偷走的,而這批比特幣在Mt Gox破產之前早已失竊,Mt Gox在那之後是通過一部分比特幣儲備繼續運作的,Mt Gox本身對當時比特幣的流失是否知情還未查明。被竊的比特幣被賣到了包括Mt Gox在內的很多家交易所。根據時間推測這些比特幣被賣掉的價格應該比2013年和14年比特幣價格最高時低很多。







比特幣數秒內離奇暴跌80% Mt.Gox交易平台再受挫 




比特幣交易平台 Mt. Gox 暫緩美元取現功能 








Mt.Gox設立呼叫中心 應付比特幣投資者問責 




Mt.Gox 重啓 帶動虛擬貨幣交易新格局 








比特幣上演過山車日 單日漲跌幅均可超50% 




比特幣交易平台Mt.Gox CEO退出比特幣基金會 




















Mt.Gox放棄重組計劃 向東京法院申請清算 




世界最大比特幣交易所Mt Gox破產案又出新枝節:早在破產前比特幣就已開始流失 
































百科協議    隱私協議    意見反饋






八年前申请破产的“门头沟”比特币交易所,现在价值上万亿?_澎湃号·湃客_澎湃新闻-The Paper

请破产的“门头沟”比特币交易所,现在价值上万亿?_澎湃号·湃客_澎湃新闻-The Paper下载客户端登录无障碍+1八年前申请破产的“门头沟”比特币交易所,现在价值上万亿?2021-02-02 11:57来源:澎湃新闻·澎湃号·湃客字号2013年初,彼得·维森内斯(Peter vesenes)正在西雅图的办公室处理一项交易,他想获得当时世界上最大的比特币交易所Mt. Gox(注,在中国,大家亲切的称其为门头沟交易所)的北美客户业务,这时他的电话响了。“信不信由你,那时候我们有来电显示,”维森内斯在一次采访中说。“我的来电显示是,证券交易委员会执法部门。我当时的反应是,哦,天哪!”从事交易的团队在查看账目时已经遇到了麻烦,现在美国券监管机构,想问问他是否听说过这家总部位于东京的交易所。证券交易委员会正在进行一项执法行动,希望他为此案作证。“一听说Gox被美国证交会的执法部门盯上了,我就非常肯定交易完蛋了,”维森内斯说。Photo by André François McKenzie on Unsplash他是对的。这笔交易失败了,Mt. Gox因丑闻而崩溃。它很快就破产了,在全球留下了一大群债权人。8年后,本月早些时候,Mt. Gox破产程序迈出了重要一步。2014年市场崩盘后,Mt. Gox及其用户进入了破产程序。在维森内斯的部分斡旋下,一项协议宣布允许债权人在案件判决前收回部分资金。许多在Mt. Gox丢失或被盗的比特币已经找到,日本破产受托人小林信明(Nobuaki Kobayashi)正在努力偿还债权人。维森内斯联合创立的CoinLab,正在与峰堡投资Fortress Investment的子公司MGIFLP合作,让债权人可以考虑将剩余的比特币最多90%用于破产交易。Mt. Gox破产时持有的比特币,并非都可以收回。CoinLab发言人表示,对于破产中被锁定的每一个数字代币,只有0.23个硬币可供分发。对Mt. Gox比特币的索赔,比信托持有的加密货币数量要多得多。CoinLab对Mt. Gox提出了160亿美元的破产索赔。然而,随着比特币在1月8日创下41981美元的历史新高,Mt. Gox的历史似乎更加重要,因为2014年损失了逾85万比特币,这可能是比特币最接近死亡的时刻。一切都始于《万智牌》,这款卡牌游戏已经上线,为用户提供了一种通过互联网交换卡牌的方式。2007年,文件共享网络eDonkey的开发者杰德·麦凯莱布,买下了Magic the Gathering Online Exchange(简称Mt. Gox)的域名。麦凯莱布的注意力在几年后转向了比特币,也就是2009年比特币诞生之后。他意识到买卖的方法不是很好,于是决定将Mt. Gox转换为首批数字资产交易所之一。2010年,维森内斯联系了麦凯莱布,希望加入,让Mt. Gox成为世界上最大的比特币市场。关闭了eDonkey后,麦凯莱布搬到了哥斯达黎加冲浪,同时养家糊口。虽然维森尼想与麦凯莱布做生意,但他也想先亲自见他。“我乘坐可能是人生最贵的一次飞机”,去了哥斯达黎加,维森内斯说。这次飞行当时他花了1500比特币,按照目前的比特币价格,这张机票价值约4780万美元。在麦凯莱布家的床垫上睡了一觉后,两人最终在Mt. Gox上无法达成共识,于是维森内斯搭了200英里的便车回到了机场。2011年,麦凯莱布把Mt. Gox卖给了一个名叫马克·卡皮尔斯(Mark Karpeles)的法国人。麦凯莱布在一次采访中说,“他要把前六个月的收入的一半给我,然后我继续持有12%的股份。”现在麦凯莱布不再持有Mt. Gox的任何股份。在美国,维森内斯仍然相信Mt. Gox是一项千载难逢的投资。他在2012年和人一起创立了CoinLab,并将早期比特币先驱Roger Ver和Barry Silbert视为投资者。维森内斯说,Ver实际上就住在东京Mt. Gox附近的一条街上,2012年夏天,CoinLab达成了一笔交易,以大约1000万美元的价格从卡皮尔斯手中直接收购Mt. Gox。“我们已经准备好了,”他说。然后,“我被冷落了”。交易演变成CoinLab接管了美国、加拿大和墨西哥Mt. Gox客户的业务,但维森内斯表示,他的团队没有拿到适当的权限来查看账本,以确保交易所的一切按计划进行。他说,当时Mt. Gox处理着全球80%的比特币交易。2013年交易宣布后不久,CoinLab就起诉Mt. Gox违反条款。大约一年后,Mt. Gox上的85万比特币的损失或被盗被披露。2019年,东京地方法院裁定卡皮尔斯篡改财务记录罪成立,判处他两年半缓刑,除非他在四年内再次违规,否则不会服刑。“它可能是一家价值上万亿美元的公司,”维森内斯说。“这是很伤心”。维森内斯表示,CoinLab目前对Mt. Gox提出的160亿美元索赔,是基于公司认为,如果Mt. Gox管理得当,他们的份额将值多少钱。2013年提起的CoinLab诉讼一直持续到今天。这个案子持续数年的部分原因是它涉及国际司法管辖。维森内斯花了6个月的时间起诉卡皮尔斯,必须使用《海牙国际公约》提供的司法和法外文件。他说,之后又花了一年时间安排取证。维森内斯在Mt. Gox上首次购买比特币的价格约为5美分,他对数字货币并没有感到失望。他说。“加密货币的影响仍然被低估。它的革命之处仍然没有得到公平的评价。”他说,很多区块链应用都有发展空间,而且他仍然重视比特币,因为与其他支持以太坊、XRP或Polkadot的区块链相比,比特币具有更好的隐私保护。他目前正致力于一个将比特币嵌入银行票据和其他基于区块链的想法的项目。原标题:《8年前申请破产的“门头沟”比特币交易所,现在价值上万亿?》阅读原文特别声明本文为澎湃号作者或机构在澎湃新闻上传并发布,仅代表该作者或机构观点,不代表澎湃新闻的观点或立场,澎湃新闻仅提供信息发布平台。申请澎湃号请用电脑访问。+1收藏我要举报#比特币#区块链查看更多查看更多开始答题扫码下载澎湃新闻客户端Android版iPhone版iPad版关于澎湃加入澎湃联系我们广告合作法律声明隐私政策澎湃矩阵澎湃新闻微博澎湃新闻公众号澎湃新闻抖音号IP SHANGHAISIXTH TONE新闻报料报料热线: 021-962866报料邮箱: news@thepaper.cn沪ICP备14003370号沪公网安备31010602000299号互联网新闻信息服务许可证:31120170006增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-2017116© 2014-2024 上海东方报业有限公

9 Years After the Mt. Gox Hack, Feds Indict Alleged Culprits | WIRED

ars After the Mt. Gox Hack, Feds Indict Alleged Culprits | WIREDSkip to main contentOpen Navigation MenuMenuStory SavedTo revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories.Close AlertSecurity News This Week: 9 Years After the Mt. Gox Hack, Feds Indict Alleged CulpritsSecurityPoliticsGearBackchannelBusinessScienceCultureIdeasMerchMoreChevronStory SavedTo revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories.Close AlertSign InSearchSearchSecurityPoliticsGearBackchannelBusinessScienceCultureIdeasMerchPodcastsVideoWired WorldArtificial IntelligenceClimateGamesNewslettersMagazineEventsWired InsiderJobsCouponsLily Hay Newman Andy GreenbergSecurityJun 10, 2023 9:00 AMSecurity News This Week: 9 Years After the Mt. Gox Hack, Feds Indict Alleged CulpritsPlus: Instagram’s CSAM network gets exposed, Clop hackers claim credit for MOVEit Transfer exploit, and a $35 million crypto heist has North Korean ties.Photograph: Nature/Getty ImagesSave this storySaveSave this storySaveApple's Worldwide Developer's Conference this week included an array of announcements about operating system releases and, of course, the company's anticipated mixed-reality headset, Vision Pro. Apple also announced that it is expanding on-device nudity detection for children's accounts as part of its efforts to combat the creation and distribution of child sexual abuse material. The company also debuted more flexible nudity detection for adults.Internal documents obtained by WIRED revealed new details this week about how the imageboard platform 4chan does, and does not, moderate content—resulting in a violent and bigoted morass. Researchers like a group at the University of Texas, Austin, are increasingly developing support resources and clinics that institutions like local governments and small businesses can lean on for critical cybersecurity advice and assistance. Meanwhile, cybercriminals are expanding their use of artificial intelligence tools to generate content for scams, but defenders are also incorporating AI into their detection strategies.New insight from North Korean defectors illustrates the fraught digital landscape within the reclusive nation. Surveillance, censorship, and monitoring are rampant for North Koreans who can get online, and millions of others have no digital access. And research released this week from the internet infrastructure company Cloudflare sheds light on the digital threats facing participants in the company's Project Galileo program, which provides free protections to civil society and human rights organizations around the world.And there’s more. Each week we round up the security stories we didn’t cover in depth ourselves. Click on the headlines to read the full stories. And stay safe out there.Feds Say Two Russian Men Carried Out the Giant Mt. Gox HackThe US Department of Justice on Friday indicted two Russian men, Alexey Bilyuchenko and Aleksandr Verner, for the 650,000-bitcoin hack of Mt. Gox. The two appear to have been charged in absentia while evading arrest in Russia—unlike one of their alleged accomplices, Alexander Vinnik, who was previously convicted in 2020.Bilyuchenko and Verner are accused of breaching Mt. Gox in 2011, in the earliest days of that original bitcoin exchange's founding. The DOJ says they slowly siphoned out coins from the exchange for three years until Mt. Gox revealed the theft and declared bankruptcy in February 2014. In the meantime, Bilyuchenko and Vinnik allegedly created an entire other exchange, BTC-e, to launder the proceeds of this massive hack. In the years that followed, BTC-e became a giant cash-out point for criminal cryptocurrency of every kind.The new indictment against Bilyuchenko and Verner offers only a mixed resolution to the case of one of the biggest-ever cybercriminal thefts. By unsealing the new indictment, the DOJ may be tacitly acknowledging that it won't ever have a chance to lay hands on the two men. The indictment against Vinnik, by contrast, was kept sealed for years until he made the mistake of going on vacation to Greece in 2017. After years in prison in France, Vinnik has now been extradited to face charges in the US, where he's lobbying to be swapped for imprisoned Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich.Instagram Hosted a Vast Child Abuse NetworkCritics of end-to-end encryption tools and anonymous networks like the dark web often point to the creation and sharing of child sexual abuse material, or CSAM, as the worst consequence of those tools' privacy. But a new study from The Wall Street Journal, the Stanford Internet Observatory, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst found a vast network of child exploitation images and videos being sold and even commissioned on Instagram's open, public network. And in some cases, its automated recommendation algorithms even promoted more CSAM materials to users who sought that horrific content.The researchers discovered that certain hashtags on Instagram such as #pedobait and #mnsfw (or "minor not-safe-for-work") led users to hidden—but fully public—groups of hundreds of accounts where CSAM was freely advertised, and where users could commission images and videos of sexual acts and self-harm. In some cases, the accounts even offered to sell in-person sexual encounters with children. And when users sought those vile materials, Instagram's algorithms actively promoted more to them, the researchers found, even as it also posted interstitial warnings to the users that the content was illegal and causes “extreme harm” to children. In response to the study, Instagram has changed those interstitials to block CSAM content rather than merely warn users about its consequences, and Instagram's parent company, Meta, says it's created a new task force to address the problem.The researchers found that Twitter, too, hosted 128 accounts selling CSAM materials. But that number was less than a third of the 408 accounts selling CSAM on Instagram's much larger network.Clop Ransomware Gang Says It Stole Data From “Hundreds of Companies” Using MOVEit Transfer Exploit The notorious Russia-linked ransomware gang known as Clop took responsibility on Monday for stealing data from what it claims amounts to “hundreds of companies” through a vulnerability in the file-transfer service MOVEit Transfer. Microsoft first attributed the activity to the group on Sunday. Clop is known for exploiting vulnerabilities in popular enterprise web services or equipment to steal data and launch extortion campaigns against a number of organizations at once. The group began attacking the MOVEit Transfer vulnerability at the end of May. Atomic Wallet's $35 Million Crypto Heist Tied to North KoreaAnother week, another massive crypto heist linked to the Hermit Kingdom's hackers. Last weekend, the independent blockchain analysis sleuth who goes by the name ZachXBT on Twitter posted evidence of $35 million being siphoned out of the addresses of the cryptocurrency firm Atomic Wallet. He found that just five users of the hosted cryptocurrency wallet service had lost $17 million, and one had lost $8 million. “Unfortunately, with the occurrence of this terrifying hack, my life has been disrupted,” one Turkish user who lost their life savings told Fortune. Cryptocurrency tracing firm Elliptic quickly found blockchain evidence tying the hack to North Korean state-sponsored hackers. The funds had flowed into, a cryptocurrency “mixing” service that has quickly become the Kim regime's preferred crypto laundering tool. If the Atomic Wallet was indeed carried out by North Korea—as all signs indicate—it would be the biggest crypto theft the country's hackers have pulled off since the $100 million pillaging of Horizon Bridge a year ago.Most PopularSecurityHackers Behind the Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack Just Received a $22 Million PaymentAndy GreenbergBusiness6 Months After New York Banned Airbnb, New Jersey Is Doing GreatAmanda HooverBusinessFor Bitcoin Mines in Texas, the Honeymoon Is OverJoel KhaliliScienceLess Sea Ice Means More Arctic Trees—Which Means TroubleMatt SimonYou Might Also Like … Find the best bargains on quality gear with our Deals newsletterThe one internet hack that could save everythingOnline reviews are being bought and paid for. Get used to itApple TV+ is the New HBOWhy RFK Jr. is suddenly everywhere onlineThe city of tomorrow will run on your toilet water See if you take a shine to our picks for the best sunglasses and sun protectionLily Hay Newman is a senior writer at WIRED focused on information security, digital privacy, and hacking. She previously worked as a technology reporter at Slate magazine and was the staff writer for Future Tense, a publication and project of Slate, the New America Foundation, and Arizona State University. Additionally... Read moreSenior WriterXAndy Greenberg is a senior writer for WIRED, covering hacking, cybersecurity and surveillance. He’s the author of the new book Tracers in the Dark: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency. His last book was Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most... Read moreSenior WriterXTopicssecurity roundupsecurityhackingCrimebitcoinencryptionMore from WIREDHow to Not Get Scammed Out of $50,000Plus: State-backed hackers test out generative AI, the US takes down a major Russian military botnet, and 100 hospitals in Romania go offline amid a major ransomware attack.Andrew CoutsA Top White House Cyber Official Is Staying Surprisingly OptimisticAnne Neuberger, the Biden administration’s deputy national security adviser for cyber, tells WIRED about emerging cybersecurity threats—and what the US plans to do about them.Garrett M. GraffA Mysterious Leak Exposed Chinese Hacking SecretsPlus: Scammers try to dupe Apple with 5,000 fake iPhones, Avast gets fined for selling browsing data, and researchers figure out how to clone fingerprints from your phone screen.Matt BurgessThe Privacy Danger Lurking in Push NotificationsPlus: Apple warns about sideloading apps, a court orders NSO group to turn over the code of its Pegasus spyware, and an investigation finds widely available security cams are wildly insecure.Andy GreenbergHow a Right-Wing Controversy Could Sabotage US Election SecurityRepublicans who run elections are split over whether to keep working with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to fight hackers, online falsehoods, and polling-place threats.Eric GellerHow to Turn Off Facebook’s Two-Factor Authentication ChangeWith Meta’s updated 2FA process, the company now automatically trusts devices you often use.Reece RogersMeta Abandons Hacking Victims, Draining Law Enforcement Resources, Officials SayA coalition of 41 state attorneys general says Meta is failing to assist Facebook and Instagram users whose accounts have been hacked—and they want the company to take “immediate action.”Dell CameronLeak Reveals the Unusual Path of ‘Urgent’ Russian Threat WarningThe US Congress was preparing to vote on a key foreign surveillance program last week. Then a wild Russian threat appeared.Dell CameronWIRED is where tomorrow is realized. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives—from culture to business, science to design. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries.More From WIREDSubscribeNewslettersFAQWIRED StaffEditorial StandardsArchiveRSSAccessibility HelpReviews and GuidesReviewsBuying GuidesCouponsMattressesElectric BikesFitness TrackersStreaming GuidesAdvertiseContact UsCustomer CareJobsPress CenterCondé Nast StoreUser AgreementPrivacy Policy & Cookie StatementYour California Privacy Rights© 2024 Condé Nast. All rights reserved. WIRED may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. 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Mt. Gox崩溃十周年:谁是黑手?盗窃事件如何发生?_腾讯新闻

Mt. Gox崩溃十周年:谁是黑手?盗窃事件如何发生?_腾讯新闻

Mt. Gox崩溃十周年:谁是黑手?盗窃事件如何发生?

作者:Mark Hunter,CoinDesk


日本比特币交易所 Mt. Gox 于 2014 年 2 月倒闭。

2011 年 3 月至 2014 年 1 月期间,超过 880,000 枚 BTC 以各种形式被 Mt. Gox 丢失或盗取,如今这笔损失价值高达 450 亿美元,然而,在 Mt. Gox 倒闭 10 周年之际,仍有几个重要问题需要解决。


仍然未知的关键问题之一是我们是否认识所有的罪魁祸首。 在 Mt. Gox 的运营期间,超过 809,000 BTC 在六次黑客攻击中被盗,而我们只知道与一次黑客攻击有关的两个名字:Alexey Bilyuchenko 和 Aleksandr Verner,他们被指控是 2011 年 10 月入侵该交易所的俄罗斯黑客组织的成员。在 26 个月的时间里,两人从交易所的冷钱包中窃取并洗钱了 647,000 枚比特币。

Verner 和 Bilyuchenko 仅受到美国指控。然而,当局的指控是洗钱,而不是黑客攻击本身,这可能表明缺乏针对他们的指控的证据。

除了这些于 2017 年封存并于去年 6 月公开的指控外,我们不知道是谁偷走了剩下的 162,000 BTC。 79,956 BTC 仍与以「1Feex」开头的知名地址绑定,而 2011 年 9 月被盗的 77,500 BTC 从未被追踪。 这次黑客攻击非常成功,直到 2015 年才被发现。

还有一个人在 2011 年 6 月偷走了 2,000 BTC,导致比特币的价值从 17.50 美元暴跌至 0.01 美元,还有一个黑客在 Mt. Gox 首席执行官 Mark Karpelès 离开时盗走了交易所持有的一半以上的比特币。钱包位于具有未加密网络的驱动器上。 幸运的是,对于 Karpelès 来说,黑客临阵退缩并协商了 1% 的赏金,导致交易所仅损失了 3,000 BTC,而不是 300,000 BTC。

所有这些事件,我们都不能确切的知道是谁干的,而且现在几乎可以肯定我们永远都不会知道。 鉴于作案手法相同,许多人怀疑 1Feex 黑客攻击是针对 2011 年 10 月至 2014 年 1 月的破坏性漏洞的一次演练,但这一点从未得到证实。


在 Mt. Gox 丢失的 881,865 BTC 中,我们只能确定其中 72,409 BTC 是如何丢失的。 Mt. Gox 的系统将 30,000 BTC 记录为客户存款,但实际上这些资金已被黑客窃取。 2011 年 10 月,Mark Karpelès 犯了一个错误,导致 2,609 封邮件被发送到一个不存在的地址。 在 Mt. Gox 上运行的两个机器人 Markus 和 Willy 损失了 22,800 BTC。 Karpelès 于 2011 年 7 月以 17,000 BTC 收购了波兰交易所 Bitomat。

至于其余部分,进入方式通常要么未知,要么只是怀疑。 在 2011 年 6 月的黑客事件中,我们知道黑客能够通过管理员级别的账户访问 Mt.Gox 服务器。 这最初归因于审计员 Auden McKernan,但后来透露,这是创始人 Jed McCaleb 的账户,他将 Mt. Gox 卖给了 Mark Karpelès,而 Mark Karpelès 莫名其妙地仍然拥有管理员权限。 人们认为,在 1Feex 黑客攻击中,整个 Mt.Gox 用户数据库以及 79,956 BTC 被盗时,黑客获得了详细信息。

鉴于美国当局有信心将 Verner 和 Bilyuchenko 认定为 2011 年 10 月入侵 Mt. Gox 的组织的成员,他们必须有一些证据来支持他们的主张,但除非进行审判(几乎肯定不会进行审判,现在他们的名字已经公开),这些细节可能永远不会被泄露。

Mt. Gox 存储的比特币安全性如何?

与黑客如何访问 Mt. Gox 服务器的问题相关的是,他们如何能够访问据称安全存储在冷钱包中的资金。 我们知道,在 2011 年 6 月的黑客攻击之前,Karpelès 将用户的比特币以随意的方式保存在各种物理和软件钱包中,这加剧了黑客攻击的影响并延长了清理时间。

Karpelès 声称,这一事件促使他采用了一个更安全的系统:他将比特币分成多个纸钱包(他后来说涉及数百张纸),并将它们存放在东京各地的银行金库和保险箱中。 因此,如果热钱包再次被盗,就像 1Feex 黑客攻击一样,冷钱包应该不会受到影响。

这本身似乎足够安全,但当有人透露该交易所的冷钱包确实在 2011 年 10 月至 2014 年 1 月期间被洗劫一空时,许多人开始提出疑问,包括当时的比特币博主和加密投资公司 Andreessen Horowitz 未来的普通合伙人 Arianna Simpson:

「如果你做得正确,冷存储钱包不应该通过热钱包访问,无论是否泄漏。 这就是将两者分开的全部意义所在。」

那么冷钱包是如何被泄露的呢? Karpelès 从未证实过他定制的冷钱包 - 热钱包设置,可能是为了避免因资金处理不当而引发的诉讼,但他在采访中给出了暗示,描绘了一种不一致且有时不合逻辑的场景。

使用纸钱包时想要保证资金安全地进行充值热钱包的唯一方法是获取纸钱包并在超安全的网络上执行多步骤手动交易。 这必须每次都完成,这对于任何比特币交易所来说当然是完全不切实际的,无论其规模或交易量如何。 Mt. Gox 的工作人员没有报告称看到 Mark Karpelès 处理纸钱包,事实上,一些知名的工作人员在《终极灾难:Mt. Gox 如何损失 50 亿美元并几乎杀死比特币》中告诉我,他们只听说过热门话题提到钱包,绝不是冷钱包。

那么,是否有一个系统可以在冷钱包用完时自动为热钱包充值,反之亦然? 这似乎是交易所运作的唯一可行方式,尽管它完全破坏了冷钱包系统的原则。

Karpelès 知道交易所破产了吗?

这是一个仍然存在分歧的大问题。 当然,Karpelès 坚称,直到 2014 年 2 月中旬检查冷钱包时,他才知道交易所已经崩溃,但这种说法存在缺陷。 Mt. Gox 早在 2013 年 8 月就开始遇到比特币提现问题,这应该引起警惕。 然而,Karpelès 似乎并不认为 Mt. Gox 资金不足,尽管该交易所在曾多次遭受黑客攻击。

当 2014 年初「交易可延展性」漏洞出现时,Karpelès 很快将提款问题归咎于该漏洞,但众所周知,即使是很小的盗窃,也需要大量的社会工程才能实现。 他还表示,他不怀疑有任何损失,因为有监控系统。 如果存在这样的系统,那么它的设计就不合理,这表明该交易所存在管理不善的问题。

不用说,很多人不相信 Karpelès 在 2014 年 2 月才发现了损失。其他人则进一步表示,Karpelès 不仅知道丢失的比特币,还利用 Willy 和 Markus 弥补了损失。 如果这是 Karpelès 的意图,那么结果会适得其反:在交易所崩溃之前,两人损失了 22,800 BTC 和 5,160 万美元。

简单的答案是,我们只能推测 Mt. Gox 上的比特币是如何受到保护的,除非 Mark Karpelès 屈尊告诉我们,否则情况将一直如此。

Mt. Gox 为什么破产,会带来哪些影响? - 知乎

Mt. Gox 为什么破产,会带来哪些影响? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册比特币 (Bitcoin)Mt. GoxMt. Gox 为什么破产,会带来哪些影响?尚未证实的一份Mt.Gox的一份文件: MtGox Situation: Crisis Strategy Draft显示全部 ​关注者474被浏览30,042关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题​2 条评论​分享​14 个回答默认排序TinTin​ 关注首先,MTGOX的官方还没有正式声明自己破产,他是被破产的。MT的破产声明《Joint Statement Regarding Mt.Gox 》是由几个比特币业内的CEO联合发布的,但他自己声明不声明破产已经无所谓了,搬离办公地址,CEO不见行踪,推特账户删除微博,网站打不开。。。等等一系列行为,已经跟破产、跑路没什么两样了。假如今天早些时候不爆出,MTGOX的那份资料,估计MTGOX还会继续以提现的问题没有修复为由,拖延下去,直到把比特币的价格打低,弥补亏空为止,能拖就拖。有不少人认为,MTGOX这破网站总算倒了,早看他不顺眼了,一直在拉低比特币的价格,现在MT倒闭了,这颗毒瘤总算拔了,现在大家不用他看眼色了,比特币要起飞了。在我看来,MT倒闭带来的影响非常恶劣:一、利益面前,节操算个屁。像比特币这种新生事物,整个行业就没什么东西去规范它。信誉尤其重要,MT的倒闭,让人看到,在利益面前,节操算个屁。MT在被偷70多万颗比特币后,不及时跟大家说明,反而以比特币存在漏洞为由,不让大家提现。造成比特币的价格暴跌,自己好弥补亏空的比特币。他的这种行径,造成了很多比特币玩家,在他倒闭之前,冲了大量的钱进去抄底,如今血本无归。其实这种不负责任的欺骗事件,在比特币世界里,已经发生过很多了,比特币期货矿机(到期不发货,不让退,还好后来比特币暴涨,回本了,所以大家不闹了),GBL跑路事件(亏钱后,说也不说一声,跑了), 比特币曾经最大的两家股票交易所btct 和 bitfunder的倒闭事件,http://inputs.io钱包监守自盗。。。。等等一系列事件,你只要中了一次坑,都足已血本无归。只是前面的很多事件,大多数发生在比特币冲1200刀的大暴涨前,很多比特新玩家并没有中招。而这次的MTGOX事件,应该会让很多玩家,信心受挫,因为在他们接触比特币的时候,肯定有不少老玩家跟他们说,这是全球最大的比特币交易所,很多年了,很安全,有保障。如今所谓的第一交易所,说垮就垮,凭什么再去相信其它的平台,原本套牢的心就在滴血,这次小心脏更受不了。二、投资者目前的权益难以得到保障,呼吁监管的声音会加大MT的受害者已经在日本报警了,但是得到的答复往往是证据不足、没有相关适用法律等一系列原因而不受理。很多人总是骂MT,骂MT的CEO是法国猪,好像这单单是MT的问题,归根结底,这种欺骗行为在比特币世界里,之所以反复上演,就是因为作恶成本太低了。大家大量的币和钱都放在我手上,却没人能管我,就像MT如今说自己丢了70w个比特币,谁又能证实呢?这一切都是环境和人性使然。没有MT 的法国猪,照样会有美国猪、甚至未来出现中国猪。比特币本身是有价值的,是一个很有颠覆性的“支付系统”。MTGOX这件事过后,我觉得业内人士应该好好反思。看到别人批评比特币,或者不主张大家买比特币的时候,就一窝蜂的上去骂,别人傻,不懂。有没有认真想想,为什么比特币的生态骗局层出不穷,如何去保障大家的投资利益。这些问题不解决,就嚷嚷马上上一万了,今年马上要翻番了。价格要冲上去,好歹要有新的资金进来,大的资金进来买,如果资金安全得不到保障,真不知道哪些亡命之徒愿意花几千万,几个亿进去拉。编辑于 2014-02-26 07:46​赞同 64​​17 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​张云聪自动驾驶、分布式计算​ 关注两个月前充进去的2个币,当时情景是说不可以提现,但可以提币。然后充值不需要认证,充值进去之后,提币时说需要通过身份认证。一个身份认证花了近两个月还没通过认证,然后宣布btc有bug,不能提币,同时还强调提现正常。随后证实是市场的bug。然后继续不能提币,说是要修bug。然后给通过认证了,但提币bug未修复,同时市场放风说在测试提币。然后,今天就破产了。两个币,已被我5000卖掉后较低价格买入换成了6个币。然后对我的影响就是损失了1万块钱(或者说6个币),影响了放钱在我这儿的人的信心。对比特币的影响了人们对比特币的信心,以及对比特币交易所的信任。编辑于 2014-02-26 08:01​赞同 15​​16 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢